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Companions were only OP for 27 Days!!!


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Companions were never worthless, and if you put the time and effort in, they'd be quite powerful. I have a hard time imagining a player so casual and inept that they'd ever have found the single player content in SWTOR difficult. And outside of the 27 days the TC is talking about, that content is easier now than it ever was.


You must not have played Post-3.0 when Silver mobs were overtuned such that the Cyber Vorantikai on Voss could kill a tank companion who was fully geared up to level in two hits. And we proved it with parses.

Edited by Djiini
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But that very change to the core of SWTOR gameplay was done in error! That's my point at least.


Dismissing companions is a bandaid. Fixing the actual problem is what needs to be done.


So, yeah, I disagree with you that the solution was on the players who felt the companions were overdone in 4.0.


You don't, that's fine. I sincerely hope whatever buff they get is enough to make you satisfied.


I would be happy to have customization back where i can gear my companions once again in ops and flashpoint gear. They were lot more useful then.

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This i do agree with. I think with the comp nerf that it has exposed other areas of the game that have been ignored, never fixed, or never completed.


There are a few intersections of mechanics in this game that need some attention.


Crafting ... companions ... conquest ... most are fine as independent bits but when placed into the whole they don't always mesh.


Personally - I would love to see them SWTOR 2.0 the game as much as they can. Divorce the new content from the old mechanics somehow. But I cannot see how they could make enough content to do so. So that's just a wild dream. Which means they need to smooth out these inconsistencies better.

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I would be happy to have customization back where i can gear my companions once again in ops and flashpoint gear. They were lot more useful then.


That would be one option too. Though since we can presume levelsync is here to stay, that may make companions just as prone to wonky bolster as players can be. But I agree that making companions' role user-defined could have been done without removing the ability to gear them. Not since mastery replaced all stats - or so I'd think.


I suspect the removing of their gear was a nod to making the game less confusing to new players. So, OK, I can buy that.


Personally, if companions work better in post 4.0 content than they do in pre-4.0 content, I'll be OK with the change. I'll chalk it up to an instance of where the new paradigmn doesn't mesh completely with content made under the old model.

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You guys act like you CANT increase a companions strength which is utter ********, the difference between a 10 influence companion and a 30 is HUGE the difference between a 30 influence companion and a 50 is huge! You can make them stronger, just put in some bloody freaken EFFORT OMG SAUCE
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"The game was only super fun for 27 days!"




So while I got by without them okay for 4 years? That "only 27 days" was the most fun I've ever had in SWTOR.




Personally I would go further and say it was the most fun I'd had in ANY mmo in the past 13 years!

Edited by Katarine
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It didn't have level sync for 4 years, casuals could overlevel content for 4 years.


It also didn't have a system of grind called Alliance sending you back to all the planets to run the old heroics.


The changes came at the same time, in case you've forgotten already.




Back before 4.0 Heroics were optional. Post 4.0 Heroics are mandatory for the Alliance System.

Back before 4.0 Companions could be geared as well as most players if you were willing to put in the time.

Back before 4.0 if a piece of content was too hard, you went away and gained a few more levels (standard procedure in most mmo's) - however Level Sync removed that option.


SWTOR was grindy before 4.0. The new grind introduced in 4.0, along with any issues Level Sync may have brought were not an issue as the game was so much FUN, you didn't see the extra grind or any issues - heck I went out of my way to ensure I did that same grind over and over levelling up new and old alt's -because I was having more fun than I have ever had in WoW, Eve, Wildstar, Guild Wars 2, STO, DCUO ... I have never, in all my years playing mmo's, had as much fun as I did in swtor between 4.0 and 4.0.2.


Swtor WAS fun for those 27 days ... in fact that will probably be swtor's epitaph ...


Star Wars The Old Republic.

2011 - 2016

"It was fun for 27 Days!"



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Back before 4.0 Heroics were optional. Post 4.0 Heroics are mandatory for the Alliance System.

Back before 4.0 Companions could be geared as well as most players if you were willing to put in the time.

Back before 4.0 if a piece of content was too hard, you went away and gained a few more levels (standard procedure in most mmo's) - however Level Sync removed that option.


