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Bring Back the Heroic 4 Missions!


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How about "yes" and how about I was going to suggest just this:


How about a compromise: Make it a toggle. Those who want to keep them at 2+ as they are can do so and those who want them to be the old way of 4-man can toggle it upon entering the heroic. They do that for the solo vs group modes so I would think this would be possible. The only hitch are those heroics which are not "instanced". But seriously, there will always be people who are happy and those who are not with any changes that are made and both sides have their reasons which are all well and good. A toggle would solve a majority of those issues and (hopefully) keep the majority of players happy.


I think the need for the heroics to be made 2+ is sound because it will start to get very difficult to get 4-man groups for planet heroics in the near future as people enter KotFE material with their newly leveled characters.



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Heroic missions were never challenging so long as you had a full group of people at the appropriate levels and everyone was properly geared. Even when you didn't have a full group they usually weren't a challenge and you could run a Heroic 4 with 3 people and a healer companion. If you want a challenge you to do Ops or Hard Mode Flashpoints, not Heroics. Heroics only became a challenge when you ended up grouped with a Sentinel equipped with Aim and Cunning gear or a level 30 Juggernaut still wearing his level 15 gear.


The biggest challenge of Heroic 4s was finding three other people to group with past the first few low level worlds, particularly if you were on outside of your server's peak hours. You'd often spend more time looking for a group than you would actually running the Heroic, if you were lucky enough to get a group, and not forced to go back and clear after you out-leveled it just to see the story conclusion.


Rolling them back to all two person missions was a great move by Bioware. It makes it much easier for players to find someone to group with, and if they can't find someone or just prefer to play solo, to complete it with one of the NPC companions. No doubt this was done because Bioware's metrics probably showed that not many people were running the Heroic 4s on higher level planets with smaller player populations.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Some of you guys are missing the point entirely. The fact is companions are so OP now that with just decent gear you'll be able to solo these H4s, but it wouldn't be the total faceroll it is now.


I was on Corellia a few days ago and picked up a flashpoint quest about killer robots (Directive 7), but didn't get the solo mode option. I wasn't really sure how that worked anymore, but went to the fleet and started the flashpoint (tactical mode I think it was on). There was no downsync and I actually died on a large group of mobs. The death was totally avoidable but the change in difficulty from the H2s caught me offguard and I realized that would have to play smart. Then I died again on a midboss fight (they had these healing stations at the boss fights but it wouldn't let me use them because I wasn't in a group).


I was having fun and it was nice change that I had to actually try (because outside of PVP, nothing I do in this game requires it), and I made use of the things I worked towards (gear, influence), which is why a "gimp yourself to make your challenge" will never be an ideal solution. It all fell apart when I reached the last boss, big robot named Bulwark who could destroy me or my companion in seconds when he starts shooting electric bolts. I tried a few times but it was clear I wouldn't be able to solo him, unless there's some trick to it.


And that's been the problem with SWTOR for a long time. Everything is either way too easy or too difficult to have any hope of beating. There's rarely a good in between. Heroic 4s would be (I presume) like the flashpoint I was just in but without the impossible end boss. So before you rip me a new one for my suggestion, that's where I'm coming from.


Also, providing a choice for the instanced ones would be great.

Edited by RAVM
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The only thing that was ever hard about H4's was finding one or two other people that even cared to do them. Never really needed four, unless it was Aurora Cannon because lol proton packs, but it wasn't challenging.


It was annoying.


So, no. Heroics are fine where they're at, and considering that farming the heck out of them is a vital element to growing your Alliance, they better damn well be something we can do on our own time by ourselves.

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The Heroics are exactly where i like them now. I can solo them with my overgeared character and i can duo them with absolutely anyone with any of my chars.

One player to team up is always there. Finding three (especially for the older content) is tedious.


Nope, i like the new heroics.


This. Agreed.

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How about no.

Spot on Bevan.


The Heroic missions are way too easy to solo, seriously. I've done several of them on various planets and there's no challenge with these uber companions. Remember when doing a Heroic 2 solo was actually a challenge? Now they're no more difficult than any mission, it just takes longer to kill the mobs.
Yeah okay guy, that's one toon, now see how many solo weekly heroics you can cram in a week with 22-40 characters.


