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The "huge Companion Nerfs" can be caused by the "Companion mainhand "weaponarmor" bug".


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Put an hilt in an mainhand weapon of your companion who has an "hilt slot" .

All weapon items who have an hilt slot in the weapon are custom and modible, same applies to hilts you can put them in blasters that are custom, those have an barrel slot where you can put them in.

You should know this. :)

Google it otherwise it is not that hard.

The bug works only if you put an hilt/barrel in your mainhand weapon of your companion not the offhand.

At level 65 an 186 hilt is not as good as for example a 208 hilt for your companion, see 1 of my previous posts.




Your writing and explanation are not very good, a hilt and weapon are 2 different things.

You or a companion wield a weapon, you put a hilt or barrel in a weapon that can be wielded. See the difference?

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Put an hilt in an mainhand weapon of your companion who has an "hilt slot" .

All weapon items who have an hilt slot in the weapon are custom and modible, same applies to hilts you can put them in blasters that are custom, those have an barrel slot where you can put them in.

You should know this. :)

Google it otherwise it is not that hard.

The bug works only if you put an hilt/barrel in your mainhand weapon of your companion not the offhand.

At level 65 an 186 hilt is not as good as for example a 208 hilt for your companion, see 1 of my previous posts.




Actually, I just tested it with a Devoted Allies legacy blaster that is not moddable. Works fine with those.


Edit: actually, on second look, it only increased damage. Didn't increase healing. But again, that's just with an unmoddable 192. Haven't tried it with a moddable weapon with hilt/barrel.

Still, though, that's certainly enough to throw off their metrics. Most of my comps are wielding the Yavin 192s just for cosmetic reasons. I had no idea it was actually increasing their damage....

Edited by Beohbe
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I foresee them seeing this as an exploit and not a bug, banning or sanctioning users that they find with a barrel/hilt in their companion's weapon when they get around to "fixing" it.


I don't really care one way or the other at this stage. Normally, I'm against exploitation, but in this very extreme case I'll make an exception, because it's either I do this, or I unsub anyway. Unsub, banned for life, very little difference to me. Big difference to BW, though, if they just balance the game properly and let me play it the way I enjoy it. They get to keep my sub then. I'll go out on this one and state straight up that I intend to take full advantage of this when soloing SF if it proves too difficult after the nerf for me, because it didn't before and according to Musco himself, shouldn't now. If it's not, if Musco is right, I'll leave it alone. But I haven't tried a SF since the companion sledging so I'm yet to find out.

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Your writing and explanation are not very good, a hilt and weapon are 2 different things.

You or a companion wield a weapon, you put a hilt or barrel in a weapon that can be wielded. See the difference?


I understood him just fine. Put a barrel or hilt in your companion's weapon, dismiss and resummon, and they get a boost. Obviously english isn't his first language, but what he's saying is perfectly clear enough with a little application of context.

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I understood him just fine. Put a barrel or hilt in your companion's weapon, dismiss and resummon, and they get a boost. Obviously english isn't his first language, but what he's saying is perfectly clear enough with a little application of context.


Words have meanings........


I asked a question because what he posted can't be done. So getting some clarification on it shouldn't be a horrible thing to ask for.

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Your writing and explanation are not very good, a hilt and weapon are 2 different things.

You or a companion wield a weapon, you put a hilt or barrel in a weapon that can be wielded. See the difference?


Ohw sorry i thought you understood what I meant. I am quite dyslectic sorry, i think mostly in pictures and translating it to an word is hard sometimes. But I should have said that I meant a lightsaber, hilts go into lightsabers (single bladed or double bladed).



A Hilt can go intoo ---> a custom lightsaber (single or double bladed).

A Barrel can go intoo ---> a custom: sniper rifle, or blaster rifle, or a blaster, or the assault cannon.


Custom/ modible gear are weapons or clothing what you can upgrade with armor/hilt/barrels and mods and or with enhancements.

The "armor" (hilt barrel or armor) is responsible for how much your weapon does a certain amount of damage.

Google about gearing in swtor btw.

I think dulfy has some cool guides about it.

Google "swtor dulfy" and take a look on her websites.


And what the other person said is right English is not my first language, I am Dutch, but even Dutch is not my first language, I have no idea which one is actually haha, it is because I grew up with 3 languages at home, Afrikaans, Dutch and English, so I have trouble sometimes to switch between these languages with my dyslexia. ^^

Ah nvm I hope I helped you this time. :)

Sorry for the inconvenience.



Edited by -JE-BLAZAR-
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Ok, just tested this with a 208 moddable. Still only seeing an increase to damage, no increase to healing.

But again, it certainly doesn't seem intentional considering we were told their equipment was just cosmetic.

Anyone else using a weapon of 192 rating or better on their comp have been seeing a roughly 30% increase in comp damage over someone that was using an empty shell.