SWTOR was grindy before 4.0. The new grind introduced in 4.0, along with any issues Level Sync may have brought were not an issue as the game was so much FUN, you didn't see the extra grind or any issues - heck I went out of my way to ensure I did that same grind over and over levelling up new and old alt's -because I was having more fun than I have ever had in WoW, Eve, Wildstar, Guild Wars 2, STO, DCUO ... I have never, in all my years playing mmo's, had as much fun as I did in swtor between 4.0 and 4.0.2.


Swtor WAS fun for those 27 days ... in fact that will probably be swtor's epitaph ...


Star Wars The Old Republic.

2011 - 2016

"It was fun for 27 Days!"



See suprisingly fun is different for different people.


For you its blasting through content that has the difficulty level of -9000


For me its overcome challenges, ya know what games were originally about

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Its seriously amusing how people are crying foul over a system that was in place for less then a month, a system that was flawed from the start, that completely changed the entire game.


The game has been out for almost 4 years now, and we all got through content just fine with them that whole time. Now, companions are Still more powerful then they were in the last 4 years, and people are clinging to a 27 day period when they were so stupidly overpowered no one needed to even try, the companions took the 'play' out of the game, and all we needed was "W", "1", and a single-button mouse to trivialize content.


I cant understand why people are clinging to this 27 day debacle as if it were the only way companions ever were.


I just finished Heroic +4 Aurora Canon SOLO with a companion that had lvl 4 influence. They are still overpowered, I would still welcome another balance pass, no content should be this easy, but that isn't the point. The point is this: The overpowered companions of 4.0 were a mistake, and the mistake was fixed, nothing was nerfed.


Why isn't anyone complaining about the Ice Scrabbler Jerky drop rates now? They were fixed. We didn't get an Ice Scrabbler Jerky Nerf, the drop rate was fixed. In a month from now, when they get around to fixing the corpse pile ups, it wont be the Corpse Nerf, it will be a broken system fixed.


Companions were broken, now they are fixed. Now, and only now can they receive a much needed nerf.


Wow, If your companions are better now than they were in the last 4 years its your fault, there is no way that's the case when a companion was properly geared.


Yes they were OP, however they did not "Fix" them, they nuked them, hopefully a buff will fix them.

If you want a scrabbler jerky recipe I think i have a couple hundred?

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Back before 4.0 Heroics were optional. Post 4.0 Heroics are mandatory for the Alliance System.

Back before 4.0 Companions could be geared as well as most players if you were willing to put in the time.

Back before 4.0 if a piece of content was too hard, you went away and gained a few more levels (standard procedure in most mmo's) - however Level Sync removed that option.


Thus - if you are going to Remove the Companion Boost it follows you MUST also remove Level Sync and the new system for Companions gear / Inf - where they gain no stats - and change the Influence system back to what it was. Can't remove one without removing the whole package.


4.0 was the most fun in swtor - 4.0.2 is a nightmare of LAAAAAG, Bodies lying everywhere (which contributes to the huge LAAAAG) and broken quests.

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You guys act like you CANT increase a companions strength which is utter ********, the difference between a 10 influence companion and a 30 is HUGE the difference between a 30 influence companion and a 50 is huge! You can make them stronger, just put in some bloody freaken EFFORT OMG SAUCE


You clearly have no idea do you? i have leveled companion to lvl 50 and it is only 20% more effective than lvl 1 influence companion.


I suggest play the game first before you spread nonsense about 'huge difference'.

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You guys act like you CANT increase a companions strength which is utter ********, the difference between a 10 influence companion and a 30 is HUGE the difference between a 30 influence companion and a 50 is huge! You can make them stronger, just put in some bloody freaken EFFORT OMG SAUCE


It makes little difference...


I have multiple rank 50 influence companions, it matters not, they still suck...

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You clearly have no idea do you? i have leveled companion to lvl 50 and it is only 20% more effective than lvl 1 influence companion.


I suggest play the game first before you spread nonsense about 'huge difference'.


Yeah I recently put effort into one of my other than all and noticed than from 5 to 25 there is minimal different, I can't see that changing hugely for the next 25.

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IT was FACT that treek was the ONLY worth while companion, I saw peep after peep after peep all running around with Treek out. This "OP" patch finally made it worth while to use other companions so we started to see many different companions.


