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Creepiest Romance? (Spoilers, obviously)


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Quinn's my vote for creepiest, as previously mentioned (by me, earlier in the thread, and also by the poster above me). Don't even blame the guy for trying to get away from my Sith. Power imbalances, the fact that he makes it pretty clear he's uncomfortable, and like 60% of her flirt lines are all pretty skeevy. It made ME feel bad for doing it -- though I was playing a pretty dark Sith who flirted excessively.


As for not mentioned... Well, I don't remember seeing Corso, Risha or Akaavi so far. So I guess the smuggler romances may not be the creepiest.


The funny thing with Quinn is you still gained affection points when picking the flirt options in conservations despite the discomfort he showed. I have a feeling he secretly enjoyed the flirting but just didn't know how to react. To me the creepiest part of that romance was

when my husband tried to kill me :D.


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A lot of the romances were kind of meh, for me. But the one's that I just really loved where:


Trooper+Elara: Even though I was her commanding officer, I could feel comfortable knowing Elara would make sure everything was appropriate per the regs:D. The communication was actually very sweet and nothing ever seemed creepy.


Smuggler+Risha: a Han Solo-Princess Leia relationship, what is not to love? I loved the banter. Like that time when she expressed frustration that I had dated her old associate Beryl on Taris, and my reply was "that was way back Taris, you hated me then!" Plus near the end of the romance it had kind of a "Roman Holiday" feel to it. Very cute and witty romance.


LS Sith Warrior+Vette: Given that I played my SW as super LS, being as nice a person as the writing would allow me to be, I never felt that Vette was my slave, nor that I treated her as such. I set her free at the first chance I got, and the romance developed in a cute way, where she was at first clueless that I liked her, then eventually realized she had similar feelings. The ending didn't feel creepy at all. More of a humoristic inside joke between the two of them referring back to when they first met.


All I can say is... BRING BACK VETTE IN KOTFE NOW YOU PIECES OF... (transmission terminated abruptly)

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Personally, I think Ashara in general comes across as probably the stupidest of the Jedi apprentices. At least if you are darkside, she has literally no reason to join you but does anyway. Then gets bizarrely prissy about the fact that the Sith she freely chose to join up with is a Sith. And then changes her mind again.


If you go the "shock her into submission" route, sure. But if you do the manipulation thing--make yourself out to be her only friend on Taris, save her from assassins, nudge her into killing them, then kill her masters while making it look like their fault, you were just defending yourself... Then yes, she has every reason to join the DS Inquisitor. She doesn't know they're Dark, they've been nothing but nice and helpful. And, in her mind, she can never go back to the Jedi after murdering people and unwittingly causing the deaths of her masters. May as well tag along with this weird Sith Lord and try to find a place for herself in the galaxy.


Ashara's actually probably one of the least creepy master-student romances, even when the Inquisitor is Dark. Unlike Nadia, she doesn't lapse into some hero-worship/crush mix for him, and unlike Jaesa, she and the Inquisitor are more equals in their relationship. She's strong-willed enough to hold onto some of her principles, has her own independent goals, and doesn't let the Inquisitor push her into anything she's not ready for. Jaesa literally lives and breathes for the Warrior, and while Nadia's a little better, she's still very deferent to the Consular.

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Smuggler+Risha: a Han Solo-Princess Leia relationship, what is not to love? I loved the banter. Like that time when she expressed frustration that I had dated her old associate Beryl on Taris, and my reply was "that was way back Taris, you hated me then!" Plus near the end of the romance it had kind of a "Roman Holiday" feel to it. Very cute and witty romance.


Risha was just such a snob. Her last letter to the smuggler in KOFTE makes it easy to just go for Lana Beniko.

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For the female characters:


Vector the bug guy.... I stopped playing my agent when I found that one out....At least I can go back and play her now, dump bug man and go after Theron.


I was also really disappointed in Quinn for the Sith Warrior and Doc for the Jedi Knight. Doc did not fit well with my sweet and pure Jedi. He was too much of a ladies man and someone who would not strike me as very faithful. On the other hand, Quinn still pines for my warrior and feels like an idiot for betraying her. She got with Pierce briefly after him to "get even", and I don't think she will ever forgive Quinn for obvious reasons.


