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Need vs. Greed


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True story. They could get a bottle with a genie, make 3 wishes, and find something about each wish to complain about. Welcome to the human condition. :rolleyes:


WHAT THE HELL!!! only THREE wishes... THATS BS!

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True story. They could get a bottle with a genie, make 3 wishes, and find something about each wish to complain about. Welcome to the human condition. :rolleyes:


(Underline added for emphasis).


You do comprehend the difference between fact and conjecture, don't you? LOL, sorry, couldn't resist -- I have a low Ohm rating. :D

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The short term answer: Run the very simple, low level FP again. I assume that the original scenario was not the Hm version of BT. You may get the saber staff, you may get other useful oranges. Also, if this is something you really are so upset about , put that player on your ignore list. If conversations in game are not productive.


The long term answer: Get over it. There comes a point when, aside from pets/mounts, that FP loot is not all that important. You can level all storyline content with planetary comm blues. Then, do your dailies. Give yourself a week of that. Then do your HM FP's. Another week of that and you should be overgeared for some SM ops. Rinse, repeat for each tier.


I roll greed on nearly everything, with the exception of unassembled pieces I need and mounts/pets. As I do not forgo my PvE brethren in groupfinder, I find myself (at level 55) with a bank tab half full of various different pieces of gear for all kinds of roles. When I get around to leveling another character.


Grind. It's not the most exciting thing in the world but the more FP's you queue for, the better off things are. You will eventually get what you want, without having to change the loot system (or have a patch break things), and at the same time be another helpful body for those that do grind.

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Should just do it like guild wars 2 and not have this come up at all, each player simply getting their loot on an individual basis.


Really wish this game promoted teamwork more, GW2 rewards players for helping each other.


One of the big ways in which they encourage people to run multiple times is that you don't always get the gear on your first run. If everyone just got what they wanted then why would they do it again?


If you're proposing that it randomly assigns good loot to only one person, they tried that with SM operations at launch. They ended up changing it because no one seemed to like it. What happens when one person needs the item and the person who actually gets it already has 3?

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While I think the current system works just fine, I wouldn't complain if they changed to a gear tokens system that lets everyone pick from, say, sets of boots, or whatever. What I would object to is if they changed the system to randomly assign loot to people automatically, or if they made it so that you were only allowed to roll need on items you actually could use.


My issue with these is two-fold. First, who decides what "needing" something is? If I'm a level 40 sin, and a level 41 saber drops from a flashpoint with all the right stats for it to be an upgrade, do I need it? What if I'm the only sin in that run? Or say something drops with dps stats when I'm a tank? Do I need that? The group should be the one to decide, not the developers.


Also, it eliminates the possibility of companion or alt gear, or mods, or shells to mod with different stats. I'm not saying that people should make runs of flashpoints simply for companion or alt gear, but if no one else in the run needs it, why shouldn't people get the chance to roll for their companions? Of course, they should still ask, but such a system would eliminate even the possibility.


There is no programming that the devs could do in order to stop greedy jackwagons.


^This is very, very true. Incidentally, BBP, I'm almost positive that you and I used to be in a guild together. Remember The Initiative? Feyte, the lowbie sage who talked all the time and leveled really slowly? Nice to see you back in game? Are you still on the same server? Hope to catch up with you if you are.

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True story. They could get a bottle with a genie, make 3 wishes, and find something about each wish to complain about. Welcome to the human condition. :rolleyes:


Yep... and don't forget the ever popular "I made the wrong wish by mistake... refund my wish NAO!!!!" :p

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While I think the current system works just fine.

As do I.


You cannot make people be honorable and fair, but in a game, you can give them the opportunity to be so. I want that opportunity. I do not want to be so straightjacketed by the game that personal honor and everything else about me beyond my ability to click the right buttons is irrelevant.


Need/Greed/Pass is one of many ways to build your reputation, good or bad. And that's good.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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(Underline added for emphasis).


You do comprehend the difference between fact and conjecture, don't you? LOL, sorry, couldn't resist -- I have a low Ohm rating. :D


Yeah, I was focused more on people complaining in general, rather than what they actually complain about :)

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Seems like the simplest solution would be that the need/greed system be eliminated, and everyone gets a copy of whatever drops.


I like it. Then if you can use it, you use it, if not, R/engineer it or sell it to a vendor. Then everyone gets a part in the spoils of war, as it were.

