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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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I am just here to laugh at the cry babies that are so against doing PvP that they complain about it like it's the end of the world. The Fountain of PvEers Tears sustains me. On a more serious note being stuck on an Event based recruitment is what really grinds my gears. I don't care much for Lokin but the completionist in me demands I recruit any one and everyone. So seeing that quest stuck in my log because I had to wait for a specific event severely damaged my OCD. Please fix it because I hate it and what I like/dislike is all that matters. Am I doing this right? :rak_03:


You do realize, don't you, that this game isn't a job? We don't actually have to do it. I haven't signed away my time in blood. And I'm not asking them to 'fix it.' I'm asking for clarity, so I can choose to waste my spare time on something more to my liking. The combat in this game is not my favorite. It's probably among my least favorite. The worlds & graphics aren't interesting to me, either. But I did like the story, most of the time, & the characters. I've already seen that it's 'pick one of your characters, doesn't matter which one,' but I thought that might be enough for me, with one play through. (this expansion kills alts - I got them to 65, and there's no way I'd go on with more than 2, at most, because *the story is the same.*) But if I have to take part in something I actively despise, I'd prefer to know that up front. I *guess* we do? I've seen people state both definitively, and the dev answer of 'maybe?' wasn't exactly inspiring.


I'm not sure why you'd think others should be dragged through a part of the game that you like. That's just weird. I'm not in love with this expansion so far. I don't love it enough to grind my way through pvp bgs - and I'm less likely to do so under pressure. It's a point of clarity, & decision-making.

Edited by Aelflaed
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Well that's 10 down.

Actually we won 2, so whatever. 10 to go.

Still not enjoying PVP.

As a matter of fact, it's boring. :(

I actually tried one match to do something and, yeah, not feeling it.

So I still have no intention of ever doing it again after this unless required to complete the game, get it out of my Log or remove it from my Alerts.


Thanks BW for wasting my evening.

I hope tomorrow is a slow day at work.

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Ain't you a piece of work. And they say PvPers are nasty. :rak_03:

From what I have seen in multiple threads about this and in-game experience, I say that PvE is as much (if not more) a hive of scum and villainy as PvP. The selfishness and self-entitlement are so real.

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A fair compromise would be to have an achievement tied to obtaining the companions via PvP.


Similar to Nico, if you get him via story you get an achievement.


Could even put a title with him for obtaining via pvp.


I think its a nice addition to have him have a requirement of PvP, BUT for those who have no interest in pvp they should have an optional way of obtaining him. There should be a reward for obtaining him as intended.


I won't lie, the amount of people who can't be bothered with PvP is really pathetic. Its not even that hard and it takes a day's worth of dailies (3-6 matches) to have a full set of entry pvp gear. I am not good at all, but its fun when you get a good team.


The group I run SM/HM operations have already started blacklisting the crybabies in pvp who just afk to get their 20 matches in. Enjoy being children.

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I am just here to laugh at the cry babies that are so against doing PvP that they complain about it like it's the end of the world. The Fountain of PvEers Tears sustains me. On a more serious note being stuck on an Event based recruitment is what really grinds my gears. I don't care much for Lokin but the completionist in me demands I recruit any one and everyone. So seeing that quest stuck in my log because I had to wait for a specific event severely damaged my OCD. Please fix it because I hate it and what I like/dislike is all that matters. Am I doing this right? :rak_03:


Is it really that difficult to believe that people DISLIKE PvP, this is not a dig at those that do but this was a stupid decision from the off for the following reasons:

1) PvE players will be going into warzones in sub standard gear (not understanding the bolster having just upgraded their PvE gear and sold all the 190's)

2) There are advanced classes that even PvP players stay way from due to them being sub-par in PvP, the way this system works you won't get the luxury of choosing which classes to PvP with.

3) 20 warzones (assuming all losses) is just too daunting for people who have either never PvP'd before just just plain dislikes PvP, it s too much especially if you have multiple alts like me.


