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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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Absolutely staying, thank you for taking off the autopilot. Comps never should have been released that way. A very responsible move for the game.


I am sorry Mommy took the binky away boys and girls, but it will be ok.


*Corso* " .. now I'm deaf, dumb and dead ! .. "

Edited by Admiral_Cain
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leaving because of patch, i liked companions prior !


I have not played since first experiencing patch 4.02. I already paid for 3 months (of which close to 2 remain). I want to continue to play because I was really enjoying (finally) being able to experience a lot more of the content on my own (which is what I want ) which is why I am commenting - to voice my dismay at the state of the game - lured here with story and companions that did the job I asked of them (actually tanked reasonably well or heal when needed) and now dumped in a meat grinder where my frustration lead to an immediate rage quit.


Link to my rage quit rant - it's brief and to the point here

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Looks like they aren't coming back on this terrible nerf quickly enough.


I'm out too, but I'll be checking how long it takes them to clean up their latest mess. Might come back after, unless I get addicted to something else in the meantime.

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They are a company and their job is to make money for the company... by losing players they are not doing their jobs. what they need to do is stop nerffing and start fixing the game instead of making it worse like they just did with the last patch! so your ok with the changes they made? so your ok with servers losing around 30% of the population or more? There are way better games out there that have their **** together. I put up with their arrogants for far too long. no more...
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It wasn't just the nerf for me that made the decision. The whole thing is a mess. First there's the hilariously unbalanced comps released with 4.0. That should have been vetted in testing, yet wasn't. Then weeks of "it's working as intended". Followed finally with this ham-handed nerf. They deserve the flack they're getting imo.

At lease the timing was right, my account was set to bill tomorrow.

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I understand that the comps were OP and the balance needed to be adjusted but this is too much. It is clear that they are not in touch with their player base. Most of us are in guilds, this is true, but most of us also like to be able to play on our own as our lives dictate. If my guild is online then fine, but if they are not, then it is no longer fun, or in some cases possible, to run solo anymore. If you have a toon that is healer dependent (Marauder etc.) then you need a companion to run solo and heal for you or be prepared to take 4 x as long to clear heroics.


This update has killed the game for me as I am not interested in a slog-fest that is just not fun which, after all, is the purpose of a game? Bioware need to get their act together fast and respond to the communities wishes and increase the companions base stats. They do not need to be what they previously were but a 20-30% increase would balance things out nicely in my opinion.


If not, then in 30 days when my sub is up I will not be returning as there are plenty of other games out there that, at present, are more deserving of my time and money!

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Here's the thing - and this is just my opinion, not going to go on a rampage or anything...


BW has screwed up the "social" aspect of this game from the start. It was too easy, socially. No need to ever group up except for ops, and the occasional FP. I leveled 9 toons to 65 while doing very few heroics (at least at the appropriate level) and very few FPs.


And ok, I get they want this to change. A little late in the game now, but whatever. But you want to do it at the same time that you inrtoduce new story arcs that require us to do a whole crapload of H2s to unlock stuff? That was fine at first - but with the excessive nerf of companions, now it's just crazy.


You need what - close to 20 crates per specialist to get to a 10 influence with them to unlock the stuff that helps in the SF heroics. So that's 80 crates. Then you need 5 crates per planet to unlock the Heroics for the SFs. so we're looking in the neighborhood of 110 H2s, per character, and now you pretty much have to group up to do that - something that is just not a part of this game's culture.


So yeah, it's a shocker. And I'm not at all saying I want to just walk through these heroics and farm them, I don't might it being a challenge - but this is a bit of overkill...

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Here's the thing - and this is just my opinion, not going to go on a rampage or anything...


BW has screwed up the "social" aspect of this game from the start. It was too easy, socially. No need to ever group up except for ops, and the occasional FP. I leveled 9 toons to 65 while doing very few heroics (at least at the appropriate level) and very few FPs.


And ok, I get they want this to change. A little late in the game now, but whatever. But you want to do it at the same time that you inrtoduce new story arcs that require us to do a whole crapload of H2s to unlock stuff? That was fine at first - but with the excessive nerf of companions, now it's just crazy.


You need what - close to 20 crates per specialist to get to a 10 influence with them to unlock the stuff that helps in the SF heroics. So that's 80 crates. Then you need 5 crates per planet to unlock the Heroics for the SFs. so we're looking in the neighborhood of 110 H2s, per character, and now you pretty much have to group up to do that - something that is just not a part of this game's culture.


