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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion Change Feedback


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Level 65 (Marauder, Sentinel, Commando, Sorcerer), Item Rating 208-216 with 186 augments, Companion role healer 99% of the time, Companion influence level 50.


Companions stay on heals because any other role results in far too many deaths or very close calls. With two players, hard mode star fortresses really are hard now, rather than medium to easy before. Makeb heroics are harder than Star Fortress (solo mode) now, and I think it should be the other way around (Makeb easier, solo mode a little harder). The biggest issue I have is with open world heroics that are not "behind a green door" and the repeat-clickables that take forever to recharge or the mobs everyone has to individually kill that take far too long to respawn (DK Temple, open world hoth/makeb/korriban/taris/corellia/balmorra I'm looking at you). There are too many people crowding in to get the same clickables at the same time, and they should all be updated to instantly respawn (or not despawn when clicked). Mobs that each player needs to kill should be called via a clickable and tagged to the player that needs it rather than waiting on a long cool down and respawn time. The competitive coding that was created here is ruining the cooperative fun that is SWTOR. Every heroic that can be placed behind a green door, should be behind a green door (and there are plenty of examples - taris irradiated raks for example). There are far too many instances where people will just sit and wait for you to engage the group in front of the clickable, and then run in and click it and take it from you, which is very frustrating.


While it's great that old content is being reused, and we have incentive to go experience it again, I think more work needs to go into making that experience a positive one despite the small portion of the playerbase that loves to ninja a clickable out from under other players they are not grouped with.

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I've been playing with my tank alts with healer companions to complete a lot of the star fortress or heroic content. If I try with a dps toon it's very difficult. And you can forget about the companions being in dps or tank stance, its like they aren't even there.
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I agree with this statement and will not continue my subscription. Why put in a patch that you didn't test and blatantly put in because you thought it was too easy for you and your development team. Sorry not everyone is as well geared as the developers that get godly armor for free. Now no modifiable armor for doing heroics or being able to purchase low level modifiable armor from vendors on the fleet. Companions healing a level 50 character with level 1 heals, same can be said if they were put on dps or tank. I hope the numbers of subs leaving speak for what your inadequate decision has caused for this game.
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Stop yoyo'ing the companions.





THEN ??? etc


I'm in the category of people that like the new challenge.

The companions were way too OP before.

But as you said some like it easier than others so BIOWARE listen closely..


By now buffing them again your upsetting the people who enjoyed the difficulty of the H2's.

So whats next month another nerf ? and round and round we go (like PVP changes all over again)


Heroics should be difficult hence the name of them. As much as you want people to not bypass them there still should be an element of thought given into taking the mission on, Like ''okay this H2 could be a right ******, lets do this'' OR ''heh guildies any help with this H2?''

NOT ''heh bioware buff my companion so I can solo this while watching youtube on my phone''


You falling into the trap of whining feedback being the majority voice of all players.


This game has plenty to do in a solo mode type version but it is suppose to be a MMO after all so when your doing heroics aka group content then that's what it should encourage the player to do..actually bloody group up.

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I think the main thing people are talking about with companions and then "taking a break" during combat is that the companions only have 5 abilities. After 4.0 hit, those abilities were powerful enough to compensate for when everything was on cooldown. Now currently, they aren't powerful enough to compensate so that content becomes too challenging. I don't really think there is a mojor problem with the AI. I just think that all the companions abilities are too long and so the companion literally has nothing to do but auto-attack (even healers) . Instead of nerfing the output and then increasing it again, you need to look at either adjusting the cooldown of the abilities or adding some more of a filler ability.
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False History/For the Record: I list two different Heroics because they are the same Heroic just different factions. This is very not solo friendly because of the Gas Room needing 4 panels and if you arn't able to move quick enough (because it's designed for 2 players on opposite sides of the room clicking wall panels), you die and get kicked out of the instance and your heroic reset. There for, I strongly recommend if you wish this to be solo friendly, you should disable two of the panels.


