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Dear Bioware, please implement 12x story XP so I can resub


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Hehe I remember when there was no chapter 3 and no quests beyond Hoth or so but we had a stretch of time that build and so mostly killed mobs the rest of the way to 50. With low xp per kill, companions that were a whole lot weaker than the modern day ones.


Thats grinding. And of course, unacceptable unfinished game stuff - but actual grinding.


"Quest grinding"? Ye gads, that isn't grinding.


It certainly is not grinding when it can be reduced to only the class arc and supplementing with a flashpoint here and there.


Seriously, go onto the GTN, find the cheapest flashpoint xp boost. Shop around, people sell em for 3-4k a pop or even less sometimes. Pop it and do Esseles/Black Talon one single time.


Takes less than an hour. You'll get 3-4 levels out of it. If you haven't done it before, it is enjoyable. Heck I really enjoy running it still with a new class as you hit 10 with only the story arc on home planet, hit advanced class and then you have some strongs to test out your new ability on and get the feel of the class.


Hit the flashpoint any time you the class quest gets above your level.


Or do one single pvp match.


Or a couple heroics.


Leveling is truly, no joking around trivial now. That isn't coming from a masochist either. I might have lived through the UO days, beta times and truly grindy MMOs, but I've got no love for triviality for the point of triviality either.


But it is tuned to be very fun nowadays. And the healer companion stuff makes it rather autopilot. Personally I wish combat was a couple notches more challenging...but that is really the healer stuff and tangential to XP gains.

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Agreed, OP has to be a troll.


Oh come on, he's not a troll, he just wants 12XP back. Having an opinion does not equal trolling.


Dear Bioware.

.... I'm playing KoTFE during my month of subscription, which is great, then ragequitting (italics mine).

I will come back if you implement 12XP again.


um, yeah....that folks, was a troll with tongue firmly placed in cheek. See, he's over there with a bag o popcorn munching happily and watching y'all run around in circles. [points to OP]''...either that or that's a bag o funny mushrooms and OP is in a galaxy far far away.

Edited by ChakraFive
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This is not grindy, at all. I may nnot have played this game from launch, but I did start playing in 2012, and that was a grind, class story, planetary story, and every single side mission you could find, pre-CM Exp boost, pre-guild xp boost, back in the day when you hit 50 (yes, 50) and did dailies every day to get mods for your gear to take on HM FPs to get gear to take on SM Ops (this was just ever so slightly pre-free Mk-2 Recruit gear at 50, and definitely before the 99 free Tionese tokens at 50).


It may not be 12x xp, but it is pretty near it, and faster than any other leveling this game has had, except for 12x xp. Don't like it, well, have fun playing a game that levels at your deisred speed, cause they are few and far between. And really, if you are in a hurry to hit 60, just grind out some dailies and pick up a start at 60 token off the GTN and make yourself a 60, the KOTFE story has a built-in tutorial so you can get a crash course in how to actually play your toon.


And I used to be able to level characters to max level before 12x xp only using class story and filling in with a few KDYs and pvp matches when I got behind by a level or two (or I'd solo the end of chapter class missions underleveled, Warrior chapter 2 at 38, Agent chapter 3 at 48 and 47). I rarely spend the credits for the legacy perk, and end up forgetting to re-apply exp boosts, so at the current rate, there is not reason to draw a line in the sand about the experience, because leveling is still ridiculously easy. And again, if you want level 60 handed to you, buy a token for a start at 60 toon, and use it.

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Dear Bioware.

You are an amazing game developer and have created a lot of great content in SWTOR.

The problem is, the "mmo" aspects of the game (walking long distances, quest grinding) suck. I've only been playing for a week but I read that months ago you had 12x XP for story missions, which would make the game way more fun.

Please implement this feature so I can resub and enjoy the class story. As it stands, there is way too much grinding (EG: Planetary missions) to justify playing 1-60. I'm playing KoTFE during my month of subscription, which is great, then ragequitting.

I will come back if you implement 12XP again.


You can just do the class quests and get to max level just as fast now as with 12 XP, I recently did it with a sorc, I think the XP for subs has been re-designed around the class quests.

At least it feels that way

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lol , its easy to level already i did 4 storys in week, jsut doing story+wz daily and somtimes hc+2 if behind level and its go fast as hell. Not grind at all, and like you say grind suck what you do at 65 ? Grind wz,flashpoints or daily , reputation its all grind
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Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that someone may not want to repeat content (such as the planetary stories multiple times or heroics, side quests, etc) just to see a different class story? I legitimately don't understand why that is so hard for people to comprehend. Lets say a player played through one class story on the republic side with some side quests and the planetary storylines to go along with it and now they want to start a republic new class. What the Frak is so crazy about just wanting to play class quests that time around without any extras? I can hardly believe that some of you get so upset because that's what someone enjoys. You MMO people can be an odd bunch.
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the only way possible is if you were only doing the class missions, and not the planetary story arcs (which you can take 1:1 and always be in the same general area) and he was stealthing past every mob he could, and he would absolutely not have been in a flashpoint or pvp match, because that would have given him at least 2 levels per game.