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Yep... and don't forget the ever popular "I made the wrong wish by mistake... refund my wish NAO!!!!" :p


Yeah, people who make the WRONG wish deserve no refunds :p But people who made the right wish, and the genie mucked it up by changing the rules shortly after should get not only a refund, but a whole new wish ;)

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True story. They could get a bottle with a genie, make 3 wishes, and find something about each wish to complain about. Welcome to the human condition. :rolleyes:

Many people don't know this, but the rumor of getting 3 wishes is actually a lie.


You get one free wish. If you make a second wish, you trade places with the genie and get stuck in the bottle.



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I like it. Then if you can use it, you use it, if not, R/engineer it or sell it to a vendor. Then everyone gets a part in the spoils of war, as it were.


Before launch when it was outlined that they would be using a comm system and it was unclear if there would be random drops alot of the hardcore raiders were complaining they couldn't control the loot drops like in a dkp system but i do like that idea

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I would not mind seeing an end to the need/greed system. As someone mentioned earlier, Ops get tokens, and I have not seen any complaints from that system....unless someone knows of complaints I have not seen it appears that system is acceptable in that respect. Perhaps it could work across the board.
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The simplest answer that I've come up with is:


Need 1 time=no big deal.


Need 2 times=I'll bring it up in chat who is doing it. If group leader decides to kick person, I'll vote yes.


Need 3 times=I start hitting need every time and let the group know that I'll be doing it.


If this system has to be Need/Greed, it would be nice if Need could be used only once per Flashpoint. This way, a player could still make a concerted effort to get ONE item they really need and the rest is left to fate. Maybe I didn't notice it before but the amount of people hitting "need" seems to be going up lately.

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Last time someone did that in a Heroic mission I was the highest there and the tank. since I wasn't the group leader I couldn't kick the sob so I told the guy if he kept it up I was out and they would wipe without me.


Seemed to work rather well.

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Maybe you could make it so that people can only need a certain number of times during the flashpoint, this will mean people are more likely to only need items they can actually use. For example, on the Esseles if I remember correctly your get "big" drops from Ironfist, the two driods on the imp ship (inc bonus droid) and the Sith at the end and you can only click need on 2 of the drops and forced to click greed on any other drops.
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I don't know, I just think tokens are the answer....even for those that think it's not a question, since it would benefit them as well.


It pretty much would end any perceived problems in the system IMO. I personally can not see a down side. Perhaps someone else can.

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Today I was in Maelstrom Prison. We had a Jedi knight as the tank, commando as healer. 2 Bosses drop several strength tank stuff. Commando healer and Jedi knight roll need on everything, commando gets everything, nobody cares.

Alright, this is a free for all run I guess?

Next boss drops Jedi knight tank boots. Healer, Tank and me roll need, I get it.


Get kicked.



Edited by Cleev
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Today I was in Maelstrom Prison. We had a Jedi knight as the tank, commando as healer. 2 Bosses droppt several strength tank stuff. Commando healer and Jedi knight rolls need on everything, nobody cares.

Alright, this is a free for all run I guess?

Next boss drops Jedi knight tank boots. Healer, Tank and me roll need, I get it.


Get kicked.




I'll bet you never actually ASKED, did you?


Communication is such an easy thing, and yet so many people derp that part of life.

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I'll bet you never actually ASKED, did you?


Communication is such an easy thing, and yet so many people derp that part of life.


As I said, no one said a thing, it was really like nobody cares.


They could be friends rolling NEED on everything one of them can use. I've seen those kinds of rolls when people are in the same guild.


They were different guilds, so I don't think they knew each other.



Why does your need/greed system still suck, Bioware?

Edited by Cleev
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what is funny is that this is an MMO that human beings can exist perfectly, and probably more healthy, without. no one NEEDS anything unless they cannot survive without it.


now, you may need flour to make a cake, but you certainly don't need the cake or flour to live, there are other things to eat. if they only say 'need' without any context, there are so many ways that word could apply to. you may 'need' a double-bladed saber to get the extra cash for something off the GTN, but that would be both need and greed so it really gets confusing.


i just think that you should only be able to roll a 'need' once every FP or ops. the need beats greed 100% of the time, but at least people will use it more wisely. the first person to roll the need gets the item.

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