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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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No you're not. Ignore it. Either do the content or don't.


Sadly you are wrong as you cannot drop it, ignoring it is waste and not something that will be done because its like that rock in your shoe you cannot get rid of. Distracing from the game and hindering you from seeing the rest of the alerts. Hindering parts of the story PVE content that is handed out from doing the story.


It's about as foced as you can get in a game.


If it could be dropped and that part of the story moved along you might be right. Sadly, you are not.

Edited by Quraswren
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No you're not. Ignore it. Either do the content or don't.


TUX could you please tell me why you are so insistent that the quest stays in an unaltered format? would a concession really hurt more than the current PvE afk'ers?


I am not asking to get in a flame war with you I just don't understand the PvP mindset.


I think there would be a hell of a lot less complaints from PvE'ers if there were a lot less matches to complete in the first place. If this was a test to try to entice people into PvP than 20 is far too many, you have too many people going into warzones already thinking of it as a chore especially with the knowledge that they will have to do this for future .


5 matches in total (maybe still counting wins as 2) should be plenty to whet peoples appetite for PvP and for people to find out whether they will enjoy entering into PvP matches in the future, as it stands now because everyone know it will be a slog for 10-20 matches that people are already going in with that mindset and not really going in open minded.

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Pretty sure he's just being spiteful or wants to farm afk PVE players.


Its actually a serious question on my part as I am really struggling to understand why members of the PvP community are so set on keeping it as it is.


I have seen a few concession ideas that may work to help at least alleviate the PvE'ers "problems" while keeping PvP as a main idea like vastly reduced match requirements but have the influence as the "incentive" to keep PvP'ing or having this valor ranking legacy wide (how long does it take to reach valor 40 anyway) but if that was the case my concession on that would be have say legacy 30 but each character would have to do 1 war zone to complete quest as it would not make much sense to gain these companions for actions that another has done alone.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Pretty sure he's just being spiteful or wants to farm afk PVE players.

That may be how you treat people, but that's not what I do.


TUX could you please tell me why you are so insistent that the quest stays in an unaltered format? would a concession really hurt more than the current PvE afk'ers?


I am not asking to get in a flame war with you I just don't understand the PvP mindset.


I think there would be a hell of a lot less complaints from PvE'ers if there were a lot less matches to complete in the first place. If this was a test to try to entice people into PvP than 20 is far too many, you have too many people going into warzones already thinking of it as a chore especially with the knowledge that they will have to do this for future .


5 matches in total (maybe still counting wins as 2) should be plenty to whet peoples appetite for PvP and for people to find out whether they will enjoy entering into PvP matches in the future, as it stands now because everyone know it will be a slog for 10-20 matches that people are already going in with that mindset and not really going in open minded.

Oh I completely agree. I'm not against making changes to it...I think you should be able to bypass it and go on to the next alert if one pops up - no M1-4X ever, but the ability to skip it for now and pick it up later if you want.


And I absolutely agree that 20 matches (or 10 wins) is ridiculous. I think it should be 8(4) or 4(2) even...exposure to PvP is what I want to encourage, not resentment of it. 20 is a huge mistake...hell, I PvP every day I'm online, and 20 is a lot to me!


However...PvP isn't being "forced" upon anyone. It's a choice players are making...that's the only point I was trying to make.

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Its actually a serious question on my part as I am really struggling to understand why members of the PvP community are so set on keeping it as it is.

Keeping M1-4X as a PvP exclusive is what I want to keep "as is"...there's no reason PvP can't be rewarding. No alternative way to get him (unless you are a trooper)...PvP only is fine.


The other aspects like the # of WZ's or being able to skip him, are all negotiable imo.

Edited by TUXs
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For anyone who has never PvPed before, use it as an opportunity to improve your PvE experience. I found on my boosted 60 that the intro to warzones quest gives you 400 warzone comms. After 10-20 matches you can easily purchase 2 204 non-click relics (250 comms each) and a 204 mainhand (400ish comms), none of which are available from PvE vendors. A good start to your endgame raiding experience allowing you to focus more on set pieces than other stuff.


It can also help burn the fundamentals of your class into your mind, rather than relying so much on your rotation. PvP helps with constant target swapping and puts you in situations where the optimal rotation isn't the theoretical highest DPS rotation. It can help with learning to be more mobile for fights that require it and put a renewed focus on using your DCDs during high damage scenarios rather than solely relying on your healers.