Content was redesigned for players with multiple characters. The game changed, level some alts and adapt.


If you want challenge, play challenge type game modes like Warzone, Operations, Galactic Starfighter or Space Missions.


Everybody asking to nerf companions is thinking really small and not factoring in the new server limits.


Heroic 4 missions were terrible, it meant you had to spam /general chat with LFG or skip the heroic unless you had enough players willing to do them. Why would you ever want to go back to those days?

Edited by Falensawino
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To the OP, absolutely not!


In fact, I really think BW:A should re-tune the Aurora Cannon/Long Shots H4 as an H2+, scaling down the mobs in the instances to match. It's an essential heroic for the SX weekly, so it should really be an H2+.

Edited by sentientomega
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The Heroic missions are way too easy to solo, seriously. I've done several of them on various planets and there's no challenge with these uber companions. Remember when doing a Heroic 2 solo was actually a challenge? Now they're no more difficult than any mission, it just takes longer to kill the mobs.


I'm wearing augmented PVP gear (so not even close to the best for PVE) with a companion (tank or dps stance) at Influence rank 20 (again, not even close to maxed out) and I'm sleep walking through these.


I don't mind doing some things to artificially inflate the challenge, like pull multiple mob groups at a time, but I'm not going to strip naked (shouldn't feel the need to do so stupid stuff like that, especially on a PVP server).


To be clear, I'm not asking for all the Heroics to change, just the ones that were formerly H4s. That would still leave plenty of H2s for new players starting with green gear and no legacy bonuses. Because at some point, even those people will find these Heroics way too easy.


It was a big mistake to change all the H4s to H2s with this companion system. Put them back the way they were so we can have some semblance of a challenge some of the time.


ive soloed h2 missions since vanilla, its not a new phenomena

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The heroic 2+ weekly are perfect now , why anyone would want to change them from the glorious state they currently reside in is beyond me .


I am going to list why they are amazing.


Lvl sync means i get on lvl reward on any planet for any heroic

2+ are mostly tuned to allow you to solo with a decently influenced comp ( exception is the makeb instance with the gas chamber and some can still solo it)

Groups no longer split the rewards everyone gets full share. get 4 people together at 65 and plow them plus doing all bonus is an insane amount of fun and credits.

The shuttle to quest means they are painless and easy to group up for.

4 people can still group for these quests if you want to.

No longer have to turn them in for boring story space baring and extra running around.



None for me but i know some of you think that

Not being in god mode from being overleveld

Cut short stories for those that care. ( not me i think its great)


Is this list biased of course every post on this forum is biased. But the reality is people ARE doing these heroics now and enjoying them and that is what is important not a few peoples crying because things have changed.


I would also like to say ANY change will bring out the cry babies and people whom cant deal with change so we should be vigilant that the progress is forward , but we should not pay much head to those that cant move with the changing tide .

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No, game is too hard and tedious as is. I still think they should make a "Press button to instantly complete mission" option for those of us who find actually completing missions too hard or tedious. Or better yet "Press button to complete game" for those of who find completing the game too hard or tedious.


Obnoxious sarcasm aside, I don't get the people who want everything to be solo-able and easy to solo at that, and the desire for un-loseable content in general. I mean yes, finding a group and/or fighting difficult fights could be more challenging or time consuming, but aren't we here for a game? You know, facing adversity and actual game play (that requires the right user input to win)? Not just going through missions and combat over and over with no chance of failure to cross an arbitrary finish line? I mean... apparently most of us like the latter because I seem to be in the minority as I go through thread after thread of people singing the praise of all of these changes the make the game un-loseable but.... damn. Where's the entertainment in completing missions that require no actual effort or skill on the part of the player?


The Heroic 4's were fun. Why? Because they presented more adversity.They required gathering of a team and team work (You know.... MULTIPLAYER... isn't this an MMO?). Whenever I completed Heroic 4, it felt like an accomplishment. Now, Heroics are the same as everything: Turn your companion to Heal and win.


You may say the content was always easy, and you're not exactly wrong. But gameplay that required just a little bit of skill or team coordination, even if it's not much, is better than gameplay that requires none. In other words, content was never great, but that doesn't excuse making it even worse.


