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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Need vs. Greed


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I was doing the Black Talon flash point today, and the saber staff dropped when we killed the jedi boss. Seeing as I was the only Sith Assassin in the group, I rolled need on it. The Sith Sorcerer in our group also rolled need and won the roll. Now I have to do the flash point again if I want the upgrade. I asked the person to trade me the saber staff since he couldn't use it, but it was bind on pickup.


Is this a bug, or is this intentional? If it is intentional, seems unfair to me that someone who cannot use a piece of gear is still able to roll need on it.


In the future, I would like to see a system whereby you can only roll need on items you can use. I would also like to see a system similar to WoW where you can still trade bound items a certain amount of time after you win the drop. These would solve the issue of people rolling need on gear they don't need or can't use.

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I really wish MMOs would stop doing this. Need/Greed is the WORST idea in an online game...ever.


Roll/Pass and all the complaining would stop.


You're kidding right? People would roll on everything. No one would get what they need. Need/greed is a far better system.

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Dont feel bad. I was running the Esseles Flashpoint as a jedi guardian. our group had a level 17 Jedi shadow, another level 11 guardian and me.... most of the Named loot was for Guardians..... and the shadow kept needing everything and winning. The only item between the two guardians we managed to get away from him was the generator.
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You're kidding right? People would roll on everything. No one would get what they need. Need/greed is a far better system.


No, are you kidding with this statement?


"People would roll on everything."


How is that different from everyone rolling "need" now?


Everyone is always screaming "unfair! unfair!" about the need/greed option. Making it roll/pass means everyone who rolls has the exact same chance of getting the item. You can't whine about that (oh wait, the BlizzKidz can...and will).


And don't give me the, "Well, Bioware can make it so you can only roll need on things you can use."


Then instead of listening to whining about 'need' rolls on unusable items, we will have to listen to whining about 'need' rolls on items that are not as good as what the person is wearing.


No matter what you do need/greed will never be fair because people will never act fairly toward each other.


I stand by what I said, the entire need/greed/pass sytem need to go in favor of roll/pass.

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You're kidding right? People would roll on everything. No one would get what they need. Need/greed is a far better system.


This. At least some people will green or pass on gear they can't, personally use. If it was roll/pass, I'd roll on nearly everything.

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  • 2 years later...

At this point with many players having 55 toons in every class (including myself), Need/Greed is not only dated and a moronic idea, but it's the cause of animosity, arguments and ill-will among groups particularly the ones that have been randomly put together. I can guarantee you that the one guy (or gal) that "Needs" an item will be the one who hangs back to see if everyone else Greeds it, then hits Need.


We ALL need whatever drops for either the toon we're playing now, another class toon or a companion we're trying to gear. Roll or Pass. If the devs want to keep this idiotic system, then at least when someone hits "Need" have a pop-up that states: "So-and-so has chosen Need, do you wish to change your choice?" But really just dump the system.

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I always explain this to people who dont know:


Need is only when u can equip on yourself, Greed when you can't equip on yourself and want it.


Need also works when everyone want certain loot, like a Speeder (everyone should roll need)

Greed also works if you need something for your companion (roll greed here)

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At this point with many players having 55 toons in every class (including myself), Need/Greed is not only dated and a moronic idea, but it's the cause of animosity, arguments and ill-will among groups particularly the ones that have been randomly put together. I can guarantee you that the one guy (or gal) that "Needs" an item will be the one who hangs back to see if everyone else Greeds it, then hits Need.


We ALL need whatever drops for either the toon we're playing now, another class toon or a companion we're trying to gear. Roll or Pass. If the devs want to keep this idiotic system, then at least when someone hits "Need" have a pop-up that states: "So-and-so has chosen Need, do you wish to change your choice?" But really just dump the system.


Can I at least roll Need on some necro repellent?

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Never understood why people whine about necromancing if the poster wants to get attention on a still existing issue.


its not an issue....


if we called it "use it now" (need)/"use it somewhere else" (greed) would that be better?

How about "I* can equip this"/"i can't equip this"?


*I being this toon, not alts, not companions, not I can use it to craft the mods.

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Sometimes its an honest mistake that people select need for an item. I was in a group a couple of days ago and I hit need for an item only i could use in the group, but one other person also selected need, even though he couldn't use it. He quickly realized this and traded me the item for nothing.
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We may actually have a new record!!!


Dates, threads have them for a reason.


Need: Used on THIS TOON ONLY

Greed: Used on Alts/Companions/Vendor/RE


Yes, but that's an unofficial honor system unknown to many. It's not enforceable.


And by the way, an old date on a thread doesn't make the issue any less valid. Though you may not think this is of any concern, I do. I think it's a terrible system. My opinion is every bit as valid as yours.

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