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Companion Change Feedback


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How about allowing us to use two companions instead of just one? Bioware allow it in all solo/console games so why not here? The nerf wouldn't be an issue if I had someone else assisting me with dps or another companion to help Lana heal.


Just an idea anyway :D


I love that idea. If I worked at Bioware I would give you a project team to have it ready by 4.5


Anyone remember how you could have multiple companions in Kotor ?

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Companions were over powered and I don't think I died once since Kotfe release. Now it's anything with more than 1 elite in the pull. I play the game to have some care free fun; I'm not looking to have to spend ages on each fight just to keep alive.


I also think you really screwed people over saying you only have to do story pre kotfe and now this. I mean that those people have only be getting the story gear and doing no heroics or anything before so don't know the difficulty of that content. I have a character (39 bh) that, due to all the bugs I was so lucky to get on this one toon, I am now able to continue playing this update and haven't since pre kotfe. She's basically getting killed every couple of fights, pull more than two strong characters and I'm boned.... I admit I'm not a great player, I'm casual and want to play the story, one of the biggest selling points of any bioware game, and I'm not having a good time of it. If you want to make this game accessable to the casual player, which is a pretty big number of people, this has completely killed it. I am not renewing my subscription after this one runs out and I'm not even sad about it

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You want challenge, and you can move onto ops, or if you have to do H2s, use lower level comps, different stances or even not take one.


I think you didn't read all my posts. I have tried everything to get to the point where people here seem to see the game right now. Tideous. Longer than usual. Useless companions. Unsoloable SF heroics which take double as long. It just doesn't work. I've tried:


Changing my 208 purple gear to mostly green gear.

Using a companion with less than level twenty influence.

Clicking abilities instead of using hotkeys.

Playing DPS instead of tank.

Playing different classes without many DCD, like Scoundrel and Sniper.

Not augmented any gear.


I've tried all of this, sometimes even multiple things at the same time. Taking a low companion and low gear. It just doesn't budge. Whatever is happening here, for crying out loud, you are doing something wrong. I stopped the time during most of the Heroic 2+ quests I completed today. I need an average of One minute and fourty-six seconds longer than before the patch. And even the SF heroic takes at most twelve minutes longer than before the patch.


I'll say what Bioware is trying to say here: You are doing something incredibly wrong when you need double as long for an SF now as pre-4.0.2. You are doing something really wrong if running Heroics through Alderaan takes you considerably longer than pre-patch. You have an incredibly flawed opinion when you think the One for All achievement is proof that finishing the SF without any buffs is status quo.


I've spoken to a dozen people in the past three hours. Harder? Yes. Longer? Not as much as some people claim here.


Now flame me. I'm done here. I'm at a point where I'm all for not reverting the change at all. This is the twenty-fifth time that something is being made out to be the NGE by some, and I'm frankly tired of it. People are correct. Don't read a forum. It just destroys your way of enjoying a game.

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was thinking about doing kotfe with a number of alts, no way i'll do that now. haven't got the time and will to do so. the playin is just to annoying and lame. 19 days left, time to think about further steps, guess i'm a play on with one char but not sure about it yet. i do play less now, spent hours and hours to lvl alts to be ready- for this patch???no thanks. 4.0 was fun again after a long time (i'm a founder and been around with a break), tired of playin those damn h2s. maybe it's time for a break again:(
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You are believing that Bioware wants several hundred MB of video sent to by E-Mail ???


Actually the best idea for a video would be for -eric to do a live stream where he shows us how to solo Star Fortress.


That would be both entertaining and informative.

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You want detailed information now? Seriously? From players on live servers?

You should have gotten that from the professional testers you hired... oh, wait... you didn't do that.

You should have gotten that from the huge test you did on the PTS server... oh, wait... you didn't do that either.

You tested this with a handful of hand picked players. How'd that work out for you?


I agree with this completely.


I never understood why Bioware/EA don't properly test patches on the PTS before they make the changes in the live environment.


