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Ilum daily "Defend the Shipment" bugged?


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The First post in this thread is from Dec 27th of 2011. It's now March 17th of 2012 and this quest is still not fixed yet?


Not even a post from BW stating that they are aware of it, yet week after week the patch notes are 1 liners fixing ... NOTHING.. adding animations for global CD's and such?..


C'mon BW i've been giving you the benefit of the doubt since I started playing in Dec but even i'm starting to get frustrated with all the bugs that aren't getting fixed and thinking about throwing in the towel.


For the LOVE, double your developer staff until u get everything fixed!!




The continuous ineptitude boggles the mind.

Edited by Ozzone
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The First post in this thread is from Dec 27th of 2011. It's now March 17th of 2012 and this quest is still not fixed yet?


Not even a post from BW stating that they are aware of it, yet week after week the patch notes are 1 liners fixing ... NOTHING.. adding animations for global CD's and such?..


C'mon BW i've been giving you the benefit of the doubt since I started playing in Dec but even i'm starting to get frustrated with all the bugs that aren't getting fixed and thinking about throwing in the towel.


For the LOVE, double your developer staff until u get everything fixed!!




Now the 27th

Edited by its_them
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i have just tryed to compleat the defend the shipment quest today 3/27/2012 and it was bugged, i came here lookign for answers looks like i found it the quest is buged and there is no hot fix incomeing that i can see by all the posts on here. my question is why not apperently this bug effects a"great" numbers of players and sould be addressed asap.
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Many of my friends are also jumping ship and going back to other games, because of game breaking stuff like this, among other reasons.


All of these stupid bugs should have been fixed before the game launched. Instead we are months into release and these bugs still exist, as well as a number of flashpoint boss's that break randomly, making the encounters impossible to complete without exploiting.


Thanks for the great cinematic single player storylines, but it's clear BW, that you weren't prepared to support an mmo, and this far in, I'm doubting you ever will be.

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I'm sitting in the area with the crates as I alt+Esc'd out to check and see if I was doing something wrong.


Same problem today....."already in use".



Will have to abandon this quest until some time in the future when they fix it....[hopefully]

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Having this bug on Soresu server as well, but I've noticed that it took a while to happen. For a long time, all of the Crystal shipment boxes worked and would spawn the guys. Then only a couple worked, with a couple being "already in use". Now, they're ALL "already in use", leading me to believe there's some bug with resetting the boxes when a certain something happens (not sure what).


I've also noticed that the mission "sabotage" seems to be bugged in the same way. Months ago, there were three (that I know of, haven't really looked around for any others) mining units that you could place a bomb on and complete your quest. Somewhere along the line, the mining unit by all the boxes of mining equipment stopped working (it no longer has the clickable box on it). About five days ago, another mining unit lost its clickable box. Now, the only one working for me is the one that is close to the tunnel to the PvP area. I'm assuming this one will cease to function as well in the next week or so.


Come on, Bioware, this shouldn't be THAT hard.

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I have put in several tickets for this since Dec.


I put them in each day I cant do this quest I dont scream at them (not anymore) but i post the exact time and date I am unable to complete this quest.


Possible work around.


If you can get enough people on Illum for Illum 2 to spin up you can do an instance change.


It is clear they have no clue what is wrong or it would be fixed by now.



I also think they need to consider Daily 1 hour server reboot windows instead of just weekly 8 hour resets.


This is an epic failure in the quality assurance team considering how long this has persisted.


If they cant fix it then they need to remove it and make up the lost money and XP elsewhere.

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I've been able to complete this quest by using the crates in the corners of the quest area. All the other ones gave me an "In Use" error.


One is on the right from the southern stairs at 293, 104.


The other is at 124, 102, close to the Salvage Foreman Tha'ross.


If you duo one of these with a friend the quest should complete right away, it apparently counts as two instead of just the one.

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