I agree with this entirely. Even before the patch, I tried doing this quest solo. My Jedi Guardian and Doc (who was very well geared) could do the entire thing. Hell, sometimes I didn't even need heals and had Kira out (also well geared). But that gas room man...wow..that was terrible. And having the instance reset when I go back in was just a low kick that any referee would have called on.


Reduce the number of panels to 2 (even if they are on opposite sides of the room).

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I think the main thing people are talking about with companions and then "taking a break" during combat is that the companions only have 5 abilities. After 4.0 hit, those abilities were powerful enough to compensate for when everything was on cooldown. Now currently, they aren't powerful enough to compensate so that content becomes too challenging. I don't really think there is a mojor problem with the AI. I just think that all the companions abilities are too long and so the companion literally has nothing to do but auto-attack (even healers) . Instead of nerfing the output and then increasing it again, you need to look at either adjusting the cooldown of the abilities or adding some more of a filler ability.


It's not even that. People were looking for excuses imo. If you parsed stuff and looked at what is important, ehps, not just hps, the healing was okay...IF you played the game as they intended. I am what I call a "rhythmn" player. I don't see content and say "I have this over leveled so I don't need to play the same way" I figure out how to play a class in different circumstances, find the rhythmn, and that's how I play. That's why I hate classes with a lot of RNG in them like the old shadow tank... It makes finding a rhythmn all but impossible. That said, on my parser, pre-nerf I saw INSANE amounts of over heals and the mobs went down like a sack of wet potatoes because my dps and companion dps was crazy high.


Most of the people I saw complaining were people who appear play differently depending on what they are doing. They saw that the mobs on some planet were say only Lvl 30 or 40. They are level 65. Why should they have to play that content the same way they would a level 65 mob? Why is killing a level 30 mob taking so long its 35 levels lower? The problem for most was level sync.


Now, like Michael said there were under geared players and/or players that needed some more game knowledge, when compared to their plan, were enjoying them as well, but I think the number of people who suddenly found them impossible was small.


My thing is this. Better survival =/= less grind. That "less grind" was caused by companion for (regardless of role). They are only increasing dps via the stat increase and a 15% stat increase =/= 15% increase in dps. As such people will survive the existing grind better. Will this really make those who complained happy? I don't know.

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I think the main thing people are talking about with companions and then "taking a break" during combat is that the companions only have 5 abilities. After 4.0 hit, those abilities were powerful enough to compensate for when everything was on cooldown. Now currently, they aren't powerful enough to compensate so that content becomes too challenging. I don't really think there is a mojor problem with the AI. I just think that all the companions abilities are too long and so the companion literally has nothing to do but auto-attack (even healers) . Instead of nerfing the output and then increasing it again, you need to look at either adjusting the cooldown of the abilities or adding some more of a filler ability.


I agree with this post as well. Companions have very few abilities available in any given stance. Further, I think it is fewer overall (or it just seems like it) than pre-4.0. I think the companion action bar should be allowed one or two more active abilities. Further, I think it should be customizable from the 15+ or so abilities available AND the unique companion in question's original ability set. That would enable a highly customizable companion with a variety of abilities to be used. The AI is pretty good as is, but if it needs supplementing, a tactics system as per FFXII or Dragon Age could be used to help out with priority.


If more active abilities is not a possibility, then reducing cool downs would be handy so that companions are NOT forced to auto-attack as much. I would also add that melee companions should get a temporary ranged auto-attack (rather than a standard melee attack) while in heal stance. This is so that they do not jump into melee willingly (getting pulled by a mob with a grapple gun is different) where they end up taking AOE related damage that a normal ranged comp would not. Tech related melee companions can get a temporary low cool down 'railshot' like ability. Force users can throw their lightsabers, or use a low cool down force project / force lightning style ability.

If such an attack is a no-go while in heal stance, then they need some kind of increased mitigation to offset the fact they are guaranteed to be taking more damage from AOE and melee combat stuff.

