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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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I think all this thread is kinda sad, I understand being angry with a change but unsubbing because of one change, when they already said they were opened to do more tweaks to adjust things is imo immature and not constructive.


You aren't 5 years olds throwing a tantrum because you didn't get the gift you wanted for Christmas.


Instead post your character data (level, class, spec, gear rating, ...), your companion name, influence rank, stance and which content you can't do anymore and it will help devs to tweak companions to a better state.


You were liking this game, give proper feedback and they will adjust better the change, enabling you to continue to have fun...


What is sad to me is how Bioware continues to shoot themselves in the foot and piss off large swaths of players time and time again.


Companions never should have gone live as they did, that they did speaks volumes about the poor quality of Bioware's design and development process.


Since they did allow companions to go live as they did, more communication with the players and nuanced changes should have been done to reach a 'balanced' state.


Staying silent for a month and only acknowledged the changes the day before the patch after data miners posted up all the information, along with the magnitude of the changes with a 'give us feedback after it goes live', is again indicative of the poor quality of Bioware's design and development process.


Am I cancelling because of this? No.


Does the change itself really bother me a lot? Not really, I don't do a lot of non-group stuff.


Does Bioware's poor handling of this from release through today bother me? Yes, as again their poor communication and execution is going to drive off players - and I don't think losing players is a good thing.

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Has anyone posted the obvious flaw with such a poll? Unhappy people come and post on the forums much more frequently than happy people. The former being stuck or just not having fun, and the latter too busy playing the game. The real indication of how well the change is received will be in the numbers that only BW has in regard to how many are unsubbing, just not doing the heroics, etc, or actually continuing to do all that stuff.


Anyways. So far I'm happy with the nerf. Solo stuff is still easy. Planetary H2s are still easy, but you can die in certain situations. I played around in a SF H2 this morning, trash pulls are still easy, first champion was noticeably more challenging, but still within the easy range for me. I'm the type that enjoys some challenge even in solo stuff. As a comparision, at level 60 with a mix of 192/198 gear augmented, I thought Oricon's H2 was pretty fun, both challenging and possible.


On a positive note, it seems that they are open to the idea of tweaking companions back up a bit until they get it right, so keep voicing opinions.


It would be pretty cool to see BW do a live stream, soloing heroics including the SFs with some set guidelines such as gear rating, presence, and companion influence.

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And unhappy people are now coming to whine at the forum in a storm of fire.


There really should be a game for elitists and a game for casuals. You can't have one that is fun for both.


This one can not decide which one it wants to be. First it goes all solo game for casuals, than it goes hardcore smugs' korean grind.


Time to unsub.

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I think all this thread is kinda sad, I understand being angry with a change but unsubbing because of one change, when they already said they were opened to do more tweaks to adjust things is imo immature and not constructive.


You aren't 5 years olds throwing a tantrum because you didn't get the gift you wanted for Christmas.


Instead post your character data (level, class, spec, gear rating, ...), your companion name, influence rank, stance and which content you can't do anymore and it will help devs to tweak companions to a better state.


You were liking this game, give proper feedback and they will adjust better the change, enabling you to continue to have fun...


Tweak? Tweak is what you do when its mostly there but just needs a bit of adjustment, what they did is take a truck and turn it into a mini, it needs far more than a tweak!

Essentially it has taken the fun out of game, along with the other changes brought with the expac, what they could have done was drop a 20% nerf, people wouldnt be happy but the majority would have just worn it, and then tweaked it, I am seeing 1400 crit heals from Lana at 14 inf, 1400.... down from what 12-14k... you do the math.

Tweak my @#$

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What is sad to me is how Bioware continues to shoot themselves in the foot and piss off large swaths of players time and time again.


Companions never should have gone live as they did, that they did speaks volumes about the poor quality of Bioware's design and development process.


Since they did allow companions to go live as they did, more communication with the players and nuanced changes should have been done to reach a 'balanced' state.


Staying silent for a month and only acknowledged the changes the day before the patch after data miners posted up all the information, along with the magnitude of the changes with a 'give us feedback after it goes live', is again indicative of the poor quality of Bioware's design and development process.


Am I cancelling because of this? No.


Does the change itself really bother me a lot? Not really, I don't do a lot of non-group stuff.


Does Bioware's poor handling of this from release through today bother me? Yes, as again their poor communication and execution is going to drive off players - and I don't think losing players is a good thing.


Well, yes that's sad too but I think changing how EA/BW work is beyond our reach. 4.0 and 4.0.2 are indeed proof of mismanagement, bad communication, bad QA, ...


The only thing we can do imo is to give constructive feedback to finally reach an acceptable state through multiple iterations of buffs and nerfs...that's why I tried to redirect people to more constructive ways...

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Was just chatting to a friend of mine who plays over on another server and he informed me that he was leaving and that, already, 9 of his guild mates had left.



I guess if they react to data, then this data is going to hit their bank balance.



Until they fix this mess and finally ignore the ignorant minority of elitist kids, then I'm afraid they deserve everything they get...

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Go look at the developer tracker. Eric said to let them know if Heroics aren't soloable anylonger for you, indicating they were open to adjusting the nerf.


Thanks mate. I'll go take a look as soon as my missus stops chatting about life and crap :p

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Well with the mixed opinions and anger going around. why not a thread for all those who are leaving over these unpopular changes. Post here if you are quitting, leaving.


