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Wargames and frame rate (fps)


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Hello there.


I came back to swtor with kotfe expansion, and i am a bit disturbed that i still have problems in warzones. While in story mode, and fleet i get a decent 75-90 fps at ultra settings, everything is smooth, in wargames i get around 17-25 fps at best. Even tho i go and lower the settings to medium (even custom lower then medium) i dont see much fps increase, still around 24-31 fps. I wont go to very low, i d rather unsub and quit then playing it like that.

I say i have a decent pc : i5 3.2ghz / 8 ghz ddr3 / 960 gtx (latest update) / game and windows10 installed on SSD.


Is there some sort of fix for this? Is there a "godly" setting that i have to enable/disable/adjust to get the frame rate higher in wargames? Or does the cc/stun/slow apply to your CPU/GPU as well, not only to your in game character? I feel is really unplayable in some situations, i would really appreciate if anyone knows any sort of fps fix, and shares it with us.



Have a good one!

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This game is very CPU-dependent. Great video cards won't help that much when there's a lot of activity going on near you. That's why voidstar has lower framerates than say Novare Coast, because everyone's in the same area at all times, all 16 of them. That's why you experience dips in FPS on fleet, other populated areas, or when people log in near you.


I have an old E6400 at 3.1GHz, a 560Ti-448cores Nvidia card, 4GB of RAM and a SSD, and I get about 14-40FPS in warzones depending on the action near me. I keep shadows off and the graphics settings as lame as possible.

Edited by Jarvus
added system specs
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So after long searches, sweat, disappointment and QQs to friends and chats i found out my "GODLY" tweak regarding how to boost my performance.

As i said before, i have an i5 new gen core, 960gtx, and game on ssd, i felt it was wrong,having 20~fps on low settings on this pc-setup.


So here are the 3 tweaks i did and i boosted my FPS from 15-25 on LOW-medium ingame settings to 40-70 FPS on Ultra-High Settings.


1. The most important thing is to realise that this game is hungry for your CPU. So what i did i went to run (windows key+R) typed "MSCONFIG" -> BOOT tab --> Advanced Options and it looked like this : Screenshot. I ve checked the box to Number of processors and selected 4, and also checked the box for Maximize Memory, and then i restarted my pc


2. After the restart, i lunched the game, and opened Task Manager, searched for the 2 swtor.exe on detalis/apps and right clicked them both and SET : Priority : Above normal or High or Realtime (note having other programs opened besides swtor will make them stutter/crush even, some users may even have some issues with mouse/keyboard/sound if you set it to realtime, chose the one that fits your pc)


3. After setting both swtor.exe to realtime priority the next step was to setup the affinity, and split up CPU's cores for each swtor.exe. So i selected affinity for the first swtor.exe and unboxed <All processors> and selected only CPU 0 and CPU 1. For the 2nd swtor.exe i did the same process but now i selected only CPU 2 and CPU 3.


I ve alt tabed back to the game, and i joined a pvp warzone game, and to my surprise i could play it at ultra high settings with having 40-60 fps while in combat, and 70-90 while running/doing stuff alone.


So hopefully you guys will try it and it will work for you as well. I came back and posted this becoz i know how frustrated i was not being able to pvp with decent fps, and besides that the struggle to find a "fps fix" "performance increase" was real for me. :)


Thanks and happy hunting.

Edited by maDskiLL
tweaked #2
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So after long searches, sweat, disappointment and QQs to friends and chats i found out my "GODLY" tweak regarding how to boost my performance.

As i said before, i have an i5 new gen core, 960gtx, and game on ssd, i felt it was wrong,having 20~fps on low settings on this pc-setup.


So here are the 3 tweaks i did and i boosted my FPS from 15-25 on LOW-medium ingame settings to 40-70 FPS on Ultra-High Settings.