Shouldn't they test everything on the PTS before implementing it live... think of the amount of issues that never would have occurred with this being the case!


Cheers flynia

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Hey Eric,


Thank you very much for clarifying your design goals for combat and companions. This sort of information is invaluable when it comes to understanding what to expect in different types of content, and when something is off balance.


Since 4.0.2 I levelled a character from 60 to 65 through Kotfe with the following results/experiences:


Legacy perks

  • Datacrons - All but fleet, 1 from Quesh and 4 from Rishi.
  • Species - Human unlocked
  • Classes & Companions - All completed so full presence bonus and all class buffs.



  • Class & Spec - Jedi Shadow, Tank
  • Level - 60 starting Kotfe turned 65 about half way through.
  • Gear - 190 Ziost gear. 200 hilt. 162 Relics. 190/178 Ear and implants. No augments.
  • I did not equp any new gear during the experiences below.
  • Companion, Star Fortress - Nico Okarr in heal mode. Influence rank 15.


Kotfe Chapters


Playing through Kotfe chapters with this character was very easy in general. I did not alter companion roles. Also important to note is that I hit level 65 somewhat early playing through the chapters, around chapter 5-6 I think. I think combat during Kotfe Chapters could benefit from a slight increase in mob damage and reduced mob hitpoints, making the fights shorter but adding a little bit more risk.


Fight outside the Gravestone at the Zakuul swamp

Unless I am mistaken one of the gold elites keep spawning new Skytroopers untill it is dead. Knowing this I was focusing on the gold with my bad tank dps to end it as quickly as possible, result being Lana took too much heat and was defeated since a fair few Skytroopers joined the fight. I mopped up the remaining Skytroopers and avoided defeat but health did drop to about 40%. Had I not done this part before I would have played it safer taking aggro, racking mobs up better for AoEs and not let that many Skytroopers be up at once. I mention this fight specifically as low dps and high hitpoints on the gold elite could potentially present a problem for inexperienced players.


Arcann and Heskal encounters

In these encounters my health was never even remotely threatened. In both Arcann encounters my health was maxed throughout. Personally I find all 3 of these encounters quite boring, specially evident on a tank class with low dps. In my opinion they would benefit greatly from some tweaking, i.e. by reducing their hitpoints and increasing their damage. I also think all 3 of these encounters are unecessary long. I am not asking for a hard challenge here but to me it is rather off that Arcann doesnt manage to bring my health lower than 3-4 Skytroopers.


2 Zakuul Knights at once

Neither of these 2 encounters presented any challenge to my health. The reason I bring them up is that they are just annoying. I am all for varied fight mechanics including stuns and pushbacks, but when you spend more time on your back than actually fighting its over the top. I would tone the number of stuns and pushbacks down, alternatively consider a 10 second immunity after being subjected to a stun or pushback. Being a jedi (or any other hero in the galaxy) and treated like a helpless ragdoll while still winning the fight just doesnt feel right either.



Star Fortress, Solo - Alderaan


Quite easy with this character but still seems a bit more challenging than the Kotfe chapters. I was taking more damage but now being able to use Nico with influence rank 15 easily made up for it. This also seems like it could benefit from slightly more mob damage and reduced mob hitpoints. At least when it comes to trash mobs leading up to bosses.


Star Fortress Heroic, Solo - Alderaan


I used the alliance buff terminal plus picked up all 4 alliance specialist items. I have run SF Heroic solo a fair few times prior to 4.0.2 so I have a good knowledge of the fight mechanics. No group of trash mobs presented any problem for my character and Nico. The Skytrooper boss and paladins did not present a real threat making sure Nico did not take any heat from any of them nor their adds, and making sure to drop adds first.


Reactor Stabilizer 1

I used my usual tactics running straight for the terminal to shut it down preventing adds from showing up, then killed the 2 gold elites. No problems with this encounter.


