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Creepiest Romance? (Spoilers, obviously)


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I got the feeling that she was really bummed she couldn't stab some girl who you cheated with in the heart with her lightsaber.


To be honest, it almost made me want to cheat on her just so my SW could eat popcorn while he watched her duel the other woman.

And then make love to the winner on top of the loser's corpse.


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The Consular and Nadia, there's a clear master-apprentice or even father-daughter bond that you don't see with Kira and the Knight or the other romances with a female force sensitive apprentice, and it's disturbing how needy and somewhat submissive she is. I half expected her to say something along the line of 'F*** me Daddy' during a pre-blackscreen conversation. :o


Also Kaliyo and the Agent but in a completely differant way, pure depravity and perversion. I greatly enjoyed this one. :p

Edited by Lazproperty
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Forgive me if this is a repost, we had this same conversation in Guild Chat recently. The Grell Romance bothered me at first, but after replaying the Cons story a second time I realized that by the story set up the cons is really young as well, and it's only been 1 maybe 2 years since he left Tython. They are actually pretty close to the same age, or at least in the same age bracket. I also get the feeling that while she's "young" she's not nearly as young as some of the conversations make her out to be, instead she's more sheltered.


All that said she goes after your Cons pretty hard, so if he's taking advantage of her, it's 100% with her approval. :D


The firs time running it I felt like the Cons was in his early 30's and she was like 16. Creepy! The second time running it I feel like the Cons is like 20-21, and she's like 18. Um... that's like a College Freshman and Junior who is a teacher's aid in one of her classes Hooking up. Much less creepy and they are in the same age bracket.


Add on: That said not all relationships have to be between equals in order to work. Some people are perfectly happy with their partner taking a more dominate role, and in fact that's the type of relationship they want and wouldn't be happy if things weren't that way.

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She's 22, but really naive and as you said, sheltered. The JC can be just about the same age or even younger but with the wisdom and experience (compared to her atleast) of a monk.


Exactly. They're the same age. The difference is, the Consular was already pretty wise to begin with, and by the time Nadia becomes the apprentice, the Consular has a couple years of adventuring under their belt.


Even while on your ship, she was pretty much under the watchful eye of her father and still new to being off her home world. She had learned to take care of herself. Nothing wrong with being the more fun, naive, excited counterpoint to the more wise romantic partner. :p


Though to be fair, I've only got the F/F view to take this from, maybe she comes off really wierd with male consular's :p

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I'm sure she says that during the fade to black scenes.

Yeah, this game doesn't feature four letter words, and you have to rely on imagination if you want an idea about what goes on during the black screen. If you want FLWs and, um, action in cut-scenes, try The Secret World (I've seen+heard at least three or four "f*ck"s so far, and there's very little doubt as to what's going on just off-camera in the recruitment/tutorial sequence for characters who start in "The Dragon").

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I always envisioned my Jedi Consular to be in his early to mid 20's so I didn't find anything creepy with regards to the Nadia Grell romance. Though I can certainly understand how one would feel differently if a player viewed their Consular as a much older character and to a certain extent the same logic could be applied to the bounty hunter and Mako.


For me,that honor goes to the Male Sith Inquisitor and Ashara if one choose all of the flirt options...the Inquisitor comes off as incredibly creepy. I cringed at some his lines.


I guess to an extent the Female Imperial Agent and Vector has some creepy elements to it but for what it's worth, I thought it was one of the best romances in the game.

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I always envisioned my Jedi Consular to be in his early to mid 20's so I didn't find anything creepy with regards to the Nadia Grell romance.


Except Nadia is not the most emotionally mature romance companion in the game, it happens so fast (it has to due to how late in the game you get her) that there can't be much time after she looses her father when she latches on to you who since you have started teaching her to control her power has become very much a father figure to her.

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Except Nadia is not the most emotionally mature romance companion in the game, it happens so fast (it has to due to how late in the game you get her) that there can't be much time after she looses her father when she latches on to you who since you have started teaching her to control her power has become very much a father figure to her.


Not all mentors are Father/Mother figures. I had one at my first job and I never viewed him that way, if I had to make it a family member it would have been an older brother/cousin.


With regards to Grell, I have made more than a few jokes over the years about her having daddy issues, but I don't think I remember anything in the conversations where it's stated flat out that you are a replacement daddy for her.