It doesn't have to be a terrible experience, just like killing 3 WBs can be a better experience by grouping with people you know, making it a recruitment event for your guild, or even creating some positive guild to guild relations by helping each other out. Do the same thing for PvP, get your guild group together and take a drink for every death you have. Try and have fun rather than trying to remove fun from others.


Stop looking at all of these quests as a pure grind and start looking at them as an opportunity to get a reward you want for experiencing different parts of the game. If it turns out that you end up hating it anyway, then that's ok and you'll know to skip it in the future. And if it turns out to be fun, then maybe it expands the number of activities in the game that you can do to keep things fresh.

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That may be how you treat people, but that's not what I do.


You say that, but your whole demeanor screams 'screw you, this is mine and if you want it, you have to come in here so I can farm your inexperienced selves for 20 WZs.'


That's how you look right now. Just so you know.

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For anyone who has never PvPed before, use it as an opportunity to improve your PvE experience. I found on my boosted 60 that the intro to warzones quest gives you 400 warzone comms. After 10-20 matches you can easily purchase 2 204 non-click relics (250 comms each) and a 204 mainhand (400ish comms), none of which are available from PvE vendors. A good start to your endgame raiding experience allowing you to focus more on set pieces than other stuff.


It can also help burn the fundamentals of your class into your mind, rather than relying so much on your rotation. PvP helps with constant target swapping and puts you in situations where the optimal rotation isn't the theoretical highest DPS rotation. It can help with learning to be more mobile for fights that require it and put a renewed focus on using your DCDs during high damage scenarios rather than solely relying on your healers.


It doesn't have to be a terrible experience, just like killing 3 WBs can be a better experience by grouping with people you know, making it a recruitment event for your guild, or even creating some positive guild to guild relations by helping each other out. Do the same thing for PvP, get your guild group together and take a drink for every death you have. Try and have fun rather than trying to remove fun from others.


Stop looking at all of these quests as a pure grind and start looking at them as an opportunity to get a reward you want for experiencing different parts of the game. If it turns out that you end up hating it anyway, then that's ok and you'll know to skip it in the future. And if it turns out to be fun, then maybe it expands the number of activities in the game that you can do to keep things fresh.


What part of 'we don't want to PVP' is confusing you?

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Oh I completely agree. I'm not against making changes to it...I think you should be able to bypass it and go on to the next alert if one pops up - no M1-4X ever, but the ability to skip it for now and pick it up later if you want.


And I absolutely agree that 20 matches (or 10 wins) is ridiculous. I think it should be 8(4) or 4(2) even...exposure to PvP is what I want to encourage, not resentment of it. 20 is a huge mistake...hell, I PvP every day I'm online, and 20 is a lot to me!


However...PvP isn't being "forced" upon anyone. It's a choice players are making...that's the only point I was trying to make.


Tux, what about the people that truly abhor pvp. I have a dear friend that hates pvp and she has tried it. Why do you insist on encouraging her to try it? People in the warzones can be rude, hateful, obniouxous, full of foul language and even use emotes to get their points across. Why would you want to subject someone that has had that happened the one time she has tried it to go back and do it? What enjoyment would she ever get from that? That is not fair to her.


She doesn't even want the two companions but yet stupid BW has to gate them behind the missions which is WRONG, no questions about it.


If you don't want a stupid companion then you should be able to say no and dismiss it and not be stuck with a companion or never have the alerts again. Is that you truly want?


I though you to be a better type but I am beginning to rethink my assessment of you.


It's not a problem for me considering when I first started playing the person I used to group with always flagged and therefore caused me to flag and I was always attacked on my medic so I have the comms thanks to that. I dealt with that because he was a friend but why subject someone who hates pvp and the envioronment to it? That truly doesn't make sense to me.


Regarding Forced- Can you skip these companions and have access to the alerts in the future? If No, then not forced, if yes- then yes as you are being locked out of content because of the "having to pvp" whether you want the companion or not since they is not a way to reject the companion and move forward.

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That may be how you treat people, but that's not what I do.



Oh I completely agree. I'm not against making changes to it...I think you should be able to bypass it and go on to the next alert if one pops up - no M1-4X ever, but the ability to skip it for now and pick it up later if you want.


And I absolutely agree that 20 matches (or 10 wins) is ridiculous. I think it should be 8(4) or 4(2) even...exposure to PvP is what I want to encourage, not resentment of it. 20 is a huge mistake...hell, I PvP every day I'm online, and 20 is a lot to me!