Reactor Stabilizer 2

This is where I was expecting real trouble with this character in the gear mentioned above. With low dps I was simply unable to drop mobs fast enough and the encounter turned chaotic fairly quickly even using alliance items. Also as I have seen others mention, once companion starts taking some real damage they virtually stop healing you. I did however manage to stay alive long enough to kill 3 of the droids that drop the item needed to interrupt the exarch and enabling the terminal to be used. So on the 2nd attempt I went straight to loot the droids, used item on exarch, then terminal to end mob spawning and finished off remaining mobs.


Reactor Stabilizer 3

Since I had the 2 items needed to interrupt the exarch from the previous part I went straight for gold, interrupted the exarch using item twice, then used the terminal. By the time that was done there were already too many mobs for me and Nico to handle so we were handed a 2nd defeat. But since the objective was completed I could head straight for the Exarch herself after waking up.



This was a tough fight. I used 3 of 4 alliance items during the fight plus Heroic Moment and Unity. I did not use Hylo's alliance item. I was down to about 15-20% health a couple of times at least, but managed to kill the exarch on the first attempt.




Based on the design goals you listed I would say my experiences with above character are more or less in line with your goals. The step up from Kotfe Chapters to Star Fortress Solo was there although possibly a small step with this character, partly due to being able to use influence rank 15 Nico instead of low influence rank companions during chapters. The step up from Star Fortress Solo to Star Fortress Heroic Solo was radical, which should be expected considering I did not upgrade any gear. I see no reason I would not be able to handle "The One and Only" achievement with this character with improved gear and companion influence, however that is ofc speculation since I have not tried yet after 4.0.2.


It is important to note that prior to 4.0.2 the by far easiest experience I have had solo in Star Fortress Heroic is with a tank and companion in heal mode. I very much doubt I would have managed with a dps class/spec in similar gear as above. The key point being classes and specs arent balanced to take on Star Fortress Heroic solo with a similar challenge experience.


This also begs the question, what do you mean by using companion in a role that supplements the player? Not using tank role as tank or heal role as healer is obvious ofc. The most apparent problem as companion roles work now is what role to use for a dps class/spec. I am quite certain if I tried what I did with my Shadow Tank with a Marauder/Sentinel he would have no shot at managing no matter what role I put his companion in.


Finally my choice of companion for this playthrough was not accidental. There is effectively a big difference between ranged and melee companions in heal mode. Melee companions keep running up to mobs even if they do little else but heal. The result is they will subject themselves to a lot more AoE damage. This is particularly evident in the Exarch encounter where keeping a ranged companion out of too much trouble is much much easier than a melee companion.


Personally I find the design goals you listed in line with my expectations for a mmo. Low challenge for story central content with increased challenges for optional content. I would like to point out however that many will not consider obtaining the companions gated through Star Fortress Heroics particularly optional since it has to be completed to finish quests/alerts. Therefore it might have been better if you obtained the companions after completing Star Fortress Solo, and let the Heroic be completely optional for those interested. Alternatively reduce the challenge level intended for Star Fortress Heroic and add another version with higher challenge level.


I will post more about my experiences in 4.0.2 if I find time to write up the results. :)



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Actually the best idea for a video would be for -eric to do a live stream where he shows us how to solo Star Fortress.


That would be both entertaining and informative.


Clearly use the dev god-mode mob one-shot strike that he used during the one KotFE preview stream.

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Here is my feedback. You have access to the servers and all the raw data so that is not really needed, but there is one set of numbers that you do need. How fun was it, I was having a ton of fun pre-nerf, not so much now. I was encouraging people to give it a try because it had become fun, not now.


Your design goals should start with

1. Increase customer satisfaction for the largest number possible.

2. Increase customer loyalty through decent customer service and proper testing before changes rolled out.

3. Increase customer base by putting out an enjoyable game for the most people capitalizing on the current popularity of the franchise.


You are not doing this, you may claim "artistic integrity" which is great, if you like living in a single room eating top ramen everyday, otherwise you should also take into account the business part, the part that pays for all the rest of it.