For the inquisitor it didn't make sense that Andronikas would settle down and get married. He still just refers to my Sith has his girl, never his wife. I don't think he would even care if she got with someone else. ;)

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If you go the "shock her into submission" route, sure. But if you do the manipulation thing--make yourself out to be her only friend on Taris, save her from assassins, nudge her into killing them, then kill her masters while making it look like their fault, you were just defending yourself... Then yes, she has every reason to join the DS Inquisitor. She doesn't know they're Dark, they've been nothing but nice and helpful. And, in her mind, she can never go back to the Jedi after murdering people and unwittingly causing the deaths of her masters. May as well tag along with this weird Sith Lord and try to find a place for herself in the galaxy.


I'll admit, part of that was my fault for taking the wrong choice in recruiting her (which I could even tell back then).


But even so, she doesn't participate in killing the the Masters, and if the only thing she has done wrong is kill a Sith Assassin, why would she believe she can't go back to the Jedi after that? Doesn't she tell her masters what she did anyway? They don't seem to reject her for what she did and if a Sith Lord killed them, she presumably wouldn't have been expected to die along with them.


Plus, she can tell you are darkside based on your alignment in the first conversation. And given that she's a traitor to the Republic now and complicit in murdering their citizens, her insistence on being loyal to Jedi ideals seems nonsensical.

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Plus, she can tell you are darkside based on your alignment in the first conversation. And given that she's a traitor to the Republic now and complicit in murdering their citizens, her insistence on being loyal to Jedi ideals seems nonsensical. .


Not like the sunken red eyes, sallow skin, haven't-slept-in-a-year look, force lightning, and standy-out veins gave it away! :D

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I'll admit, part of that was my fault for taking the wrong choice in recruiting her (which I could even tell back then).


But even so, she doesn't participate in killing the the Masters, and if the only thing she has done wrong is kill a Sith Assassin, why would she believe she can't go back to the Jedi after that? Doesn't she tell her masters what she did anyway? They don't seem to reject her for what she did and if a Sith Lord killed them, she presumably wouldn't have been expected to die along with them.


Plus, she can tell you are darkside based on your alignment in the first conversation. And given that she's a traitor to the Republic now and complicit in murdering their citizens, her insistence on being loyal to Jedi ideals seems nonsensical.


She never says whether she told them or not. However, I think she probably kept it a secret out of fear of getting kicked out of the Order. The Jedi do a lot of lecturing on never falling prey to your emotions, and there's one guy on Tython who can be given the boot just for failing a test. Given her personality--hot-headed, stubborn, a bit proud--admitting she broke one of the core Jedi rules and putting her future in the Order at risk would have scared her a lot. And while she doesn't help the Inquisitor kill her masters, the whole encounter is essentially "I led the Sith to them, stood by as he killed them, helped him bind the ghost, and walked away alive". It screams suspicious, and that's leaving out the murder (and yes, it WAS murder, the guy had surrendered and was begging for mercy). I can't imagine the Jedi taking the news well, and apparently neither could she.


Does she? I don't remember her saying anything different to my DS and LS Inquisitors in the first conversation, just a thinly-veiled threat that she wasn't going to go against her morals.


The thing about Ashara is, she's an "ends justifies the means" type of person. She thinks that peace can only be obtained if the Empire is united and rational, because nobody can agree on anything as it stands. Working with the Inquisitor, killing Republic citizens, all that is necessary in the long run to her, because it'll put the Inquisitor in a position of power, from which he can change things. It's obvious to US, and to the other Jedi, that that's not a very Jedi-like way of thinking--and she does eventually admit she's not a Jedi anymore--but she is still trying to uphold their goals of galactic peace.

