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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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C'mon, you can't be serious of unsubbing for this. It's like no dev team ever screwed up anything in the MMO market. I remember having headache back in WoW WotLK when Blizzard made any patches because it usually meant that something went horribly wrong. And you can't really compare Blizzard's MMORPG experience to Bioware's MMORPG experience yet they failed it many many times.


Give those guys a break they're working their *** off to bring us the best game experience.


It's 2015, Developers have two+ decades of data to make sound decisions in balance changes. When you do a flat % HUGE nerf to healing and DPS, just off the top of your head what happens to the low end IE=players with little legacy/gear ?


I mean, seriously, they don't get a pass on being this stupid. I am sorry they just don't.

Edited by jakeobione
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Oh boy I was looking forward to the eventual confrontation with Arcann's sister [ REAALLLLYY wanted to fight her ], with this nerf I think she'll kick my *** good...( she do more then just stick a damn saber in my stomach...more like behead me to be sure )
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If they do not reverse a great deal of the nerf...and soon...I am leaving. I won't be back for the next story installment, either. I will leave entirely. I can put my sub money into a different company and a different game. I've been a good PAYING customer. But I think this is the sound of the bell tolling for this game for me.
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My boyfriend unsubbed in an icy rage over this just earlier today, so... back to Secret World we go!


Was a fun month while it lasted. Not quite as icily pissed as the boy is, but ya know... it's very disappointing.


They just never learn.

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Still have a fair bit of time left on my sub, but if this thing does not get fixed in the next week, that's it for me. Was really enjoying the op companions, it left me more open to enjoy the story. If i wanted to play some mind-numbing grindy game id just play WoW ffs.
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Common FACT is that for every 1 unhappy customer, that complains (IE says they are leaving) there is 26 that just silently leave, and we are just talking forums here, not game, look at WoW for instance lost over 50% of the payer base in 3 months, and there wasn't alot of complaining well a bit more than normal, but most "just left"

Ignorant comments like yours show you really have no idea as to how commerce and customer based businesses work.



Speaking of people leaving WoW. I was having fun with pvp on my warlock. At some point, the devs broke it. I left. Wasn't fun, not gonna pay for it. Plain and simple.


If its not entertaining, what am I paying for? I can go throw $15 in the street every month too, but that's dumb. So is suffering through content previously completed with ease.


Also, to the poster below me; what are you paying for? Just feel like supporting Bioware? Suppose they decided that that activity required double the time/effort/money? Would you be just as indifferent? Would you just suck it up and she'll it out? Me? I'd leave. ;)

Edited by Tarkashae
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You're right every dev team in the MMO market has screwed up at least once. HOWEVER, BW keeps screwing up on a regular basis.


THIS! And I am totally fed up with this! This is the last time I let myself being baited by BW into resubbing! :mad:


Cancel sub and won't come back anymore! :mad:

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C'mon, you can't be serious of unsubbing for this. It's like no dev team ever screwed up anything in the MMO market. I remember having headache back in WoW WotLK when Blizzard made any patches because it usually meant that something went horribly wrong. And you can't really compare Blizzard's MMORPG experience to Bioware's MMORPG experience yet they failed it many many times.


Give those guys a break they're working their *** off to bring us the best game experience.


Ugh... Yeah. Yeah we can be very totally serious.


There are so many games to play. Why should I play the one doing seriously stupid things I don't like, that my boyfriend flat out ragequit from because of moreover?


Bioware isn't loyal to any of us, so why exactly should anyone not liking this crap forgive them and keep funding this crap?

Edited by Uruare
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Just logged off, and I can clearly tell there is a significant decrease in my comp's healing ability and survivability. It isn't far-fetched to imagine that players will leave in droves on account of such a drastic impact to the combat ability of our companions, which is one thing I enjoy in SWTOR. I'll be taking a break from this until companions get a second look, I suppose.
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I think this whole companion nerf is about soloing Star Forge, which I guess should be solo content, thus BW may need to nerf Star Forge to be solable to someone in 208 who can use their toon efficiently.


As for soloing heroics, if you cant solo them, even with the nerf, it is a L2P issue. Has nothing to do with the nerf.


No it is not a l2p issue , yes i can solo them still but now they take twice as long , i already was doing all the heroics on 3 toons and it was taking me most of the week to get it done in my playtime. Now it will take longer and you know what im not willing nor do i have the extra time to put into the game. And why should i keep playing a game that takes away my ability to do something i was previously able to do?


The simple answer is i shouldn't stand for it and i wont , and have unsubbed as a result as have many others and our time is valuable and this is certainly not a l2p issue.

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Going to let sub run out. Not quitting game altogether but going to take some time away from this mess. Game feels like it is going in the wrong direction at the moment. I had high hopes for the expansion, and maybe they were to high. Just feel let down, so I will be taking a break. lol I will probably be back after the movie comes out to try and get a star wars fix. Bioware is just lucky that this is the only Star Wars MMO that's for sure.
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Having the forum all day at work after the maintenance fiasco I was afraid the game would be completely unplayable with the companion nerf or h2 quests would take way longer.

