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Everything posted by Karthoa

  1. I think they should reverse the nerf as well. It was fun before. What they could do is give the option to lower character levels for a greater challenge the way the do on the planets. But it should be optional (on the planets as well).
  2. They need to revert these changes. It was fun before, now I just feel like playing something else.
  3. I only kept my subscription because I was enjoying soloing heroic SF. I can't do that now with this patch, it takes too long and I don't like the difficulty level. The way it was had just the right balance, difficult but not frustrating at all. I have played SWTOR for several years and pugs have always been the worst part of the game. If I can't solo the new content at a pace that won't take up my entire night, I won't play it at all.
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