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Companion AI is garbage.


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Kira works fine for me, probably because I let her do her own thing.

Try NOT giving her orders. She kicks *** all by her self!


My kira is geared so well I have to be careful what I say to her... If she turned on me, I'd be in trouble!


You must not be on Corellia yet then, because having a companion do whatever they want when you're fighting 3 silvers and a normal at once is a surefire way to die.

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The issue i have noticed is that the companions who tank or dps "nadia" mainly just ignore cc and aoe. this is really annoying when trying to control a fight.



Screw it i just use the healer and tank, dps as a sage.

Edited by CarlIfeco
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There's been a few times when my companion won't even attack the enemy, even when I'm getting shot. I think it has to do with the enemy's placement.


Also, I wish the companions would attack something the second I start attacking it, and not wait till I get attacked first.


Other than that, I've found no big issues with companions. They seem to move onto the next attacking target after one enemy goes down fairly well.


I just love giving gifts to them and getting 0 appreciation for them, though. :p

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Delay problems, resheating their weapon dozens of times before actually attacking and REALLY bad pathfinding (not sure if I somehow was too close but quite a few times my companion has pulled extra mobs) are the porbs im facing.


Polly, the modes you suggestted would eliminate some porblems so they would be really good addition. Some mode for making them avoid CCed targets?


Also polishing the movement AI so that my comp will not: stop, unsheath their weapon and THEN walk near to the mob I'm already figthing and then attack is horrible. Why is it that (let' s take WoW, GW and Rift as examples) the pets or pet classes don't have this problem? Hell Dragon age 1 and 2 didn't have this problem. Mass Effects?


While on the subjest copying the "move to this location" thingy-button from DA2 would be really awesome. Would help with the problem of moving comps away from AOE.

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The thing that bothers me the most is when I use my dissappearing act skill to leave a fight and I get away and remain in stealth, when I come out of stealth my idiot companion will sometimes immediately return to the fight. Now my cooldown is on dissappearing act so I don't have that to get away again and why...WHY is he still engaged???? as soon as I activate dissappearing act that should cancel any fight my companion was involved in...seems pretty simple to me. Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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That's weird. I'm playing an IA and Kaliyo (1st companion, tank class) is actually pretty smart. She will change targets by herself to pull aggro from the one attacking me. I used to send her to attack first, but I do not even do that anymore. Her AI as tank is pretty good.
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I'm playing as Bounty Hunter and set my gal to healing stance, and she still only heals me some of the time when she feels like it, and spends the rest of the fight trying to DPS - really annoying not to have an option to ONLY heal me, I don't need her pathetic additional DPS thanks. So agree with the OP, the AI could use some work.
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The issue i have noticed is that the companions who tank or dps "nadia" mainly just ignore cc and aoe. this is really annoying when trying to control a fight.



Screw it i just use the healer and tank, dps as a sage.


Companions will not attack CCed targets, but they will use their AoEs. Just disable their AoE attacks, and they'll work great.

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I'm playing as Bounty Hunter and set my gal to healing stance, and she still only heals me some of the time when she feels like it, and spends the rest of the fight trying to DPS - really annoying not to have an option to ONLY heal me, I don't need her pathetic additional DPS thanks. So agree with the OP, the AI could use some work.


That is more related to ability cooldowns. Companion do not have resources, but all their abilities are on a cooldown. So When their healings are recharging, they will DPS.

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You must not be on Corellia yet then, because having a companion do whatever they want when you're fighting 3 silvers and a normal at once is a surefire way to die.


It sounds like a bug honestly...I have gone all the way through Corellia with Kira and never once had that problem; but feel free to insult me too you have everyone else who has offered a suggestion so far. :rolleyes:

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I'm using Kira, the melee companion for the Jedi Knight.


First, she automatically decides to never attack the target I'm attacking, which is moronic to begin with. She's an incredibly squish hero yet she's programmed to attack a separate target than me by default?


You can open up with ctrl-1, then attack yourself. I have noticed something similar with Corso. Probably the companion attack the first mob that attack you, as oppose to who you attack?

She randomly decides to stop attacking my target before it's dead and leap to another mob. This means I have to AGAIN instruct her to attack my target, which AGAIN incurs the 5 second delay of her doing absolutely nothing.


If leap is on autocast she'll use it every time it's off cooldown, and the only valid target are probably one that's not in melee range.

Edited by anwg
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The Only Real Problem i have with Kira IS- Stop Standing in Front of me as i Attack a mob i click on you instead -



have to keep swiching the camra to a side view just to keep the auto attack- (that's a laugh) from de selecting the mob i am fighting :rolleyes:

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First, this doesn't address the delay which occurs when giving orders.


Second, constantly switching targets after I give an order is detrimental since I am the tank. I need my DPS companion to help me kill small mobs before going for silver/elite's, but it's like pulling teeth sometimes to get her to do it.


At the very least, there needs to be toggle-able behavior types available. Such as:


- Always attack my target

- Always attack greatest threat

- Always attack non-elites first


Things like that. With that kind of AI control, plus the removal of order delay, the companions would be just great.


You should have put exactly this in your first post after explaining that you were having problems with companion functionality. :) Just my opinion!

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I really have to say, this is some of the WORST AI programming I've ever seen in a video game, which is really a crying shame.
It depends on what you Class and Build is. Yes I know you said Kira that means Jedi Knight, but also depending on if you are tanking, healing, dps how you want your companion to respond changes. There is no way to program the AI to respond 100% of the way that everyone else wants their companion to respond. Personally it is fine because I usually attack weak before strong/elite targets, she goes after them. I quickly finish the squishy and kill the big guy. It also means since I'm not healing I don't have to manage my own health yet and just burst DPS.


Why do you use Ctrl+1? Do you only have a 2 button mouse? I have it bound to my 4th button when I do want to control what she attacks. Usually it is to a specific skill opener, this goes for all my companions. Only requires me to press one button to Force Leap and a click to get her to attack what I want. Also having her attack a separate target so they aren't focus firing on me... usually a decent tactic. That is why groups focusing damage is so effective, get the enemy to split and you can usually win most battles (when soloing, not having a typical healer/tank group).

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I think the companion AI is great. Compared to other games who have pet classes the companions in this game are down right geniuses.


Edit: I do agree it would be nice to put and edit around some basic commands for them to use in specific situations like Dragon Age had for your AI group mates.

Edited by Keypek
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