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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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Why am I getting the feeling they bated us with OP bots then took them away from us to give us a taste of what they will be putting on the market next month so you can spend money to make them OP again??...


You are right :)


Majority dont see it but BW knew very well how good is companion effective healing or dps when KOFTE was released.

This was bate and switch tactic to get subs and it worked well.

Edited by Divona
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The person who pours the money into this game is John Q Public who had 3 hours a week to play and wants to look/feel like Luke Skywalker. If they aren't having fun, they will leave, and we'll have to deal with the consequences.


The most insightful post in the thread. What BioWare and the Raiders forgot

Edited by Atalantia
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I admit, I thought that companions were broken at 4.0 release and was waiting for a nerf. However I grew use to the playstyle and enjoyed it a lot. They let it go WAAAAY too long without addressing it even once, so I thought it really was going to stay. I canceled and my sub is up in 3 days. I also spent more RL $ on the CM then I care to admit, but unless there is a fast response I will probably be done for good this time.


Yes I realize this is an MMO but I loved the solo playstyle. I will go play something else, I ordered Shadows of Mordor, Battlefront, Dishonored, Bioshock Infintinte and Battlefield Hardline. Those should keep me busy for quite a while.

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Personally, I think it doesn't really affect me as much. It's not something I would quit over.


However, I do understand that people are quitting over this and I think it would be wise that BW take note of these responses.


One of Eric's responses clearly indicates the issue to me. Now I am not here to bash him but I do think it's symbolic of what's going on here. He said, and I paraphrase, that they went a bit too far with making companions powerful.


My reply to that was that I find it hard to see logic in "a bit too far" and a 50% healing nerf as a consequence. When something is nerfed by 50% it simply isn't "a bit".


But in the hopes of BW getting what people are saying, perhaps I can offer to BW that they went "a bit too far" with this nerf and it's something that anyone could've seen from miles away that this would not go over well with many people.


Again, I personally have little to worry about with this nerf since I'll manage, but I do understand how this could be an issue for many people and to be honest I had no problem with how the healer companions were before this patch.


All in all, I think it would be good to meet people half way and I wish you'd done that from the start. Making the pendulum swing both ways a few times only causes people to stop enjoying the game...just different people depending on which way you let it swing. Staying closer to the middle from the start just upsets fewer people.


That would seem logical to me.

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Why am I getting the feeling they bated us with OP bots then took them away from us to give us a taste of what they will be putting on the market next month so you can spend money to make them OP again??...


I don't know about putting something on CM to make them OP again, but we were baited.

Brilliant marketing strategy. All of us singing the praises of how SWTOR was fun! Having our friends/old guildies re-up! Spending much cash in CM.

I did have fun. Much fun. I'm sad it's over.

We all should have known the nerf bat was about to swing. SOP for SWTOR.

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I've been a sub since 11.16.11. I've enjoyed the game through all of the ups and downs. This particular down bothers me. More specifically, the degree in which this change was executed. BW/EA are in charge of this game and they have the right to do with it what they choose to do. They are under no obligation to explain their decisions to anyone. Good customer service would dictate that communication of changes would be prudent and in their best interest to keep the game profitable.


With that being said. The manner in which this change came down, I fully disagree with. Especially after the datamined information was released. Eric was obviously wanting to put out the fire by saying that the datamined information is incorrect. The truth of the matter is that the datamined info was 100% accurate. I would say that the change is actually worse than it sounded.


I fully disagree with Bioware's handling of this situation and that is where my issue lies. The change it's self doesn't bother me, although I do not like it but as I said it's their game they can do what they want, it's the manner in which this change was communicated and addressed that has irritated me. My sub runs out Dec 4. I'll decide what to do Dec 3. If nothing changes by then there are plenty of other games that have better communicationI enjoy playing that can have my money.

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Unsubbing and leaving the game too, as well as a lot of guildies.

I don't understand why few companies suddenly take the worst decision and decide to kill their game ? it reminds me some bad memories bout other MMOs i've played so i already know what will happen here.

They had a chance to hook new players with the new SW movie hype this year and yet they failed.

Changing a fun gameplay to a frustrating one always lead to a massive loss of subscribers and new players that will try this game won't subscribe either once they start to struggle and being frustrated.