I mean, the general premise I see in support of these changes to remove any modicum of adversity in challenge in the game seems to be "Well it was always tedious/easy/boring, but at least now it's over faster." And my response to that is, why even play it at all? If the nature of the game is fundamentally tedious/boring, why is it worth playing at all, regardless of how fast and/or easy it is to finish?


EDIT: And you see, I don't want easy/fast but inherently tedious/boring content, nor do I think that's the way it's always been or the way it needs to be. I want inherently fun content, because if it's fun that who cares how "time consuming" or "long" it is.... because I'm having fun! And how do you make "inherently fun" content? In my opinion, challenge. Adversity = sense of accomplishment/fulfillment = fun.


And now, a separate response, to people who say "Well, you can make it challenging by dismissing your companion" (in spoiler tags to limit the space my response takes up:



I am [dismissing my companions]. But it isn't a good long term solution. Trying to find ways to artificially manufacture difficulty with no built in incentive in the game (as well as the fact that it doesn't make sense in the immersion department but that part of the game is f*cked anyway) really still puts a damper on any difficulty I'm creating for myself. I mean I could play with a blindfold or an arm tied behind my back but in these ways I'm forcing the game to present some modicum of challenge, rather than the game presenting me with natural challenge (and better yet incentivizing it in addition).


All of that might seem weird to you, as it is kind of a psychological thing, but if I have to go around the natural way of the game to invent difficulty for myself, psychologically it isn't satisfying because there's no sense of accomplishment because I'm just giving myself challenge that isn't there naturally. But if I go through the natural way of the game, and there's challenge, then overcoming that challenge *is* satisfying because it's actual adversity presented *to* me, as opposed to *by* me, and if I get extra rewards or incentives from completing that challenge, then that's icing on the cake.


I want to be forced to use every resource at my disposal to win, not be forced to purposefully limit what resources I get to use just to force a little bit of challenge out of the game.


To use an example, let's say you want to play a game of [insert your favorite teamsport here]. You show up to find there is absolutely no opposition: there's no opposing team, and thus no way to lose and no challenge. Would that be fun? No, you want challenge. You want that opposing team. Some random guy on the sideline shouts: It's okay, you can manufacture your own challenge by tying all four limbs behind your back and wearing a blindfold! That would still be pretty difficult, even though there's no team. But it wouldn't be fun, because you're just meaninglessly manufacturing difficulty for yourself, rather than having an obstacle or challenge presented to you.


Edited by Swissbob
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Who does heroics for a challenge? Go raid... if you're one of those weirdos who are anti-social and think its a sin to group with other players then you bring boredom upon yourself.


There obviously are many weirdos out there because BW obviously focus on solo stuff now. Just saying...

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No, game is too hard and tedious as is. I still think they should make a "Press button to instantly complete mission" option for those of us who find actually completing missions too hard or tedious. Or better yet "Press button to complete game" for those of who find completing the game too hard or tedious.


Obnoxious sarcasm aside, I don't get the people who want everything to be solo-able and easy to solo at that, and the desire for un-loseable content in general. I mean yes, finding a group and/or fighting difficult fights could be more challenging or time consuming, but aren't we here for a game? You know, facing adversity and actual game play (that requires the right user input to win)? Not just going through missions and combat over and over with no chance of failure to cross an arbitrary finish line? I mean... apparently most of us like the latter because I seem to be in the minority as I go through thread after thread of people singing the praise of all of these changes the make the game un-loseable but.... damn. Where's the entertainment in completing missions that require no actual effort or skill on the part of the player?


The Heroic 4's were fun. Why? Because they presented more adversity.They required gathering of a team and team work (You know.... MULTIPLAYER... isn't this an MMO?). Whenever I completed Heroic 4, it felt like an accomplishment. Now, Heroics are the same as everything: Turn your companion to Heal and win.


You may say the content was always easy, and you're not exactly wrong. But gameplay that required just a little bit of skill or team coordination, even if it's not much, is better than gameplay that requires none. In other words, content was never great, but that doesn't excuse making it even worse.