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It's not even that. People were looking for excuses imo. If you parsed stuff and looked at what is important, ehps, not just hps, the healing was okay...IF you played the game as they intended. I am what I call a "rhythmn" player. I don't see content and say "I have this over leveled so I don't need to play the same way" I figure out how to play a class in different circumstances, find the rhythmn, and that's how I play. That's why I hate classes with a lot of RNG in them like the old shadow tank... It makes finding a rhythmn all but impossible. That said, on my parser, pre-nerf I saw INSANE amounts of over heals and the mobs went down like a sack of wet potatoes because my dps and companion dps was crazy high.


That's a very handy play style. Adapt and overcome. Change the rhythm when necessary as circumstances change.



Those initial companion output levels were pretty high and needed some adjustment. I think the initial adjustment may have been a bit extreme for most players. Consider the following: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=854099&highlight=companion

Healing was just way over nerfed. It was nerfed to the point that the pre-4.0 system with a decently geared companion would have been a better alternative. The author in the cited link gives an example. I will add one of my own.

I could use my Doc (192/198 gear with augments btw) to heal hard mode flashpoints in pre-4.0 or my Kira to dps (also 192/198 gear with augments) in hard mode flash points. I do not think that is over powered either. I worked damn hard on my presence score to be high and on their gear to be what it is. They should have been able to do what they did. In the new system, I think anything they should have been able to do before should have still been doable in the new system. Didn't need buffing, just be equivalent (even if that equivalence ultimately takes a high influence rating is fine - just so there is equivalence).


Based on that and the extreme response from players on the companion change, I think a more tiered and gradual approach may have been better with altering companion output in the new system. A fail-safe for the future is a Toggle Button that lets you chose whether your companion power is based on gear or on the new mechanisms. In the event of another snafu, you can at least turn the system off and have their power based on the old system (which I think was working just fine).

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Thanks... I call it "Zen and the art of gaming" sometimes. The thing it is yes it is indeed useful in adapting to a dynamic environment. The most useful thing about it though is that I don't go in with preconceived notions of how hard or easy something should be... I enter the content and simply go with the rhythmn that the devs coded. These games are math and math tends to be pretty inflexible. I think part of the issue with this expac is that it's design (using old content via level sync and/or bolster mechanics) is head butting the preconception of your typical player which is "that's old content and old content = easy steam roll."
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I think the main thing people are talking about with companions and then "taking a break" during combat is that the companions only have 5 abilities. After 4.0 hit, those abilities were powerful enough to compensate for when everything was on cooldown. Now currently, they aren't powerful enough to compensate so that content becomes too challenging. I don't really think there is a mojor problem with the AI. I just think that all the companions abilities are too long and so the companion literally has nothing to do but auto-attack (even healers) . Instead of nerfing the output and then increasing it again, you need to look at either adjusting the cooldown of the abilities or adding some more of a filler ability.


Cooldown on abilities has never been a problem, because you have so many abilities (well can´t speak of healer class).


The MAIN problem with the game during leveling has been the sheer amount of trash mobs you had to fight through with every mission step!

fighting 20 seconds, meditate health back up 10 seconds, fighting 20 seconds, meditate health back up 10 seconds, etc etc.

It was just boring as hell! :mad: Hence, why people left in droves over the years and subs kept going down!


The stronger companions that came with patch 4.0 fixed that problem overnight! Now you could fight through these hoards of trash mobs more quickly with far less downtime, making the leveling experience more fun! As you could focus on the mission objectives at hand, instead of the constant chore of fighting endlessly through hoards of trash mobs!


That is why people were so happy with Patch 4.0! Get it?


You have to understand that the vast majority of players enjoy leveling characters and could care less about the gear grind that comes with RAIDing!

It´s like this in every single MMO! The RAID community is incredibly small in each MMO. Only make up like 2-3% of the entire playerbase.


So, or the game´s survival sake! If the leveling experience sucks, the game won´t survive.


Patch 4.0 finally fixed that! Tons of people came back and were enjoying themselves!


Patch 4.0.2 broke all that again! :mad:


If they want the companions to be less powerfull, then they have to fix the leveling experience! Not just increase XP and make people do less quests to level up! That is NO FIX!

Then they need to REDUCE HP drastically on all the trash mobs on planets, to remove the tedium during leveling.