Just hope they have enough elitist subs to sustain this game...

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As someone else said, its not the nerf in itself , its rather the straw the broke the camels back


i dont think i will never come back again, but i certainly will not subscribe at least for a while, when i dont find something entertaining i just drop it.


More than anything its the fact that those who cried their eyes out to nerf companions for everyone could simply dismiss them or diactivate their abilities if they wanted more "challenge" without bending anyone over , but not only i am positive they never did so, they wanted everyone to play the way they like to play, and that mindset was adopted by BW , THAT is what i simply cannot , i am un willing to take, the attitude of a brat forced down upon cause they cried the louder.


I enjoyed the game more than i have enjoyed any game (let alone mmo) for many years now, but the above mindset as i said above and not the nerf in itself spoils everything for me, so for NOW , i am out , and my wallet follows.

Edited by heretus
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I have unsubbed no longer any fun for me as a solo player.


It was fun running through mob after mob not caring about my health, it made me feel like a bad *** sith/jedi/bounty hunter or whatever the hell I decided to be that day. Now I feel like a child holding my first weapon as daddy pulls out his wooden paddle and spanks my ***. I didn't ask to be like this dad!



... wait I think I lost my train of thought....


Oh well I think you get it, unsubbed will keep an eye out to see if it gets fixed.

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I haven't made a decision on keeping my Sub going or not atm, Because I haven't been able to get the game to work properly yet. After the download and patch problems I was finally able to get the game to re-download it's self entirely, but found once I entered the game I was moving very slowly, even with sprint active, as well as when I was on a Speederbike. I noticed several others on the fleet station that seemed to be suffering the same effects.


That being said here's my take on it.


I played this game in Beta, did the whole pre-order deal as well as playing on the test server. I came back because I had heard the fanfare about this game while I was playing another MMO (DP's, it's dead now) I found I liked the changes to the game and was very happy playing it (Pre 4.xx) After getting used to the game again I joined a very awesome guild and was pleased all around.


Shadows of Revon comes along and I forked out the $20 for it and all is right with the MMO world....And then!


POW! Right off the bat Crafting takes a huge down grade, you can't make any gear over lvl 56 (Augments the exception). No more modded gear recipes, we now call it Adaptive Gear and allow all types to wear it, even a Tank can wear a skirt now, ok so be it. Companions become very useful in the daily grind of the end game, I knew it was all too good to be true. Small annoying bugs start popping up (not game breakers, just annoying) but hey that's to be expected as with any new expansion. Now 4.02 and the game becomes the pariah of the universe in 24 hour.


I guess what I am trying to say is that not all people who play this game enjoy the added stress of a "Better Challenge". Games are meant to be a way to release the stress of life for a lot of us. I'm 55 yo and disabled. I play this game with many others that are in the same situation as me. We have no interest in our accomplishments in a game to define us, that is what we do in the real world. None of the players in an MMO are so called "Professionals" Unless you're getting paid to play, that's what defines a Professional, it's a game, stop touting off like it's a life time achievement of deeds of heroism for pete sakes. Try to understand your PoV is not the only one that counts, unless your the one paying for everyone Else's sub fee's, then your opinion carries more weight.


BW is going to have to deal with this soon , or the games population is going to take a more then mediocre fall, and will most likely cause a cascading effect in the next few weeks or even days. I know people on both sides of this issue have strong feelings, but casting insults back and forth are not going to get any of these issue fixed for either sides interests. I've seen a lot of constructive feedback from those with cooler heads who offer solutions to this issue, and they're the ones people should be paying attention to, not the ones who feel anger towards each other to a non - constructive end. I hope this gets ironed out soon. But if not!


I came here looking for something to play, and I can leave doing the same thing. Just seems a shame with the up-comming new Movie out in Dec, that they would have all this bad press coming out of the Game with it's namesake, not to mention the New Star War's Battlefront game release...Hmmm wonder if that has anything to do with it?




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You mean
? Well... mission accomplished, I guess. :eek:


Insightful post.


That clip made me laugh...hard. I also appreciate the poster you quoted...it's profoundly insightful...an end-game raider who understands the diversity of the player base, or rather what the majority of the player base is comprised of and the possible impact if that player group is lost.


