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Supported this game all the way - from beta to the current state.


Had a break from 2013 til now - me, plus quite a few old friends rejoined the SWTOR club - just to see that BW can't even patch this game. 24 hrs ... ***


And now this stealth nerf - so once again BW - unsubbed - maybe time for some Fallout 4 ... :cool::mad:

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Supported this game all the way - from beta to the current state.


Had a break from 2013 til now - me, plus quite a few old friends rejoined the SWTOR club - just to see that BW can't even patch this game. 24 hrs ... ***


And now this stealth nerf - so once again BW - unsubbed - maybe time for some Fallout 4 ... :cool::mad:


See ya later! You'll be back they always come back :rak_03:

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best way to get you opinion known -- just unsub and be quiet -- silence is deafening at times -- and the pocketbook tells all -- just be sure and tell them WHY you're leaving too --- that will get back to the right people ---

exercise your rights and don't play a game you don't wish to play anymore --- but tell them why or it won't work

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best way to get you opinion known -- just unsub and be quiet -- silence is deafening at times -- and the pocketbook tells all -- just be sure and tell them WHY you're leaving too --- that will get back to the right people ---

exercise your rights and don't play a game you don't wish to play anymore --- but tell them why or it won't work


well especially when you tell them in there survey why your leaving

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Supported this game all the way - from beta to the current state.


Had a break from 2013 til now - me, plus quite a few old friends rejoined the SWTOR club - just to see that BW can't even patch this game. 24 hrs ... ***


And now this stealth nerf - so once again BW - unsubbed - maybe time for some Fallout 4 ... :cool::mad:


BYE and enjoy F4! \o/

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Supported this game all the way - from beta to the current state.


Had a break from 2013 til now - me, plus quite a few old friends rejoined the SWTOR club - just to see that BW can't even patch this game. 24 hrs ... ***


And now this stealth nerf - so once again BW - unsubbed - maybe time for some Fallout 4 ... :cool::mad:


If you took a break from 2013 until now (Almost 2016 therefore 3 years), then you didn't support this game "all the way from beta to the current state". Which means, that your statement doesn't make any sense.

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Apparently calling them classy get's you a warning and your post deleted.


I've never been warned because of snark before.


Thinnest of skin.


See, I'm not going to give them any snarky comments, or call anyone names. I'm not to going to complain, or ask anyone to get fired, or anything remotely hostile. I will, however, give my opinion, and state facts. It is my opinion that they are not doing enough to handle the current issues, especially considering this was an essential expansion or almost relaunch of the game. It is also my opinion that they are going to lose customers, based on the other events unfolding. As for the facts, it is a fact that the current customer service is beyond disgusting. There is clearly not enough testing, the lack of community outreach and communication is some of the most damning I have seen from any company with a customer base as large, and as integral as an MMO is, and there are numerous, almost countless game breaking glitches that have hampered many a person's desire to play the game. I significantly hope that someone, somewhere, in their office looks at my balance sheet and ask themselves why, for the first time since the cartel market was launched, I haven't dropped two to $300. I am done paying for a broken game. That is a fact. Not sarcasm, not hostile, not aggression. A dedicated, and prolific customer expressing their extreme displeasure and disappointment with the current status of the product.

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