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Toxic Atmosphere


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usually, most agree to disagree, genuine concerns vs skills...


But im noticing a trend here; The white knights defending BW latest patch are mostly taking personal shots at people posting their anger at BW over changes done in a patch. downright ugly and personal... Now im new to these forums, but im also noticing the lack of moderators and PR from BW... Usually reminding people to keep it clean and on topic? which leaves me to believe that BW encourages this?


I've rarely seen the community so divided, and each time i did see it, the game was inches away from disappearing altogether? And i blame BW for this mess...


Maybe i am mistaken, maybe since only subs can post that BW feels no need to moderate?

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The white knights defending BW latest patch are mostly taking personal shots at people posting their anger at BW over changes done in a patch. downright ugly and personal...


Actually, the mud slinging has been in both directions...

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usually, most agree to disagree, genuine concerns vs skills...


But im noticing a trend here; The white knights defending BW latest patch are mostly taking personal shots at people posting their anger at BW over changes done in a patch. downright ugly and personal... Now im new to these forums, but im also noticing the lack of moderators and PR from BW... Usually reminding people to keep it clean and on topic? which leaves me to believe that BW encourages this?


I've rarely seen the community so divided, and each time i did see it, the game was inches away from disappearing altogether? And i blame BW for this mess...


Maybe i am mistaken, maybe since only subs can post that BW feels no need to moderate?


Community isn't divided. A majority were fine with changes. The vocal minority ruined the game for everyone else if the game dies. We will have them to thank for crying for two straight weeks on the forum non stop.

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usually, most agree to disagree, genuine concerns vs skills...


But im noticing a trend here; The white knights defending BW latest patch are mostly taking personal shots at people posting their anger at BW over changes done in a patch. downright ugly and personal... Now im new to these forums, but im also noticing the lack of moderators and PR from BW... Usually reminding people to keep it clean and on topic? which leaves me to believe that BW encourages this?


I've rarely seen the community so divided, and each time i did see it, the game was inches away from disappearing altogether? And i blame BW for this mess...


Maybe i am mistaken, maybe since only subs can post that BW feels no need to moderate?


Trust me they are moderating. posts removed, warnings issued etc etc.

You cannot then post and discuss being moderated that is against the rules and you will be moderated again.

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BW is too busy hiding until they can come up with some reason to justify not rolling back their patch, most likely.


And yeah, a lot of the grinder class on SWTOR has a distinct hatred of the casual masses who prop them up, but a lot of people have been reasonable with their disagreements as well.


The toxicity is probably going to get worse as the sub base leaves over this, and the grinders huddle closer in denial, convincing themselves their so elite becaues they can devote hours a day for months onto a game. Standing in an Ops only on certain parts of the floor and hitting the same 8 buttons in sequence is really tough work, only elite people can do. Sometimes, you even have to run to certain places and watch for visual cues.


There seems to be 5-6 hardcore trolls on the grinder side and I think you might have met one already.

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Community isn't divided. A majority were fine with changes. The vocal minority ruined the game for everyone else if the game dies. We will have them to thank for crying for two straight weeks on the forum non stop.


That is the fate of every game. the vocal minority that for some reason the game makers listen to. Ruin the games for everyone. The game dies and then that minority moves on to a new game to rinse and repeat.

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usually, most agree to disagree, genuine concerns vs skills...


But im noticing a trend here; The white knights defending BW latest patch are mostly taking personal shots at people posting their anger at BW over changes done in a patch. downright ugly and personal... Now im new to these forums, but im also noticing the lack of moderators and PR from BW... Usually reminding people to keep it clean and on topic? which leaves me to believe that BW encourages this?


I've rarely seen the community so divided, and each time i did see it, the game was inches away from disappearing altogether? And i blame BW for this mess...


Maybe i am mistaken, maybe since only subs can post that BW feels no need to moderate?


Been like that since the game launched BW stays silent and does a slow i mean a very slow reaction. hell last expac had a bug with and ops that took the 4 weeks to tell people it was a exploit only to take 6 week to say they were going to punish people for there bug that the new was in beta testing and reported but put the patch out any ways. Only to take 2 month on letting people know while in fighting was happening daily. Then BW say OK 1 to 7 day bans Then people fight for 2 month while no one stops them oh you get the point. So they will handle this like they have in the past let people attack each other let new players see all that do nothing on the forums or comment fora week to tell us they may have over done things

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Community isn't divided. A majority were fine with changes. The vocal minority ruined the game for everyone else if the game dies. We will have them to thank for crying for two straight weeks on the forum non stop.


What the heck is the vocal minority???

There is a majority negative because the majority of folks disagree with the changes.

Why do you think you have the intelligence to know the truth about this?