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.........................................................If they want the companions to be less powerfull, then they have to fix the leveling experience! Not just increase XP and make people do less quests to level up! That is NO FIX!

Then they need to REDUCE HP drastically on all the trash mobs on planets, to remove the tedium during leveling.


Would you prefer a button you can click each time you want a level?


I mean, come on, SWTOR has always been the easiest and most casual friendly MMO ever, and I am comparing it first hand with most of them since UO.


4.0 took it to a whole new level of essentially playing a cartoon on your TV screen, with zero gameplay challenge within any of the story content.


As for XP, you have to be joking right? It is handed out in bucket loads. What exactly do you want, a level per quest?

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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102.345% of all statics are made up.


Both SOE and Blizzard have revealed those numbers years ago in some blog posts.


Hence, why Blizzard stopped with 40 man RAID´s and put more focus on 5 and 10 man content afterwards.

They still do RAID´s ofcourse, but not as largescale anymore and much shorter run through times. As it doesn´t justify the costs.


Same with SOE. They still do RAID content in EQ2, but there is a much stronger focus on Solo and small group content last years, with much shorter run through times.


Turbine stopped doing RAIDs altogether with LOTRO years ago. As too few people bothered doing them.

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Would you prefer a button you can click each time you want a level?


I mean, come on, SWTOR has always been the easiest and most casual friendly MMO ever, and I am comparing it first hand with most of them since UO.


4.0 took it to a whole new level of essentially playing a cartoon on your TV screen, with zero gameplay challenge within any of the story content.


As for XP, you have to be joking right? It is handed out in bucket loads. What exactly do you want, a level per quest?


I think you need some reading comprehension my friend. As I am telling the complete opposite in the sentence you quote! :confused::mad:


AGAIN! I never felt like the XP was the problem! I never mind doing all the missions before, needed to level up.

It was the SHEER TEDIUM and all the downtime between fights that was the problem!

Trash mobs just had too much HP and were just a stupid time sink to cover up for the game´s major design flaws. :mad:

Edited by Jeronas
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Cooldown on abilities has never been a problem, because you have so many abilities (well can´t speak of healer class).


The MAIN problem with the game during leveling has been the sheer amount of trash mobs you had to fight through with every mission step!

fighting 20 seconds, meditate health back up 10 seconds, fighting 20 seconds, meditate health back up 10 seconds, etc etc.

It was just boring as hell! :mad: Hence, why people left in droves over the years and subs kept going down!


The stronger companions that came with patch 4.0 fixed that problem overnight! Now you could fight through these hoards of trash mobs more quickly with far less downtime, making the leveling experience more fun! As you could focus on the mission objectives at hand, instead of the constant chore of fighting endlessly through hoards of trash mobs!


That is why people were so happy with Patch 4.0! Get it?


You have to understand that the vast majority of players enjoy leveling characters and could care less about the gear grind that comes with RAIDing!

It´s like this in every single MMO! The RAID community is incredibly small in each MMO. Only make up like 2-3% of the entire playerbase.


So, or the game´s survival sake! If the leveling experience sucks, the game won´t survive.


Patch 4.0 finally fixed that! Tons of people came back and were enjoying themselves!


Patch 4.0.2 broke all that again! :mad:


If they want the companions to be less powerfull, then they have to fix the leveling experience! Not just increase XP and make people do less quests to level up! That is NO FIX!

Then they need to REDUCE HP drastically on all the trash mobs on planets, to remove the tedium during leveling.


I think you said it best with "Patch 4.0 finally fixed that! Tons of people came back and were enjoying themselves!" Sadly, from reading through the countless comments from the Gank Happy PVP Players, the Geared Up the Wazzoo Hardcore Players, and the Social Butterfly Group Addict Players, they'd be just as happy if all the new noobs, and pretty much anyone opposed to the Nerf-Job would just unsub and leave. Not exactly the kind of environment I personally would want to try and invite newer Players into


"Join a Group", "Get Better Gear", or my favorite "If you don't like the challenge, go Read a Book, or Watch a Movie" seem to be their constant answer to everyone who has an issue with the Nerf. I've refrained from saying this, but when I see the snarky, and sometimes arrogant rants topped with that nonsense, the only question going through my mind for them is "What game are you going to play after Bioware pulls the plug on SWTOR, because you so happily pushed all the potential new players out the door, and told them to go Read a Book?"