Agreed, OP has to be a troll.


Recommend that moderators close this thread and ban this user.


Yes I stealthed, it's part of my RP that I avoid combat where possible. Plus I have carpal tunnel.


I recommend that you shut up.

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I am always up for giving options to people. Thus, I see no reason why they wouldn't implement this. Besides their own pride and vanity ofc.


I know that leveling is very fast(I am like 48 on Voss and I did only Tat planetary + a handful of Heroics and BT), but you are missing the point here:


-> Leveling is currently ultra fast if you do a lot of stuff and have a lot of money / a lot of unlocks

-> Proponents of 12xp(like yours truly) just want to play the class story and not bother with anything else

-> Everything except the story in swtor is, sadly, average or even sub-average


We just want to do what interests us without bothering anyone. Why do we bother you? You can safely ignore us...


edit: about the "OP" companions:


-> They aren't OP at all for new players! They are perhaps more optimised for their roles(ok dps role needs a better AoE skill), but statistically speaking, they are worse than they used to be. What makes companions "OP" is having legacy unlocks, such as: datacrons, human +100 presence bonus, +20(or whatever) presence / companion story finished etc. ESPECIALLY the last part, now that you can simply log on to your 50, space bar through the companion dialogue and get +100 legacy presence just like that. 100 * 8 = 800 + 100 = 900 +100 = 1000 presence WHEN you get your FIRST companion(without any influence with him)! If you add datacrons...you can add up to 500(?) more. So, now ask yourself this:


-> How are new players supposed to solo Heroics or solo FPs if they DON'T HAVE godmode companions? And the corollary of this:


-> New players need to grind the quests just like pre 3,0 era. So, this is where 12xp would be PHENOMENAL addition to the game( = to allow new players to reach the power level of old players ) especially seeing how many new players will probably come here after 24th Dec( = Christmas, = TFA ).

Edited by Cuiwe
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I don't have a single legacy purchased exp boost. I have not used the exp boost buffs that are rewarded through out the game. I was level 15 when my latest character got off Hutta. I was level 19 by the time that character landed on Dromund Kaas. Since then, I have been so far over level for every planet up to Alderan, that I am only running my class story for my newest Agent.


What's the secret? Black Talon and Athiss.


Also, do not bypass bonus missions on your Story missions. Always kill atleast 1 mob to see if it unlocks a bonus mission.


With those things in mind, you can probably skip the planetary story lines. You might might possibly MIGHT need to run one itty bitty side quest, or another Black Talon run.

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Good Lord. XP in this game falls from the sky like rain in Seattle now. I feel like I have to be careful not to blink on my leveling characters or else I might miss an entire level. Do a flashpoint; you'll gain at least one level. Do some heroics. Run back to your starter planet and grind on the easiest mobs you can find. Whatever. You'll level just fine.
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Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that someone may not want to repeat content (such as the planetary stories multiple times or heroics, side quests, etc) just to see a different class story? I legitimately don't understand why that is so hard for people to comprehend. Lets say a player played through one class story on the republic side with some side quests and the planetary storylines to go along with it and now they want to start a republic new class. What the Frak is so crazy about just wanting to play class quests that time around without any extras? I can hardly believe that some of you get so upset because that's what someone enjoys. You MMO people can be an odd bunch.


If you you want to see the story, without any extras (extras being defined as everything else in the game) -- Youtube it. Read the wiki.


Its not like the quests have to be the same, you don't have to take them all the first time through, you can complete the conversations differently, the npc's address you differently most of the time based on the class you are and even your gender, different companions you bring can also change the conversation, its all "collect 10 bear asses" anyway from lvl 1 to lvl 65, if you cant be troubled to do it, don't play an MMO.

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Dear Bioware.

You are an amazing game developer and have created a lot of great content in SWTOR.

The problem is, the "mmo" aspects of the game (walking long distances, quest grinding) suck. I've only been playing for a week but I read that months ago you had 12x XP for story missions, which would make the game way more fun.

Please implement this feature so I can resub and enjoy the class story. As it stands, there is way too much grinding (EG: Planetary missions) to justify playing 1-60. I'm playing KoTFE during my month of subscription, which is great, then ragequitting.

I will come back if you implement 12XP again.


Seriously? If they bring back 12x with changes to game right now you be 65 in like few hours. No just no.

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Awesome troll. :D



Dear Bioware,

I think you make awesome games and I really like SW:TOR too. However, I feel companions in this game are not powerful enough. Sure, they are able to " solo" vast majority of the content available. However, they are still very reliant on player commands. Please make it so companions are able to do the class story by themselves while I sleep. If you don't, i'll never re-sub again. Thanks in advance!