A rather sensible idea I saw in the PvP forum was to have just 1 warzone (maybe 1 win) guarantees you the companion but only with low influence, the people who dislike PvP can stick at that and those who like PvP can continue but have influence tied to warzones.


Even though I dislike PvP even I may actually try in PvP if I knew for certain it would be a short limited "experience" and there was light at the end of the tunnel right from the beginning of PvP.


But this idea of gating companions behind 20 PvP matches cant go on for the above, Pierce and Forex may not necessarily fan favourites but should a more popular companion also be gated behind this too...

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A fair compromise would be to have an achievement tied to obtaining the companions via PvP.


Similar to Nico, if you get him via story you get an achievement.


Could even put a title with him for obtaining via pvp.


I think its a nice addition to have him have a requirement of PvP, BUT for those who have no interest in pvp they should have an optional way of obtaining him. There should be a reward for obtaining him as intended.


I won't lie, the amount of people who can't be bothered with PvP is really pathetic. Its not even that hard and it takes a day's worth of dailies (3-6 matches) to have a full set of entry pvp gear. I am not good at all, but its fun when you get a good team.


The group I run SM/HM operations have already started blacklisting the crybabies in pvp who just afk to get their 20 matches in. Enjoy being children.


That sounds terrific, another way other than PvP, but to do PvP gets you an achievement, I think, also a name title, and legacy title, they should add.


And a third option, also PvP, but make it 2 matches/1 win, with low influence, like Jedi-riches has suggested.


I tend to agree with you regarding the griefers though, there are better ways to protest; I don't like PvP all that much, and even I gave it my all, and I sometimes told people I was there for the companion, but that I would play as best as I knew how. Hell, most matches have netted my sniper the Highly Decorated debuff, and only today, on my level 50 sniper, I hit Valour 40, having started that character 4-5 days ago.


Not bad for someone who typically studiously avoids PvP like the plague, most of the time; even though I do say so myself, wouldn't you say?

Edited by sentientomega
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Gating. Companions. Is. Bad.



A hint for those who are too busy to think while QQing about those damn 20 WZ points.


We are currently required to do BOTH Qyzen AND Lokin in order to get an alert for anyone else from Beywan Aygo.

And it's imposible to 'complete' them without accepting&completing their quests.

1. No Lokin for you without the stupid trophy hunt & recruiting a lizardman (sorry Imps).

2. No *insert random companion name from an update* for anyone, unless they do BOTH the hunting & the event-gated mat grinding!


Don't care about either of two (like me)? Well, we're already screwed.

And we obiously have bigger worries than queuing for 10-20 PvP matches.

Edited by NRieh
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My 2 cents on the issue with PVE players being forced to PVP. As a 100% PVE player I hate the fact that I have to take part in PVP in order to progress in a PVE story line. I bring nothing to a PVP match, I don't have the gear and I don't really know what I am doing. All I see is my health bar going from 100% to 0% in seconds, re-spawning and dying again.


So far out of the 20 matches I have to play, I have played 4. Everyone a loss. I don't feel like I have contributed in anyway to the match. Add to that the vitriolic comments towards PVE players from PVP players and the experience is even worse. I really don't want to play any more matches.

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My 2 cents on the issue with PVE players being forced to PVP. As a 100% PVE player I hate the fact that I have to take part in PVP in order to progress in a PVE story line. I bring nothing to a PVP match, I don't have the gear and I don't really know what I am doing. All I see is my health bar going from 100% to 0% in seconds, re-spawning and dying again.


So far out of the 20 matches I have to play, I have played 4. Everyone a loss. I don't feel like I have contributed in anyway to the match. Add to that the vitriolic comments towards PVE players from PVP players and the experience is even worse. I really don't want to play any more matches.