1. The most important thing is to realise that this game is hungry for your CPU. So what i did i went to run (windows key+R) typed "MSCONFIG" -> BOOT tab --> Advanced Options and it looked like this : Screenshot. I ve checked the box to Number of processors and selected 4, and also checked the box for Maximize Memory, and then i restarted my pc


2. After the restart, i lunched the game, and opened Task Manager, searched for the 2 swtor.exe on detalis/apps and right clicked them both and SET : Priority : Realtime (note having other programs opened besides swtor will make them stutter/crush even)


3. After setting both swtor.exe to realtime priority the next step was to setup the affinity, and split up CPU's cores for each swtor.exe. So i selected affinity for the first swtor.exe and unboxed <All processors> and selected only CPU 0 and CPU 1. For the 2nd swtor.exe i did the same process but now i selected only CPU 2 and CPU 3.


I ve alt tabed back to the game, and i joined a pvp warzone game, and to my surprise i could play it at ultra high settings with having 40-60 fps while in combat, and 70-90 while running/doing stuff alone.


So hopefully you guys will try it and it will work for you as well. I came back and posted this becoz i know how frustrated i was not being able to pvp with decent fps, and besides that the struggle to find a "fps fix" "performance increase" was real for me. :)


Thanks and happy hunting.


For better fps fixes, install advanced system care for turbo boost, or razor cortex to optimize memory performance when gaming, wow latency fix which helps with lag issues pertaining to the server and when hits are landed, now if your feeling risky i would suggest the force unleashed which optimizes your memory to hold a specific amount of ram for the game itself to increase load times and fps, problem with swtor unleashed is that when it is installed it will tweak file settings in swtor and unsuccessfully deleteing swtor unleashed could cause the game to forever crash until reinstalled or system restoring to an early setting. please pm me if you need any info on basic computer graphic performance updates.

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good researching!! Just wondering how the changes could affect the temperature and the toughness of the pc.


Have U had any overheating on CPU/ GPU after the changes or any other issue?






With regards to #2...when I right-click on the process I do not have any option to set priority


I use windows 10


Am I just missing something?


get to the "details tab". There, after right-clicking on the process, U should be able to change priority and affinity.




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good researching!! Just wondering how the changes could affect the temperature and the toughness of the pc.


Have U had any overheating on CPU/ GPU after the changes or any other issue?



Nope i didnt, not till now anyways :) And i dont think i will get any, becoz it's not an overclocking, is not going over the CPu`s normal clock speed is just using all cores of the cpu, distributing work makes load easier to process.

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maDskiLL, thank you so much for your post. I implemented the first part, making sure my CPU's cores were being utilized properly in the advanced settings in the boot menu. I'm unable to implement the priority and affinity settings because for some reason my Windows 7 tells me I'm not allowed to change those settings. Maybe some User Account Control issue, not sure.


However, just the one change, in advanced settings of boot menu let me realize a doubled framerate on Odyssen. I have yet to try a warzone but I'm very much looking forward to it. Thank you.


I've struggled with low FPS for years in this game and others and apparently part of the issue is that I wasn't utilzing both cores in my CPU correctly. This fix solved that. Now both my cores run the same temperature (previously one was always 2 or 3 degrees hotter than the other), AND the best thing is that my CPU temperature went DOWN not up which was sort of unexpected but well received.


Someone should seriously sticky this thread.

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At first i coudnt also change the prirority in my taskmanager in WIndows 7,

then i noticed the button on the lower left called "show processes of all users" (when you are in the second tab should be process tab) or something.

After clicking this i was able to change the priority.

Hope that helps. Im german and on a german win 7 so sorry if you still have to guess a bit :D

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Now, please don't take me for a smart-arse. But:


1. The MSCONFIG-tweak to the number of CPUs and to max memory won't change a thing because unticked = maximized anyway. The reason why Windows allows to change these settings is rather to switch off CPUs and to run less memory than maximum, for testing and debugging purposes only.


2. To set the priorities of the swtor.exe files to realtime might not be a very good idea. Reason is that you still need peripherals like mouse, keyboard, sound, graphics, network etc. They will now all have to wait until the exe files are kind enough to give them some CPU time. This could make the game very sluggish.