How was this missed?

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Mmmm, no. That bug may exist, but it isn't the reason for over-performing companions.


My companions carry only low level basic weapons (mostly their starting equipment, because I sold everything that had a value :D) and they were still over-performing. Main reason for difference between each persons case is probably just legacy bonus.

Edited by Pavijan
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Words have meanings........


I asked a question because what he posted can't be done. So getting some clarification on it shouldn't be a horrible thing to ask for.



And if you apply the context they're used in, you can make sense of some very incoherent gibberish. Again, I understood him just fine and even explained it for you, as he just did himself.


Also, words only have meaning in context. "Definition" and "meaning" are two different things.

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Mmmm, no. That bug mey exist, but it isn't the reason for overperforming conpanions.


My companions carry only low level basic weapons (mostly their starting equipment, becouse I sold everything that had a value :D) and they were still overperforming. Main reason for difference between each persons case is probably just legacy bonus.


No argument from me on that point. But when they decide on how much they need to nerf comp performance, don't you think something like this might effect their data?

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I think this could have caused false data in your data-analysis regarding Dps/healing/tanking.

Funny thing is almost nobody does know this bug, so far I know and it seems you guys do not too.

I hope you can fix it!





How dare you! :eek: Mr. Metrics can't be wrong! This has been proven over the years! :mad:






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I foresee them seeing this as an exploit and not a bug, banning or sanctioning users that they find with a barrel/hilt in their companion's weapon when they get around to "fixing" it.

I always had full weapons on my companions since day 1, didn't change the gear, and still i can't complete star fortress.



I don't think this "hilt" thing works.


I tried this trick and i have the same healing done, nothing changed.


Edited by -Spc
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No argument from me on that point. But when they decide on how much they need to nerf comp performance, don't you think something like this might effect their data?


I think it didn't matter that much.

Not a lot of people was giving their fresh KOTFE companions weapons with 190 - 208 modifications during the leveling, when they thought it was pointless for them to do so. Those that did however were definitely a minority. Now however...

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Minority, sure. But I was storing Yavin weapons on my comps just so they weren't taking up space in my banks. Seemed like a logical place to store them for future alts, without actually having to store them.

I'm not going to speculate on how many other people were/are doing this, but it can't be all that trivial. Plus people that were actually aware of this bug and making use of it.

Maybe you're right though. Maybe this didn't effect their data all that much.

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11. Rules of Conduct


You may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:


- Use and communicate exploits and/or cheats.

- Abuse or exploit bugs, undocumented features, design errors or problems in the game.


Having been on the receiving end of a suspension, I'll just leave these here for anyone thinking about using this as a workaround.

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I had a longer debate on Dromund kaas, people didn't believe me, glad at least others noticed it as well.


It is mostly in non-sync'ed areas that this affect things.


And mind you, I thought it was a feature not a bug...


Initial I found out because my comps didn't have the same dps eventhough their ranks were similar, in the end I figured out that their mainhand was the reason.

Edited by Couq
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Just put treeks rating 32 xbow on pierce. Increase.

Then I tried a random bind on equip 132. Increase.


So this goes well beyond high end weapons. Anyone that has given their comp a random world drop or an old hand-me-down that had old mods in it has seen an increase in their comps performance. Whether they realized it or not. Apparently, empty shell weapons are the only thing that doesn't effect it.


Considering it costs credits to strip a weapon of its mods, this is starting to look a lot less like a minority thing...

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Man, I didn't know this. I just gave Talos one of the "Devoted Allies" weapons I had sitting in my legacy bank because it looked cooler than his teeny tiny gun. I also kept Vector in the modded gear he was in before KotFE dropped because I wasn't about to spend the credits on ripping the (what I thought were) useless mods out.


I really don't want my account banned for an exploit I didn't even know existed just for accepting Bioware's word that comps aren't affected by gear stats anymore.

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Thank you for posting this!


I for the life of me couldn't understand why my damn ship droid (who has a stock barrel modded blaster) had way more DPS than my empty hilt Kira Carsen at Influence 27. Now I know.


Hopefully if they do take this issue away in a future patch there'll be a compensatory buff to damage. As a tank, the only way to play with a DPS companion in a lot of fights is to have them do enough DPS to kill efficiently before I get dropped.

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Just put treeks rating 32 xbow on pierce. Increase.

Then I tried a random bind on equip 132. Increase.


So this goes well beyond high end weapons. Anyone that has given their comp a random world drop or an old hand-me-down that had old mods in it has seen an increase in their comps performance. Whether they realized it or not. Apparently, empty shell weapons are the only thing that doesn't effect it.


Considering it costs credits to strip a weapon of its mods, this is starting to look a lot less like a minority thing...


You get the point. :)

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