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BH tanks..you using unload?


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I'm curious...do you bh tanks use unload still? Rocket punch is clearly out best move but I would swear unload is like our 2nd in terms of single target damage...the number spam is so fast its hard to tell but it seems like alot
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interesting. Yeah I slowly phased missile shot off my quickslot figuring it shouldn't be used anymore but I just wasn't sure about unload. during its channel duration i see like 100 100 177 77 188 etc...like i swear it does a very high amount of damage in total, I'm still just not sure if I should remove it off my bar
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I'm curious to hear people's opinions on this. I've been debating on if I want to keep Unload on my bars. It does ok damage and the heat used refunds itself by the end, which is why I keep it around for single target fights. I just don't know if the damage is worth keeping it around now. (Level 32)
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I use Unload now and then for ranged mobs that use cover. They're immune to Grapple and Jet Charge, usually don't meet the requirements for Rail Shot, they're farther than 10m out, and Rapid Shots is just weak. I'll try to group everything else up on top of one ranged mob, and if there's a ranged guy in cover that isn't easy to grab, I'll use Unload just to build some threat on him so he doesn't nuke my healer.
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I use Unload now and then for ranged mobs that use cover. They're immune to Grapple and Jet Charge, usually don't meet the requirements for Rail Shot, they're farther than 10m out, and Rapid Shots is just weak. I'll try to group everything else up on top of one ranged mob, and if there's a ranged guy in cover that isn't easy to grab, I'll use Unload just to build some threat on him so he doesn't nuke my healer.


As a level 50 Shield Tech, here is why I don't use it. It's channelled. And as a Shield Tech, you want to get into melee range as soon as possible, which means you need to run towards your enemy, not stand there channelling. Usually when such a situation as you described happens, I will use Electro Dart(to unlock RS), Rail Shot and Explosive Dart. By the time I did all of those I will be in range to use my most damaging abilities as a Shield Tech(in that case a nice Flamethrower to the face is always good on a target in cover). If I need some emergency threat, well then I simply use Neural Dart or Sonic Missile which both have a 30m range.

Edited by MigSebes
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Yeah honestly it seems odd that I hear that most BH tanks aren't using this and some have even removed it from their bars. I was doing some testing earlier and it seems to actually be our 2nd highest damage ability we have. It channels for 3 seconds and in that 3 seconds typically does low end 800 damage or high end like 1300 damage (I'm lvl 40). Figuring 3 seconds = 2 other abilities like for example flame burst...it clearly outdamages that. Obviously you have to consider it can be interrupted when meleed so you wanna be careful when you use it. On a boss fight I think would be THE time to use it.... I'd even go as far to say that on a boss fight unload should be your 2nd priority right below rocket punch. Rail shot definitely would contend but if anything they would be even.
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While I'm here....flamethrower is nice for single 2-3 targets etc, but are you guys using flame thrower single target as a high priority or a priority at all? Btw unload DEFINITELY does more damage than flame thrower that I am sure of.
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To be honest in PvE I keep my heat and priority for more important skills, and in PvP I'm always on the move except in front of big packs of players where I would surely use Flamethrower instead because of the cone, but I guess to each his own. I'm not saying you can't use it, especially for a DPS PT, but personally I don't as a Tank.
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Now I'm only level 32 so far, so obviously things could very well be much different once I'm doing higher level flashpoints and such, but...


This is what I've been doing as tanking PT. Ignoring necessary heat management/CDs/taunts/AOE my priority has been something like this:


RS > RP > Unload > Flame Thrower > Explosive Dart > Rapid Shots


*note thats not an order of use, obviously. I mean that if Rail Shot is available at the same time as Rocket Punch I'll use Rail Shot.


FB(FS for AOE situations) being my filler while other stuff is on CD and assuming I have heat.. also making sure its debuff is always on. Obviously once I hit 40 and get HB things will change, but this has served me pretty well so far. No real aggro issues in flashpoints so far. My DPS seems to be good, but its so difficult to gauge it without parses.

Edited by Kinvalar
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As a level 50 Shield Tech, here is why I don't use it. It's channelled. And as a Shield Tech, you want to get into melee range as soon as possible, which means you need to run towards your enemy, not stand there channelling. Usually when such a situation as you described happens, I will use Electro Dart(to unlock RS), Rail Shot and Explosive Dart. By the time I did all of those I will be in range to use my most damaging abilities as a Shield Tech(in that case a nice Flamethrower to the face is always good on a target in cover). If I need some emergency threat, well then I simply use Neural Dart or Sonic Missile which both have a 30m range.


That's fine, don't use it, but don't act like you're the only 50 tank in the thread -.-


I specifically described a situation where you're not going to close to melee range because it's a loner mob that's in cover and can't be pulled to you, and you're trying to keep other mobs, including ranged ones, grouped at your current spot. Closing the distance to the guy in cover is just going to leave another ranged mob or two behind you. Since you've already got 3-4 mobs grouped around you, it's fine to stand there and channel Unload at Mr. Cover Guy for a couple of seconds. Even if a tick gets interrupted you're getting enough threat on him to hold him until your main group gets burned down, which your taunts are only going to do for 6 seconds. If you havn't noticed, even the standard mobs in a heroic flashpoint can wreck a healer in a few seconds so you want to have solid, permanent threat on everything. Again, I don't care if you use it, but if somebody is looking for a reason to possibly have it on their bar, there it is. For what it's worth, I typically use Electro Dart on the elite that's trying to beat me to death to interrupt damage, and I'd rather use Explosive Dart on the group of adds around me for the AoE threat.