Now companions are to be nerfed back into the ground then BIOWARE needs to scrap the entire new 4.0 companion system and give us back the pre 4.0 system where we can min/max our treeks to be descent healers they were and we can all go back to using our Treeks!!

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The game was more fun in 27 days than it ever has been before, Ive leveled 19 level 60 or higher characters and about a dozen in the 30-40s and the companion buff was one of the best moves Bioware has made since beta, a few cry babies that don't want others to enjoy the game is no reason to kill it for everyone else, leveling and heroics should be be for learning your class, if you want a challenge go pvp or do raids or flash points, lots of non companion options for you .
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Its seriously amusing how people are crying foul over a system that was in place for less then a month, a system that was flawed from the start, that completely changed the entire game.


Same old tired argument already rehashed a thousand times, but hey, why not a thousand and one?


All these people complaining the game is too hard now need to learn to play. What they don't understand is if they would just try to get better then eventually they'd be amazingly awesome players like PulseRazor and maybe one day could pull off seemingly impossible feats like soloing a heroic +4!!!


Except every bit of that is complete garbage. Hogwash. Claptrap. Nonsense.


PulseRazor is the one not getting it. People aren't complaining the game is too hard. OP isn't some MMORPG god because they were able to complete a heroic +4 with a lvl 4 influence companion "SOLO". Any content in SWTOR that allows you to bring a companion is boring and tedious, the improvements they made to companions made it less so.


It's like they decided to reduce the speed limit on the interstate to 50 mph and people get upset because now it takes longer to drive to work. PulseRazor comes in and calls everyone stupid because they just don't get it. Look at him, PulseRazor can still carry 10 bags of groceries in his trunk, what is everyone complaining about?

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a few cry babies that don't want others to enjoy the game is no reason to kill it for everyone else,


Pretty much sums it up. Fortunately there are plenty of MMOs like Star Trek Online and plenty of other quality games where I can just walk away until I see where the dust settles and I see if I approve of the changes.

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See suprisingly fun is different for different people.


For you its blasting through content that has the difficulty level of -9000


For me its overcome challenges, ya know what games were originally about



Could you not have just dismissed your companion for the added challenge? Why is your fun more important than others? You had 4 years , maybe its time to let others , like myself , that want that feeling of OMG Op awesomeness (thanks companion healer) while you just run solo for the challenge..


Or you can be like me and play off times and never get that party invite because your friends aren't online and people are not in the area..


Let me guess , you don't like using the quick travel to heroics either , or speeders , too easy.. Walk it or don't do it at all , amirite?

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I have to wonder why you're cool with companions being worthless for years at a time but they're really strong for a month and you feel the need to say -we're- unreasonable. Companions after the update could have used a small nerf, but they were around the same strength as us, having higher stats but less abilities to throw around in a rotation. Now they're back to being almost pointless.


Otherwise, they already said that tomorrow they're announcing buffs. So suck on it?


They were never useless.


Players like you are useless; don't be useless, and blame it on companions.


My brother and I used to 2-man nearly all of the low vanilla FPs back when the game first came out, with 2 Quinn's healing quite fine.

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They were never useless.


Players like you are useless; don't be useless, and blame it on companions.


My brother and I used to 2-man nearly all of the low vanilla FPs back when the game first came out, with 2 Quinn's healing quite fine.


Thats a unique Twist, I play fine so should you, and mention vanilla companions in a post about companions 4 years on....

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They were never useless.


Players like you are useless; don't be useless, and blame it on companions.


My brother and I used to 2-man nearly all of the low vanilla FPs back when the game first came out, with 2 Quinn's healing quite fine.


You needed companions to accomplish that? Heh. You should really learn to play.

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I have to wonder why you're cool with companions being worthless for years at a time but they're really strong for a month and you feel the need to say -we're- unreasonable.


Funny how so many people against the nerf said they were OP pre-4.0 except you.

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They were never useless.


Players like you are useless; don't be useless, and blame it on companions.


My brother and I used to 2-man nearly all of the low vanilla FPs back when the game first came out, with 2 Quinn's healing quite fine.


^ Would you like a cookie for that?


So what? Who cares? It doesn't make you special and it doesn't mean that everyone should have to play that way.

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