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Except Nadia is not the most emotionally mature romance companion in the game, it happens so fast (it has to due to how late in the game you get her) that there can't be much time after she looses her father when she latches on to you who since you have started teaching her to control her power has become very much a father figure to her.


Some of them aren't, Ashara, DS Jaesa are rather immature.


I haven't done the Nadia romance in awhile (and don't have time to look at the compilation video on YT) so I don't remember every line of dialogue between the Consular and Nadia but I do remember Nadia saying that Tharan reminded her of her father and that what she had with the Consular was different.


It is important to remember that even though Nadia becomes a companion after Belsavis, she has been a part of your crew since Act 2. She's not a stranger by the time she's a companion. Sure it might have resulted in better chemsitry had your Consular been able to charm her before Voss, but I don't view it as the creepiest romance in the game.


This is my opinion based on how I viewed my Consular, I'm certainly not going to treat it as fact.

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For me,that honor goes to the Male Sith Inquisitor and Ashara if one choose all of the flirt options...the Inquisitor comes off as incredibly creepy. I cringed at some his lines.


Yeah, there is an exchange where she's asking him to take things abit slower and she's not ready for sex with him and you can pick some options where he basically goes... "If you really loved me you'd have sex with me!"


I was like, smoooooooooth... like a ***** high schooler. Some Dark Lord of the Sith you are.

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Yeah, there is an exchange where she's asking him to take things abit slower and she's not ready for sex with him and you can pick some options where he basically goes... "If you really loved me you'd have sex with me!"


I was like, smoooooooooth... like a ***** high schooler. Some Dark Lord of the Sith you are.


That's not a [Flirt], though. That's like the third option on the wheel, which seems to be exclusively reserved for being a jerk to the LI (and isn't exclusive to the Inquisitor, EVERYONE can be various degrees of an ***). The Inquisitor's top/'default" option to her asking to take things slower is "Sure, I can wait. Let me know when you're ready."


You CAN play the Inquisitor as a pushy jerk of a boyfriend, but he's not one by default.

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Yeah, there is an exchange where she's asking him to take things abit slower and she's not ready for sex with him and you can pick some options where he basically goes... "If you really loved me you'd have sex with me!"


I was like, smoooooooooth... like a ***** high schooler. Some Dark Lord of the Sith you are.


The classes are basically high schoolers. :p They know nothing of the galaxy they're in "Tell me about such and such planet I'm not being sent to" :p Nothing worse than thinking your character grew up on Nar Shaddaa and being treated like you don't know anything about the place (same goes for the other planets).


Even the smuggler, who comes out and sounds like they've been to many places is left going "What's Rishi?" and "I don't know anything about Alderaan." "Nar Shaddaa? I know nothing of this place, but it sounds fun!"


You can head canon it away, sure, but the game itself treats you as pretty young, but gifted. The fun part is, some do head canon that part away, but can't for the life of them head canon that lots of time has gone by between planets. :p The story isn't "Geeez, I just arrived on Tython two hours ago, saved all these people and stopped all these baddies and all this other stuff, and now I'm headed off to Coruscant!"

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Nadia's really depends on what kind of character player is playing. If Consular is young a bit naive, a bit inexperienced Jedi who just happens to get thrown into everything due possessing extraordinary Force Powers, then it feels just like two insecure young people seeking for safety from each other.

If consular is older, or young but more mentally mature and determined it feels like manipulation.


I have seen Kira romance from videos and gone pals with her with my female knight and I honestly thinks she works better as your backup Jedi and apprentice without romance for males as well if played lightiside. If she is romanced by dark side Knight it again feels a bit like manipulation. If she is romanced by light side knight it feels a bit strange, a bit like quilts love. They are rather equals (of course Knight is a lot more powerful, but Kira holds her own) but it just feels strange for a Jedi to romance someone. That's why I never did with my Jedi's.

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Nadia's really depends on what kind of character player is playing. If Consular is young a bit naive, a bit inexperienced Jedi who just happens to get thrown into everything due possessing extraordinary Force Powers, then it feels just like two insecure young people seeking for safety from each other.

If consular is older, or young but more mentally mature and determined it feels like manipulation.


I have seen Kira romance from videos and gone pals with her with my female knight and I honestly thinks she works better as your backup Jedi and apprentice without romance for males as well if played lightiside. If she is romanced by dark side Knight it again feels a bit like manipulation. If she is romanced by light side knight it feels a bit strange, a bit like quilts love. They are rather equals (of course Knight is a lot more powerful, but Kira holds her own) but it just feels strange for a Jedi to romance someone. That's why I never did with my Jedi's.