So yeah, it's a shocker. And I'm not at all saying I want to just walk through these heroics and farm them, I don't might it being a challenge - but this is a bit of overkill...


currently, bioware should add story mode for groups to run sf flashpoints. if your companions are under-ranked and you aren't geared up, solo mode is unless. and companions are dumb with boss mechanics. they don't avoid aoe circles or switch to kill adds

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currently, bioware should add story mode for groups to run sf flashpoints. if your companions are under-ranked and you aren't geared up, solo mode is unless. and companions are dumb with boss mechanics. they don't avoid aoe circles or switch to kill adds


Unfortunately, with 9 characters having to run about 130 weekly H2s each...there's no way I'm going to sit around and wait for groups to grind all that just to do SF H2s that don't really give you anything. Heck, I'm not going to do it even if they did give you something. So I guess my name can be added to the "if they don't fix it I'll unsub" list. It makes me sad - I had a great time leveling, I've enjoyed everything else, I've even done ok with dealing with the myriad of other glitches, bugs, and problems. But I just don't have the free time to sit around hoping to find groups just to unlock entry level end game content.

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Unfortunately, with 9 characters having to run about 130 weekly H2s each...there's no way I'm going to sit around and wait for groups to grind all that just to do SF H2s that don't really give you anything. Heck, I'm not going to do it even if they did give you something. So I guess my name can be added to the "if they don't fix it I'll unsub" list. It makes me sad - I had a great time leveling, I've enjoyed everything else, I've even done ok with dealing with the myriad of other glitches, bugs, and problems. But I just don't have the free time to sit around hoping to find groups just to unlock entry level end game content.


i hear you. bro.

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Depends, if they fix stuff before my sub runs out, I'll stay, if not then there are other games out there.


same here, I have already installed and started playing Star Trek Online and so far I am digging it so the longer this goes on the less likely SWTOR will be to retain me.

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I unsubbed due to both the companion nerf as well as the unbelievably bad design execution leading up to its supposed necessity.


This is why we test things extensively in real engineering. These video game designers seem to treat engineering principles like they're highly ignorable suggestions, if not completely ignorable things only other people do.


And so here we are, with one badly designed system being panicked over, overcorrected like it was baby's first time driving a real car and now the whole thing looks to me like a massive declaration of that they don't have one god blessed idea what they're even trying to do.


So, I've been back playing Secret World again, and as usual, it's been great. It isn't Star Wars, but it doesn't feel like I'm playing a game designed by people that yelled 'Screw fundamental engineering S&P, YOLO!!!' and brought us to this fiasco.


I mean, lets just crank companion power through the roof and then panic, make them worse than they ever were before anything had even been done to them and then promise to do something about it later.


What could possibly go wrong?

Edited by Uruare
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I am staying. They are working to fix things. The game is mostly playable and I'm not having difficulty with anything so far. Honestly, half my content is with other players, but my companions seem quite fine. Make sur ethey have a live barrel or hilt in their weapon. Equip them with it, check their damage heal numbers. Then dismiss them. Recall them. Look at the damage/heal number again. Viola.


So always a weapon with a hilt or barrel. Huge diff.

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I am staying. They are working to fix things. The game is mostly playable and I'm not having difficulty with anything so far. Honestly, half my content is with other players, but my companions seem quite fine. Make sur ethey have a live barrel or hilt in their weapon. Equip them with it, check their damage heal numbers. Then dismiss them. Recall them. Look at the damage/heal number again. Viola.


So always a weapon with a hilt or barrel. Huge diff.


hello, read the patch notes. companions do not depend on mods anymore.gear/weapons are cosmetic only. the influence point rank makes them more powerful. crank out the companion gifts.

Edited by DarkJediMage
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The whole "significant" companion


buff announcement for 4.0.3 after


the 50% nerf in 4.0.2 is a joke!


Does BW think we are too stupid


to notice the difference between


4.0.3 and 4.0.0?


My subscription cancellation persist!


"Who pays the piper, calls the tune"


I paid for the game and subscription,


and I want to determine how to balance it!


And not the other way around!


Simple customer / seller relationship!


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I am still seriously confused on why they shifted all the threads to keep companions healing effectively to the off topic. I see a thread in general "stop it anti nerfers" maybe more people enjoyed the game when the companions were OP. I know I leveled 5 alt inside of a month. I played literally all day and this one time I played all night. It was really fun. I thought that was the objective of the game.
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