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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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Between 4.0 and 4.0.2 i was having more fun than ever in SWTOR.


Right now...


Current Subscription: One Month Recurring Subscription

Next billing date: Subscription Canceled

Payment method: NONE

Subscription end date: 29 Jan 2016


Sadly I've already payed for a sub up to the end of January because i grabbed a few cheap timecards some time ago, but i won't be adding any more or renewing the sub until this stupid change is reverted.

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Been here since beta and the time since 4.0 was probably some of the most fun I've had running around stomping stuff finishing out Legendary. Canceling due to this. Yes, Heroic 2s are still doable. They are WAY less fun now. Edited by Seine
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Been here since beta and the time since 4.0 was probably some of the most fun I've had running around stomping stuff finishing out Legendary. Canceling due to this. Yes, Heroic 2s are still doable. They are WAY less fun now.


Yeah 42000 member id. Very early account. Were you subbed the entire time? I've seen a few posters now saying the have been subbed the entire time and are now canceling.

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Subscription cancelled.


It saddens me that it's come to this. I've been here since the beginning and thought I'd be here till the end, but unless BW takes some immediate action to find a mutually beneficial solution for this debacle I'll simply let my remaining time burn out.


That said, the false advertising, the bait and switch, and the utter lack of communication from them has left a lasting impression. Not sure how they can turn that aspect around for those impacted by their decisions.

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This is where I am on this , when I could control my healing comps gear I would gear them up in gear as good as mine to be able to pve content at my level with minimal down time. As it is now with this nerf a level affection 50 comp won’t heal me even between fights or during the multiple mobs in many heroics without using all the cooldowns available. Once and a while using cooldowns to stay alive is okay but waiting so they are up between pulls just ‘incase’ is not meeting the ‘fun’ criteria being that now we have no control over the comps gear other than affection which even at level 50 isn’t enough to meet even pre-KotFE ability.
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1st you nerf the level for the core planets now the companion.

was thinking of subscribing up to june next year but i think ill reduce that to next month. how on earth can we use the other companion we like as you say before kotfe that we can use the companion we want. now we can only use the companion with highest affection lol. you should at least bring back the gear for companion at least we can control the healing/damage for our companion.

Edited by iGreynz
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While I am not leaving yet, I am right pissed. I've been a sub since launch, preorder collector's edition, six months in beta. So, I have over 1000 presence... and my sorceress is getting her *** handed to her in KotFE content if I do anything other that just spam heals on my tank companion. The solo stuff. She's in full Yavin raid gear so shouldn't be this damn hard. Granted, she's a healer... Oh that's why. So it's let the companion do all the damage and just heal her... which means fights take FOR-EV-ER... or actually fight too and die. Not fun either way.


Were the companions too powerful? Honestly, yeah.


But what they did was not a balancing, it was a severe beat down.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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I enjoyed the 4.0 commpanions a lot. First time in SWTOR i had real fun doing solo questing fighting randomly gold mobs with silver adds, it was pure fun. But now its pure pain, i thought nice BW is taking care of casual players and gives us some content to enjoy solo, but imediatly the joy of playing is gone, and to be honest i was afraid that this could happen, because for 1.0, 2.0 3.0 it was not fun for me, so beenig fun for me now could only mean one of 3 things:


1. BW did this intentionaly so that newcomers and rejoiners could enjoy the game finaly


2. BW just messed up with some numbers and the nice usefull fun commpanions (for me fun) are a Bug


3. BW intentionally buffed them to catch our money and make us become viral about how fun and newbie friendly swtor is now, just to nerf the companions back to the point where they are useless and the whole casual newbie friendly experience is gone.


I hoped that the first one would be the true one and that im just over skeptic, but sadly it turns out now that BW's intentions wher more towards 2. or even worst 3.


Im planing to leav this game once and for all, i eaven dont care about the story anymore, if its not fun to play the story there is no rteason to pain through it just to say YES i have grinded and pained my *** through that.


I thought for players who love chalenges they have the HC and Group content like OP and HC FP.

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Companion nerf were a surprise for me. I read patch notes but never noriced that there. Had to respec my jugg to tank spec in order to do heroics solo, for me it is not that off an impcat, they still more powerfull the they were in pre-4.0 And I still take my favorite companions in heal mode (granted if companion is favorite I will have highest affection with them). But honestly I do miss that crazy fun of aggroing everything and just let me companion heal me through it. Now I have to pay attention again to rotation, what specc are more prefereable fow certain missions and field respecc helps, but I do miss crazy fun of facerolling stuff with companions. Since if I will want challenge I will go back to raiding and stuff
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PVP - Hunt with the group for be hunted as a pug, stopped playing that

GSF - No Pops

HM FP's - Impossible bosses and hours of wipes , stopped playing that

Leveling Toons - already did that long ago

SM Op's - Very long and time consuming, only able to play that when I have 2 hours free

Class Story - Can't complete SF H2 unless I have help, i'll probably do it once on one toon


Not worth a Sub anymore :(


I was really enjoying the new xpac and readily defended it when the game jumping guild members rotated back to swtor simply to take a dump on it and get people to go play whatever game they were playing. I actually enjoyed Rise of the Hutt Cartel, Dread Masters was a bit gothic, Shadow of Revan a bit contrived. Up until this patch I was overjoyed with the wealth of things you could now do independent of begging people to help with you complete their personal SF H2 mission.