I fall into that 'casual gamer' category. I've been here since the beginning and have continued to support this game (with time, money, and positive PR) regardless of some of the decisions made and implemented by the devs. I have the financial resources to maintain a subscription even if I don't play for a month/month(s) because of RL commitments. I have financial resources to buy CM whatever items that I like.


Just like all changes, I was willing to adapt to the revamp 4.0 brought...and I was pleasantly surprised by how much enjoyment those changes brought to ME. I had more fun in the first month of 4.0 than in the 2 years that preceded it.


Not once since Day 1 of early access of this game have I ever thought about unsubbing.


Congratulations, Bioware/Devs/Whoever my money goes to, you have remedied that.


That's not a threat...it's a simple reality of not only the changes you made with this patch and it's impact on my gaming experience (i.e. Is it fun? No.)...but also all the issues ignored by this patch, the issues with the implementation of the patch, the indication that these changes were a response to a vocal minority...the list goes on.


But maybe more importantly it's your shockingly poor business practices. I've never really paid attention to how you operate until now because frankly, I haven't cared. But you chose to revamp the game, send it in a new direction, and advertise the hell out of it...that got my attention.


Then on the heels of an expansion that had revitalized the game to some degree (for me it had revitalized tremendously), you roll a hand grenade into your own living room - implementing untested changes, not fixing critical bugs, disconnection with your playerbase, absent or ineffective customer service, poor customer relations, complete void of communication, broken promises, false advertising, possible bait and switch strategy...I mean damn.


I chuckle at all the those spouting the "you're a whiny, lazy, special-snowflake, noob who needs to L2P and be challenged" line.


Your definition of fun and mine are clearly different.


Your definition of challenge and mine are clearly different.


I don't have the desire or inclination to try to justify to you why my perspective is valid.


Not sure if anything you do at this point will change my ultimate decision, but you may want to choose wisely how you navigate through this...it may cost you more than you anticipate or what your metrics can predict. And whatever your response is, time is of the essence.

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Hey guys, I think fallout 4 is a game too hard for you, companions aren't strong and can't heal you. On Fallout 4 you have to use your brains and tactics to play. I suggest you to play at Candy Crash.


Hehe, u really have no idea..do u?

I guess most of us that unsub's today have followed the game in the ups and downfall, from the start. And spent a lot of money and for what.. No saying to the developers. It comes to a point where u pass the point of no return.


Guess u will follow us, u just don't know it yet..:)

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Hehe, u really have no idea..do u?

I guess most of us that unsub's today have followed the game in the ups and downfall, from the start. And spent a lot of money and for what.. No saying to the developers. It comes to a point where u pass the point of no return.


Guess u will follow us, u just don't know it yet..:)


I've played this game from the beta and I think that all this complains for a nerf is ridiculus.

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Hehe, u really have no idea..do u?

I guess most of us that unsub's today have followed the game in the ups and downfall, from the start. And spent a lot of money and for what.. No saying to the developers. It comes to a point where u pass the point of no return.


Guess u will follow us, u just don't know it yet..:)


^ This right here. It isn't just the companion issues...Its the collection of issues that get scoffed at are attacked by all those who know better then I do, what I ENJOY.

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I have also cancelled my sub, but it has nothing to do with the companions lol.. Its more to do with the lack of content that is appealing and also requires a sub.


Im not quitting, though, just going preferred.


I have been on fleet the past few days going up to random people (who arent f2p, but dont have a lot of achievements) and try to trade them 500k-1mil each. I feel like santa. :o

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will not renew... i'm stressed enough from work, I need to relax when playing (and kotfe was presented as more casual)... I'll leave this to you youngsters :(


I guess i'll have more budget for the steam chistmas sales now :D

Edited by Blablablero
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I think I am finally done as well. I came back for the story, which was good. It's not just the companion thing..it's the way they operate. Bring something in that is too good, get people to buy, then nerf it into the ground. If the "SlotGate" debacle didn't teach them anything, well I have to wonder about their sanity. If these things had been properly tested before, we wouldn't be dealing with yet another *****torm.
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^ This right here. It isn't just the companion issues...Its the collection of issues that get scoffed at are attacked by all those who know better then I do, what I ENJOY.




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