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Everything posted by asgardx

  1. I was doing the Black Talon flash point today, and the saber staff dropped when we killed the jedi boss. Seeing as I was the only Sith Assassin in the group, I rolled need on it. The Sith Sorcerer in our group also rolled need and won the roll. Now I have to do the flash point again if I want the upgrade. I asked the person to trade me the saber staff since he couldn't use it, but it was bind on pickup. Is this a bug, or is this intentional? If it is intentional, seems unfair to me that someone who cannot use a piece of gear is still able to roll need on it. In the future, I would like to see a system whereby you can only roll need on items you can use. I would also like to see a system similar to WoW where you can still trade bound items a certain amount of time after you win the drop. These would solve the issue of people rolling need on gear they don't need or can't use.
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