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Why no official response on companion nerf???


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Jadescythe either works for Bw or is the biggest Fanboy on site .Sounds just like a CM cough cough Eric cough


LMAO, this comment is hilarious. I'm extremely critical of the game in many areas. But I also don't expect comments from the community team within an hour of a patch hitting. I get far more upset when things haven't been addressed or fixed after MONTHS.

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BWs communication is crap, but companions are not useless.
my ship droid at launch did better heals than these companions do now.


Tell me how 900 a tick at 65 is anything approaching helpful?

My commando in gunnery spec does 3k a tick on his damned kolto shot lol


What in the actual f***???


Why should we bother with companions at all if they are THIS weak?

It's not as if we get new conversations with any of them as their influence grows.


they may as well be pets

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They don't need to response to it. They already came out and said why they are doing it. And this is a change for the better for once. Now the game is what it should be an MMO.

This game will never be an MMO, as the engine it's built on can't handle 'massive' in any form

It stutters and gasses out in regular warzones lol.


I'm all for forcing people to group and socialize. As that's what you should do, just in LIFE.

but they have focused the STORY around all these companions. Building your alliance. They are even trying to sell companions in packs now.

IF the companions are weaker now than they have ever been. I'm talking REALLY weak.

as in, my ship droid did more heals at launch when the cap was 50

then this is NOT for the better. As it makes it so no one cares about gathering the companions.


They need this to work, because they don't have the population to keep adding endgame raids all the time. As it's so dead most the time, it's hard to get a 4 man group for a Flashpoint. Let alone 8m or 16m raids together.


This game, to start building a population again needs to appeal to the casual gamer. To the solo gamer. To those only interested in a star wars story. Which means the companions need to be decent to make them feel worth investing time into.


Eventually, once the population of the game increases, they can get back to the raiding and such. Set their goals higher.

but RIGHT NOW, people who can't gank easily need to stop dictating what happens with the rest of the game.

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Why can't we get a official response on the overwhelmingly negative view of the last patch and how useless companions are now? Personally, I'm starting to view there silence as another slap in the face, with the nerf to companions being the first slap. What happened to better communication? Even if your not gonna change anything, why not a statement to all the outrage? If you don't get it, let me point it out for you. Your silence is only adding to the frustration and outrage . Your players feel betrayed. That you lied to them. How long will you wait? How many players will you permanently lose before you address this?


We won't see any kind of communication from this 'Community Team' on this until bioware makes a decision on how to handle/spin this issue. Even then it's likely to be a sentence on what/when the changes they've decided to make will be coming (soon™)... if they decide to change/communicate at all.

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35-40 % nerf would have been enough. 75% way too much


With every thread in the General Forums being about this there is no way they are not addressing this in the next patch or even sooner.


20% nerf was all that was needed. And to be honest, NO NERF was 'needed'

because what did it harm? lol People could easily solo heroic 2s? They're a grind anyways. Not meant to be challenging. Easier they are, quicker the grind, less boredom.

Only ones that really complained about it were the few on PvP servers who couldn't gank as easily anymore. Which I think a bioware dev must have been, because no way would they have listened to PvPers. Never have before. Let alone those FEW who spend time ganking. The most useless thing to do in a game that doesn't reward open world kills lol

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We won't see any kind of communication from this 'Community Team' on this until bioware makes a decision on how to handle/spin this issue. Even then it's likely to be a sentence on what/when the changes they've decided to make will be coming (soon™)... if they decide to change/communicate at all.
just have to say, your signature ...is totally misspelled lol.

I'm not being an @ss

just...it's choice, not choyce. And worthy, not worth.

I just thought to help you see it so you can fix it. Cause yeah.

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just have to say, your signature ...is totally misspelled lol.

I'm not being an @ss

just...it's choice, not choyce. And worthy, not worth.

I just thought to help you see it so you can fix it. Cause yeah.


It's a quote from Paradise Lost. Go tell Milton that he misspelled it.

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what if instead of spamming the forum you were, i don't know, practicing a little bit.


I'm not being funny, but an attitude like that. This is why people solo content, because there's people with that attitude in the game who are nothing more than condescending elitists. Why would we want to group with you when you can't drop your unneeded sass at the door and show a little empathy?


