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Maintenance: November 17th, 2015


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Woot after 1 hr I moved from 95.03% to 95.12% Go BIOWARE u got it lets develop more Star Wars games before we fix the one that people pay every month for this should really make battlefront more appealing does it have 12hr patch times too>?



Please tell me you're joking.

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Hmmm what to do now, I've washed waxed detailed my car, saw the fiance off to work. Made dinner cleaned the apartment put win 10 on another pc. Had a few beers and now moving to Jack Daniels. I'm running out of things to do on a day off, I was just going to kick back relax play some TOR, and enjoy the apartment without the other half around in peace and quiet.


Choices choices.


WOW. I slept untll 3 in the afternoon, woke up with a kitten eating my hair, got a splinter in my foot while lighting the fire, re-enforced the gate out front because the wind is taking it, and then played ESO, had a naked dance party, came off started this up, cried a little inside, went and got cake. YOU SIR ARE A HARD WORKING FELLOW.

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Who needs the servers to be up when we have this entertaining thread? It's almost as good as general chat. It brings out the entitled whiners, those without a firm grasp on reality, and the never satisfied.


I'm going to vent a little with my time and fill this post with some common sense, then imagine it's a brick I can throw at the vast majority's face, even though I know it won't sink in. To start out I wanted to mention to all you whiners, self-entitled instant gratification types, and socially inept that your proctologist has been trying to contact you, but your heads are shoved so far up your collective asses that you haven't been able to hear the phone ring.


Now that I've added insult to injury, let's break down the reality of this situation. The server''s are down after a patch which are correcting bugs, addressing balancing issues, and it's taking longer then expected. Bioware and EA must suck right? Unfortunately none of you seem to have ever dealt with Nexon or Cryptic / Perfect World. If you had, then you'd realize that Bioware / EA actually are ahead of the curve in both fixes, resolution, and keeping it's players informed, not to mention having competent employees who are actively working to resolve the issue.


If this game was run by Nexon or Cryptic / Perfect World then you could forget about extended maintenance updates, as you would have already filled your time with something else, because the game would be down for 24 hours minimum. After that super long extended maintenance, you'd either be staring at a black screen for an hour until you decided to reinstall the entire game for Perfect World / Cryptic. If you were really lucky you'd get in game, only to click a button on your action bar, only to have your game instantly crash. If this was Nexon...well we won't go there.


Now let's address game play and barriers to entry. I've seen many of you post on every dev release, and many of you sound like a broken record each thread. Let's take the level 60 token bug thread for instance. Man Bioware / EA we should get our money back because you didn't anticipate every single infinite scenario that would affect each and every player in this game. Now for you instant gratification types, and the perpetual whiners, if you ever decided to get a real education, you'd have taken a Management Information Systems class, and realized that perfect code every time is illogical, unattainable, and inefficient.


Instead of harping on that, lets change the focus to how Bioware / EA have been knocking down the barriers to entry for players and alternate toons, something that many MMOs these days would never think of doing. In KotFE we have legacy datacrons, saving time and effort. We have instant 60 characters so those with money but no time can still do end game stuff. We've had legacy reputation, something many other games still don't implement. They maximized our leveling capability, making it less grindy, while balancing planets so replayability and team leveling at any level are viable. They even maximized your credit potential with the weekly heroics.


Now if you think all of that is a small feat, then please take this downtime to go download and install any perfect world game, Nexon game, or any other grindy Chinese / Korean style MMO. For sake of time, just go download Star Trek Online. After your 25 gig download, if you're lucky, you'll be able to play without crashing.


In about a week when you reach endgame you'll realize the following:

* You'll have to invest $50 real money to get an "endgame" ship allowing you to be on level with current endgame players.

* You'll have to invest another $50 to get the fleet credits / dilithium to get "endgame" weapons / gear for your ship.

* You'll spend 1 month real time to max out the reputation system, per reputation, per toon. You need each reputation system to maximize your DPS / Heals / Tanking. Did I mention there are now 8 different reputations to master,and they're all on a 20 hour CD per mission?

* You'll spend another 3 months grinding out the specialization points you need to be bad *** end game. Oh but the devs decided that you need to spend more time and money in game, so all xp has been nerfed by 70% game wide, and the grind area's are on 30 minute shared cool downs.

* Oh yeah....currently the dev's are re-re-releasing the end game gear in a higher tier for a possible 15% gain in ability / utility. That's another $50 for an upgraded version of the gear you already have.


Now if you've stuck with this wall of text this long, please enlighten the rest of us veteran MMO players as to the true hardship of your current predicament. I'll make it easy for you and let you focus on 1 thing. Please enlighten us veteran Pre-NGE SWG players as to the predicament of your current hardship, especially since when we played SWG technology wasn't readily available to consumers as it is now, so we'd be waiting for a good 12 hours to download a major patch, if we were lucky, and it took us a year in real life time to run around force farting our lightsabers all over the place.




To sum up what he just blogged about. He played StarTrekOnline & it's true that game sucks. So he's happy to be here where he get's updates to the suckage ....:rolleyes:

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call the boyfriend over get a quickie and have a great night when severs ever come back up


That requires to much effort after working the last 17 days straight. and it would need to be a girlfriend. But dealing with just a fiance is enough without another to pester me. BLAH!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Deviona
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Anyone know any good MMO games out there? Preferably sci-fi themed, I hate fantasy


Holy hutts, are you for real? What are you DOING here? You do realize that Star Wars is about magic monks swinging light-up samurai swords, evil wizards throwing around lightning, and bounty hunters and cowboys in space? They toss technobabble here and there, but Star Wars is as far away from hard sci-fi or speculative fiction as... as chalk is from cheese. Star Wars is FANTASY, in space.

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Be patient they are installing a Nude Companion patch and putting in Back rooms in the Cantinas where you will be able to "Purchase" one of the dancers for the hour:eek:




Seriously, if i could see slight details of the fade to blacks, my life would be complete. :p

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get a life they is more to life than star wars do something else go out of the house leave the basement theys a whole new world outside you know........ive read most of the comments on this and its making me laugh we all love the game dont get me wrong i do i play everyday too but seriously these things happen its not like this happens everytime the servers go down its once in a while things go wrong and they are fixed in the time it takes to fix them


just be patient all the moaning isnt going to bring them back on any faster.......

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So my patching got right upto 93.17% in about 5 minutes.

I've managed to get to 93.85% over about 15 more minutes.


I just want to know if this is a problem my end or are other people having the same issue?


Read this thread much?




Jus' Sayin'..




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We're not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with us...


~ Eudoxia


i mean safe as in safe that i exited the client since it didnt finish patching i am fine waiting for them to finish i just dont want to wait hours later having to reinstail every update

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WOW. I slept untll 3 in the afternoon, woke up with a kitten eating my hair, got a splinter in my foot while lighting the fire, re-enforced the gate out front because the wind is taking it, and then played ESO, had a naked dance party, came off started this up, cried a little inside, went and got cake.


Worst. Blues. Lyrics. Ever.

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