If the game dies, it is because Bioware screwed up, and nothing at all to the people here posting helpful insights into what bothers them.


Of course no one posts when things are right. It is when things go wrong that these forums light up. There are people that have never posted here before, now posting on this issue because it is important to them. The numbers are astounding. For you to dismiss them and blame them... makes me think you are a Bioware plant. No there isn't "mud" slinging on both sides. There are people expressing their displeasure and concern, and then there are a handful of little cretins, like you, throwing "mud" and attempting to obfuscate the issue. Are you being paid, or are you really this ignorant?

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Community isn't divided. A majority were fine with changes. The vocal minority ruined the game for everyone else if the game dies. We will have them to thank for crying for two straight weeks on the forum non stop.


And that's why we can't have nice things on this forum. The moment somebody refers to other's opinion as "vocal minority that shouldn't be listened to", and tells me how I "ruined the game", I personally start to itch to return the favor.

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usually, most agree to disagree, genuine concerns vs skills...


But im noticing a trend here; The white knights defending BW latest patch are mostly taking personal shots at people posting their anger at BW over changes done in a patch. downright ugly and personal... Now im new to these forums, but im also noticing the lack of moderators and PR from BW... Usually reminding people to keep it clean and on topic? which leaves me to believe that BW encourages this?


Oh yeah, suuuuuure. it's definitely been the pro-nerf people who've been slinging the worst of it, right?


Of course, whatever you say. :rolleyes:

Edited by ZanyaCross
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For the most part, you have to flag a thread or post before a mod looks at it. They don't have someone reading every post in every thread. Start flagging posts you feel are being rude or insulting...


Oh, I know - and said bilious nincompoop knows too.

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No one is really bothering to see that some people are having issues.


I hear a lot of 'WELL I CAN DO IT SO YOU CAN TOO IF YOU LEARN TO PLAY SO SHUT UP!" Sure you can do it but not everyone can.


It's important to be able to appreciate that not everyone is the same. The game isn't just for the hardcore or the casual. It's for both. That said, it's not the hardcore gamer that seems to be suffering with the changes but some of the casuals and moderate players.


Shouting people down just makes them antagonistic and unwilling to listen to any salient points you might have. If someone says, "I am having trouble with this" then they are having trouble with it. They aren't just saying it to inconvenience you or tamper with your idea of what the game should be.


If people can agree that a level of nerf was needed, then that's a step in the right direction. I don't like the changes but I think a nerf was needed. I think it was far too severe though. It left a lot of casuals unable to do the content, either by time constraints or out and out ability to do it.


I used to be a hardcore raider and min/maxed everything to the ninth degree, every decimal counted. I had to have the right spec, the right rotation. I had to use all of my cc's and interrupts with perfect timing. I just don't have the time to do that anymore. I played this game because I could play it at my own pace and solo play while having a community to talk and share with. Can I do the content now? I can. Do I like to do it now? Not even a little bit. Do I have time to do it now? Not even a little bit.


I understand what those yelling for nerfs were saying and I understand what those hurt by it now are saying. Screaming about it doesn't do anyone any good. Suggestions? Great. Screaming and belittling? Not great.

Edited by FenyxSprig
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OMG! That is awful!



I mean, I hate this change but that is ridiculous!


Oh, it gets better. Somebody called me the c-word the day before. Used some rather creative spelling to get around the word filter too. He and the guy who tried stalking me across multiple threads, both vocal opponents of the nerf, don't seem to be around lately, which at least give me some small measure of hope that there's real moderation here.


But yeah, when I see OP trying to put this all on the other side? Not buying it.

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My question is pretty simple: why wouldn't these 'hardcore' players simply disengage some of their comp's abilities or not even use them? There were only certain times in which they would be used anyhow so why not just adjust as per the above...?


I saw someone reply to this very question (posed by another player) with, "Why should we have to?!"


Well, if it was soooo bad - like they all said - then why WOULDN'T you?!


At least that way they had an option! We are stuck here now, paying for this game that we are not enjoying. Full stop.

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Some of us are not fine with the extent of the nerf but we are also not freaking out because we actually have to pay attention when we solo content that's difficult. I'm an older gamer. When I fail at something, I will adjust my strategy and keep trying until I succeed. That's why I play games like this. That's why I like raiding.


I am not a white knight. I am not an elitist. I'm a gamer and, while supercomps were fun, they took the fun out of certain parts of the game. I prefer my fun with a side of challenge.


Where does my faction fall in your two-party mudfest?

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But yeah, when I see OP trying to put this all on the other side? Not buying it.


Well, no side is better when it comes to human nature and people being idiots or over-the-top in their comments.


It's hard to not vent sometimes if someone rubs you up the wrong way but, we have to try our best, I guess.

Edited by SPAMBAM
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