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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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I allready had just 3 month. With 4.0 I had alot of fun to grind reputation, influence or farm unlooks.


While the add-on was very disapointing (NO side quests, NO dailys, nearly empty new planet, tunnel-vision main quests (no need to search, there is just one braindead way)) allready and only the StarBases (you can't even walk around on Odessa!!).


The only cool aspect was the new Compenion System. Which is now DESTROYED!


I will not buy any more month even if the missing Chepters come. I will watch the next content via YouTube and that's it.

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I have gotten 3 characters out of 14 to lvl 10 alliance only 1 has lvl 20. the grind is real and now they have slowed it way down to the point I don't want to do it.


I only have one of them at alliance 10 (Annihilation Marauder). Than I used her to send the boxes to the other alt (Hatred assassin) so that one can have alliance 10 as well. I'm not bothering with that any more.


I can just check people on steam and events on ebonhawk enjin for rp, and just scrap the PVE. And I was thinking I felt like getting into ops with Kotfe. Hah.


Alts are nice because they offer a different playstyle to spice things up.

Edited by PallyHk
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Now imagine that grind for 13 more alts!

As I said earlier, that's not a companion issue, but a game design issue... redoing the same all over again just for grind isn't fun, OP companions aren't a valid answer to that.


My merc will probably be my next 65 toon, without even starting KoTFE, just to play her. She already has 1000 green crystals, so it won't be too hard to take her to Ops where I don't feel ready to tank or heal.

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I am done with it after this companion nerf. The amount of H2s you have to do to grind up your alliance etc just became beyond annoying. With the pre-nerf companions, killing all that gold and silver trash could be done in a reasonable amount of time. Not anymore. Can still be done but takes far, far longer due to healer companion not being able to keep up on many trash mob pulls. I was having fun pre-nerf, now it is just a slow, painfully boring slog.


Got my alliance up to influence 18 pre-nerf and Lana up to influence 31. Now she is worthless as a healer, pre 4.0 Treek was doing better at keeping my health up against on level opponents.


My sub runs out next month, not renewing it and likely won't be in game much between now and then, time to find something else to play.

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As I said earlier, that's not a companion issue, but a game design issue... redoing the same all over again just for grind isn't fun, OP companions aren't a valid answer to that.


My merc will probably be my next 65 toon, without even starting KoTFE, just to play her. She already has 1000 green crystals, so it won't be too hard to take her to Ops where I don't feel ready to tank or heal.


I agree thats why I have said many times on different or maybe this one to that they needed to fix some other things before going nerf crazy. I agree they were op and it hid some of the bugs but they are now broken for many players. Like 0 armor for tanks and no shield rating.

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I just canceled. If they would have done this nerf 10 days earlier I would have saved $120 in cartel coins and not resubscribed. I was already upset and felt robbed over worthless hypercrates but nerf to companions is too much. They made questing and dailys so much better.
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I actually cancelled before the last patch because the game was pathetically easy, and told them that in my exit feedback. I was always able to solo H2s even with my "meh" gear, but I had to at least pay attention. 4.0 made them a total faceroll joke. Can't really say I'm surprised they went overboard and made them worse than before 4.0 lol
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I actually cancelled before the last patch because the game was pathetically easy, and told them that in my exit feedback. I was always able to solo H2s even with my "meh" gear, but I had to at least pay attention. 4.0 made them a total faceroll joke. Can't really say I'm surprised they went overboard and made them worse than before 4.0 lol


Where did you provide said feedback?

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Unsubbed. Nerf was needed, but this is ridiculoous. To all you guys who say its perfectly fine, go and create a new character without legacy perks and do voss/belsavis heroics on lvl. See how much fun it is.


Sick of people who do sub 65 heroics with legacy unlocks saying all is fine. It isnt. Not everyone has 900 free presence from legacy unlocks.

Edited by evilisgood
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You know EA always listens to the minority voice cause its loudest.


I'm not going away, and staying subbed can still troll pvp for kicks, and besides on break playing Fallout 4, so hopefully by the time I'm done with many playthroughs of that tor will be balanced.


And sorry that I don't consider Bioware and EA different from one another, don't live in that fantasy land that some think bioware is its own corp still.

Edited by Talosred
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I have not quit or unsubbed but I am still on the fence about if I will renew my sub for another 6 months come December.


I still stand by what I have said about the nerf being excessively overdone - companion healing needed some tweaks with a set of tweezers, instead it got a sledge hammer.

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I think all this thread is kinda sad, I understand being angry with a change but unsubbing because of one change, when they already said they were opened to do more tweaks to adjust things is imo immature and not constructive.


You aren't 5 years olds throwing a tantrum because you didn't get the gift you wanted for Christmas.


Instead post your character data (level, class, spec, gear rating, ...), your companion name, influence rank, stance and which content you can't do anymore and it will help devs to tweak companions to a better state.


You were liking this game, give proper feedback and they will adjust better the change, enabling you to continue to have fun...

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People are actually quitting because they removed something whch literally didn't exist a month ago. OP comps


This reminds me of that flight story Ck Louis told about losing internet.


I guess you really don't get it then. The Alliance is a grind, There was no alliance before, so there was no grind . Now grind feels even longer. and companions are not as good as they were before 4.0 so ya they broke it.

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Well with the mixed opinions and anger going around. why not a thread for all those who are leaving over these unpopular changes. Post here if you are quitting, leaving.


The last time i made a post similar to this back in late 2005. the replies numbered in the thousands. fortunately while this patch is creating a lot of anger, it does not meet the severity of that infamous change.


There was a feeling of satisfaction back in the day when I soloed the Oricon H2 when it first came out. Hell, I even soloed The Observer on Makeb when the level cap was 55. Facerolling content is stupid and there should be a challenge to this game. I understand people wanting to play SWTOR as a single player game, I bought the game with the intention of playing solo, but it's so much better when you find friends to play with. H2's too hard? Make a friend or maybe don't play MMO's, yes?

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You know EA always listens to the minority voice cause its loudest.

This has nothing to do with vocal minority, it's all about instant-60 new players.


OP companions were intended for a limited time and I have yet to see the nerf but I don't trust all the whine.

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This has nothing to do with vocal minority, it's all about instant-60 new players.


OP companions were intended for a limited time and I have yet to see the nerf but I don't trust all the whine.


Didn't fully read your reply but thanks for agreeing with me.

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