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Patch 4.02 Companion Nerf


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Why did you nerf them so hard? The tank can no longer tank without dying - so back to why I left in the first place, just came back for this expansion, the healer can no longer heal enough to keep me alive


Do you actually want me to stay?


I was really enjoying playing before this latest patch and now all of my enthusiasm has been instantly removed.


Thanks a lot

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Why did you nerf them so hard? The tank can no longer tank without dying - so back to why I left in the first place, just came back for this expansion, the healer can no longer heal enough to keep me alive


Do you actually want me to stay?


I was really enjoying playing before this latest patch and now all of my enthusiasm has been instantly removed.


Thanks a lot


My thoughts exactly.

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i dont know why they would listen to the same 3-4 ppl about the companions, i think the level sync and the equipment/mod vendors seem like something worth visiting more urgently than the companions, like honestly why wouldnt you want your companion to be competent enough to keep you alive or to tank like a baws. There is a video in youtube in game theory about this same problem, about how gamers themselve ruin good games because of stupid complaints like this because we are never satisfied, well i happen to be one of those 1% who welcomed the changes give or take a few that didnt sit well with me, but not enough for me to threaten the compan to stop playing, as many have done here. Honestly this goes to show that bioware really deosnt know who to listen to and go for the ppl who happen to have a tendency to complain about everything, ive kept quite for some time reading these forums, but im actually worried for a game that i care deeply about and has helped me with my depression, making it this ****ed with this patch saddens me because now i wont be able to enjoy the game cuz ill be too busy dying and reviving and wasting countles credits on repairing when i can put those credits to better use
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I have to agree that the nerf went too far. While it's not an issue on the characters I play most (because they've got decent gear, mostly), I logged on to a few lesser-played characters yesterday and found that I couldn't get through basic content. Yes, i realize that what I need to do for all of them is get them better gear but how am I supposed to do that when they can't complete missions to obtain it? Kind of a catch-22.


For those who complained so loudly that having overpowered companions was ruining their experience, please think about those at the other extreme end of the situation. Like I said, i consider myself lucky in that my top three toons noticed minimal performance drops yesterday. But that's three out of 8 capped characters, not to mention the 'baby' alts I have waiting for attention. Devs, please consider taking some middle ground here before people start dropping the game. It's easy enough to find real challenge even if you're in top form; not so easy to get there if you can't compete.


On a side note, I humbly request that the level sync be something that can be (under certain circumstances) optional on a per-travel-to-planet basis. Doing heroics for crates and crystals? Fine, level sync makes sense. But there are other times when a person just wants to find one objective or explore and to be honest it's a huge turn-off for those things. A capped character gets no experience points after all, so what motivation is there? Just a thought. Overall, I love the new story line and many of the changes. Just these two things... please listen to your broad player base and make some middle-ground decisions!

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Yeah I feel uber crushed that I have a 216 geared toon with 90k hp that cant solo because my comp only has 4k heals and if lucky will crit for 5k. less than 3.0 heals was a bad idea, I don't care if its "possible" I don't want possible I want I can complete this solo, I don't have time to wait for ques hoping I get an ok team mate. I was really excited for the patch and loved the new system........ just hate that I'm paying for them to ruin the game...... no way can you call increasing the challenge and decreasing comps power any good. -5 comp +10 challenge= 15 point gap.



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People complained that the new hypercrates/packs lost substantial value when bioware decreased the item count from 5 to 2. We told them that one random armor and one companion gift for 200CC wasn't a good deal. Know how to get your companions to perform better? Give them companion gifts. NOW getting a companion gift is worth the 200CC right? Wanna clear content? PAY for it. Buy CC so you can get gifts, or go broke buying them from the gtn and THEN buy CC to make your companion competent. Seems like a pay to win scenario to me. Free xpac my furry ***!
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Why did you nerf them so hard? The tank can no longer tank without dying - so back to why I left in the first place, just came back for this expansion, the healer can no longer heal enough to keep me alive


Do you actually want me to stay?


I was really enjoying playing before this latest patch and now all of my enthusiasm has been instantly removed.


Thanks a lot


Same here dude! Was enjoying the game, looked forward to play swtor everyday. And "poof" a patch comes along and now it killed my interest completly.

So disappointed. I logged out and havent logged in again today..

Don't have time for OPS or huge guild, it was good when I could do things on my own and sometimes game with a friend when the time was there. Considering the sub atm :(

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Same here dude! Was enjoying the game, looked forward to play swtor everyday. And "poof" a patch comes along and now it killed my interest completly.

So disappointed. I logged out and havent logged in again today..

Don't have time for OPS or huge guild, it was good when I could do things on my own and sometimes game with a friend when the time was there. Considering the sub atm :(

Me too! I was going to make a toon of each class because I was having so much fun, but now I have unsubscribed.

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I quit 2 months after launch because of this crap. I came back almost 2 weeks ago, and really enjoyed the new experience so decided to re sub, and after less than a week in to my sub trial from raf they pull this ****. I canceled my sub and removed my payment method. I haven't been charged yet so it will be seen whether they penalize my account, or go ahead and find a way to still charge me. Either way I'm not playing even for free until they hotfix this bs back to a some what pleasurable experience. I'm not going to be crafty and rely on cc for mundane grind tasks.
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try being tank almost all 220 and cant do what shld be able to do ive seen some stupid moves but this tops them all they got 2 wks to fix or goodbye sub :mad:


My main is a tank (Vanguard) and although he's not had any trouble doing solo stuff since this nerf, today I ran Korriban flashpoint on him with my friend. Keep in mind that prior to KotFE we regularly duoed the normal difficulty flashpoints... every week, just him, me, and our companions. Never a problem at all. Then this afternoon we decided to work on the FP weekly as usual, went in to Korriban, and almost wiped at the droid boss! I was shocked. Shocked and upset and... yeah. My companion was at influence level 38, for crying out loud, and my buddy's was at 29. We made it through the instance but it was SO not pleasant. His gear is mostly 216, by the way, so he's not under-equipped by any means.


