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Old companions moved on... (fun post with spoilers for KOTFE)


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Seriously, none of them has moved their finger so far to rescue you alongside Lana and Theron (only the best ever T7 helped them!!), or find you... So much for our old crew... Slackers and traitors! :mad:

Look what some of them have been doing while we were gone:


1. SCORPIO - became a mafia boss on Zakuul. At least she moved closer to our location.

2. Qyzen Fess - grinds reputation with the Scorekeeper, task of very doubtful importance

3. M1-4X - was busy writing propaganda and motivation speeches

4. Pierce - sat around in the office occupying the job that he didn't like, but not moved his *** to find the action he was so much craving.

5. Tanno Vik - also became a mafia boss but of a lower caliber on Asylum, as expected.

6. Yuun - actually at least moved to Zakuul following his visions. Thanks for something.

7. Lokin - fine, sick old man retired. He was not actually prepared to die searching for his former employer.

8. Xalek - the bones of his dead father are so much more important than his Master.

9. Talos Drelik - he followed you for the opportunity to dig more Sith artifacts. You are gone, he is happily back to digging.


That's how much they cared for us...

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Well, honestly, except for Nadia and Kira, they think we're dead.


Which would have you thinking, they'd be the first to show up. Though, didn't Doc think the Jedi was alive as well?


Also, the letters are written, what, about a year after you're thought dead?


You were on a ship, it exploded, unless you have force powers to sense when someone is alive or not, one generally takes that as a sign of being dead.


Kira and Nadia believing you are alive, also doesn't mean they will be as successful as the Minister of Sith Intelligence, in regards to finding you.


Also, in the case of the JK, you'd think T7 could get ahold of Kira. So, what could be the answer, is they're indisposed right now themselves. They went looking for you and got captured themselves, maybe?

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My thoughts on this, as to why all the companions split up is this: 1. They knew SOMEHOW that you really weren't dead. Maybe feelings they felt, or they knew you well and knew nothing in the galaxy could actually smack you around. But!!


Pierce says something to the affect of 'I knew you weren't dead."


Tanno says almost the same as Pierce, meaning he had some type of feeling you weren't actually dead.


Even Xalek, who is now a SITH LORD himself thought you weren't dead.


2. I'm of the opinion that everyone on your ship, sat there, waiting for about a year +/- on your ship, going about their lives, TRYING to find you. But as Quinn's letter itself says he went to Dromund Kaas, he tried getting the IMPERIAL MILITARY to search for you, but they wouldn't help him. He tried going to see people in the DARK COUNCIL, but no one would say a word to him.


So, your husbands or wives weren't sitting there going 'bwahahahaha! i'm free! FREE!' they were actively searching for you. But they either didn't have the money, contacts, friends, or the means to actually get going in their search.


Lana finds you because she's force sensitive, the ex Sith Intelligence Minister AND she made contacts IN Zakuul. Plus, she knew Theron who she was able to work with if she needed to.


Sadly, our companions don't hold as much clout. They've been living with us for roughly 5 years BEFORE KotFE begins, so basically everything they did it was with our approval of a sort.


Some companions went off and did their own things because WE were not around to be their glue, to keep them together.


So, I'm not too angry at our companions for leaving us to be a frozen popsicle, they just didn't have the means to do much, so went on with their lives.

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As others have mentioned, several of the companions do state they don't think you're actually dead and made or continue to make efforts to find you - on top of those mentioned, for example, in her letter Elara says she will do whatever it takes to find you, even if the Republic won't help her (I suspect she'll be working with the Commander Dorne [her father/uncle/whatever] that used to give the agent advanced class quest). Many of the ones we've already run into say something like "I knew you couldn't be dead"...they just didn't spend five years trying to prove it because, you know, there was a war going on and there's still an enemy to fight.


And let's be honest here - Lana (and to a lesser extent, Theron) are the ones that find you because of Bioware's choices and interest in promoting the KotFE companions in the main story - Lana, in particular, gets a huge push as being supremely capable at just about everything. They want people to be invested in the new companions, so it makes sense to build them up as much as possible.


Plus, being blunt, Bioware is clearly dragging out the return of existing love interests to keep people playing/subbing along with the story (and possibly to extend the story as long as possible) - it's why we can immediately find Yuun on Zakuul itself(!) but apparently every possible romanceable companion is completely off the grid no matter what they're up to, and are totally out of contact.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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Seriously, none of them has moved their finger so far to rescue you alongside Lana and Theron (only the best ever T7 helped them!!), or find you... So much for our old crew... Slackers and traitors! :mad:

Look what some of them have been doing while we were gone:


1. SCORPIO - became a mafia boss on Zakuul. At least she moved closer to our location.

2. Qyzen Fess - grinds reputation with the Scorekeeper, task of very doubtful importance

3. M1-4X - was busy writing propaganda and motivation speeches

4. Pierce - sat around in the office occupying the job that he didn't like, but not moved his *** to find the action he was so much craving.

5. Tanno Vik - also became a mafia boss but of a lower caliber on Asylum, as expected.

6. Yuun - actually at least moved to Zakuul following his visions. Thanks for something.

7. Lokin - fine, sick old man retired. He was not actually prepared to die searching for his former employer.

8. Xalek - the bones of his dead father are so much more important than his Master.

9. Talos Drelik - he followed you for the opportunity to dig more Sith artifacts. You are gone, he is happily back to digging.


That's how much they cared for us...


