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Companion nerf, slot machine all over again....


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Well, this is an MMO. Why are you playing it? Just what do you do end-game?



Just because my end-game doesn't include raids and whatnot doesn't mean that I'm not having fun doing what I'm doing. I'm still really new so I have a tons of other things to do including all the other classes that I haven't even looked at yet (only two at max level right now.) , plus with the alliance stuff I keep myself pretty busy. The option is there for me TO DO end game content if I want to, but now the solo content that I was having fun with has been turned into something that isn't fun or enjoyable.


Like other's have said, companions weren't even used in end game stuff, so why the huge smash to the skull for those of us that enjoyed running around and doing things on our own?


MMO doesn't mean force people to play with each other. It's a nice option to have if you like that style, but not everyone plays the same way.

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Really? I find that ironic. You have ZERO problems ruining the game for the majority of players, because you think things are too easy, but that's okay? Yeah, right.


I'm not trying to insult you, so sorry if it somehow happens. I'm just trying to answer that question, as fair as I can.


I find it extremely hard to sympathize with lazy people. There is no "I can't", most of the time it's "I don't want". Especially when it comes to games. And if you don't want to do something, why do you think you shoud still get the reward for it? How is your lazyness an excuse for you to demand something?


A lot of people here act like this game is impossibly hard. You know what's hard? Making math model of an engine. Writing multi-thread programm on C++. And actually, even those things aren't THAT hard - as long as you want to do them, instead of sitting back and whining "I can't do that, it's too difficult".


So what's your excuse for refusing to learn rules of quite simple game? It takes almost no effort to be competent here - it just takes a bit of learning. So is it something you simply refuse to do? If so, then for me your concerns and demands are immediately nullified. That's why I don't care about you when I ask for balancing changes. Sorry, for me it looks like you didn't deserve it.


Sorry again if I offended you.

Edited by Frenesi
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So what's your excuse for refusing to learn rules of quite simple game? It takes almost no effort to be competent here - it just takes a bit of learning. So is it something you simply refuse to do? If so, then for me your concerns and demands are immediately nullified. That's why I don't care about you when I ask for balancing changes. Sorry, for me it looks like you didn't deserve it.


Sorry again if I offended you.


My irritation has little to do with that. It's the time investment. I've got no problem with things being challenging at the start, but repetitive tasks should get easier and more convenient, not remain static.


I mean, crap, if you're a raider, the 20th time you kill a boss, you're not sitting there going 'oh man that is still such a rush!', you're sitting there going 'please dear $deity, let $damn_thing finally drop and me win the roll so I never have to see this $explicative again'


There's what, somewhere on the order of 30 to 40 heroic weeklies? And toss in the 5 weekly flashpoints, and the 6 weekly SF's..... for a time limited player, making that stuff more difficult is a bad decision.


I'm not done patching yet, so I can't tell how bad it is, but if they've made it significantly more difficult (which means more time consuming), then I will probably un-sub.


Here's how that's bad for the game -


#1 - Loss of Income for developer

#2 - Loss of in game income for other players (If I'm not playing, I'm not buying your stuff)

#3 - Loss of item injection into economy (if I'm not playing, I'm not getting stuff I can't use/don't want, and then putting it up for other people to buy)


Loss of subs hurts the game. Nobody wants to be challenged all the time, it wears you down. Sometimes it's nice to cut back and just go blow some stuff up, and if I can make some credits, get some gear, and it's not terribly challenging, then that's ok, it doesn't hurt the folks at the top of the game, and I'm having fun, which means I'll stay subbed, which is good for the game.

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I am not the worst player in the world (42k achieves and all HM op achieves) Musco siad that all H2's should be easily soloable. They have f***** up on an epic scale this time.!


Eric did not say that H2's should still be easily soloable.


What he said was (underlining is my emphasis)


Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




Which is found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8622573#edit8622573


So maybe I missed a post in the Dev Tracker, but please point me to where he said that H2's would absolutely remain easy to solo. He stated very clearly that they might be more challenging now.

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I think people need to be careful about calling other lazy because they don't like the same thing. What is fun to one person is boring to another. For me doing something over and over like the heroic ruin any challenge they once had. After all I have learned how to do them and it then becomes boring.