However...PvP isn't being "forced" upon anyone. It's a choice players are making...that's the only point I was trying to make.




Keeping M1-4X as a PvP exclusive is what I want to keep "as is"...there's no reason PvP can't be rewarding. No alternative way to get him (unless you are a trooper)...PvP only is fine.


The other aspects like the # of WZ's or being able to skip him, are all negotiable imo.


For the sake of argument please accept for a moment that from a "average" PvE player point of view they would feel forced into PvP due to the nature that they get the quest in, so much that its a short prelude to KoTFE story and that fact we cannot currently clear or remove the quest any other way.


That said I would find a compromise of the 2 ideas below reasonable:


1) a reduction in matches needed to 5 (with wins still counting as 2)

2) if 5 matches is still unacceptable, then an option to complete the quest by refusing to do the mission.


I feel that this solution would satisfy around 90% of the problems that PvE players have. Going forward I personally would be against having these type of companions tied into PvP.

That said, I would be more than happy if PvP had a companion reward that was "unique" to them, similar to the idea of HK-51 companion, this way PvP could still have its one unique rewards without impacting on any companion that appeared within the original 8 stories, if you wanted something even more unique you maybe give them some unique abilities that only they have and that are not part of "standard" abilities.

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You can scream it all you want, but no tantrum of yours will make it true. You're not forced to do anything...you are choosing to do it.


The sad part is, you're intentionally trying to negatively impact other people because of your ridiculous view. Good God...grow up. That's an extremely vile attitude. Please quit.


Are you aware the person you quoted was initially only asking for a way to dismiss the alert regarding 4X without getting that companion in the first place? In fact also the OP, that finally got a Bioware reply regarding the issues in this thread (and the ones listed in the OP) obviously concerning a lot of players, simply by asking if completing these alerts is necessary to move on to the next?


If there is no way to get rid of the alert and quest besides completing it to move on I have no trouble understanding some perceive this as being "forced". Granted nobody is holding a gun to your head, you can still quit the game and stop feeding BW money. But how is pointing that out constructive?


I have read numerous of your posts in this thread. I fully understand your desire to promote pvp in the hopes that more players will start enjoying that as a part of the game. And in turn bolstering pvp participation statistics adding to the argument those that enjoy pvp have regarding adding more pvp content and improving pvp gameplay.


Personally I would recommend that anyone that doesnt like pvp stay far away from 4X and Pierce. Judging by Eric's post it is not written in stone how Bioware will handle this. It looks to me like they are trying it out to see what happens, then evaluate based on statistics how to move on.


I do not support anyone that deliberately attempts to spoil others enjoyment of the game. But consider this, the poster you quoted asked a simple question initially. This thread contains a multitude of posts doing nothing more than instigating a fight. I am not saying one side is better than the other in this respect. I am just not surprised at all some respond to such behaviour by retaliating, justified or not.


If what you really want is more people trying pvp and enjoying it, should you not be spending your energy trying to bring the two sides in the conflict closer rather than driving a deeper wedge between them? A lot of players that might be on the fence about pvp are reluctant to try it because they dont like the attitude some so-called pvp'ers display. Why not work to reduce that problem possibly motivating more to try? Personally I think that would be more effective than gating a companion behind a pvp requirement.



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For anyone who has never PvPed before, use it as an opportunity to improve your PvE experience. I found on my boosted 60 that the intro to warzones quest gives you 400 warzone comms. After 10-20 matches you can easily purchase 2 204 non-click relics (250 comms each) and a 204 mainhand (400ish comms), none of which are available from PvE vendors. A good start to your endgame raiding experience allowing you to focus more on set pieces than other stuff.


It can also help burn the fundamentals of your class into your mind, rather than relying so much on your rotation. PvP helps with constant target swapping and puts you in situations where the optimal rotation isn't the theoretical highest DPS rotation. It can help with learning to be more mobile for fights that require it and put a renewed focus on using your DCDs during high damage scenarios rather than solely relying on your healers.


It doesn't have to be a terrible experience, just like killing 3 WBs can be a better experience by grouping with people you know, making it a recruitment event for your guild, or even creating some positive guild to guild relations by helping each other out. Do the same thing for PvP, get your guild group together and take a drink for every death you have. Try and have fun rather than trying to remove fun from others.