1. That's SCORPIO, even if you finish her whole questline she still isn't that close to you, hell, she still continues to display that she has no affection for anyone in KOFTE. I don't even think she dropped the whole ''I will break my programming and kill you!'' thing, right now I'm assuming she got bored of it when someone already killed you off...


2. His whole life is based around that, yeah, it might not help much, but he really has no responsibility to ignore his duties to look for somone he already thought dead.


3. M1-4X literally had NO CHOICE in the matter, plus the whole time the thought you were on a secret mission that he wasn't allowed on because he can't accept that anyone could take you down.


4. Again, NO CHOICE in the matter.


5. Yeah, it's Vik. What do you expect? :D


6. Again, assumed you were dead and had a duty to attend to


7. He has no obligation to go looking for you when he's trying to stop himself from dying


8. Yes, he is a Kalesh. And yes, he cares more for his family than his master. Besides, anybody would prefer looking for old bones than look for the inquisitor...


9. Digging for artifacts that could help against the Eternal Throne. Again, he thought you were dead

Edited by Codedrago
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It's human nature to devolve in to what's easier, what's familiar. You can see that with the comps they've released so far. They've all gone back to pretty much what they were doing prior to you meeting up with them, with the exception of T7 who is not your ordinary droid and



the story of SWTOR is truly centered around


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It's human nature to devolve in to what's easier, what's familiar. You can see that with the comps they've released so far. They've all gone back to pretty much what they were doing prior to you meeting up with them, with the exception of T7 who is not your ordinary droid and



the story of SWTOR is truly centered around


Ya that and 5 years can change things. As Valkorian said as time pass so to will their hope to finding our character and life will start affecting them more. They themselves as people can't spend their entire life living in the shadow of our character so they had to move on after obtaining no news nor clues about our characters fate for so long.


For example, if you play as a Trooper Lana mentions that she is unable to find the trooper's companions because each one of them were reassigned after the Trooper character went MIA / assumed KIA. If you romance Jorgan as a female trooper, the romance letter states Jorgan was promoted and given his own squad and is fighting at the front lines during the 5 year gap before the Republic and Empire were defeated.

Edited by EdwinLi
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Ya that and 5 years can change things. As Valkorian said as time pass so to will their hope to finding our character and life will start affecting them more. They themselves as people can't spend their entire life living in the shadow of our character so they had to move on after obtaining no news nor clues about our characters fate for so long.


For example, if you play as a Trooper Lana mentions that she is unable to find the trooper's companions because each one of them were reassigned after the Trooper character went MIA / assumed KIA. If you romance Jorgan as a female trooper, the romance letter states Jorgan was promoted and given his own squad and is fighting at the front lines during the 5 year gap before the Republic and Empire were defeated.


I wonder, does that change depending on who you promoted at the end of act 2?

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Also, for some reason, the Devs/Writers didn't want to give every class their very own LI back.


One, it would only make sense for Lana to have the Outlander's closest companion with her to find you. Five years looking, your companion knows her too (after all you have a companion with you when running SoR), but then the Devs/Writers would need to figure out how to pick which one to use for each player seperately and make dialogue changes for them individually.


So instead we get half assed writing on why they're not there :p Seriously, I can't imagine Kira or Vette leaving their BFF JK/SW behind and not working with Lana to find you, and that's without them being romancable.


All Lana would have to do for MOST but not all, of the companions is go up to them and say "I'm going to find the PC" and they would have joined in on the rescue. No, not all would have, but so many would have. :p

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I wonder, does that change depending on who you promoted at the end of act 2?


I doubt the promotion will matter, since even in the trooper story it only really affects several cutscenes (where your XO gets dialogue) and one conversation with Jorgan where he complains if you didn't promote him. I also don't remember anything about a promotion or new squad for Jorgan in the letter - it's a letter from the trenches.


In terms of their letters - Elara references Jorgan and her trying to fight the trooper being declared dead and stating she would "explore other options" if the Republic military refuses to help her find you. Jorgan's letter references Forex and fighting skytroopers in what sounds like the final stages of the war (he says it's been like two months since you "died "and the war lasted three).


I think they'll be written has having both been in Havoc Squad up until the end of the war (with who was the XO not mattering) and then left for their own reasons (possibly including finding their romanced trooper, not liking Saresh [who is apparently now a master manipulator as well as an idiot], etc.) and are now doing their own thing.


Also, for some reason, the Devs/Writers didn't want to give every class their very own LI back.


Yep, I agree. It basically feels like they just wanted (1) to make Lana look super amazing since she's basically a second main character in many respects and (2) stretch content out by making you wait to get your favorite companions back.


To be fair, it'd be difficult to please everyone (i.e. do you bring only one love interest with Lana? If so, why not the other, or both others?), but the way it looks like they're spreading out LI returns really bothers me.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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It's human nature to devolve in to what's easier, what's familiar. You can see that with the comps they've released so far. They've all gone back to pretty much what they were doing prior to you meeting up with them, with the exception of T7 who is not your ordinary droid and



the story of SWTOR is truly centered around


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I don't know about the female LI's, but I know for a fact that all the male LI's but one still believe the Outlander is alive... Or at least they did 5 years ago. Torian's letter is a goodbye letter saying he'll never forget the femBH and will always love her, but he thinks she's dead.


Malavai, Andronikus, and Felix all say that they know you're not dead and they're going to look for you as long as they have to. Doc, Corso, Vector, and Aric all day that they want to believe you're alive and that they miss you. I can't wait to see all the reunions with the LI's, I'm really looking forward to that.

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