So far it does not look that bad.

I have done the quests on Yavin and the H2 dailies on DK and both went without any problems pulling multiple mob groups. Even in the h2 quests I usually pulled 2 grps of mobs.

Char used: lvl 65 Virulence Sniper with mostly 204 gear and 2 items 216.

Companion used: Senya Tirall Influence lvl 3.


Yes the heal is definitely a lot weaker and I will have to check and see how well the Makeb h2 are going but its not unplayable.

No I have not tried heroic SF as I had not done that pre nerf either. However seeing the reduced healing number I can see that being either extremely hard ( depending on the class ) or impossible.


i doubt they will bring the companions back to the power level they were at pre patch but I hope they will buff them a little bit.

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Beta, founder, blah blah.




I tested the change by doing all of the regular heroics on Belsavis. It took me about twice as long as it did last week. No deaths -- a couple of closer calls, had to use heroic moment (I am a squishy dps) -- but overall, it just wasn't as much fun. Grinding repetitive content is never challenging, so there's no reason it shouldn't be easy. My healing comp is only rank 22, but knowing that rank 50 is not going to be as good as my comp was yesterday gives me no motivation to keep going.


There are a ton of things I can do with my free time. If they want to make the game more boring/less fun, I have no incentive to pay or play.

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Resubbed a month ago for the first time since a few months after launch. The focus on story content and overall ease of play made going through all the unplayed class stories a real joy.


These nerfs come at the expense of fun and not much else. It makes very little sense seeing that if the people QQing over challenge wanted more, they could simply dismiss the damned companion.


I'm really tired of boneheaded dev decisions seemingly made with little to no forethought. They are literally slapping their obviously casual (KOTFE clearly wasn't made with hardcores in mind) target audience in the face with this crap.


So yeah... unsubbed again. Bleh.

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C'mon, you can't be serious of unsubbing for this. It's like no dev team ever screwed up anything in the MMO market. I remember having headache back in WoW WotLK when Blizzard made any patches because it usually meant that something went horribly wrong. And you can't really compare Blizzard's MMORPG experience to Bioware's MMORPG experience yet they failed it many many times.


Give those guys a break they're working their *** off to bring us the best game experience.


They are hardly working their asses off , and after this debacle i dont think any of us care that a few people still want to stand up and say that BW does nothing wrong.


This expansions supposed focus on story , focus on solo mode , focus on companions , then we get awesome companions for a month , then tactical nuclear nerf from space.


No bioware is inept at best i wont say what i actually think of them now.


This could have been done in moderation over 4 patch cycles , nerf them 15 % this patch and see how it goes , if they stilkl seemed OP nerf another 15 % and so on , but nope this horribly bad inept company chooses to nerf them by as much as 75 % , no im sorry you simply cant say they are working their asses off at anything other than screwing their player base as hard as they can as often as they can.

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Staying. No problem with the nerf, actually quite happy with it, since it adds a challenge to the game, one that KotFE lacked.


What Challenge?

If by challenge you mean slower and having to stop for HP then yeah, if you mean having to use a cc I was anyway, if you mean the risk of dying, that's not a challenge its a game design and for the current content th SF 2H, it was still possible, so please what challenge?

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been playing for 5 months, so much flip flap turn around in your face pull your pants off, bugs? send a ticket to be addressed whenever like never?


is this one thing you like, ok, we can f**k this for ya also... please pay again...


no thanks, unsub

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Bioware isn't loyal to any of us, so why exactly should anyone not liking this crap forgive them and keep funding this crap?


That's the sad thing about this game; they keep getting away with stuff like this only because of the strength of the Star Wars license. The game survives on the often blind enthusiasm of the Star Wars fanbase, myself included; I find this game mechanically to be a dull and mediocre hotkey mmo, but I play it for the SW atmosphere and the storytelling.

I won't 'leave', but I will probably not renew my sub come Friday. I can RP as Preferred just fine.

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Beta, founder, blah blah.




I tested the change by doing all of the regular heroics on Belsavis. It took me about twice as long as it did last week. No deaths -- a couple of closer calls, had to use heroic moment (I am a squishy dps) -- but overall, it just wasn't as much fun. Grinding repetitive content is never challenging, so there's no reason it shouldn't be easy. My healing comp is only rank 22, but knowing that rank 50 is not going to be as good as my comp was yesterday gives me no motivation to keep going.


There are a ton of things I can do with my free time. If they want to make the game more boring/less fun, I have no incentive to pay or play.


this is how i feel about it. motivation gone.. and i had so much on my to do list.. like getting all companions to 50.. i guess not.. maybe next patch :)

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It's absolutely amazing how incompetent developers are. You do a flat % Huge nerf to healing and DPS. No one in that board room or developer room said "Hey wait, what does that do to the low end of our players IE=new players?".


No one, anybody ?


Seriously I would fire every single person in that decision room, everyone.

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