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The whole process by which you "recruit" Ashara is pretty messed up, even if you take the more light side options. Not quite as bad as acquiring Dark Side Jaesa, but still. The only reason she seems to have for getting on your ship is that she feels she has nowhere else to go, and she feels that way largely because of the ways you've deceived and manipulated her. Going from there to romance is indeed quite creepy.
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Torian is 18 when you meet him, so is Vector.


I think it also just depends on rp character perspective to the player about their characters age. In my mind my BH is only about 21, she's young.


I also agree about Torian being the most adult relationship, which is hilarious considering he's one of the youngest. He never really does anything that would make someone uncomfortable. He flirts with you in cute ways but is very mature. He asks to make you dinner etc. Or sort of hints and lets you pick to play along or not. Even though you were not born Mando he teaches you, patiently, the culture and aspects around it. Also yeah, the fact that if you don't chose to marry him he does not give any negative affection and has the most mature response of anyone. I absolutely thought his romance was freaking adorable. It's one of my top 3.


Vector's romance was also freaking adorable. Yes the eyes can be creepy but his hair tends to bother me more, it just comes off weird graphic wise.But meh. I love that he just starts out wanting to be your friend and helping you. He gives you presents, just because he is a people person. He just wants to help you learn about the culture in a calm non stressful way. "Yeah this is who this works... oh and they make this stuff... not everyone likes it but I got you some if you would like to try it!" I love his body language the most out of the relationships too. It's small things. When they are having an intimate kiss he puts his hands on her butt. It's kind of funny but it shows an extreme amount of intimacy. It's a sweet gesture.


Torian also has an adorable just hug with BH that I love and hear a lot of positive feedback, because its just an intimate 'I love you' hug. He's holding BH almost to him like he never wants to let her go and how important she is to him. She's hugging him back the same.


I feel horrible for poor Quinn. While I love him minus the stupid decision, I feel so bad as a person romancing him. Some of his responses are hilarious though. Also the affection gain for flirting is kinda weird. It does come off as rather abusive from the female side. It's cute though when he finally becomes comfortable and becomes a bit more assertive. (I think the grab, pull kiss is adorable). I also about died from the cuteness when

during the Rishi cutscene he calls you "My lov-, my lord." It's so casual the way the VA says the line. Warrior is his love, he just slips up and has to catch himself due to formality or whatever, but its really cute.


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Ashara is ruled by logic and her logic tells her she screwed up bad. She is certainly not creepiest romance and in fact she does put interesting condition to marriage which could actually happen in Kotfe.

Not the creepiest, because as fovzwk mentioned above the Dark Jaesa "romance" is horrifying, but Ashara is a good contender for second or third place. I know there multiple different ways to approach the recruitment mission so I may be missing a few options, but as far as I know it's impossible to complete without at least:

1. Stalking Ashara and spying on her to learn her weaknesses;

2. Either lying to her to get her to a meeting, or putting her life in danger so you can then rescue her;

3. Murdering her Jedi masters while she watches;

4. Coercing or guilting her into holding up her end of a very dishonest bargain;

5. And finally, exploiting her panic and shock over having her life turned upside down by offering to take her in when she thinks (very illogically) that she has nowhere else to go.


And unlike with Dark Jaesa, where the Warrior can claim that Baras made him/her do all those things, with Ashara the Inquisitor was the one calling the shots.

Edited by Joachimthbear
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The only padawan romance I find creepy is the Nadia one, its far too short and she comes across a bit of a kid.

The DS Jaesa one can be seen as less creepy as described as you can choose not to kill her parents and getting her to kill her master is a final test of her dark side devotion, you can choose to not harm him while waiting for Jaesa to arrive.


To be honest apart from Nadia the romances I find creepy are Doc, Bug boy (I mean vector) as he can share your experiences with the hive and Quinn too (I cant really give a reason for this).

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Torian is 18 when you meet him, so is Vector.


Vector is actually 26. Says so in his codex :) While I found Vector creepy at first, he grew on me super fast. Not sure why. He's just so... sweet.


I think the only romances I found super creepy were Nadia Grell. My husband just finished that one because he's king of the Captain Spacebar crowd. And he finally decided to pay attention to the convos, and... his only words were 'Eww. Kinda creepy...' Like someone said before. She's 19, yes, but there's no maturity there. She reacts like a child.