Stop looking at all of these quests as a pure grind and start looking at them as an opportunity to get a reward you want for experiencing different parts of the game. If it turns out that you end up hating it anyway, then that's ok and you'll know to skip it in the future. And if it turns out to be fun, then maybe it expands the number of activities in the game that you can do to keep things fresh.


Maybe you don't understand why people hate pvp and a lot of people I know have tried it and hate it. My best friend truly abhors pvp (and yes she has tried it). People tend to be rude, hateful, obnoxious and full of foul language and even does emotes to be rude to people. Why in the world would anyone want to deal with idiots (yes idiots) like that. Why would a person who pays to play need to deal with a child that acts like that.


I am sorry but I do not think pvp is all that great but I am one of the lucky people. I have a boyfriend who will take me to a warzone on my healers (the only one that doesn't have comms) and he will protect me while we are there but see I am a lucky one to have someone that cares enough about me to do that so I am not stuck behind a stupid gate that stupid bioware in all their stupidity had to do thinking it was funny or fun and not realizing not everyone likes pvp.


They add stuff for pve and now pvp so now when the hell are they going to add a mission that you "Have" to roleplay to get.

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What even is the point of trying to "force" exposure to PVP on people in the first place? Those who have any interest in it in the first place will try it out eventually, those who don't will either never do the quest or are the people who end up AFK in warzones because BW thought it was a good idea to make the alerts a quest chain (which is probably one of the biggest design flaws in KotFE and the game in general right now and I am utterly unable to understand why anyone thinks not being able to skip companions you think suck is a good idea. How many people complained about having to take or keep companions they hated in the vanilla story? It's that all over again, just a hundred times more tedious).


But regardless, the simplest solution to this issue and every other issue with the alliance system is to give the ability to permanently refuse every companion, and right at the beginning of their quest. Helps rp, helps alts, lets people skip what they don't want to do. I'm not sure why don't just ask all for that instead of arguing about whether or not all the dumb quests already implemented should be changed or not. Have they ever done that before, anyway?

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What part of 'we don't want to PVP' is confusing you?


You've already expressed your desire to ruin the gaming experience for other players to get what you want. My post clearly isn't directed at you and is more offering some positives to take from the various companion quests that people are complaining about to those who aren't excited to start.

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Maybe you don't understand why people hate pvp and a lot of people I know have tried it and hate it. My best friend truly abhors pvp (and yes she has tried it). People tend to be rude, hateful, obnoxious and full of foul language and even does emotes to be rude to people. Why in the world would anyone want to deal with idiots (yes idiots) like that. Why would a person who pays to play need to deal with a child that acts like that.


I am sorry but I do not think pvp is all that great but I am one of the lucky people. I have a boyfriend who will take me to a warzone on my healers (the only one that doesn't have comms) and he will protect me while we are there but see I am a lucky one to have someone that cares enough about me to do that so I am not stuck behind a stupid gate that stupid bioware in all their stupidity had to do thinking it was funny or fun and not realizing not everyone likes pvp.


They add stuff for pve and now pvp so now when the hell are they going to add a mission that you "Have" to roleplay to get.


I get it. No one has to explain their dislike of PvP to me or anyone else. But everyone has something in this game they don't enjoy doing. Some people hate dailies, some hate flashpoints, some hate crafting and some just hate grouping in general.


If we are going to limit the companion quests to just those tasks that everyone likes, then we won't have any companion quests at all. But you can choose to make the quests more enjoyable by trying to get something more than just a companion out of them. You can make the activity enjoyable by doing it with people you enjoy playing with. And most of all, we can take the story focus of the game and create a connection to the other activities that players also enjoy.

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prob easy kills so they can look good at the end of the match :eek:


Just teasing




I wouldn't tease... None of them have denied it, and I have blatantly accused all of them of it...


Sorry but I don't think for one second true PvPers are buying this crap of forcing bad players into WZs. We know better. We want competition, not ezmode killing. We want unique to PvP rewards. Anyone who calls themselves a PvPer and is defending this choice only wants farmville PvP... They care not for unique rewards or the possibility of being matched against someone that is just going to wipe the floor with them...

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You say that, but your whole demeanor screams 'screw you, this is mine and if you want it, you have to come in here so I can farm your inexperienced selves for 20 WZs.'


That's how you look right now. Just so you know.

Yet I haven't said anything remotely close to that ever....