I think you are being too hard on yourself. If you don't have the gear. You can easily get it just by doing a few matches. I personally hate PVE. I'm going to do it once or twice for the companion. In general I think PVE is just too long just under an hour run or hours run for some people. I like PVP greater. It's a simple 15 minute less match. I know the feeling though. You don't want have to jump through those things. I kinda gave up on getting my one companion by amount of work required

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Okay, since we now are forced to pvp in this game to get access to pve content, it's only fair that the leetpro hardcore pvp crowd have to do, say, 10 hardmode operations to get a portion their pvp gear?


I'll just join the chorus in saying this is a lousy idea. At least with the Qyzen Fess grind it's pve actions for pve content. So is Bioware going to start chirping about a "resurgence in pvp popularity" based on inflated metrics from this month because of the 20 wz requirement? I went in all the warzones I needed to. I put forth an effort, but in my 208 quest purples I knew I wasn't going to do much and there was nothing about this contrived kick into the pvp arena that makes me like the gearcrutched stunfest that is SWTOR pvp.


Given that further portions of pve content will be forever blocked from me if I don't go into warzones when the quest calls for it, I just say when I go in to get it over with that it's the devs' fault not mine.

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it's only fair that the leetpro hardcore pvp crowd have to do, say, 10 hardmode operations to get a portion their pvp gear?

Just for you to know.

PvP players have ALWAYS been forced into PvE activities. Because WZs don't have matts scattered around the huttball fields (not especially rare ones), don't give that much creds, don't give one light\darkside points and planetside rep etc etc. It took devs long enough to even start giving proper exp for the WZs so that people don't have to grind through the PvE to get to the level cap. And that 'proper' is still far less than any normal quest hub would bring.


So, while I understand the frustration PvE players might experience with this quest (I'm not among its big fans either, and I've already mentioned that I don't think it's a good idea to 'chain' the companion recruitment), they barely realize that PvPers had always suffered from the same thing, and they had it much-much worse than a one-time mission.

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Just for you to know.

PvP players have ALWAYS been forced into PvE activities. Because WZs don't have matts scattered around the huttball fields (not especially rare ones), don't give that much creds, don't give one light\darkside points and planetside rep etc etc. It took devs long enough to even start giving proper exp for the WZs so that people don't have to grind through the PvE to get to the level cap. And that 'proper' is still far less than any normal quest hub would bring.


So, while I understand the frustration PvE players might experience with this quest (I'm not among its big fans either, and I've already mentioned that I don't think it's a good idea to 'chain' the companion recruitment), they barely realize that PvPers had always suffered from the same thing, and they had it much-much worse than a one-time mission.


It's always been a PVE centric game and people lnew what the focus was gonna be for good or ill when deciding to play it. And to even get to this quest they have to be willing to do several hours worth of PVE story content.


In the end, I don't even care what the requirements are for any given mission but quite frankly, the current alliance system is complete ****. It's alt unfriendly and it forces several tedious grindy quests on people to get companions they don't even want just to progress the chain and be able to get companions they do want, which is also rp unfriendly... in.... an rpg...........


It'd badly thought out and badly designed and I really hope they realize this and give us the option to remove an alert and have it be considered completed or reject a recruit when first talking to them at the cost of losing access to that companion on that character. That'd work for alts and rp, doesn't gate (significant amounts of) story content between mandatory group content (and I thought they'd learned their lesson when realizing how badly done Oricon and the dread war arc was) and is in line with their advertising of KotFE with "choices that matter".

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So, essentially - in an xpac designed to be played through with alts, you REALLY don't want us playing alts? AND you still think that forcing a bunch of people who don't want to PvP into WZs may be the way to convince them that they like PvP?


As moronic as it sounds, you are dead on right. Whatever slipped across BW addled brain to force some pvp is beyond me.


We guys with alts have come to the conclusion the only way to avoid having this alert and not always having it in your alert box is to just NOT do the story at all.


Nothing wrong with your old companions and none of the new ones brings anything to the game you don't already have. Just run the story once. See what it is and then you really don't have to touch it again.


