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Don't Rush to endgame...


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Uh-huh, but you're wrong. No one considered the WoW endgame to be substantial when it launched. It had one difficult boss that took a while to kill because people had to farm the gear to do it, it had no pvp zones and basically nothing else to do but Molten Core.


Sorry, MMO's just don't launch with much at the end game, it doesn't happen. People who spend 18 hours a day rushing to get there are nuts, useful nuts because they help the developers see where more content needs to be added and things don't work as expected, but they're still nuts.


WoW was also a game which required 40 people do do a raid, and didn't launch with as many players. So there were significantly fewer level 60s during the first few weeks than there are 50s, AND it required a substantial amount more to raid with.


So it took WAYYYYY longer to even start end game.


Finding 8-16 50s right now is much easier than finding 40 level 60s during Vanilla WoW.

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Well to be honest im glad the end game is not too hard at this point im not a pro myself. I am taking my time i am playing a lot but i am going to get some good sleep not a rush to the end for me as i hope to take in most of all the quests i can to help leveling up m ore fun. but


i think thats how it goes for releases. Hopefully they will keep adding things on a regular bases to make us keep coming back for more


Im only level 10 so i stil got a long way to go :-)

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The guy who I originaly responded to asked what kind of endgame would anyone expect in a newly released game and I listed the endgame WoW had on its release.


Now I'm not saying Molten Core was a masterpiece, by the way it had 10 bosses not 1, but it was enough endgame for people until the introduction of Black Wing Lair.


Only because it took weeks before there were enough 60s to actually build a 40 man raid.


Seriously...do people think WoW had more end game at the beginning than TOR? lol, it didn't there was just nobody at level cap, and it took like 8 hours before a raid would start, aftyer every wipe it would take a good 30 minutes at least before another attempt, and only the one boss took awhile to clear anyway.....


No WoW started with atrocious end game too. Why do people who started playing that game in Wrath/Cata think they can throw around stuff from Vanilla? The game launched with bare bones crap, and a crap ton of pointless grind.

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Well I don't know exactly how much pve endgame there is in SWTOR yet.


But in WoW on release there were atleast 4 max level dungeons and 1 full fledged raid zone that would take guilds months to complete.


So WoW in 2004 had quite a bit of end-game content on release.


Did you -play- WoW at launch? There was no PvP to speak of, there were days at a time where massive groups of people couldn't play. The game itself was a buggy wreck that was just awful to play. ToR has as many endgame options as WoW did when it launched, if not more.


Good god, people.

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Did you -play- WoW at launch? There was no PvP to speak of, there were days at a time where massive groups of people couldn't play. The game itself was a buggy wreck that was just awful to play. ToR has as many endgame options as WoW did when it launched, if not more.


Good god, people.


Most of the people using WoW as a reference didn't play during Vanilla.


They have no idea how bad WoW's launch was. One of my friends has 26 credited free days on his account from the first 31 days...thats how craptastic WoW's servers were...that is just one more reason why it took so long to get enough 40s to actually start end game.

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Can Mazing or any other of the level 50 guys explain what they expected to find reaching end game?


I am not trolling, TOR is my first serious play of a MMO, so I am simply ignorant of what it is you are finding lacking or unchallenging?


It appears that you feel unrewarded by lack of gear from your actions, but as I understand it there is a gear limit you could reach even if you got it now, which would leave you as unrewarded in further play?


Also, what is it that you are missing that other MMOs provide end game that you expected at launch?

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about 1600 members tought the maximum number of characters per guild was 500 :confused:


just a bunch of made up noncence from yet a nother troll would be nice to actualy keep facts in your made up stories 1600 members aint posible to have in one guild

Edited by Fomore
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Since the beginning of the genre? MMORPGs have always been about progressing your character. Sure, there may be players here and there that prefer to roleplay and whatnot (which is fine), but the MMO genre has always been about endgame content. It began with EQ and I don't see changing anytime soon.


Yeah, I remember when EQ turned into that ridiculous gear grind. Sorry if I beat around the bush with rhetorical statements (was writting after a 10 hour drive), what I was sarcastically implying is the game is built to be a social interactive complex. Doing Operations for the fun of it, or PvP, or Flashpoints, for the fun of playing with other people - not about progression, and having the highest numbers, or best gear, etc. I understand some people find that fun (I do in many circumstances) but I think the idea that those are the only things worth continuing to subscribe for is a cancer to the community.

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I see this post every new MMO. It's amazing what folks don't learn....


Not to disagree but Rift did not have nearly half as many negative threads in it's first month. People were talking about class balance from day one not "why does this game not work"


Swtors is having tons of threads about the game being shoddy because...........the game is shoddy.


Other games who's forums looked like this recently Final fantasy though SWTOR is not in nearly as bad as shape as Final fantasy was this year.


That being said it's not a coincidence that these types of threads will start showing up soon from bigger and bigger guilds.

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I see this post every new MMO. It's amazing what folks don't learn....


And old MMOs.


Almost everyone has killed Deathwing with LFR up, now what do people do in WoW for the next year? Sit around Org or SW because there is nothing else to do.

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Not to disagree but Rift did not have nearly half as many negative threads in it's first month. People were talking about class balance from day one not "why does this game not work.


I was a avid poster in the Rift official forums, and it was only negative threads including lack of end game content.



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Played WoW for 5 years, including Vanilla. Leveled a Mage to 60 in 5 days /played before Burning Crusade came out without excessive farming and stuff. (and did another 8 characters to level 80 or higher)


Im at 36 in SWTOR with just over 4 days /played. I play while Im at work - its been a busy time, and didnt get to early access until two days before release. Its been a great 10 days. I am by no means rushing through the content.