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Awesome troll. :D



Dear Bioware,

I think you make awesome games and I really like SW:TOR too. However, I feel companions in this game are not powerful enough. Sure, they are able to " solo" vast majority of the content available. However, they are still very reliant on player commands. Please make it so companions are able to do the class story by themselves while I sleep. If you don't, i'll never re-sub again. Thanks in advance!


Just as well reasoned as the original post. I for one would like to get behind this suggestion.

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Stealths past mobs on missions as much as possible and complains about XP lol

My last Pub toon was level 25 leaving Coruscant, FFS. If anything, I get more XP now than before 4.0 even without 12x XP because I can't outlevel mobs like I always did before.


Not sure if trolling or entitled ADD kiddie.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Suggestions like this are why the game is a complete mess right now. It's been dumbed down so continuously its now not a game, its a chose your own adventure interspersed with occasional ham fisted button mashing.


I know, right? 18 days left on my sub. Maybe they'll pull their heads out before 5.0

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Firstly no, because grinding sucks. Secondly, this is a lie. It takes both story and planetary missions now to level, which is unacceptable.


You made it to all of level 15. Do me a favor, hit your chatbox and type "/played". Come back and tell us how long that took you because that used to be about 6 in game hours of play.


Yep. Did Planetary and Story quests to level 15 and was still a level behind curve. Even this was way too grindy as Planetary quests are nowhere near as fun as main story ones. As to the guy above, no I will not grind your silly dungeons and heroic missions. I'd prefer to just play the class story like people did several months ago, which even then if you wanted to waste your life mashing buttons you could disable the XP boost.


You would prefer something that you never experienced to begin with? "We people" were actually here for the reward, you were not. 12xp was never a secret in the gaming community. It is neither our fault nor Bioware's fault that you didn't bother showing up for the 5+ months of 12 xp this year and the 2+ months of 12 xp last year.


Well this game is an MMORPG, and at one point it had 12XP for months on end. Therefore your logic is flawed. If it once again had 12XP then it would indeed be "for me".


Not everything is for everyone. You DO NOT KNOW that you would have liked 12xp better or worse than the current system. You cannot possibly know this because you haven't even bothered to go through this system. further, you never experienced the 12XP system so really you have no legitimate opinion on the matter.


Most people who have actually played through all three XP systems agree that the current system is much faster.

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Dear Bioware.

You are an amazing game developer and have created a lot of great content in SWTOR.

The problem is, the "mmo" aspects of the game (walking long distances, quest grinding) suck. I've only been playing for a week but I read that months ago you had 12x XP for story missions, which would make the game way more fun.

Please implement this feature so I can resub and enjoy the class story. As it stands, there is way too much grinding (EG: Planetary missions) to justify playing 1-60. I'm playing KoTFE during my month of subscription, which is great, then ragequitting.

I will come back if you implement 12XP again.


I just levelled a vanguard to 65 before even starting chapter 2 of the core storyline. The game is ridiculously easy to level now without any boosts at all. Your QQ is the most pathetic and most self-entitled I've literally ever seen in my 30 years of gaming. Grow up.

Edited by Idoya
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Dear Bioware.

You are an amazing game developer and have created a lot of great content in SWTOR.

The problem is, the "mmo" aspects of the game (walking long distances, quest grinding) suck. I've only been playing for a week but I read that months ago you had 12x XP for story missions, which would make the game way more fun.

Please implement this feature so I can resub and enjoy the class story. As it stands, there is way too much grinding (EG: Planetary missions) to justify playing 1-60. I'm playing KoTFE during my month of subscription, which is great, then ragequitting.

I will come back if you implement 12XP again.


You obviously forgot to use sarcasm font. :p I only say this because they addressed already every complaint you have. Now we have essentially 12x with two story arcs instead of one. The only quest chains you must do to level are planetary and class to level appropriately. We now have instant quick travel available, and if you don't have the legacy to unlock that, the base cooldown for quicktravel was significantly reduced. Taxi locations are now automatically available on the map, and once you discover an area, the quicktravel points are all unlocked. Perspective does wonders, and if you aren't being sarcastic, this just shows that there will always be someone to complain about anything.

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Awesome troll. :D



Dear Bioware,

I think you make awesome games and I really like SW:TOR too. However, I feel companions in this game are not powerful enough. Sure, they are able to " solo" vast majority of the content available. However, they are still very reliant on player commands. Please make it so companions are able to do the class story by themselves while I sleep. If you don't, i'll never re-sub again. Thanks in advance!


Better yet we should be able to send our companions out to various planets to complete all the quests and collect all the rewards for us while we sit on our ship. Implement this, Bioware.

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Firstly no, because grinding sucks. Secondly, this is a lie. It takes both story and planetary missions now to level, which is unacceptable.


I agree. It takes a lot longer now to leel up. Don't let anyone else tell you differently.

I suggest the return of 12 x xp and just to remind the grindmonkeys; you can turn it off.

Edited by LoverNoFighter
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