As for whoever asked about using it in melee range, no, I wouldn't advise it. We have much better tools when we're up close and personal.

Edited by Mesrith
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One thing to remember with unload is that it will have its channeling time and damage reduced if you are being hit, so I try to use unload on stunned targets or targets that aren't targetting me. Therefore, it is more useful in pvp situations or when I'm finishing off that last weak mob. Its especially nice in pvp though if you aren't being targetted and you pop a guard on the dude who is getting hit then launch a taunt, then unload then close in with close range.
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Unload is very situational imho. I use it to do some steady dps on an add someone may be mashing on while I'm on a boss. ...Or even just keep dps on a boss during a 2 second window where my main skills are on cooldown so i don't overheat with a faster attack. It seems like i never lost aggro outside of bugged mobs doing this, and i keep a constant lvl of low heat.


And to the guy who phased out MS.. Ever try using it on adds to knock down a lower lvl guy then step into him for a free shoulder slam? It's essentially a way to do an instant low heat 2500+ damage since shoulder slam has no cost. (and it looks damn cool)

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i still use it all the time at lvl 40. i use it on single targets as part of my rotation.


also, functionally it is great at long range aggro, i find. i.e. if there are two turrets, and we dont' cc them, i lay into the one with a couple punches and it's never gonna leave me till it dies, and i stay right there starting my aggro cycle on the one i can't reach with unload, before rocket jumping to it

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I use all my skills... I feel it is best to have to just in case i need it.

How ever it is not my main ability. I would rather use flame thrower over it.



What he said. If you don't utilize all of your skills your playing gimped. Think of it as real life, if you had the ability to unload or fire off a missile would you?


If you need to stick a dot (with the right cylinder) use unload, then rail shot for critical.


Learn to use all of your skills and you will be more powerful. Even if you only use it once per game, it has its uses.

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Could've sworn this guy was asking BH TANKS, and not DPS. Our job is not to deal damage but to keep aggro and soaking in as much damage as we can(and in PvP to forward the damage to ourselves with our Taunts). It can maybe prove useful while leveling, but for tanking in PvE and in PvP that skill should not take part of your priority rotation. I'm not even going to argue on the subject, I made my point earlier in this thread. But for those who want to learn, take your time to look at your abilities, what procs, what you need to use, etc. Then practice, do Flashpoints, Warzones, etc. You will see there is no situation where Unload is needed, unless you are trying to Range DPS as a Shield Tech, which would be playing your spec wrong. For AP and Pyros, sure it might be a useful ability, but I can't comment on that as that is not my area. :)
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I use it in pvp all the time when people start running from me if jet isn't up. Also great in huttball because of all the Z-axis changes. Amazing damage per heat as well so if you are hitting 40 heat without a good way to vent Unload will usually net you positive heat loss and you'll be back in the 4 regen slot.


In pve I usually only use it if the FB damage reduction is on a mob, I've exhausted my other attacks, and I'm not high on heat. Also nice to toss an explosive dart on a ranged mob followed by an unload to keep above healing agro when you can't grapple everything.

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Does a good deal of damage. I actually use it inside my rotations a lot, because the current one manages to keep heat under 40% while spamming 6 skills. Seems reasonable, have only auto-attack to fill the gap otherwise or random pop-up rocket punches that can easily fit into it.
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I'm a full-spec Shield Tech tank and still use Unload all the time. It's a situational attack, but certainly has its place. Typically, I don't use it in melee range unless the target is stunned and Rail Shot/Shoulder Slam are not available.


Then again, I use all of my skills.

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I like to shoot things,...i use unload....


sadly, i dont have jet charge yet </3

But i use unload often enough to say its useful to me for that one NPC that is standing far from the group, and i used grapple on the strong/elite. and since it stuns weak enemys, thats slightly less dps being used against you, and it procs my ion cylinder. so i like it.


i also use missle blast still to knock those pesky weak enemys down. again, on the ground = not doing dps to me. (also launching them off platforms on nar shadda is fun)

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I use it. My ability priority is something like this:


Shoulder Slam (because it's free)

Rocket Punch (to get it back on cooldown)

Rail Shot (to get it back on cooldown)

Flamethrower (very efficient heat/damage)

Unload (still more efficient than flame burst)

Flame Burst (if at max heat regen)

Rapid Shots

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I use it. My ability priority is something like this:


Shoulder Slam (because it's free)

Rocket Punch (to get it back on cooldown)

Rail Shot (to get it back on cooldown)

Flamethrower (very efficient heat/damage)

Unload (still more efficient than flame burst)

Flame Burst (if at max heat regen)

Rapid Shots


Don't forget to mix in Explosive Dart too- good dps as well as the crowd control effects.

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