3. To assigne half of all CPUs to the first exe file and the other half to the second exe file would be a good idea, if both files would pose equal strain on the system at all times. But this is probably not the case and you'll find yourself in a situation where CPUs assigned to processes of file 1 are idle, although processes of file 2 could need some more CPU power. If you let Windows assign the CPUs instead, then it will dynamically queue the processes for both files as required and distribute them to the available CPUs.


But I might be wrong with all this, of course.

Edited by Cretinus
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With regards to #2...when I right-click on the process I do not have any option to set priority


I use windows 10


Am I just missing something?


Steps to Set CPU Priority Level of Processes in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

Open Task Manager.

Go to Processes.

Right click on a process whose priority is to be changed, and click Go To Details.

Now right click on that .exe process and go to Set Priority and select Realtime option.

Edited by xMaranathax
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Now, please don't take me for a smart-arse. But:


1. The MSCONFIG-tweak to the number of CPUs and to max memory won't change a thing because unticked = maximized anyway. The reason why Windows allows to change these settings is rather to switch off CPUs and to run less memory than maximum, for testing and debugging purposes only.


2. To set the priorities of the swtor.exe files to realtime might not be a very good idea. Reason is that you still need peripherals like mouse, keyboard, sound, graphics, network etc. They will now all have to wait until the exe files are kind enough to give them some CPU time. This could make the game very sluggish.


3. To assigne half of all CPUs to the first exe file and the other half to the second exe file would be a good idea, if both files would pose equal strain on the system at all times. But this is probably not the case and you'll find yourself in a situation where CPUs assigned to processes of file 1 are idle, although processes of file 2 could need some more CPU power. If you let Windows assign the CPUs instead, then it will dynamically queue the processes for both files as required and distribute them to the available CPUs.


But I might be wrong with all this, of course.


You are right in some cases, i think. I am not an IT engineer or developer, i ve just posted what worked for me after ALOT of changes made to improve my fps.


my no.1 change was critical in seeing a major diference in my fps increase, so maybe on paper is right what u said, but when i applied it it made wonders for me. that was the moment when i was able to swap from low settings to ultra settings and be able to play with decent fps.


about #2 you are right, i ve also edited my post and asked ppl to set it to above normal / high / realtime, coz i ve seen some responses where setting to realtime made some keyboards/mice/sound cards not to respond properly, for me it worked, but if i am to generalize, they should set it to above normal at least.


Another thing i found out, and it applies to users who got Windows10, is that you should go and install Directx 9, since windows10 came with a directx 12 which actually emulates directx 9 and consumes some extra cpu power in the process.. so go on and install your directx9 latest version, and see if your system says you already have the latest version or not. I for one didnt have it.. and installed this directx 9, will come back with some feedback after i`ve tested it, and if is worthy i`ll even add it as #4 t on my primary fix post.

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  • 1 month later...

Could u please tell what kind of settings u use in Nvidia controll panel? There are 3 settings to choose from on the first tab. (ive tried playing around with them alot)

I also struggle alot in WZ and have read forum posts to my eyes bleed trying to fix it.


Msi Z87-G55 motherboard, i5 4670(running at 3800Mhz), Msi gtx780 3gb twin frozer, 8gb ram 1600Mhz


Getting 15-40 fps in wz at any settings (ultra high to ultra low), after using your fix, it got a bit better, 19-50 on ultra high. Haven't tried lowering my settings yet, but will do when i have time.. turn of shadows and stuff.


Would think that my rig should perform pretty well..:confused:


Thank you kindly for any response


Oh, installed on ssd..

Edited by Syndern
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Lmao, disregard this troll thread... Playing with your config files is a really bad idea. Do not select realtime. Do not attempt the changes in this thread.




Shameless bump. Important!!!!!


Do not attempt anything suggested in this thread. Swtor engine sucks, and tweaking your computer will do nothing to change that fact. Save up and buy a better rig, or find different game.


Repeat, do not attempt ANY of the config changes in this thread.

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