For me, The amount of content experienced over the same time has been roughly the same. Like the time I leveled the Mage, Ive done few group quests (being an Aussie, im usually playing at that nebulous time where no one is on) - none since I left Balmorra - and Ive had zero rested xp for most of the trip. XP is being gained at about the same rate as I recall it. The thing is, after doing a warrior to max level already in wow, id seen most of the content and done it all.


The problem can be if you see it all in beta, then theres nothing to discover when you actually get to release. Its why i rarely take part in betas. You've seen it all, you know where it all is and you dont need to see every cutscene. In effect, this is the second toon for the beta guys.


Familiarity breeds contempt.

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Yeah, its a great single player game.


I just thought I was playing a MMO.


Rarely I've ever seen a group of 4+ people.

* Other than warzones of course.


Funny that, I see people around me all the time and often have to wait for mob spawns. You probably should have taken in the sights a bit more instead of blasting your way to 50? I also hear that WoW might have what you are looking for and nobody is making you stay here. /sigh. When will people learn that content and features take time and are never present at release? If Bioware had put in all the features and content that you guys feel so self righteously entitled to, then we would be waiting quite a few more years for this game to come out... If it ever did.


Awesome job on this game btw Bioware. Let the good times roll! :D

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Those people power-gaming to 50 are the same people who grind for gear and just like to repeat their routines until they can obtain the best gear. World PVP in my opinion is about besting the other team and winning. Getting gear from missions/vendors/dailies/grinding is not WINNING. That's called boring...


I don't think Bioware needs to give you more stuff, I think you need to change your perspective to "I need to lose/win 15 WZ's to finish getting this set piece! I like phat lewtz!" to "I want to get out there and CRUSH SOME SKULLS! They will bow before me!"


The reason that open world PVP is failing is because nobody actually has a competitive edge, they just want to grind gear...

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I'd be just as pleased if a pack of power-leveling PVPers whose main attraction to the game is brandishing their mighty 'e-p33nz' just up and quit.


buh bye!


Im so happy to see those ''rush to 50 with 4 hour of sleep'' dude are bored atm, i hope they all quit and go back to WoW. For god sake the game have been out since 7 days !! Get a life and enjoy the time you play!


Choosing the same class as the beta isnt smart at all. You werent the only dude that can report bug for your SI, your point is not valid here.


Now for the solutions, either your roll a new toon, or you quit the game and come back when there is more content.


Crying on the forum ON THE HOLIDAYS, while the game just came out, just wont help at ALL.

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Played WoW for 5 years, including Vanilla. Leveled a Mage to 60 in 5 days /played before Burning Crusade came out without excessive farming and stuff. (and did another 8 characters to level 80 or higher)


Im at 36 in SWTOR with just over 4 days /played. I play while Im at work - its been a busy time, and didnt get to early access until two days before release. Its been a great 10 days. I am by no means rushing through the content.


For me, The amount of content experienced over the same time has been roughly the same. Like the time I leveled the Mage, Ive done few group quests (being an Aussie, im usually playing at that nebulous time where no one is on) - none since I left Balmorra - and Ive had zero rested xp for most of the trip. XP is being gained at about the same rate as I recall it. The thing is, after doing a warrior to max level already in wow, id seen most of the content and done it all.


The problem can be if you see it all in beta, then theres nothing to discover when you actually get to release. Its why i rarely take part in betas. You've seen it all, you know where it all is and you dont need to see every cutscene. In effect, this is the second toon for the beta guys.


Familiarity breeds contempt.


Agreed. People in beta just have had to roll a class they wont play at release, Beta are spoiling everything. I played 4 beta week end and didnt rolled most of the class im planning to play, this way im enjoying all the content.

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Did you -play- WoW at launch? There was no PvP to speak of, there were days at a time where massive groups of people couldn't play. The game itself was a buggy wreck that was just awful to play. ToR has as many endgame options as WoW did when it launched, if not more.


Good god, people.


Their was great PVP in vanilla wow before battlegrounds.


Entire play sessions would evolve into all out pvp back and forths all over the place when ganks would start and wouldn't stop.


Tarren Mill was also the unofficial perpetual warzone... It was never "planned" pvp though, it was emergant and awesome.


You just consider valid pvp as controlled fights inside an arena or battleground with "game" objectives akin to a sport. Some of us prefer more spontaneous and primal conflict to that, and would even dare to say its more enjoyable even if it ultimately ends with a zerg of some sort.

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I'd be just as pleased if a pack of power-leveling PVPers whose main attraction to the game is brandishing their mighty 'e-p33nz' just up and quit.


buh bye!



you're an idiot. bioware not taking care of the end game population is just as bad for you. if there is a mass exodus off the game (like every other new MMO that's come out since WoW) what do you think that means for you? do you want the game to fail?


every mmo i've seen has made this same stupid mistake. people rush to end game. that's just how it is. either make it take forever to hit max level or have a raid available so people who hit max level have something to do. i don't understand why it's so difficult to learn from a game like WoW. I'm pretty sure they had MC out fairly early and gearing out for that and gathering 40 man raids was more than enough to keep people busy.


if bioware didn't want people hitting 50 so early then uhhh idk maybe don't make pvp give 11k xp per game?

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Im apart of one of the largest guilds in Swtor and we populate about 2/3 of the republic side on a full server (about 1600 members). We have about 40 players who have been 50 now for a few days and have nothing to do but farm warzones.

Yes we love to farm warzones but more importantly we like to ZERG in world pvp.



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