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Everything posted by e_tenebris_lux

  1. Well they fixed the implant/earpiece companion bug (w00t!) but Xalek is still bugged
  2. They say "we have heard the community" on this (the ability to transfer the set bonus for all gear with a set bonus so we are not stuck with the absurd looking set bonus gear)... ...and then they fail to make this so for the great majority of the community who want this, which are people wearing Tionese and Columni gear. Not impressed.
  3. KTHXBYE...but...can I has your stuff?
  4. Huh? I guess you did not read the quoted thing I was replying to.
  5. Yeah they should have just left it all broken, I mean really, EU players don't need to have all the new content back, right?
  6. It seems that /list does not work. It returns "Channel [channelname] members: " with nothing else
  7. Who is this 'we' of whom you speak? But anyway I really hope you are on the Shaltin Tunnels server because then maybe I can have your stuff if you are un-subbing. Pretty please?
  8. Then you clearly have not played many MMOs near release.
  9. I quite like the idea of 'Cybernetic Food Processor' as a playable dps class... Imperial of course as everyone knows food processors are evil incarnate... or in metal or whatever.
  10. I do not think that is true. I am sure it happens to some people and I agree it needs to be fixed asap, no question about it... but as far as I can see most people do *not* have such problems.
  11. Are we ever going to get the ability to bind emotes to keys to make them convenient to use? At least I can use keyboard macros for combat abilities (the lack of in-game macros is a *major* philosophical design error in my view) but it would be nice to also make social abilities worth using by assigning them to keys rather than a clumsy pull down menu or command line.
  12. Do you know if it is 'just' a display bug or is the gear really wasted?
  13. Oh and I notice changes in DEFENCE do indeed show up in Xalek's stats... it seems to be just SHIELD CHANCE and SHIELD ABSORB that is at issue here.
  14. Clearly. They want it all just given to them. Whereupon I suspect they will complain there is nothing to do in the game.
  15. I have just geared up Xalek with modded gear but when I checked his defence stats... the shield chance and shield absorb stats are just the baseline ones, they do not reflect his new gear at all. I submitted a bug report and asked if this was a known issue and was it just a display bug (minor issue) or an actual effects bug (major issue). Of course I got a proforma reply and no answer (silly me). Does anyone know the answer to this? Is it just a case of the changed stats not showing up or does it really have no effect?
  16. Still bugged. I am shocked to see the date on the first post here. How can they not have fixed this by now?
  17. As I play female toons, it is indeed the running animation that was clearly taken from DA2. Likewise some of the fighting animation. And like so much in DA2 it looks daft. And as this was a metacritic review of SWTOR, not DA2, excessive details as to why I have a transcendent loathing of DA2 and anything from it would be out of place in a short SWTOR review.
  18. Except I did not say "the game is rubbish", that is *your* opinion. I said the game is ugly. And it is not all that buggy either, so /facepalm... did you actually read what I wrote or are you just reacting to certain trigger words?
  19. I think the whole "uncanny valley" thing is largely BS and is used by developers to justify rubbish graphics because rubbish graphics are cheaper to produce... and I think SWTOR has rubbish graphics whereas the Rift models and textures are better proportioned and crisp rather than misshapen, pixelated and muddy. But it is true that in SWTOR every little unrealistic thing does *not* jump out at you like a stick in the eye because it is all looks so ugly and unrealistic... well that's one way of doing it Indeed, which is why I gave it 8/10 on balance in spite of being so ugly. So what? This is my review so it is a statement of what I think. All opinions are individual.
  20. This is a mixed review but ultimately a positive one. First what I don't like - this is an ugly game. Some people like the 'toony' style but I certainly do not. Compared to Rift or even the older Age of Conan, the character graphics and gear are pixelated, misshapen, ugly and uninspiring. The animations are adequate at best and goofy at worst, reusing some from Bioware Turkey-of-the-Year Dragon Age 2 (which I loathed). Also many aspects of the game are rough (the UI is only just fit for purpose) but then as the game is so new it is perhaps churlish to complain too loudly as there is every indication they intend to greatly improve the UI and most bugs tend to get patched quickly. Some sound related design decisions are very questionable indeed: I am walking around the Imperial Fleet Station's inner ring and I get bombarded with absurd honky-tonk cantina music that is grotesquely out of kilter with the 'Grrrrr. feel the dark side, we are the bad guys' feeling that should be pervasive on the Imperial Fleet! And I would pay Bioware real money to make that accursed intensely annoying and not in the slightest bit amusing robot on my ship just SHUT UP! Ideally I would like to smash him to pieces and throw him out the airlock. --- More neutrally... this game breaks very little new ground. It is a very conventional MMO that anyone who has played a mainstream MMO will have no problem understanding almost immediately. Whether or not that is a good or bad thing is a matter of opinion. --- What rocks... the story lines are very good for the most part and the voice acting is absolutely stellar: my very posh female Sith Inquisitor scares me sometimes with her intelligently psychotic one liners! Most importantly game play and team synergy, whilst not perfect, is very much on the right side of acceptable. They have done a good job capturing the 'feel' of the Star Wars Universe and so over all... 8/10
  21. Please PLEASE add some way to make him stop talking. Give us a console command like /blowrobotoutofairlock or /ripoutvoiceboxwithpliers or something like that, but just MAKE HIM SHUT UP! Arrrggggg And while you are at it, make our crew wander around our ship and appear to do things rather than remaining rooted to the same spot
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