But you're right, a lot of new Players were coming in and a whole lot of Players were coming back, and enjoying the new content, OP Comps and all. But hey, who cares if they were enjoying it, we can't have that, Right?. If these Idiots aren't savvy enough Gear Up, or Brilliant enough to develop a deep, meaningful understanding of Game metrics, or in-game Mechanics, or social enough to join a Group, or online enough to be a part of a Guild, what good are they? If they just want story content, let them go Read a Book, or Watch a Movie, Right? They should just stick to Candy Crush or Angry Birds, and leave SWTOR to the REAL Gamers, and REAL fans of Star Wars, Right?

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Well, I suppose that's a QoL improvement but I'm not sure how many cycles something like that would justify since it's a pretty simple matter to just look at the number.

You can't see that number in the crew-skill window, so you have two windows open, and one of them is rather big.

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I have some ideas about Tank Companion improvements, but first I'll start with their actual issues.


First of all, tank companions keep a little bit better agro on the enemy then before 4.0, but they still lack in that department when it comes down to the amount of dmg a bursty spec can pull out in short amounts of time. They could also use some more damage reduction to be more like the tank specs for players, but since a companion shouldn't outclass the real deal, they should only be a bit more sturdy, maybe, if at all.


The biggest issue for them though is the enemy aoe. Companion movement can't be controlled by the player, and even if you use the disengage option the companion usually reacts too slow if at all - they just get unresponsive - so that's not a viable thing that one can use nor something that a tank should look like (a tank should stay on target as much as possible, so disengaging is not the best thing for them). So what I believe will make Tank role of the companions more viable would be passive aoe dmg reduction. And a good portion of this one, at least 30% (like the passive some specs get, or utility)-50%. They should be able to keep up with the aoe in the more difficult fights, while still doing what they are meant to: keeping agro on target and not dying to fast because of their lack of mobility.


These are my thought, hope they help.



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Tanking Companions


Supplying the feedback requested:


For this discussion I will be referring to level 65 Lana Beniko with 18 influence My Base Presence is 1134 which should be pretty high.


Lana's defensive stats


69792 HP

21.90% damage reduction - less than my non tank commando

0.00% Shield Chance

0.00% Shield Absorption


How can they tank with such low mits and no shield?


They go away with it in 4.0 because they could effectively self heal, now the heal is pathetic and they have less than half of the HP they used to.


They do not grab and keep agro well at all. I have been taking agro from tank pets constantly. I really enjoy merc/mando and agent/smuggler and have 6 of them at 65 ALL of those characters have issues taking agro from the tanks. Again this wasn't an issue previously because they did enough damage to hold agro.


I understand you need to balance companions but maybe you should fix them also? By reducing the stats by so much(even with the adjustment they are still going to be roughly half of what they were) you exposed how broken they really were.


Ask yourself this, Whats worse? Companions making some content to easy or content annoyingly tedius because tanks cant tank, healers stop healing and dps companion dont do good dps? Seems to me one of the above is far more likely to upset players.


And here we are, players blew a gasket and You guys are trying to "fix" it. Without addressing defensive stats how is it going to be fixed?


For all the metrics you all hold so dear how did this slip through the cracks? Why are players even asked to send feedback when you had all the answers in the first place and dropped the nerf bomb last week?


I kind of feel like I am spinning my own wheels here. The only reason you are doing anything is because you just experienced your largest spike in subscription closures in probably years. If any of you actually played the game and used a tank companion it would be so obvious that medium armor and no defensive abilities do not make good tanks.