At least for me if I have to grind them all the time, for the new alliance system, I want to do them fast and quick so I can get back to other content I want to do. I get some people might want it to always be hard and that fine but not everyone wants that. That doesn't make them lazy it simple mean they like different play styles and want something different from the game. Personally I think this game has more casual players who will be turned off by this change. I could be wrong and only time will tell. I'm not saying they didn't need to be tuned down some but I think they went to far.


I just wish they would instead have add a debuff that would have made thing harder for players looking for more of a challenge. They could even give achievements and titles for accomplishing thing with the debuff on. This way everyone happy.

Edited by TheSeer
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2 things.


1. use of those alliance items automatically negates ability to get "One and only"

2. judging by your health you have mostly if not completely 220 gear with possibly a few 224 pieces in addition to being fully augmented. (and since you don't have alliance buffs - i know this to be your actual health, not buffed health.)


that tells me that you either ground up a lot of those purple crystals that buy highest possible level vendor gear... or more likely - you run hardmode ops. successfully enough and regularly enough to be that well geared. which tells me that you skill level is at the upper end of the curve.


solo/small group content should NOT be tuned to people like you.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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2 things.


1. use of those alliance items automatically negates ability to get "One and only"

2. judging by your health you have mostly if not completely 220 gear with possibly a few 224 pieces in addition to being fully augmented. (and since you don't have alliance buffs - i know this to be your actual health, not buffed health.)


that tells me that you either ground up a lot of those purple crystals that buy highest possible level vendor gear... or more likely - you run hardmode ops. successfully enough and regularly enough to be that well geared. which tells me that you skill level is at the upper end of the curve.


solo/small group content should NOT be tuned to people like you.


I don't think you realize how bad xalk is

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says the guildie and co-gm with Revanchist title.


yeah, I'm familiar with that particular meaning of "bad" when used by top progression raiders.


well technically xalk is our tank and we don't let him dps for a reason.


i mean its like technically erodoeht can heal, kaerie can dps and tank, Beastfury can heal and d'buenos can tank but theres a reason groups don't let them do it

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I live in a time zone where our prime time is long after almost everyone else's. You can hear your footsteps echo in the deserted hallways of fleet and planets when I'm on. This nerf just put the game back into a "What's the point mode?" Tweaking was necessary. This is decimation. Spending hours wandering around trying to raise a group on a deserted planet or fleet isn't called for.


And try it as someone working third shift. :(

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well technically xalk is our tank and we don't let him dps for a reason.


i mean its like technically erodoeht can heal, kaerie can dps and tank, Beastfury can heal and d'buenos can tank but theres a reason groups don't let them do it


At least I can actually pull beast numbers unlike a certain slinger m8 :rak_04:

Edited by WiththeForc
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Tested a rnk 32 lana on heroics in hoth ,


Results , as a helper you could not even notice she was healing , basically totally worthless.


As a tank , ya this was a freaking joke wet paper bag , if i sent her into a 4 pull she got owned so fast i had to spam heals like mad on her. I actually put her away and Aoe groups while shielding myself to finish that heroic it was much easier and more efficient , so i guess the advice that used to be given to put comps away is now spot on.


Then i switched to dps mode since the patch notes didnt say it was getting a nerf , i figured id be fine with a dps companion my lana was a beast before the patch. Nope she didnt kill anything , i managed to kill everything before the one silver mob she was on died.


This is all as a heals spec Sage btw.


I already unsubed and left them feedback in the appropriate threads , and in my exit commentary box , but im just pissed that a game i was having so much fun playing yesterday is hardly playable today.

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Don't worry people of this thread. After much deliberation, I and my 10 other Co-GMs have decided that we shall open up sales for The Star Fortress. Please apply not by the site in my sig thanks to Ero being a tight arse and refusing to pay for a site no body uses anymore, but by PMing Kai or Hercus on The Harbinger to set up a deal. Happy Gaming :D
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I'm not trying to insult you, so sorry if it somehow happens. I'm just trying to answer that question, as fair as I can.


I find it extremely hard to sympathize with lazy people. There is no "I can't", most of the time it's "I don't want". Especially when it comes to games. And if you don't want to do something, why do you think you shoud still get the reward for it? How is your lazyness an excuse for you to demand something?


A lot of people here act like this game is impossibly hard. You know what's hard? Making math model of an engine. Writing multi-thread programm on C++. And actually, even those things aren't THAT hard - as long as you want to do them, instead of sitting back and whining "I can't do that, it's too difficult".