You should try Felix on Consular. It doesn't feel strange at all.

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I remember reading in the forum that this scene was bugged and some players didn't get their romance acknowledged, just getting the normal no romance cutscene. That's why some people might have missed it.


Thanks for this. I was aware of the bug but not of all of its effects I guess :(

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Dark sided Jaesa hands down.

First you stalk her and kill all her family and friends. Then you torture her teacher and when she shows up you first torment her psychologically and then you beat her up physically. She finally completly snaps under all that and becomes a broken insane husk of the person she used to be and is completely stripped of all humanity she once posessed.

And then, and only then , do you f*ck her.


Honestly it's really really disgusting.


Excellent post. Seriously, these things are why I am still playing this game. Because the writers at least once went this far beyond what is considered "normal" in computer games. Id vote for this.

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It is important to remember that even though Nadia becomes a companion after Belsavis, she has been a part of your crew since Act 2. She's not a stranger by the time she's a companion. Sure it might have resulted in better chemsitry had your Consular been able to charm her before Voss, but I don't view it as the creepiest romance in the game.


This is my opinion based on how I viewed my Consular, I'm certainly not going to treat it as fact.

Indeed. You even go adventuring together after a fashion, on Quesh before she becomes a companion. She's been with you for a while. I suspect the problem is they never put her NPC on the ship, hence people forget her entirely until she magically shows up in cutscenes. That always bugged me. They could've had a generic NPC version of her in the boardroom with the others. Risha had an NPC in the hold of the smuggler ship for all of Act 1. Unless there's some hidden NPC cap on your ship we're not aware of.


Oh and dont worry. It's all opinions here.;)


it just feels strange for a Jedi to romance someone.

Noo, that's the George Lucas talking! Search your feelings, you know it to be true!

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That's not a [Flirt], though. That's like the third option on the wheel, which seems to be exclusively reserved for being a jerk to the LI (and isn't exclusive to the Inquisitor, EVERYONE can be various degrees of an ***). The Inquisitor's top/'default" option to her asking to take things slower is "Sure, I can wait. Let me know when you're ready."


You CAN play the Inquisitor as a pushy jerk of a boyfriend, but he's not one by default.


That's why I said there was "some option" I didn't say it was the default. It's funny though that pushy high school boyfriend trying to talk his reluctant girlfriend into sex with the I love you card is an option. :rak_04: Considering the character is a sith a more reasonable ((for the culture) option would be... "I think you are ready now... [shock]"

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Considering the character is a sith a more reasonable ((for the culture) option would be... "I think you are ready now... [shock]"

Oh, if only...


And no, I'm not condoning less than consensual sex. But Ashara is undeniably the ultimate dark side **** block. I love my inquisitor but every glance into that engine room tells me to just send him home.

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Don't get me wrong, I really do like Vector as a character. I just can't imagine a romance with him, not ever. Mind you, I played through with an Imperial Agent who was a guy. So romance options were out. But there was a particular scene where my Agent was chatting with him, and Vector goes on to describe how (and I'm paraphrasing, here) "there are always tiny Killiks on/in him" so he's never alone.


And there's me, sitting in front of my computer screen thinking, "Oh heck no! No way! Shudder, gross! And they'd want my girl Agent to kiss him??! Gag! Ick!"


Realizing, of course, that we all have tiny bugs on us, right? Skin mites and the like. Vector just has the ability to talk to his.


I thought I'd be skeeved out by Vector when I first met him, but he turned out to be one of the most mature of the romances. He knows who, and what, he is and he's comfortable with that. Not many adults can really say the same thing. He has some issues with not being able to pick up on subtleties nor can he be subtle. But he also explained that since the Joining those abilities (something he was an expert at before the Joining-reading body language and subtle clues-because he was a diplomat, a good one at that according to his codex) went away because that's not how the hive works. He even lamented it a little bit. However, as the romance progresses, he starts to regain some of his humanity and if you actually watch him, and pay attention to his body language and facial expressions, he's actually incredibly funny. And he's kind, he's not possessive, he's comfortable in his own skin, he's serene, he's poetic, and he's delightfully offbeat.


His romance is very different and unique. I can see why people might be put off by that, but as someone who likes "delightfully offbeat" he was pretty awesome for me and the FOUR agents who romanced him :D.

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