It should not be a situation of you telling your customers how they should enjoy the game but allowing them, in the greatest number possible, to enjoy it how they do enjoy it.


So, it comes down to, not fun, and not even ok enough for "OMG it's Star Wars" to overcome the grind and boredom you have injected into the game.

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Hey folks,


Following the Companion changes we made Tuesday in 4.0.2, we want to gather your feedback on your gameplay experiences. We hope by this point you have had some time to jump in and get your hands on the changes yourselves. First, before we get into the feedback we are looking for, let’s talk a bit about our specific design goals related to Companions:


Please give us your feedback, and we simply ask you to be as constructive as possible. Include information such as:

  • Your level
  • Roughly Average Item Rating
  • Discipline
  • Companion
  • Companion role
  • Companion Influence level
  • Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?)
  • Your personal experience while playing this content


All of this is readily available in the countless threads in the forum, have you been reading them? yes there is a lot of other posts but there are also alot of constructive posts with this info.


The team will be reviewing all feedback, along with supporting data, to see what / if any future adjustments need to be made. Thank you all in advance for your feedback!



This concerns me...


We hope by this point you have had some time to jump in and get your hands on the changes yourselves



Are you serious? have you had your heads in the sand, because the only way that question could be valid from you is if you had totally ignored the forums and in game chat since the patch, including the huge one where you asked for and got feedback.


I understand that due to the poor implementation of the patch and sheer amount of complaints you may not want to read them all, but way to show players thoughts are important to you

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Rank 47 Nadia is having a LOT of trouble holding aggro from my 65 dps shadow 216 mostly 220 with 220 MH/OJ, yes you increased threat but given the massive nerf to companions in the end are companions putting out more TPS now, the same, or less than pre nerf? Edited by Joefjr
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Please give us your feedback, and we simply ask you to be as constructive as possible. Include information such as:


Your level 65

Roughly Average Item Rating (SM setbonus defiant

Discipline sage heals/dps

Companion all that are available

Companion role any, because content isn't hard

Companion Influence level 13-25

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) Both

Your personal experience while playing this content


Solo mode Star Fortress is easy. It is easy to do if people are picking up the gear on their way to 65. Nothing wrong with having it be slightly more difficult. Just like a lvl 50 class mission can't be done in lvl 25 gear, a lvl 65 solo mission probably can't be done in lvl 50 gear.


Heroic Star Fortress is as you described it. If one is trying to complete it SOLO, it is difficult. With a friend it is not hard at all. I've completed it numerous times using the influence above with a friend in lower gear and influence companions.


Normal Heroics I've found on all of my characters (from lvl 25-65) are all easily doable. Yes I need to use my skills a little bit more (heroic moment, stuns, regenerate between fights) but it feels like an MMO again. The companions are fine as is.


Companions are currently CORRECT. The content is still easy to be completed realistically, but no so easy that the game becomes Hello Kitty. You did this right BW, don't change a thing. They will stay subbed they always do.

Edited by JourrnoRush
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First off, thanks for finally communicating with us. It's nice to get contact from the mothership every now and then :) and we appreciate it.


My opinion: companions were nerfed FAR too much. A simple tweaking and down-scaling for proper balance would have been fine, but as of now companions are almost literally useless. So far I've only played on two toons: a level 27 dps commando, and a level 65 dps shadow. Keep in mind that I am describing my experiences as having full presence from legacy/datacrons, and level appropriate gear that is blue or purple.


Level 27 Commando: for the story and basic planetary missions, my companion quite literally did nothing. Even when set to dps, I would take out up to 3 trash mobs before my companion could take a single one down to 50% health. At one point in the storyline I had to fight 2 silver mobs. While I was taking down one, my companion pulled the other and pretty much got rocked, doing little to no damage, until I finished the first one and pulled aggro off of him. For heroics I set my comp to a healer. For these I basically had to use every stun/interrupt/pushback/defensive move as soon as it came off cooldown. I held aggro on all the mobs because with the nerf, once a healer comp gets down to 75% health they just heal themselves and leave you to die. I really only managed to stay alive against 3 or 4 silver/gold mobs because I would run in circles and constantly pushback and self-heal.