EDIT- More about tanks


Belsavis, doing heroics. Mako level 65 leveled down to 46 Rank 32 18.19% damage reduction ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! She get killed in about 2 seconds. She also behaves like a total moron. She will pull all the mobs to her, GREAT!! Excecpt constantly she misses one and then proceeds to leap to the one she missed. This forces the mobs she just pulled to her before leaping away to spread out. Now I cant even AoE them and I spend the next 5 minutes healing her. 18.19% damage reduction NO SHIELDS.


Seriously just buff my character I would do better without a companion. I spend half the fights kiting elites anyway since the companion SUCKS.


I dont go heals companions because as a class that has inductions...no thanks.




You nerfed all damage at one point a year or so ago remember? For characters and mobs. You ignored Silver mobs and didn;t adjust them REMEMBER? Well guess what H2 quests have a TON of? yep silver mobs!

I almost feel bad for you guys with all the backlash but this is just a culmination of not correctly addressing issues and its all coming to a head.


You also really need to look at the scaling, at some levels 65's deleveled are very powerful at other they are very weak and this is magnified with companions!


Boy, you really should have tested this. You could have just let people test the heroics and all of this would have come out in the safety of the test server.

Edited by Fardarter
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Patch 4.0

influence hmm why do I need this for? More powerfull companions?

DD kill nearly every enemie with one hit

Heal --> God mode activated

Tank so companien there is the target go on I`ll have a cup of coffe


Patch 4.0.2

Level: 65

Item Rating: 216 (vendor)

Class: Jedi Knight Guardian

Dicipline: Defence

companion: Senya

companion role: DD (normal quests), Heal (heroic quests)

companion Influence level: 25

Mostly playing Heroic quests on the planets and star fortresses


Solo quests linke exploretories no problem myself enough power

heroic quests some are simple an easy I use Senya in DD-role and

but mostly at planet tatooine+ I had to use Senya in Heal-role because she had not enough dmg

mobs killed me forst befor I could kill them --> needed 10+ min for one group,

you just lose motivation to do anything wich supports you or keep you in progress

star fortress solo trash mobs no problem paladin and boss you had to use her in heal mode

taking to much time loosing motivation

heroic star fortress even with buffs (start terminal + alliance influence 10+ buffs)

never managed to kill the first boss ether

you kill his pets --> boss enrage --> player dead

you ingnor his pets --> to much dmg income --> player dead


Patch 4.0.2 with monday fix

Level: 65

Item rating: 208/216 (vendor)

Class: Sith Warrior Juggernaut

Discipline: Immortal

companion: Lana

companion role : DD (mostly) in rare moments heal

companion Influence Level: 26


Heroic quests on the planets no problem even boss fight i have to watch myself but lana

is abel to kill the mobs fast enough

star fortress solo for testing engaged 2 groups with one silver mob (befor fix sure death)

lana in heal-role managed to keep me stable by 75%-80% life

(theretical DD player should be stable at 45%-60% but not tested)

star fortress heroic did not tested



with Patch 4.0 the companions were way to strong player could play 80% of the entire swtor content

so called brain afk do not think do not watch wich skills you use or how the enemy acts

--> most player did not even try to figure out how to play properly their class, so the frustration was/is big

when they try team content like flashpoints/raids


Patch 4.0.2 nerf was way to large companions become useless as hell


you just use the companion you want to increase your influence

heal output hmm yeah my medipack I bought from an droid did better job

tank trash mobs no problem silver mobs+ no way

DD my tank char does more dmg then the DD companion


player is forced to learn their class good for group content most player just quit


Patch 4.0.2 with fix

in my eyes perfect

DD companion nice output is able to kill silver mob without players help

but not overpowerd like cleaning the entire dungeon alone

heal able to keep you alive without the godmode feeling

tank tested with low lvl 26 sith inquisitor sourcer is abel to keep the mobs busy so

I can take them down without loosing health. In some situations,

when I force him to egnage to much enemies have to buff/heal him so

player have to watch out what he is doing (--> no brain afk player)

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The patch hasn't hit in the US yet are you telling me it is already live somewhere?


Quiet down there.


He didn't read the last paragraph of the memo from BW.


"Please post that the "fix" is great on the forums, after the "fix" goes live."



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