I mean, the general premise I see in support of these changes to remove any modicum of adversity in challenge in the game seems to be "Well it was always tedious/easy/boring, but at least now it's over faster." And my response to that is, why even play it at all? If the nature of the game is fundamentally tedious/boring, why is it worth playing at all, regardless of how fast and/or easy it is to finish?



And now, a separate response, to people who say "Well, you can make it challenging by dismissing your companion" (in spoiler tags to limit the space my response takes up:





To use an example, let's say you want to play a game of [insert your favorite teamsport here]. You show up to find there is absolutely no opposition: there's no opposing team, and thus no way to lose and no challenge. Would that be fun? No, you want challenge. You want that opposing team. Some random guy on the sideline shouts: It's okay, you can manufacture your own challenge by tying all four limbs behind your back and wearing a blindfold! That would still be pretty difficult, even though there's no team. But it wouldn't be fun, because you're just meaninglessly manufacturing difficulty for yourself, rather than having an obstacle or challenge presented to you.


Yeah, taking responsibility for your own enjoyment is just... Super unreasonable.


How dare anyone suggest that you do anything but show up to get just whatever specialized challenge it is you crave.


Bioware, bag everyone except this guy.


He's the only customer you need and deserve. Hell keep the game going, you don't need the rest of us or anyone that doesn't play exactly like him, wanted exactly what he wants and enjoy exactly what he enjoys anyway.


Amazing plan. Make it so, Bioware.


Do it, or he'll give you SUCH A PINCH!

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Yeah, taking responsibility for your own enjoyment is just... Super unreasonable.


Okay.... your response does nothing to actually address what I said (and in fact brazenly ignores the part where I say I AM doing just that in the meantime), it just repeats the initial message I was responding to with no added substance or rebuttal.

How dare anyone suggest that you do anything but show up to get just whatever specialized challenge it is you crave.


Okay.... so explaining my opinion is now demanding the game be tailored to my exact whims simply because I'm here?


Do you throw this line out at everyone who disagrees with you? I mean as far as deflections go it's an okay one, but try using it against someone who actually is making demands in the first place.... I mean damn I wasn't even explicitly asking for a change, just expressing my opinion on why I don't think the game is fun.

Bioware, bag everyone except this guy.


He's the only customer you need and deserve. Hell keep the game going, you don't need the rest of us or anyone that doesn't play exactly like him, wanted exactly what he wants and enjoy exactly what he enjoys anyway.


Amazing plan. Make it so, Bioware.


Do it, or he'll give you SUCH A PINCH!




Because that's totally what I was saying. I was totally saying my opinion is the most important (even though I explicitly stated I was in the minority). I was totally saying the game should change to tailor my exact needs and no one elses.


I'm really starting to wonder whether you read my post at all.... Actually no I'm not.... of course you didn't.


In fact if anyone knows anything about me as a poster here.... my entire message (or at least one of my main ones) is the instituting of more player choice. (hence why I always put it in a bold yet appealing Sky Blue). At the very most I ask Bioware to institute a Hard Mode *option* to more content, and in almost every post (including the very one you're responding to) I acknowledge that I am in the minority, often also saying that I don't expect Bioware to make the changes I'm proposing and I don't blame them for not doing it, as, after all, the majority seems to be happy without them.

Edited by Swissbob
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No, game is too hard and tedious as is. I still think they should make a "Press button to instantly complete mission" option for those of us who find actually completing missions too hard or tedious. Or better yet "Press button to complete game" for those of who find completing the game too hard or tedious.


Obnoxious sarcasm aside, I don't get the people who want everything to be solo-able and easy to solo at that, and the desire for un-loseable content in general. I mean yes, finding a group and/or fighting difficult fights could be more challenging or time consuming, but aren't we here for a game? You know, facing adversity and actual game play (that requires the right user input to win)? Not just going through missions and combat over and over with no chance of failure to cross an arbitrary finish line? I mean... apparently most of us like the latter because I seem to be in the minority as I go through thread after thread of people singing the praise of all of these changes the make the game un-loseable but.... damn. Where's the entertainment in completing missions that require no actual effort or skill on the part of the player?


