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Why no official response on companion nerf???


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Why can't we get a official response on the overwhelmingly negative view of the last patch and how useless companions are now? Personally, I'm starting to view there silence as another slap in the face, with the nerf to companions being the first slap. What happened to better communication? Even if your not gonna change anything, why not a statement to all the outrage? If you don't get it, let me point it out for you. Your silence is only adding to the frustration and outrage . Your players feel betrayed. That you lied to them. How long will you wait? How many players will you permanently lose before you address this?
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Probably going through same metrics which they used to nerf companions. ;)


You mean picking numbers out of a hat? :mad:


Anyway, what could their response be I wonder?


1) We acknowledge there are divisions in regard to companions, but this is how we want you to play

........oh hang on, they've already used that when they ignored the 70% telling them to leave things alone - in the only player feedback information they had.


2) Thanks guys for your feedback!...........Guys? Guys? Is there anyone around? Where has everyone gone?

Edited by Lyaise
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This is EXACTLY the thing going through my mind!



You have this quote:





"One of the things that we felt was really important with Knights of the Fallen Empire was to make it a love letter to all of you, our players. It is your passion and support over the years that has allowed us to go on this incredible journey together."


Bruce Maclean

Senior Producer





And yet, I have seen recently (and when I played and subbed 2 times previously, before leaving) this constant reaching out for answers, for responses, for anything which let the people know they were being heard.



I know that this morning there was a post but, since then, people have been giving their opinion in their droves. Well, maybe "venting their opinion" is sometimes closer to the mark. How about addressing this?



We don't need a time-frame although, naturally, it would be nice. But we DO need to know that it WON'T remain like this! If it does, you are going to lose so many people, it seems.



Does Bruce Maclean think that this patch was a love letter...? If so, I refuse to go on any more dates and I'm looking to get an injunction out on him...

Edited by SPAMBAM
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Because they're still pretending that turning the servers on "fixed" the new problems caused to patching and don't want to admit or address that they screwed up again, so are ignoring everything, including the furor caused by the content of the broken patch.
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They will do the same thing they did when they swung the Nerf bat at the Slot Machine.

Not a damn thing.

Complain all you want, they have your money now and don't care.

They will ignore it and it will just go away.

Between the Alliance quests just sucking and now this, they will lose a few subs but they don't care.


Just like the Slots, they tell us "All is fine, working as intended", then they swing for the fences with the nerf bat, make a major change to what they told you was "working as intended" and then tell you "What we meant was, it's all fine now and now working as intended".

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I doubt they will say anything today or even within the next few days as they wait to how far the extent of the damage will go.


If the extent of cancelled subs and angered people is a number that they find acceptable, then they wont do or say anything.


If the extent of cancelled subs and angry people exceeds what they might consider acceptable, then they will make some kind of announcement next week or so promising changes in the next patch.



Im sure they knew this nerf was going to anger people and that at least some would quit. But they are feeling out the situation to see how far it will go.


So I wouldn't expect anything to be said today, and I definitely wouldn't expect anything to change (if at all) until next patch at the earliest.

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I imagine they're waiting for the dust to settle or something.


Just hope it doesn't take another month before we get some kind of response and then the next day a patch :p


That's not gonna not happen this forum has not seen this many complaints since ravagers in SOR last year

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They have made the official response to companions already in giving a detailed response (pre patch) as to why they were doing the things they planned on doing. As of now though, there's a lot of people on the forums who are very upset, but a lot have a clear misunderstanding about content difficulty in general. If I were them I'd let this calm down a bit before I even attempt another action. As of now even if they wanted to additionally respond the patch went live yesterday, and I admit getting a sample size together that would be representative of the entire companion experience after patch isn't really attainable at present. If I were to respond, if I were BW, I'd compile my numbers over the course of the next week or even weeks to see what the over arching effect is. Right now, a lot of dramatics are being pushed up instead of cold hard facts. With time, we may see another response, or we may not, depending on what exactly the over arching theme the numbers tell. Now though, no way is it appropriate to respond. They have responded initially already, now it's time to let it sink in.
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I doubt they will say anything today or even within the next few days as they wait to how far the extent of the damage will go.


If the extent of cancelled subs and angered people is a number that they find acceptable, then they wont do or say anything.


If the extent of cancelled subs and angry people exceeds what they might consider acceptable, then they will make some kind of announcement next week or so promising changes in the next patch.



Im sure they knew this nerf was going to anger people and that at least some would quit. But they are feeling out the situation to see how far it will go.


So I wouldn't expect anything to be said today, and I definitely wouldn't expect anything to change (if at all) until next patch at the earliest.



I would bet this is already happening as form what i seen with tor status server pops are now down by 10% and while some of that is battlefront related. Most of it is do to the nerf.

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Same thing you do with a dramatic child. Make sure they aren't in any real danger or the like, then let them cry it out.


Ya, you let them cry out, in the mean time.. people are dropping subs like crazy.. Looks like they removed the posts that was up to 50 some pages of people dropping them..

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Bioware is all day quietly cleaning forum from unwanted topics, moving them (some got deleted i see) away from general discussion


For example: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=854139&page=42


Yup. Mine got moved to off-topic as well.


"Community support" is sweeping through starting to make a bad situation worse. I see trumped up and false "warnings/infractions" coming next.

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They moved it to Off-Topic? How is that an Off-Topic discussion?


You are right, this shows very well how meaningless, people who paid for this game are, in eyes of bioware and developers who proposed such nonsense. For them, over 40 pages of leaving customers whos saying *unsubbed, bye* is an "offtopic" subject.... (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=854139)


Maybe they live in some other dimmension or something?

Edited by DiabloPL
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You are right, this shows very well how meaningless, people who paid for this game are, in eyes of bioware and developers who proposed such nonsense. For them, leaving customers is an "offtopic" subject....


Maybe they live in some other dimmension or something


It's only going to make things worse. With them shunting complaints elsewhere, basically trying to sweep this under the rug, they're showing us again that they DO NOT CARE. They've got our money, we've said they're not getting any more, so **** us, right?

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None of these are off topic post the companion nerf does not belong in of topic in belongs in general chat as off topic is for stuff un related to the forum or game BW Eric you all need to address the forums asap Edited by Neoforcer
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