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Everything posted by crimsiden

  1. Coming back to the game and start anew from the beginning. Question is what would be some ways to make this game super challenging to level through ?
  2. Speak for your damn self, 4.02 was probally the most fun I have had on this game... But now its back to watching netflix while my companion kills everything, **** this game I am going to blade and soul
  3. and for 5 year mmo population has been steadily decreasing, its gone from 30 million in 2010 to 23 million. People who don't like to grind dont end up staying long, they finish the content that is within their ability to finish then they bounce. And now the people who do like to grind leave because there is nothing to grind for, why bothering gearing up when you can complete most of the content in ilvl 208 gear. Which leaves just a game hell a genre diminishing in numbers . Easy content is only fun for so long, its why most of us left wow to begin with The companion buff was too much, they were fine the way they were before. There are plenty of video and people who finished all the content with the nerfed companions theres no reason others couldn't put forth the same effort. The only other argument is people wanted things quick and easy to be done with content faster. But then what? You get bored and ***** in general about how easy this game is, that is what. I am hoping blade and soul doesn't adopt this brain dead easy difficulty style or I might have just ran out of mmos to play .
  4. Never seen a mmo cave in like this. Either they did really bad testing and didn't WANT companions at their current state, or they are spineless bastards.
  5. Pro Op- Before you even begin, I want say this games at its end, combats dull and the grind is long why not just let us move along? Op was fun the nerf was bad and now every is sad so give it a rest, this is not the game to try and be the best. Pro Nerf - If you hate game then begone its obvious you played too long ! I want game that challenging that makes effort rewarding .I want to be the hero of my story not carried like am in infancy ! Games should reward greatness! Not tolerant and excuse laziness! Pro-OP- Just dismiss your companion its all the same ! Pro-Nerf - Why don you learn to play the game ? Pro -Op Just toggle skills off I say ! Pro-Nerf thats not how I want to play ! I don't want wowilization complete! I don't want removal of every feat! I don't want a game that's such a bore that achievement is trying not to snore ! SWTOR is my last stand, the only mmo that wont hold my hand! its where my mmo dreams began and if this change goes through its where they end ! Pro OP - Achievements in this game mean nothing to me ! I have a doctorate in psychology! if you want a sense of accomplishment then get a degree or a job! Pro -nerf- I have one you stupid snob! Pro- OP - Then get get some air and find a wife ! Pro- nerf I dont need someone to ruin my life ! Pro-Op - Argh why don't you see that games were meant for taking it easy! I have kids, and a crappy job I just wanna relax and take a load off. Pro- nerf - Then go watch a damn movie, there are plenty of other novelties ! Stop trying to ruin my games just cause you're old and lame! Just take your *** to a nursing home and leave my mmo alone ! Pro-op ... ouch
  6. Only thing that sets SWTOR apart from generic mmo # 2000 is its single player challenges. In every other mmo leveling puts me to freaken sleep, and all single player content feels like a chore because its brain dead easy and has no substance. In SWTOR you have story and single player content like star fortress/heroic that actually make you think, take that away and they become like wow dailies.
  7. people have responded to the toggle off bs like 100 freaken times people just ignore the posts There is no magical one healing skill to remove that balances the companion, and even if there was it doesn't take away from the real problem that the companions were immortal . I played around with companion skills alot pre nerf, and either I removed too many skills and they were useless or too few and they were still op. and even with all skills remove they could still tank 3 gold star mobs like it was nothing, and still did more damage in an auto attack than most do in their entire rotation.Lets not get into tanking companions, who were by far the most ridiculous or dps companions who did more damage than the top players on the server Ultimately saying people need to nerf themselves to make a game a freaken game is ridiculous, Companions were op as hell and needed to be balance, it made this mmo easier than any game I have ever played in my life. IF you think easy leveling is good leveling, talk to wow players where they can hit a mob two times and it kills over. Easy is fun for maybe the first 1 or 2 months but it gets boring fast and just creates more problems. And achievements start to mean absolutely nothing when every one can easily complete them.