The Heroic 4's were fun. Why? Because they presented more adversity.They required gathering of a team and team work (You know.... MULTIPLAYER... isn't this an MMO?). Whenever I completed Heroic 4, it felt like an accomplishment. Now, Heroics are the same as everything: Turn your companion to Heal and win.


You may say the content was always easy, and you're not exactly wrong. But gameplay that required just a little bit of skill or team coordination, even if it's not much, is better than gameplay that requires none. In other words, content was never great, but that doesn't excuse making it even worse.


I mean, the general premise I see in support of these changes to remove any modicum of adversity in challenge in the game seems to be "Well it was always tedious/easy/boring, but at least now it's over faster." And my response to that is, why even play it at all? If the nature of the game is fundamentally tedious/boring, why is it worth playing at all, regardless of how fast and/or easy it is to finish?



And now, a separate response, to people who say "Well, you can make it challenging by dismissing your companion" (in spoiler tags to limit the space my response takes up:





To use an example, let's say you want to play a game of [insert your favorite teamsport here]. You show up to find there is absolutely no opposition: there's no opposing team, and thus no way to lose and no challenge. Would that be fun? No, you want challenge. You want that opposing team. Some random guy on the sideline shouts: It's okay, you can manufacture your own challenge by tying all four limbs behind your back and wearing a blindfold! That would still be pretty difficult, even though there's no team. But it wouldn't be fun, because you're just meaninglessly manufacturing difficulty for yourself, rather than having an obstacle or challenge presented to you.


Great post. They think it's fantastic that a game let's you steamroll through all the content with zero possibility of failure. When someone comes along and says companions are OP, or they'd like more challenging solo content, or even the option of more challenging content, they get all obnoxious like how dare anyone suggest such a thing for a video game, and of course, theirs is the only opinion that matters.


I'll be ruffling some (chicken) feathers here, but the rest of you, you're probably the same bunch that were crying about how level sync would ruin the game because you your god mode on lower level planets would be taken away (at least you thought it would be). I bet most of you are the same ones crying their eyeballs out because you have to do some warzones for a companion, and if you get up the nerve to even go in one, you cower in the corner, encourage others of your ilk to do the same, and then brag about it.

Edited by RAVM
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ive soloed h2 missions since vanilla, its not a new phenomena


No kidding, I even said it in my post. The difference is that now there's zero challenge to it. I could set my companion to tank mode and have him attack and I don't even need to get involved and I'll still get through it.

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Spot on Bevan.


Yeah okay guy, that's one toon, now see how many solo weekly heroics you can cram in a week with 22-40 characters.


Content was redesigned for players with multiple characters. The game changed, level some alts and adapt.


If you want challenge, play challenge type game modes like Warzone, Operations, Galactic Starfighter or Space Missions.


Everybody asking to nerf companions is thinking really small and not factoring in the new server limits.


Heroic 4 missions were terrible, it meant you had to spam /general chat with LFG or skip the heroic unless you had enough players willing to do them. Why would you ever want to go back to those days?


Redesigned for multiple characters eh? You mean that one story we all go through regardless of class or faction? Well at least I'm hearing lots of great things about how different multiple playthroughs can be... oh wait, scratch that one..


Going through the KotFE story and grinding out the alliances 20-40 times? That sounds great, have fun with that.


And for the last time, it's not about making them harder so we'll need to group up. I would never suggest anything like that... I'm as solo a player as you get. I haven't even reached Social level 2 on any of my characters. I rarely do operations or flashpoints. The only group content I do is warzones.

The point I'm making is that at max level, once you gear up a bit and increase your influence, you'd be able to solo the H4s and maybe there'll be some challenge to it. Because the H2s right now, unless I gimp myself, are simply too easy. It might be fun for a while but it can get boring. I know sometimes we just want to get things done, but lately I don't care much about how fast I can burn through all the dailies and weeklies. It's not a list of household chores; it's not always about how fast you get to the finish line.

Edited by RAVM
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Okay.... your response does nothing to actually address what I said (and in fact brazenly ignores the part where I say I AM doing just that in the meantime), it just repeats the initial message I was responding to with no added substance or rebuttal.