The last time i made a post similar to this back in late 2005. the replies numbered in the thousands. fortunately while this patch is creating a lot of anger, it does not meet the severity of that infamous change.


I haven't unsubbed yet. If this isn't addressed VERY soon I will, just like many others. I will give them a week tops then I'm done.

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Has anyone posted the obvious flaw with such a poll? Unhappy people come and post on the forums much more frequently than happy people. The former being stuck or just not having fun, and the latter too busy playing the game. The real indication of how well the change is received will be in the numbers that only BW has in regard to how many are unsubbing, just not doing the heroics, etc, or actually continuing to do all that stuff.


Anyways. So far I'm happy with the nerf. Solo stuff is still easy. Planetary H2s are still easy, but you can die in certain situations. I played around in a SF H2 this morning, trash pulls are still easy, first champion was noticeably more challenging, but still within the easy range for me. I'm the type that enjoys some challenge even in solo stuff. As a comparision, at level 60 with a mix of 192/198 gear augmented, I thought Oricon's H2 was pretty fun, both challenging and possible.


On a positive note, it seems that they are open to the idea of tweaking companions back up a bit until they get it right, so keep voicing opinions.


It would be pretty cool to see BW do a live stream, soloing heroics including the SFs with some set guidelines such as gear rating, presence, and companion influence.


there's no flaw in it.. it's called sampling! of course only unhappy people will voice their disappointment, thanks mr obvious. those unhappy people who voice their disappointment is a sample and from that you can deduce if not very accurately, what the majority of the populating thinks.


the way I see it, the majority thinks this nerfing is stupid and totally out of proportion.

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I haven't unsubbed yet. If this isn't addressed VERY soon I will, just like many others. I will give them a week tops then I'm done.


I hovered over the account page this morning and decided I would do the same, too.



I love this game and I love Star Wars (being 7 years old when the first film came out and still owning every figure and almost every ship they released) and so, I truly want this to be fixed.



I'll try to take Obi-Wan's optimistic words and use them for myself: "He will learn patience..."

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Was just chatting to a friend of mine who plays over on another server and he informed me that he was leaving and that, already, 9 of his guild mates had left.



I guess if they react to data, then this data is going to hit their bank balance.



Until they fix this mess and finally ignore the ignorant minority of elitist kids, then I'm afraid they deserve everything they get...


Yeah. I'm just going to log in a little and role play from now on. I have subbed since 12XP was in, now its time to stop.


Wait..... this is all an evil plot by Games Workshop to get my subscription money! Oh, no, I'm just being paranoid, it is just BW being unprofessional and dumb. Oh whew!

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I used to be able to do all the daily Sec X stuff because I really want to get that pub armor. Can no longer do them all. Was having a blast doing the fortress missions. Can no longer do them. Not going to re-up my sub. If they put it back to where it was, I'll come back. Otherwise I'm done.
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Re-subbued for 4.0, unsubbed yesterday. Really sad about it too, I was having so much fun.


I dont plan on re-subbing unless the change is either reverted or some sort of compromise is met. They literally went from one extreme to another. Im not in denial about the companions being too strong before the patch, but now its a joke.


Tough decision for me to make, was loving the story and really looking forward to the next chapter. Huge Star Wars fan. Such a shame.

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You can't force those to group who don't want to. I wish the Pro Nerf crowd vocal minority would simply been quiet. They kept misleading the community with words like optional. Turned into a mandatory nerf.


I love how we keep getting blamed for this like Bioware even cares what gets said on these forums and can't see tens of thousands of people moonwalking through missions that are supposed to be hard for themselves. :rolleyes:

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Before the announcement of KotfE I was actually close to cancelling my sub, then they announced it, and I thought I'd give it a go, and I ended up having more fun in the game then I've had in long time. This patch just returned tedium to the game for me, so I've just cancelled my sub.
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I love how we keep getting blamed for this like Bioware even cares what gets said on these forums and can't see tens of thousands of people moonwalking through missions that are supposed to be hard for themselves. :rolleyes:


4yo missions that you out leveled in the first few months of game play, weeks even, are NOT supposed to be hard, they have been deliberately made that way to cover for the complete lack of content to do after current end chapter, and here you are defending that.


Yes they needed a nerf, but not anywhere near what was done.


Anyway i unsubbed and am still here hoping they come to their senses, its not just the nerf, but the general "feeling" of the way we have been treated.

Off to bed now, was hoping to at least see a statement from them in the hours since the forums exploded..

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I love how we keep getting blamed for this like Bioware even cares what gets said on these forums and can't see tens of thousands of people moonwalking through missions that are supposed to be hard for themselves. :rolleyes:


Really. And this elitist stuff and so forth. The funniest one is this thing about players who spend loads on cartel coins or are kiddos at home or something. Wait, what?


I still think the OP companions should have never launched, thats what caused this mess more than anything - lack of testing. But it was an obviously needed adjustment - and at least they showed the courage to get it done.


But the forum had become toxic, and I'm starting to think that - as much as the game needs these people's money for production and so forth and as much as I care about that....that maybe it really is better off without some of these folks.


I really hate to say that. Hopefully they'll keep Treek strong for those people. And make a really strong, expensive Jar Jar Binks pet for them too. I'm all for them staying and having the game they want.

Edited by ryoutou
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