The alliance grind isn't in any way worth doing a second time.

Having 22 companions means two things:L Jack and crap.

You can still get to the new area even with old companions and grind the alliance with them just for one toon. Not a single toon needs to go back through it and be hindered in future content by the PVP requirement.


Do it on one toon and just level the rest doing heroics so pump the tokens to your main. Skip the PVP burden on all the rest. Same goes for our guys that dislike too much PVE. There just skipping the story. Keeping the old companions as there just as good. No need to get qyzen or loken or any of the other 20 useless companions and have to grind out that influence garbage a second time.


Don't like the PVP requirement, it's easy enough to skip the story and never be bothered with it since there is no need to have all the baggage that comes with doing the story especially the PVP.


and hell, its not like bw can claim SW is about PVP since I was killing my own people most of the time. Makes that PVP requirement to continue even worse.

Edited by Quraswren
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I think you are missing a point here people pay monthly subscriptions for a specific game, I do not pay my subscription to participate in PvP.


I do not pay my monthly subscription for a single player game, with a rehashed story from ME3...that now has removed one of ts only selling points, VO from characters...


But sadly Im still here, and Im pretty sure you will be too

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It's always been a PVE centric game and people lnew what the focus was gonna be for good or ill when deciding to play it. And to even get to this quest they have to be willing to do several hours worth of PVE story content.


In the end, I don't even care what the requirements are for any given mission but quite frankly, the current alliance system is complete ****. It's alt unfriendly and it forces several tedious grindy quests on people to get companions they don't even want just to progress the chain and be able to get companions they do want, which is also rp unfriendly... in.... an rpg...........


It'd badly thought out and badly designed and I really hope they realize this and give us the option to remove an alert and have it be considered completed or reject a recruit when first talking to them at the cost of losing access to that companion on that character. That'd work for alts and rp, doesn't gate (significant amounts of) story content between mandatory group content (and I thought they'd learned their lesson when realizing how badly done Oricon and the dread war arc was) and is in line with their advertising of KotFE with "choices that matter".


But choices DO matter in this expansion...You choose to open your wallet and Give BW/EA your money...thats the choice that matters...


Oh, Im sorry you ment for you and your toons...who cares...its not really a choice that matters...

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I do not pay my monthly subscription for a single player game, with a rehashed story from ME3...that now has removed one of ts only selling points, VO from characters...


But sadly Im still here, and Im pretty sure you will be too


Not if BW continue to not listen to people.


To be honest I really can't see why everyone is not against this idea anyway, PvE'ers don't want to be there etc and PvP players are having their games "ruined" by said PvE players?


Why do some PvP players still seem to want PvE players in matches when many won't do anything? are PvP players that desparate for a bit of love that they don't want their "special reward" taken from them?

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I think some seem to forget doing PVE you can do everything in the new story solo even the qyzen quest yes you have to camp the mobs to kill for updates but still soloable.However boreing.smashing head against keyboard all time it is, it only effects one person you and no one else.


With the PVP side your actions,lack of skill, unenjoyment of killing other players effects the whole team no way out of that.It's not fair on others who enjoy PVP to have to carry players who despise it and then they get frustrated with loosing or players not doing what they should.


please have a rethink or rework the quest giving system for new up coming compaions if any.Least the pvp players can have bragging rights for unlocking the compaion which I have no issue with and good on them.

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Gating. Companions. Is. Bad.



A hint for those who are too busy to think while QQing about those damn 20 WZ points.


We are currently required to do BOTH Qyzen AND Lokin in order to get an alert for anyone else from Beywan Aygo.

And it's imposible to 'complete' them without accepting&completing their quests.

1. No Lokin for you without the stupid trophy hunt & recruiting a lizardman (sorry Imps).

2. No *insert random companion name from an update* for anyone, unless they do BOTH the hunting & the event-gated mat grinding!