All this to illustrate my point: the changes are just too much. Now not only is the 'newer' stuff harder for our less geared characters to get through, but stuff we never had a problem with before becomes crazily difficult. I'm all for challenge, but consistency would be nice.


Can we get a dev response here? Please? On behalf of all players who have at least one character with less than stellar stats and incredible luck, I beg you to nerf the nerf. Or herd the nerf... or.... you get the idea.

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Can we get a dev response here? Please? On behalf of all players who have at least one character with less than stellar stats and incredible luck, I beg you to nerf the nerf. Or herd the nerf... or.... you get the idea.


Yup Dev response would be warranted for all of the upset. If the response is anything other than "oops mybad, I pressed the wrong button" or "You can wake up now! You're nightmare is over and things are back as they were!" I'not going to be back.

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Why did you nerf them so hard? The tank can no longer tank without dying - so back to why I left in the first place, just came back for this expansion, the healer can no longer heal enough to keep me alive


Do you actually want me to stay?


I was really enjoying playing before this latest patch and now all of my enthusiasm has been instantly removed.


Thanks a lot

Quoted for truth.

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I have to agree that the nerf went too far. While it's not an issue on the characters I play most (because they've got decent gear, mostly), I logged on to a few lesser-played characters yesterday and found that I couldn't get through basic content. Yes, i realize that what I need to do for all of them is get them better gear but how am I supposed to do that when they can't complete missions to obtain it? Kind of a catch-22.


For those who complained so loudly that having overpowered companions was ruining their experience, please think about those at the other extreme end of the situation. Like I said, i consider myself lucky in that my top three toons noticed minimal performance drops yesterday. But that's three out of 8 capped characters, not to mention the 'baby' alts I have waiting for attention. Devs, please consider taking some middle ground here before people start dropping the game. It's easy enough to find real challenge even if you're in top form; not so easy to get there if you can't compete.


On a side note, I humbly request that the level sync be something that can be (under certain circumstances) optional on a per-travel-to-planet basis. Doing heroics for crates and crystals? Fine, level sync makes sense. But there are other times when a person just wants to find one objective or explore and to be honest it's a huge turn-off for those things. A capped character gets no experience points after all, so what motivation is there? Just a thought. Overall, I love the new story line and many of the changes. Just these two things... please listen to your broad player base and make some middle-ground decisions!


Agreed. Final Fantasy XIV gives you the option on level syncing for content. If you don't - no reward. If you do - buku rewards. As for overpowered comps - agreed. Take some middle ground. Make the nerf a little bit more gradual, don't hit with a sledge hammer. Also I understand the catch-22 with gear. It happened a little bit back in beta testing and when SWTOR first launched with some content. Some of the FP's, even with appropriately geared toons, were a bit too tough. A common complaint was that the only way to compelte them was to be over geared..but if you are already over geared, what is the point of completing the flash point at all (especially if it has nothing to do with the main story - which most of the original FP's do not - they have their own side stories that are in parallel to the cold and eventual galactic war that breaks out).


That seems to be a trend with this expansion. When a decision is made it goes 1000% in. Such as with comp choice not mattering (they are effecively cloens of each other - just re-skins - it really doesn't matter too much once you get to endgame or doing any grinding content such as heroics). Took away unique flavor (I am okay with them being able to do all three roles by the way, but taking away the abilities that made them unique was too far - could have still kept their original abilities for the stance that corresponds to their original role, and then just given them the generic abilities that correponded to the roles they were not meant for). Now with comp nerf - the nerf was pretty strong. For fairly well geared folks, especially those that really know the ins and outs of their class - not so bad. For those at the low level spectrum who may be learning a new class - could be kinda tough and make the level grind even more tedious.


Just my two cents.

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I'm annoyed that I now have to pay attention when I'm playing as my tank. I rather enjoyed being able to watch Top Gear while I mindlessly whittled down elites/champs. I can still complete everything without issue, I'd just rather not be forced to watch my health and proritise targets in a game with such banal combat mechanics. It's not any more difficult, it's just irksome.


Don't take this as a complaint about the nerf, I'm alright with it. I just enjoy reiterating how tedious solo fighting is for tanks.

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I started my Sith Sorcerer last week, and decided to subscribe. I am now level 50 and companion aid is seriously lacking. I play with a number of friends from different time zones, so we aren't always online to help one another. The Nerf, specifically in regards to healing and damage of our companions makes running solo flashpoints with major bosses near impossible (The Foundry SOLO). Even with stims and health packs, ten times running it and my companion simply cannot hold fire or produce efficient healing .Please do a minor patch update to return the companions attributes. If not to their original status, at least enough to be of help in the game. (I.E. Healing) Edited by AmoreLefay
Added specific flashpoint as reference.
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You guys have until the end of the week to fix the companions .. here's a suggestion make it to where the complainers of companions being OP have a choice to turn it off and let us players who want OP companions have a choice to leave it on.. if it's not fixed this game will go in the trash and i will tell my friends NEVER to play this game.. TY
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  • 3 months later...

I haven't played since my original post. My subscription still has some time to run before it expires.


Devs, there are many suggestions here that will fix this issue so that the people here will be happy. Get on that already - it's been 3 months already!


The previous poster has a very god point. It is very late game to be adding this kind of mechanic. I'm sure the idea was giving the players something more to grind for and therefore spend more time in-game. Instead you've alienated a great many. Smooth.

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