Level 65 Shadow: basically the same experience as the low-level mando. Not quite as challenging. But just as tedious. Companions really did nothing for me, and between every single fight I had to regen and wait for all of my stuns/defensive cooldowns to expire. Certain heroics (like Makeb) are just laughably tedious. Are they doable? For an experienced and well-geared player, absolutely. But for a newer player that is still learning the game, I highly doubt it.


My suggestion: revert companions back to how they were with the initial 4.0 release, and then scale their efficiency back by 10 or 15%. If you still believe they are too powerful, scale them down by another 5 or 10%. Just make it so they actually effectively support us like they are designed to do. As I said earlier, they are almost literally useless punching bags right now.


Thanks for reading :)

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Here is my feedback. You have access to the servers and all the raw data so that is not really needed, but there is one set of numbers that you do need. How fun was it, I was having a ton of fun pre-nerf, not so much now. I was encouraging people to give it a try because it had become fun, not now.


Your design goals should start with

1. Increase customer satisfaction for the largest number possible.

2. Increase customer loyalty through decent customer service and proper testing before changes rolled out.

3. Increase customer base by putting out an enjoyable game for the most people capitalizing on the current popularity of the franchise.


You are not doing this, you may claim "artistic integrity" which is great, if you like living in a single room eating top ramen everyday, otherwise you should also take into account the business part, the part that pays for all the rest of it.


It should not be a situation of you telling your customers how they should enjoy the game but allowing them, in the greatest number possible, to enjoy it how they do enjoy it.


So, it comes down to, not fun, and not even ok enough for "OMG it's Star Wars" to overcome the grind and boredom you have injected into the game.


Don't change it, I'm having fun BW. A lot of people are having fun. These social media straw polls don't reflect the community who plays the game. The extremely loud people on these forums don't represent the game. Please look at the data and make a decision, not the tantrums of the general forum.

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i admit i had a knee-jerk reaction to the changes and am not amused by the way as a sub from day one in ahouse where even pre beta testing was run to be paying you money and getting the type of service i and many others have got . i did expect a more professional approach to a game like this from bioware who has created many great games in the past. Was i foolish to think that?

but on a positive note you asked for feedback - on my first outing to an h2 with a commando newly 65 and senya as companion (level 5 as i had missed some of the way to get things to make her influence higher) it was a disaster - it was fight die half way through , come back and rinse repeat. the toons gear level was still mainly 192 purple as 208's didnt seem to give better (at least the drops didnt) cos he is a gunnery and not a healer. However perseverance and trial and error - cos eric the information that comes from bioware is atrocious and either written in gamespeak or just does not seem to make sense to me when applied.

having now mastered i think a way to stay alive i can see one minor/major problem and it seems to cut across all my characters and that is cooldowns on disabling shots,force lift etc. i use these to control the mobs to make the figth work with the new level of companion and then wait up to 20 secs for a cooldown before taking on the next mob. i have no complaint but a lower cooldown time would make for a more fluent and enjoyable encounter. i have noticed this on my sages as well.

deaths i am finding now are when my companion goes on strike or fails to engage when sent in - i have even put a companion on one goldhead to have them run off as a tank to another group, and panic sets in, some i survive some are like a suicide run. The comment about reading the paper - hey guys i dont know if they were coded to do that.

i have made other posts with concerns but i see that someone at bioware doesnt want negativity in a discussion so moves it off topic. heavens if this isnt the topic at the moment what is? and you are asking for feedback and our comments try looking in the corners where many posts/thereads have been moved to hide how the community feel.

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Don't change it, I'm having fun BW. A lot of people are having fun. These social media straw polls don't reflect the community who plays the game. The extremely loud people on these forums don't represent the game. Please look at the data and make a decision, not the tantrums of the general forum.