Don't care about either of two (like me)? Well, we're already screwed.

And we obiously have bigger worries than queuing for 10-20 PvP matches.




The inability to dismiss alerts/companions without performing the quest objective is the core issue that will affect everyone but those that just have to have all companions on all characters. The result is for every character one wants to play through KOTFE the experience will be identical.


I have absolutely no interest in getting all companions for any of my characters. There are 40 companions from 8 main classes in the original game. Even if only 30 of them are added to the alliance recruitment system and spread evenly between the 4 alliance specialists plus Lana and Theron thats a quest chain of 5 alerts/companions for each of them. What if you dont care for the 4 first ones but only want the 5th one?


And lets not forget its not like those specialists seem to make any kind of sense when it comes to the background or personalities of the companions they send you after. My characters all have different personalities as reflected by their class and background, it makes absolutely no sense they would travel around the galaxy trying to buddy up with someone they wouldnt want in their alliance in the first place.


I want the ability to cherry pick the companions I go after for each character. What happened to choices that matter?


Whether gating specific companions behind pvp or pve suits your playstyle or not is 2ndary.



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Aslong there is a option to skip the forced PvP quest by beeing valor level 40 I am ok with it but I understand that some are not.


I am not focusing on PvP at all at the moment so I had to do this on a character wearing low level gear to get the bolster.


I really hope that they do not force PvP content on PvE players in the future, some does not like PvP it is a fact.

Edited by Icestar
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I am doing what I am forced to do in order to clear my log.


I hope I am making it absolutely HORRIBLE for the other players. I hope they are having as much fun as I am.

That is my goal tonight. SCREW PVP and PVP players.

I will make it an extreme effort to mess up every match.

I think pushing people out of an AOE circle will be my goal on the next one.

Can I queue for a specific Zone? I like the one where you die and don't rez.


Close minded, that is funny coming from you Mr. PVP god (all bow to Tuxs).

You can scream it all you want, but no tantrum of yours will make it true. You're not forced to do anything...you are choosing to do it.


The sad part is, you're intentionally trying to negatively impact other people because of your ridiculous view. Good God...grow up. That's an extremely vile attitude. Please quit.

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Gating. Companions. Is. Bad.



A hint for those who are too busy to think while QQing about those damn 20 WZ points.


We are currently required to do BOTH Qyzen AND Lokin in order to get an alert for anyone else from Beywan Aygo.

And it's imposible to 'complete' them without accepting&completing their quests.

1. No Lokin for you without the stupid trophy hunt & recruiting a lizardman (sorry Imps).

2. No *insert random companion name from an update* for anyone, unless they do BOTH the hunting & the event-gated mat grinding!


Don't care about either of two (like me)? Well, we're already screwed.

And we obiously have bigger worries than queuing for 10-20 PvP matches.

Why is it bad? Because you WANT them? Isn't that what incentive is?


There's nothing bad about it. Want the companion? Do the stuff required to get them. Don't want to do it? No companion.

Edited by TUXs
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SNIP... You're not forced to do anything..


Actually you are forced given you cannot drop it and move along in the upcoming parts of it.


So yea, you're forced as no one wants to be stuck.


It's a bad way to design content when PVE and PVP should never mix. To many better ways this could have been handled to instead of forced PVP which is already known to not be of interest to quite a large number of gamers. Crap design like this is what pisses people off/

Edited by Quraswren
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Why is it bad? Because you WANT them? Isn't that what incentive is?


There's nothing bad about it. Want the companion? Do the stuff required to get them. Don't want to do it? No companion.


I think players just want to have an abbreviated story experience on some of their alts. One where I can do the first 8 chapters, recruit a couple companions I really like and not necessarily have to grind 20 hours of companions on 20 characters. Personally, I'll have 1 character that gets everything done and the others may or may not even go through the KotFE story, but I'd be more inclined to continue the story if the grind at the end wasn't quite so long.

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