Or give advice which isn't basically 'lel scrub get gud, look at me epeen and my 220+ gear'

Edited by StarkHelsing
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just have to say, your signature ...is totally misspelled lol.

I'm not being an @ss

just...it's choice, not choyce. And worthy, not worth.

I just thought to help you see it so you can fix it. Cause yeah.


I'll probably answer before him.

No it's not.

It's taken from a book, "Paradise Lost" and it's quoted exactly as written in it.


EDIT: And he was quicker than me... Crap.

Edited by Leklor
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what if instead of spamming the forum you were, i don't know, practicing a little bit.


Or they could, I don't know, revert the changes so I don't run the risk of having to group up with condescending jerks like you for my H2's.

Edited by Lhorian
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"Companions are useless now" does not warrant any kind of response. It's hyperbolic nonsense. "Can't easily solo SF H2+" does not equal "useless." I've been running with rank 1 companions since 4.0.2 just to see how bad it is and, setting SF H2+ aside, I don't notice any appreciable increase in difficulty (I never tried soloing SF H2+ pre-4.0.2 and I have no intention of trying it now as I find SF not that exciting to run).
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Why can't we get a official response on the overwhelmingly negative view of the last patch and how useless companions are now? Personally, I'm starting to view there silence as another slap in the face, with the nerf to companions being the first slap. What happened to better communication? Even if your not gonna change anything, why not a statement to all the outrage? If you don't get it, let me point it out for you. Your silence is only adding to the frustration and outrage . Your players feel betrayed. That you lied to them. How long will you wait? How many players will you permanently lose before you address this?


This is a hot take, possibly the hottest take I've seen yet.

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Conspiracy Theory: This nerf was timed perfectly with the release of Battlegrounds as well as the super long extended downtime on the same day. These two items combined were put in place by EA to make sure more of us Star Wars lovers bought Battlefront. After a couple weeks of annoying everyone and driving them to buy Battlegrounds they will go back and get companions more balanced.
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Or they could, I don't know, revert the changes so I don't run the risk of having to group up with condescending jerks like you for my H2's.

I am in no way a power gamer. H2s (setting aside SF) are no problem, even with a rank 1 companion. People are basing their opinions solely around SF H2+.

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I am in no way a power gamer. H2s (setting aside SF) are no problem, even with a rank 1 companion. People are basing their opinions solely around SF H2+.

Maybe this post on another forum will help you understand the anger better and also let you see what others outside this forum are saying.




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I am in no way a power gamer. H2s (setting aside SF) are no problem, even with a rank 1 companion. People are basing their opinions solely around SF H2+.


SF H2+, Heroics, later end planets etc.


Wouldn't be a problem if the Alliance system didn't depend on you running said things to actually get anywhere. Jesus, it's like the mass effect online BS. Want to actually get anywhere? You must team up with others or there's a good chance your storyline may end up in the toilet, yay.


The only plus about this is that players focused on PVE are no longer complaining about having to PVP to get Pierce... so bravo I guess?

Edited by StarkHelsing
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Why can't we get a official response on the overwhelmingly negative view of the last patch ...... Your players feel betrayed. That you lied to them. How long will you wait? How many players will you permanently lose before you address this?


Slot machines. Remember them? Now try finding official response to that community outrage :cool:

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People claim they are dropping subs like crazy, like they do anytime any 'major' issue occurs. It's the boy who called wolf in most of those cases.


Im not claiming anything and i can show you the screen capture of my cancel subs if you like

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SF H2+, Heroics, later end planets etc.


Wouldn't be a problem if the Alliance system didn't depend on you running said things to actually get anywhere. Jesus, it's like the mass effect online BS. Want to actually get anywhere? You must team up with others or there's a good chance your storyline may end up in the toilet, yay.


The only plus about this is that players focused on PVE are no longer complaining about having to PVP to get Pierce... so bravo I guess?


Here's the thing. I am not sure that any of this grinding matters. So far I don't think anything has been gated behind influence with the specialists other than some decorations and achievements. I was willing to do what could have been a pointless grind to 20 on each pre-nerf, but now I'll just play something else until the next story update happens and I know what I need to do to play new content or get other companions.

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