Or y'know just look at how fewer people are playing now than just two days ago and make a decision based on that.

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Disclaimer: I am actively not reading any other player response in this thread or on this topic.


  • My level: 65
  • Roughly Average Item Rating: 216/208, Vendor
  • Discipline: Jedi Guardian, Tank, one of many many tanks that I have leveled up from nothing. I like tanks. I like tanking. I am pretty good at it.
  • Companion: Lana McHealsALot
  • Companion role: Heals
  • Companion Influence level: 30
  • Alliance Influence level: 10 with all Specialists, used Aid and found all chests
  • Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?): Heroic Alderaan Star Fortress, no other players
  • My personal experience while playing this content: A bit more difficult than last week. Praetorian fight took forever. I had to switch to a Versatile stim so I could squeeze out more DPS. I didn't die until I got to the two Zakuul knights on the Ephemeris platform. I actually think it might have been a bug, because everything after that was fine. It took longer than I wanted/remembered, but it never felt impossible. I killed all the Paladins, and none of the Zakuul knights were any challenge at all, until I got to those two on the Ephemeris platform. During the Exarch fight, I used the Alliance heal, the Alliance turret, and the Alliance grenade. Heroic Moment was not needed. There was some kiting, though.

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Your level: 65 Jedi Sage

Roughly Average Item Rating: 192

Discipline: Telekinetic

Companion: Lana

Companion role: Healer/Tank

Companion Influence level: 16

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?): Voss Heroic: Not Afraid Enough

Your personal experience while playing this content:

I went from being able to fight the stuff decently to getting my butt handed to me. I spent at least 30-40min on this one heroic. I switched Lana from Tank to heals trying to complete this. It didn't help anything. She held aggro fine, but it annihilated her then me. Anymore than 3 silvers & it's pretty much done.

This isn't a L2P issue either, as I've been playing this class for quite awhile now (this is my 2nd dps sage). Not new to game either, as I've been playing since Winter 2013.

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65 Guardian DPS, mix-216/220/224 gear...


Very much basic view from the Ilum H2 and it does seem there's some massive gimping in the higher level H2s versus the lower level ones.


1-shot my way through for instance Tython or Corellia with less than a 5-10% drop in health. Hit Ilum and its finishing up fights with between 30 and 50%. Not the end of the world admittedly, but it's the numbers from the heals that's worrying.


My Level 50 Lana was healing with Hots of about 600-650, with the occasional burst of 4000. My Level 14 C2-N2 (yes I'm doing THAT achievement) was dealing hots about 350-400 with a burst up to about 1800. My Level 2 2V-R8 (yes, THAT achievement as well)... was doing about 325-350 and burst about 1700.


Given how long it takes to achieve influence/affection with these companions, the gain in abilities is a poor return. a 100-125% increase over 48 levels?


Yet I did the Revan encounter on Yavin4 for the weekly and blitzed through it with Lana in DPS mode. Health got low a lot, but it does seem that having companions on heal is greatly inferior than trying to melt the opposition and keeping them in DPS and praying.

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Ran a Heroic-2 Star Fortress on a level 65 Arsenal Merc in 220/224 augmented gear with rank 50 Mako on heals. Got completely owned by the first Paladin.


Ran again on a level 65 Guardian tank in 192 gear with a rank 20-something Lana as a healer. Health bar didn't move a smidge until Lana got knocked off the catwalk by the Praetorian. Didn't live too long after that.


I'd say, on the whole, the healing nerf was too strong and too inconsistent. In the Star Fortress, Mako was completely unable to compensate for the damage being dealt by a Paladin and 2 standard trash mobs when the player is a well-geared DPS. On the other hand, my tank's health bar never even moved (even during the Praetorian fight) in much worse gear and with a much lower ranked companion.