So what's your excuse for refusing to learn rules of quite simple game? It takes almost no effort to be competent here - it just takes a bit of learning. So is it something you simply refuse to do? If so, then for me your concerns and demands are immediately nullified. That's why I don't care about you when I ask for balancing changes. Sorry, for me it looks like you didn't deserve it.


Sorry again if I offended you.


No offense taken. You clearly understand why you enjoy playing video games and have decided that anyone who doesn't enjoy video games for the very same reasons you do should not even bother playing them. You sound like an achievement motivated player who feels that EVERYONE should be an achievement motivated player.


It's fine that you feel that way, but I hope you understand that to stay in business SWTOR cannot limit itself to one subset of player types. To stay in business they must engage a lot of different types of players, who play games for a lot of different reasons.


Some of those reasons will seem utterly silly to you, and it may shock you to know that for some players, your reasons for playing seem utterly silly as well. Its because we're human beings, and we are as amazingly varied in our differences as we are alike in our similarities.


So no offense taken. My motivations for playing games seems silly to you, your motivations for playing games seems silly to me, and to be successful Bioware needs to convince both of us to keep paying them money.

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the big issue i see here


is casual players who dont "learn" the game complaining because the "hard content" cannot be facerolled and button mashed

will people be happy when you can just walk into an instance and one shot everything?

will that keep you interested in the game?

i doubt it

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I've always said this about companions:


#1- They CANNOT be used in PvP.

#2- They CANNOT be used in Ops.

#3- They CANNOT be used against World Bosses.


^^^All of that, is JUST FINE.


The rest? Those situations while grinding out Weekly Heroics on Alderaan/Tatooine/etc/etc? Who GIVES A **** that at lvl 65 you're nigh unkillable. That is not content with which we want to be tested. Remember when Oricon first came out? It was *********** frustrating as hell because you couldn't go anywhere without getting rooted/stunned/knocked off your vehicle by almost ANY NPC. And of course, there were those players applauding it for the challenge. I wonder how often they went back after doing it once? I never went back after I got my rep done there. Why would I? I don't find wasting my time fun. World grinding/missions/etc are not things where we should be FORCED to run in groups for. That stuff is for figuring out your rotation, testing different specs, etc, etc, etc.

Does it really matter to the elder game if I want to send my DPS companion into a Sandpeople camp and watch them wipe them all out with a childish grin and giggle?


Dear BioWare, the definition of "insanity" is performing the same action under the same circumstances and yet expecting different results. Good grief you guys NEVER LEARN. It's almost sad at this point tbh.

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I've always said this about companions:


#1- They CANNOT be used in PvP.

#2- They CANNOT be used in Ops.

#3- They CANNOT be used against World Bosses.


^^^All of that, is JUST FINE.


The rest? Those situations while grinding out Weekly Heroics on Alderaan/Tatooine/etc/etc? Who GIVES A **** that at lvl 65 you're nigh unkillable. That is not content with which we want to be tested. Remember when Oricon first came out? It was *********** frustrating as hell because you couldn't go anywhere without getting rooted/stunned/knocked off your vehicle by almost ANY NPC. And of course, there were those players applauding it for the challenge. I wonder how often they went back after doing it once? I never went back after I got my rep done there. Why would I? I don't find wasting my time fun. World grinding/missions/etc are not things where we should be FORCED to run in groups for. That stuff is for figuring out your rotation, testing different specs, etc, etc, etc.

Does it really matter to the elder game if I want to send my DPS companion into a Sandpeople camp and watch them wipe them all out with a childish grin and giggle?


Dear BioWare, the definition of "insanity" is performing the same action under the same circumstances and yet expecting different results. Good grief you guys NEVER LEARN. It's almost sad at this point tbh.


That just remimded me of an argument during the level sync BS where people were complain that they wouldn't be able to face roll low level planets anymore then when 4.0 came out people started complaing the comps were OP.


It would seem it's completely OK for them to face roll **** but GOD FORBID your COMPANION being able to do the same. :eek:

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As i said on 11/15...


Yeah, Biowares Standard Operating Procedure when swinging the Nerfbat is "NUKE IT FROM ORBIT! ITS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SURE!"


Im fully expecting to log in and have comps be about as useless as CM Vanity Pets :p


As another poster said just look at the Contraband Slot Machine fiasco for relevance of worry.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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