M1-4X is a PvP exclusive. Want him? PvP for him. Wanna skip that mission? I agree...you should be allowed to.


PS: Your sense of entitlement is showing.


Tux, what about the people that truly abhor pvp. I have a dear friend that hates pvp and she has tried it. Why do you insist on encouraging her to try it? People in the warzones can be rude, hateful, obniouxous, full of foul language and even use emotes to get their points across. Why would you want to subject someone that has had that happened the one time she has tried it to go back and do it? What enjoyment would she ever get from that? That is not fair to her.


She doesn't even want the two companions but yet stupid BW has to gate them behind the missions which is WRONG, no questions about it.


If you don't want a stupid companion then you should be able to say no and dismiss it and not be stuck with a companion or never have the alerts again. Is that you truly want?


I though you to be a better type but I am beginning to rethink my assessment of you.


It's not a problem for me considering when I first started playing the person I used to group with always flagged and therefore caused me to flag and I was always attacked on my medic so I have the comms thanks to that. I dealt with that because he was a friend but why subject someone who hates pvp and the envioronment to it? That truly doesn't make sense to me.


Regarding Forced- Can you skip these companions and have access to the alerts in the future? If No, then not forced, if yes- then yes as you are being locked out of content because of the "having to pvp" whether you want the companion or not since they is not a way to reject the companion and move forward.

Tell her not to PvP obviously. I agree with you...they should be able to skip M1-4X and progress that alert to the next companion. They can't right now, I understand that...but that's not my design.


RE: "forced"...no...you are still not forced to do it. You still have the option to progress it right now or not...but nobody is forced right now, despite any claims to the contrary. You can't bypass it...I get that...but that's not the same as forcing someone to do something.


That said I would find a compromise of the 2 ideas below reasonable:


1) a reduction in matches needed to 5 (with wins still counting as 2)

2) if 5 matches is still unacceptable, then an option to complete the quest by refusing to do the mission.

We're in nearly complete agreement. I think 5 is too low...6(3)? Compromise at 6? And I agree...skip it, no M1-4X, but the next alert progresses normally.

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You've already expressed your desire to ruin the gaming experience for other players to get what you want. My post clearly isn't directed at you and is more offering some positives to take from the various companion quests that people are complaining about to those who aren't excited to start.


Your post was an attempt to coax people into doing something that they don't want to do. Or do you think people are sitting around in the game, completely unaware that PVP exists? Is that it? That they're oblivious of its existence and this nifty little railroad will get them in there where they'll discover how much fun it is to get destroyed over and again by the experienced PVP crowd who'll taunt, insult, mock and possibly vote-kick them for daring to be not-good in their WZs?


or is it more likely that the vast majority of the game's base doesn't PVP because PVP in this game sucks and the PVP base is both toxic and hostile to new PVPers in general?

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M1-4X is a PvP exclusive. Want him? PvP for him. Wanna skip that mission? I agree...you should be allowed to.

No he's not... I can show you 3 troopers of my own that can go pick him up without setting one foot in a WZ after I get the quest (and no none of them are Valor 40 either)...


So how is that "PvP Exclusive"?


But just in case you don't know what exclusive means...


not shared : available to only one person or group


Hence, NOT EXCLUSIVE to PvP...

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Your post was an attempt to coax people into doing something that they don't want to do. Or do you think people are sitting around in the game, completely unaware that PVP exists? Is that it? That they're oblivious of its existence and this nifty little railroad will get them in there where they'll discover how much fun it is to get destroyed over and again by the experienced PVP crowd who'll taunt, insult, mock and possibly vote-kick them for daring to be not-good in their WZs?


or is it more likely that the vast majority of the game's base doesn't PVP because PVP in this game sucks and the PVP base is both toxic and hostile to new PVPers in general?


Or could it be that I enjoy the idea that each companion is obtained in different ways? I don't care if people experience PvP or not, but if they choose to try it, then I'd like them to have a positive mindset and feel they got something out of the experience rather than pouting for a few hours. They could have made every companion have a Talos type quest where you run around a planet for 10 minutes clicking blue stuff and killing some trash mobs. They chose to have some companions that reward participation in other aspects of the game such as PvP, world bosses, crafting, and world events.


SWTOR is a very diverse game and I'm glad BW played to this strength in obtaining companions, even if it means I may have to do something I don't enjoy down the line to get a companion.

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