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I'm not going to stop playing mainly because I have sunk too much money into this game by buying a subscription and Cartel Coins not to mention a laptop to play it on and honestly I'm getting a bit sick of getting shafted by this game everywhere I turn. I been a member since prior to the release of the game and for a long time I couldn't play it because of not being able to find the right computer to play it on now that I finally have I have missed out on things I'd have liked to have such as Revan's outfit which I can only afford to get two out of the five pieces of because people want to ask outrageous prices for the other three and while I try to gather and scrimp and save credits on it this nerfing of the companions is my final limit because when my original character gets on, who's a lvl 65, my friends who are lower lvl want to ask me to help them now because of the nerfing of the comps and they know it takes money to travel to planets and know I am trying to save up for Revan's outfit and it's ******** all because Bioware wants to be idiots. Me I am a role player I don't really care for PvP or **** like that I don't mind helping people out but this is ridiculous! I can't save up for this damn outfit and constantly jump from planet to planet to help my friends because of this stupid idea. It's like what the **** were you thinking Bioware? I'm not thrilled with the nerfing and they do need to either make it where it is either a choice that people can restore their comps to their prior glory or keep them as the patch made them or restore it all together because what the hell else is a companion in this game other then a helper? Now they're just pretty much useless... Nice job Bioware!


And yes before anyone says it I know I can refuse to help people but I don't want to be an *** just cause Bioware decided to be one and nerf the companions.


Oh, and I forgot to add the bad lagging issues, constant server booting (even when it's light [***?]), game glitches or bugs and bad service when putting in a bug report ticket that all you get is a "Sorry for inconvenience, we forwarded this because it is not our area thanks for the report go **** yourself as we close the ticket and not let you know if the issue has been handled.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Unsubbed, sadly the game is taking curves I do not agree with. The harsh companion nerf made me decide to pull sub. Got 16 toons into Kotfe, and that was a grindfest could not even finish my 17th toon. But seriously having a level 65 companion doing level 20 heal!?!? Kinda wish EA would turn the game over to Obsidian...
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I unsubbed because I had been enjoying the ability to experience all the game content solo, but with the nerfing of companions, I just don't see why I should keep paying money to not be able to access that content. I am the mother of an autistic child. That means that sometimes I have to stop playing immediately no matter what I am doing. I really can't expect a group to put up with that, so I don't. I also have a full time job and get called in to work without any warning, so the same thing applies. Soloing just works for that lifestyle. I am really sad to leave the game, but I really can't see paying for losing something I had before. I am a huge Bioware fan with a massive amount of money sunk into the Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchises and I played NWN and KOTOR as well. Yes, I'm a boring day job working 40 year old, go me. :p


I realize that there are other people who enjoy group content, and it's not a shouting match to me- we're going to disagree, and that's ok. I just wanted to give my response.

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Usually I sub for a month then quit, and resub again some time later when the situation improves and the game is more fun for me- but this time the companion nerf killed it for me. For a short time I was really enjoying the game enough to leave my subscription on for over a month at a time, it was fun being able to solo comfortably through most things without it feeling tedious.


Then bioware devs went against the majority and nerfed companions to hell. Whatever "fix" they do to bring the companions back to pre-nerf levels I no longer care about. They will just nerf them again when they want the game to be more tedious and grindy, they will buff them temporarily when new content is out, and nerf again when they feel like on the whim.


No more need be said from me, Bioware devs want to run the game this way, I have things I prefer to do my way and they are only compatible when the planets align only briefly- no more resubbing, it's pointless.

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I'm giving them until the first of the new year, at the latest, to find middle ground. If it continues, as it has for the past couple of days, to feel like an endless grind fest with crap rewards. Oh yes, I will unsub for the first time since launch.
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I have unsubbed due to these unnecessary changes. People wanted challenge they could have ran hm operative or heroics. It's always the hardcore minority that ruins it for the majority. Unless these changes are reverse or companions are reverted back to pre 4.0 that allows us to gear them, then I won't be playing swtor. Edited by Knockerz
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