  8. hope they are like sike, l2p or move on noobs. We are not breaking out game for you
  9. He makes alot of good points, I could see how someone could bot the day away with the companions like they are hell, you could probably level just by afking in a hostile spot holding down a button with a rubber band. The op companions were terrible. The fact that this community defends it is SAD PATHETIC PITIFUL I can't believe the type of gamers swtor attracts, hell they are not even gamers not even casuals. Freaken entitlist is the new word for them . They don't want to play a game, they want rewards shoved down their throat so they can sit and complain about how theres nothing to do, or just bounce after one month of gameplay. I honestly with all my heart say to hell with these people. They are poison and ****in up mmos all across the board.
  10. Story mode is completely solo able if you are having trouble you do what you did on every freaken rpg you have ever played in your life! You level up! Gear up! Get up! Improve your strategy ! Try again! If all else fails look up guides! I Group content should be expected to be done in groups, if you solo it you are doing so at your own risk. Hell every heroic I ran into says 2+
  11. See suprisingly fun is different for different people. For you its blasting through content that has the difficulty level of -9000 For me its overcome challenges, ya know what games were originally about
  12. Oh noes I have to actually gear now! Oh noes I have to actually grind now! Oh noes can actually dies ! Oh noes I have to actually group now ! ITS ALMOST LIKE I AM PLAYIN A MMO GAME OR SOMETHING
  13. Love the level sync adds plenty of content for max level while not making it ridiculously easy
  14. People playing mmos but hate playing with people.........0.0 0.0 0.o 0.0 0.o 0.0. 0.o
  15. You guys act like you CANT increase a companions strength which is utter ********, the difference between a 10 influence companion and a 30 is HUGE the difference between a 30 influence companion and a 50 is huge! You can make them stronger, just put in some bloody freaken EFFORT OMG SAUCE
  16. This was a amazing read, very good tips and advice all around.
  17. This is probably the smartest thing I have heard on forums all week.
  18. Just like to note that removing skills is stupid. Each skill is needed for the companion to do their job correctly, I have played around with my companion pre nerf trying to make to less op . Removing even two or three healing skills makes them damn near useless for heroics, and keeping all their skills makes them ridiclously op . Also removing skills does not make tanks any less immortal, or dps any less op. Even with damn near all dps skills off of a dps companion he was STILL doing crazy amount of damage. If you remove a tanks skills it just means hes not holding aggro, which defeats the purpose of him being there. If you leave his skills on it mean he is holding aggro but has zero chance of dying? Do you understand? Your ******** advice doesn't work on any companion type. Well what about dismissing companion all together? Its boring and something we shouldn't have to do. We WANT companions, sure I can solo level without them but I like being a dps /tank with a healer, or a healer with a tank. I just don't like them being immortal and removing any challenge from the game. Its not a concept that is hard to understand. The way companions are now is PERFECT in my opinion .In heroics I get good heals, but if I am not careful or taking too long to kill enemies my companion could die, or get aggro. I have to protect my companion , while still dpsing and I have to be dpsing fast which means my rotation actually freaken matters and this is way the game should be played. I love the way the companions are now and I am sad they are getting op again .
  19. People got a taste of god mode, and now they are crying because they want it back. I am like you and have had no difficulty whatsoever leveling alts, or doing heroics. People are just bad or lazy and want to be carried again. But rather than admit either they use words like. " This is tedious " " I just want to relax" " it breaks immersion" Like the game has been different from 4 years leading up to this point.
  20. Just like to say afking and let your companion do everything is NOT a exaggeration I literally have sat and watch them do it! To test just how op companions were I pulled a crap load of mobs, and sent my companion in pre nerf and he killed everything that moved while being able to HEAL himself, and barely taking any damage. It was insane. Ya this was on a 40 alt but still companions should NOT be able to out do a freaken player in any category at any level and he was making me look like a beech T.T . These were gold and silver star mobs! But not like it matters, spineless bioware caved and you guys are likely getting your op companions back, rejoice. I won't be quitting cause something like this is not going to dismiss my loyalty to the game, but I am just very disappointed.
  21. Actually apparently the game is too hard atm and we needs op companions to get through, as you can tell by all the whining posts. /sarcasm I recently came back and I agree leveling is a joke right now and people of this forum want it to be even easier. It's quite sad.
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