Quinn's romance, too. Didn't like how strongly my warrior came on to him if you choose all the flirt options. I chose the least offensive flirt options, then used the more supportive non-flirt ones. It was A LOT better that way. He seemed more comfortable.


And for some reason... Corso's romance also creeped me out. He comes on super strong, and makes me feel like no one else is ever gonna like me. It's a strange feeling... that's for sure.

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Not the creepiest, because as fovzwk mentioned above the Dark Jaesa "romance" is horrifying, but Ashara is a good contender for second or third place. I know there multiple different ways to approach the recruitment mission so I may be missing a few options, but as far as I know it's impossible to complete without at least:

1. Stalking Ashara and spying on her to learn her weaknesses;

2. Either lying to her to get her to a meeting, or putting her life in danger so you can then rescue her;

3. Murdering her Jedi masters while she watches;

4. Coercing or guilting her into holding up her end of a very dishonest bargain;

5. And finally, exploiting her panic and shock over having her life turned upside down by offering to take her in when she thinks (very illogically) that she has nowhere else to go.


And unlike with Dark Jaesa, where the Warrior can claim that Baras made him/her do all those things, with Ashara the Inquisitor was the one calling the shots.


You do stalk her, the whole first mission on Taris is tracking her down, but with the right convo choices, I could swear one can make it so the Jedi are the one's attacking.


Basically, you come to get the ghost (you claim to just cleanse the temple of the ghost) act nice, Jedi don't trust you and attack you for being Sith.

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For the inquisitor it didn't make sense that Andronikas would settle down and get married. He still just refers to my Sith has his girl, never his wife. I don't think he would even care if she got with someone else. ;)

He told you he wouldn't care about that (and besides that he had his own bit on the side) on Alderaan. Didn't you pay attention?

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And unlike with Dark Jaesa, where the Warrior can claim that Baras made him/her do all those things, with Ashara the Inquisitor was the one calling the shots.


Baras tells you at first to kill her, and casts doubt on the appropriateness of turning her when you suggest it. OK, later he congratulates you on your success, but the idea of turning her first comes from the SW himself.


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Dark sided Jaesa hands down.

First you stalk her and kill all her family and friends. Then you torture her teacher and when she shows up you first torment her psychologically and then you beat her up physically. She finally completly snaps under all that and becomes a broken insane husk of the person she used to be and is completely stripped of all humanity she once posessed.

And then, and only then , do you f*ck her.


Honestly it's really really disgusting.


Well, you don't have to kill her family and friends, they are afraid you will, but it's not required. All the rest is not far off, and then, when you do marry her, she basically threatenes to kill anyone else you may consdier being with, so I'd say the experiences definitely unhinged her, but that can be how Sith are made.

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You do stalk her, the whole first mission on Taris is tracking her down, but with the right convo choices, I could swear one can make it so the Jedi are the one's attacking.


Basically, you come to get the ghost (you claim to just cleanse the temple of the ghost) act nice, Jedi don't trust you and attack you for being Sith.

The thing is that the Jedi are right; you are planning to perform a dark side ritual and you have an ulterior motive for cleansing the enclave. Like another scene in the Inquisitor storyline,

if you agree to go along with Zash's ritual and don't choose any of the "let's fight" options

the dialogue just ends and goes to combat without any real sense of who's doing what. It kind of feels like some alternate outcomes were cut out a bit awkwardly, possibly when the options of killing or refusing companions were removed.


Edit: Incidentally, I've always wondered what happens if you choose the option to

let the ghost kill Ashara. I assume it doesn't play out as advertised.



Baras tells you at first to kill her, and casts doubt on the appropriateness of turning her when you suggest it. OK, later he congratulates you on your success, but the idea of turning her first comes from the SW himself.


You're right that recruiting her is the Warrior's idea, I forget the exact details of things though. Doesn't Baras point you towards hunting down her parents, for example? I'm not sure. Either way, you were acting on Baras' orders to the extent that if you hadn't neutralised the threat Jaesa posed to Baras' intelligence network, Baras would probably have had you killed and sent another apprentice to finish the job.