There is no substance required. There's the way it is and the way you think it should be. Reality is what it is. What you think it should be?


Glitter in the wind, my friend. Glitter. In. The. Wind.






Okay.... so explaining my opinion is now demanding the game be tailored to my exact whims simply because I'm here?


Nope. But unless you're talking to a toaster, people are going to read both what your say and the way in which you say it, interpret both and arrive at conclusions that, whether you intended X, Y or Z, might really just be seen as saying X, Y or Z anyway.


In this case, it looks an awful lot to me like that's pretty much exactly what you're doing. You're whining about how it isn't what you think it sucks be and how you'd like it.


You might not agree. That's just fine.


Do you throw this line out at everyone who disagrees with you? I mean as far as deflections go it's an okay one, but try using it against someone who actually is making demands in the first place.... I mean damn I wasn't even explicitly asking for a change, just expressing my opinion on why I don't think the game is fun.


And doing an awful lot of attempting to dictate what it should be and what MMO s should be. Your idea of what should be?


Glitter in the wind. There what is, and there's what isn't.


You don't like what is? That's fine.


You think there's some objective 'should be' about it that magically aligns with your view?




Right back atcha. Long drawl on the yeeeeeeah, with some ooookay and s little bit of *snrk* too._


Because that's totally what I was saying. I was totally saying my opinion is the most important (even though I explicitly stated I was in the minority). I was totally saying the game should change to tailor my exact needs and no one elses.


I'm really starting to wonder whether you read my post at all.... Actually no I'm not.... of course you didn't.


In fact if anyone knows anything about me as a poster here.... my entire message (or at least one of my main ones) is the instituting of more player choice. (hence why I always put it in a bold yet appealing Sky Blue). At the very most I ask Bioware to institute a Hard Mode *option* to more content, and in almost every post (including the very one you're responding to) I acknowledge that I am in the minority, often also saying that I don't expect Bioware to make the changes I'm proposing and I don't blame them for not doing it, as, after all, the majority seems to be happy without them.


You might wish I didn't read it, but I did. I have the DELIGHTFULLY nasty habit of reading everything several times before I punch out in the face.


Backpedal harder, but unless you think you're addressing a child of five, you should probably just stop, admit that what you want is glitter in the wind and that your really only have two actual options.


Play it for what you enjoy, or play something else you enjoy.


That's *my* point here.


What you believe? Howl to the moon, my friend - it'll care and answer before Bioware does.


What you think should be, and your pontifications about what multiplayer and MMOs should be?




Irrelevant dust.


There's you and the way things are.


You gonna play it for what it is, or is that no longer something you can do and enjoy?


In which case will arguing with me or anyone in this forum alter either, or any, circumstances relative?


Think about it.

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Redesigned for multiple characters eh? You mean that one story we all go through regardless of class or faction? Well at least I'm hearing lots of great things about how different multiple playthroughs can be... oh wait, scratch that one..


Going through the KotFE story and grinding out the alliances 20-40 times? That sounds great, have fun with that.


And for the last time, it's not about making them harder so we'll need to group up. I would never suggest anything like that... I'm as solo as a player as you get. I haven't even reached Social level 2 on any of my characters. I rarely do operations or flashpoints. The only group content I do is warzones.

The point I'm making is that at max level, once you gear up a bit and increase your influence, you'd be able to solo the H4s and maybe there'll be some challenge to it. Because the H2s right now, unless I gimp myself, are simply too easy. It might be fun for a while but it can get boring. I'd don't care much about how fast I can burn through all the dailies and weeklies. I'd like for what I'm doing to be fun. It's not a list of household chores; it's not always about how fast you get to the finish line.


The Weekly H2+s are part of a grind, for Alliance and data crystals; what you want will make them unnecessarily grindy, BW:A's done them this way on purpose. Sorry if that inconveniences you...

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The Weekly H2+s are part of a grind, for Alliance and data crystals; what you want will make them unnecessarily grindy, BW:A's done them this way on purpose. Sorry if that inconveniences you...


OK, sure I get it. It was a mistake to ask they just be re-done as H4s. I should have suggested that they give the player the option of the H2 or the H4 version (with the H4 version giving slightly higher rewards).

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