In all honesty, I think you kind of have your design goals a little backwards. The game should be MOST challenging (but not frustratingly so) for new players in the leveling experience. Once you reach 65, get decent gear (like 208/216) and have a companion approaching rank 50, content SHOULD be as big a cakewalk as it was before the nerf. By that point, you've earned it. A well geared veteran player should be able to blow through heroics and dailies without any pause, because those players are doing those things numerous times per day on several different characters. Having to stop and rest up between pulls makes it tedious and boring and not worth the effort. Someone earlier in the thread noted that, while the current heroic Star Fortress IS soloable under the current conditions (and I suppose I could probably go back again and do it on my Arsenal Merc if I CCd things and did a lot of kiting), the rewards in the end just aren't worth it. It's not worth the time and hassle invested, so I'm just not going to be doing it.


My personal preference is that I want end game operations (and to an extend, hard mode flashpoints) to be challenging and require good gear, tactics, and cooperation (and, ironically, a poorly geared group can absolutely FLY through Eternity Vault on Hard Mode). I feel like, for a veteran player, everything else in the game should be trivial. When starting a game fresh, from a new player perspective, I want things to be challenging enough to keep me interested, with the knowledge that I'm going to get stronger over time and look back and laugh about how hard all that was back when I started.


That's my two cents. Maybe the nerf was necessary. That's a matter of debate or personal preference. Personally, I liked it the way it was. But I think at this point most folks agree that the severity of the nerf was uncalled for. I'm hoping those changes are rescinded or at least reduced.

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I agree with this completely.


I never understood why Bioware/EA don't properly test patches on the PTS before they make the changes in the live environment.


Shouldn't they test everything on the PTS before implementing it live... think of the amount of issues that never would have occurred with this being the case!


Cheers flynia


Because they can't account for how inherently bad so many players are at playing games these days and how unwilling they are to learn to get better or even attempt actual gameplay.


The curse of the modern day MMO, it brought people into games that have no interest in actually playing games. They just want a casual walk with some lighting effects, maybe a movie or 2 and some nice loot to reward them for said casual walk.

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Disclaimer: I am actively not reading any other player response in this thread or on this topic.


  • My level: 65
  • Roughly Average Item Rating: 216/208, Vendor
  • Discipline: Jedi Guardian, Tank, one of many many tanks that I have leveled up from nothing. I like tanks. I like tanking. I am pretty good at it.
  • Companion: Lana McHealsALot
  • Companion role: Heals
  • Companion Influence level: 30
  • Alliance Influence level: 10 with all Specialists, used Aid and found all chests
  • Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?): Heroic Alderaan Star Fortress, no other players
  • My personal experience while playing this content: A bit more difficult than last week. Praetorian fight took forever. I had to switch to a Versatile stim so I could squeeze out more DPS. I didn't die until I got to the two Zakuul knights on the Ephemeris platform. I actually think it might have been a bug, because everything after that was fine. It took longer than I wanted/remembered, but it never felt impossible. I killed all the Paladins, and none of the Zakuul knights were any challenge at all, until I got to those two on the Ephemeris platform. During the Exarch fight, I used the Alliance heal, the Alliance turret, and the Alliance grenade. Heroic Moment was not needed. There was some kiting, though.


You are highly geared and it appears you used all skills available. You should be able to clear the content solo. Thank you for posting this.

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All of this is readily available in the countless threads in the forum, have you been reading them? yes there is a lot of other posts but there are also alot of constructive posts with this info.




This concerns me...




Are you serious? have you had your heads in the sand, because the only way that question could be valid from you is if you had totally ignored the forums and in game chat since the patch, including the huge one where you asked for and got feedback.


I understand that due to the poor implementation of the patch and sheer amount of complaints you may not want to read them all, but way to show players thoughts are important to you


They ask for feedback and you criticise them for doing so? See it's people like you that are going to prevent the supposed majority getting what they want with a lesser nerf.


Sure people like me might find it fine the way it is and argue the point but people like you are just pure poison to the position you aare supposedly trying to defend .... so errr ... thanks I guess?

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