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Not the creepiest, because as fovzwk mentioned above the Dark Jaesa "romance" is horrifying, but Ashara is a good contender for second or third place. I know there multiple different ways to approach the recruitment mission so I may be missing a few options, but as far as I know it's impossible to complete without at least:

1. Stalking Ashara and spying on her to learn her weaknesses;

2. Either lying to her to get her to a meeting, or putting her life in danger so you can then rescue her;

3. Murdering her Jedi masters while she watches;

4. Coercing or guilting her into holding up her end of a very dishonest bargain;

5. And finally, exploiting her panic and shock over having her life turned upside down by offering to take her in when she thinks (very illogically) that she has nowhere else to go.


And unlike with Dark Jaesa, where the Warrior can claim that Baras made him/her do all those things, with Ashara the Inquisitor was the one calling the shots.


No, that's essentially correct. But I'd still rank Nadia and Quinn above her. As unnerving as her and the Inquisitor's meeting circumstances are, he doesn't try to coerce her into a romantic relationship and respects her wishes throughout it. And that's what I consider to be most important in a relationship.


The Warrior is pushy towards Quinn at best and outright sexually harassing him at worst (she can even order him to kiss her at one point), and to romance Nadia the Consular has to essentially take advantage of her when she's in an emotionally vulnerable state.


I like Quinn and Nadia, don't get me wrong, and I still romance them. I just ignore most of Quinn's flirts and play my Consular as very young. Otherwise the romances skeeve me out too much to go through.




. She's 19, yes, but there's no maturity there. She reacts like a child.


The encyclopedia states Nadia's 22, which I just flat-out refuse to believe. There's no way that girl is older than Kira, much less Vette, Ashara, Mako and Torian.

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No, that's essentially correct. But I'd still rank Nadia and Quinn above her. As unnerving as her and the Inquisitor's meeting circumstances are, he doesn't try to coerce her into a romantic relationship and respects her wishes throughout it. And that's what I consider to be most important in a relationship.


The Warrior is pushy towards Quinn at best and outright sexually harassing him at worst (she can even order him to kiss her at one point), and to romance Nadia the Consular has to essentially take advantage of her when she's in an emotionally vulnerable state.


I like Quinn and Nadia, don't get me wrong, and I still romance them. I just ignore most of Quinn's flirts and play my Consular as very young. Otherwise the romances skeeve me out too much to go through.






The encyclopedia states Nadia's 22, which I just flat-out refuse to believe. There's no way that girl is older than Kira, much less Vette, Ashara, Mako and Torian.


I remember hearing that Kira's 23.

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I remember hearing that Kira's 23.




Has the ages of the companions, collected from different sources. Kira is 20, Nadia is 22, Mako is 19.


As the first and so far only known Force sensitive Sarkhai it is reasonable to assume that Nadia grew extremely shielded from the rest of her peers, something that was reinforced by the influence wielded by his father as a Senator and by the fact that Sarkhai as a world hasn't been in connection with the rest of the Galaxy until recently. This can explain a lot of her naiveness. Kira and Mako upbringing on the other hand gave them a LOT of worldly experience, explaining their attitude, way more mature than what you would expect from someone at their age raised under different circumstances.


With that said for me the creepiest romance was Ashara, for the reasons outlined before, I completely felt disconnected of my Inquisitor when he romanced her (he was neutral). It felt to me more like a relationship of "convenience" since none of them are able to lead a "normal" life. They bonded based on that, not real love.


The most illogical, not necessarily creepy, to pursue up to the end for me was Kaliyo. My agent grew fond of her until events with her further in the story.



Bringing a complete stranger into the ship and then selling Imperial secrets definitely soured their relationship



My agent didn't put too much stock in their relationship, since Kaliyo was not interested in a serious relationship anyway. I think that he would have ended warming up to Raina regardless of Kaliyo's actions (He married Raina).

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