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Level 60 Token consumed but hasn't worked!


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This happened to me last night also, made a free 60 using the Free 60 creation system there was the carbonite area in the background so it was the free 60.


I ended up on fleet with a lvl ONE Mercenary....i deleted the toon last night and now i can't make the free 60 any more. This is definitely a bug that happened and need to be fixed.

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This just happened to me. Made a character and didn't like its playstyle, so I deleted it well before level 61. When I went to make the level 60 it consumed the token, and made a level 1 character that ended up on the fleet. I deleted it, and went to try again but the token was consumed. This was a token I bought from the Cartel Market too, not the freebie. I am hoping customer service can restore it. Or at least return the 2k credits.
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Welcome to the waiting line of this fix. Someone should make a thread with caps to INFORM people NOT to use especially who bought level 60 tokens since its bugged.


How long does it take for BW community team to at least inform us that they are trying to solve it?

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Same issue here, I should be able to create 2 - one free and one I redeemed a token for. When I tried to create them it spit me out on fleet at level 1. I tried deleting them and relogging (before I found this thread) and now it says I cannot create any lvl 60 toons. This needs to be addressed immediately please.
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Its really sad to see so many people buy these tokens and use them just to figure out there is a huge bug about it.

Bioware should have at least warn all not to do that until its fixed but they are silent and thats what i dont like. Money flows in but nothing in return comes back as promised.

Edited by Divona
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Yup happened to me too. I had TWO 60 boosts one for re subbing and one from buying an extra one and not only did I only get a level 1 character but when I used the second one it didn't even give me a credit.

Serious BS. Not a good welcome back impression.

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Look in the developer tracker. There is a post about the level 60 character issues there that may answer several of the questions being posed here.


It doesnt Help, u dont see the KOTFE Trailer even if u dont skip it shows u directly the normal Screen that pops when u create a lvl 1 Toon and land on the Fleet. U cant do anything to fix that. There is something really broken. Anything what we get from BW ist the standard Answer that doesnt Help and they dont really realize that... :mad:

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Same issue, I tried it twice. Both times it just dumped me on the fleet with a level 1 char, but it kept my free token, so I'm not really mad about it. But it's just stupid that they would realese a feature that could clearly need some polishing before releasing. Even though they put so much emphasis on marketing it. "Subscribe and you get one level 60 token so you don't need to go trough the main story in order to experiece the newest expansion!"



OK Bioware I would love to use it, if it wasn't broken of course. :D :D :D

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Broken for my Wife's account also , we just tried and got a level 1 on fleet , deleted got token back will try one more time . Some kind of official response would be nice though. Even if its just a we know and we are working on it but in the mean time dont bother using lvl 60 tokens.
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Same here, first i created a sniper, spawned as level one. Then i relogged, tried again (because i had to relog to get the level-60-option in the first place) same. Tried it with a rep-char, worked, deleted the character -> Token gone, no new level 60 char possible to create...
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I have used two token purchases. First one created a level 1 toon on fleet and the second one didn't do anything. I deleted the level 1 toon and now I don't have a level 60 option available anymore. I opened a ticket early this morning and haven't heard anything. I hope we hear something on the forum soon.
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I was able to normally create the lvl 60, but it emerged as a lvl 1 character on fleet. I didn't move it or do anything except immediately file a bug report. I hope this gets fixed with some genuine urgency as this issue involves a customer not getting what they paid real money for, whether as a perk thrown in with subscription or bought separately in the cartel market.
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It happened to me too. I used my free token and it gave me a lv1 character, I delete it, it did give me back the token. I tried to create a new one again, and yeah it worked and gave me a lv60 character, but after I delete this character my token just gone. I really hope they fix this bug soon.
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