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BioWare: take the feedback for once and increase difficulty going forward


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I find it hilarious how people are talking like SWTOR was ever a challenge. If you ever considered the game a challenge before, then maybe you're not as good as you seem to think that you are. I would call people like you wannabes since you're trying to "get a challenge" by playing slightly harder than easy and then go out and flatter yourself by saying "oh I love a good challenge".


Swtor is a story game. If I want to play a challenging game then I'll play a multiplayer game or something like that because single player (specially swtor) will never be challenging.

Edited by Fuzzionlol
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There are options in place.


Set your comp to heals.

Set your comp to DPS.

DISARM your comp.

Set your comp to passive.

Undergear yourself.

Dismiss your comp. (not reliable)

DO NOT build influence past level 10 if possible.

Do not gear presence or use presence buffs.


I think you missed one of the more important and flexible options...


The ability to toggle companion abilities.


Running with a healer companion but fed up of the 10k heals they keep throwing out... toggle that ability off.

Running with a DPS companion and fed up of the mega damaging finishing move when a mob is under 30%... toggle that ability off.

Running with a tank that can heal itself and shield itself... toggle those abilities off.


It allows a great deal of flexibility.

While I have accepted the level of challenge with the solo story content (that is approximately none) and this is likely to be the case going forward, it does not exclude the small possibility of new game content along the lines of the Starfortress Heroics.

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It is still mind boggling why few still asking over and over somekind magical "challenge" in solo mode?

Some people want to play solo, some want to play in group. Soloing or grouping has nothing to do with difficulty setting. Some people want to overcome challenges alone and not interested in group/guild content.

Soloing isnt considered anything to be challenging. It is ment to be fun and easy.

Considered by you? Challenging for you is easy for others. Some people think challenging is fun. Others think chellenging is annoying, people need options.

Edited by montreau
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For the love of god you can just sit there and spam regular attack while eating a sandwich, no casual can tell me anything about it feels right. The story is great but the entire experience feels lackluster given no effort goes into anything you fight.


What feedback? didn't we had a poll and you loud mouth minority got beaten to the curb in end results? shut up already.

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Not downplaying. I'm asking them to post it in one of the billion already existing threads. I know you want them to create a thousand threads. Majority is fine with them. They tried the business model for three years and in that time they've gone under a million subs. People rapidly quit the game because it was so much of a grind. They weren't having fun. I think the people that might leave due to the casualness is a very small fraction to the people that will stay and other people will join because of the casualness. The casual is a successful business model. No amount of complaining from a tiny fraction of the user base will change. That's just my point of view.


Quite an arrogant one too. I went from 60-65 on my sniper using Suppressing fire on anything that wasn't a boss. Even fighting Arcann was ridiculously easy...I NEVER dipped below 95% heatlh all the way from 60-65.

If the "majority" want THIS as a game experience then the human race has real serious issues. I pressed ONE KEYBIND for 5 levels. I also lost my favourite companions and gained exactly the same companion as everyone else.

A BOT could have payed through this expac, that's how involving this was. Done the story once and I doubt I can stomach it again....


Just remember this one TRUTH: Just because many think a thing, doesn't make that thing right.

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Quite an arrogant one too. I went from 60-65 on my sniper using Suppressing fire on anything that wasn't a boss. Even fighting Arcann was ridiculously easy...I NEVER dipped below 95% heatlh all the way from 60-65.

If the "majority" want THIS as a game experience then the human race has real serious issues. I pressed ONE KEYBIND for 5 levels. I also lost my favourite companions and gained exactly the same companion as everyone else.

A BOT could have payed through this expac, that's how involving this was. Done the story once and I doubt I can stomach it again....


Just remember this one TRUTH: Just because many think a thing, doesn't make that thing right.


Its not about what is right and wrong but what majority wants. And majority wants to play solo and experience story lines.


Only people who cant seem to get into their skulls is you and others like you who think making new topic every day is going to fix it. Hell we even had a poll on this and majority was against making changing to companions.


And the fact that you think human race is in trouble because of a bloody video game and how people want to play it tells me how ****ed up your priorities are.


Typical overreaction by loudmouth minority.

Edited by Gorrdan
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If I want to play a challenging game then I'll play a multiplayer game or something like that because single player (specially swtor) will never be challenging.

I know of some chess simulators and strategy games that would prove you wrong ;)


Solo content can be challenging. It focuses on a different set of skills than content that is difficult for groups (good communication key here) or PvP (overcoming the unpredictability of a human opponent).


There is no compelling reason not to have some serious challenge for solo players that is recognised by the game and rewarded. There is a nod in this direction with an achievement given for soloing a Starfortress Heroic without using the alliance specialist buffs and caches (alas I managed it but the game bugged out and did not reward me - One for All )


The issue is that this challenging solo content can not stand in the way of progression through the story content. It has to be in non-essential side content.

An example would be one of my favourite puzzle missions 'Legacy of Traken 4' only available to Republic players on Balmorra. A fairly basic puzzle that had you alternating light switches to get all the lights on. Completely unrelated to combat, could be missed out entirely.


Now the game has the potential to put unlocking new companions behind difficult solo content. Unfortunately the Advanced Classes and their Disciplines are not created equal and some are far more capable in going through solo content than others. This just exaggerates the issue of finding a challenge level that can be applied across the board.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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For the love of god you can just sit there and spam regular attack while eating a sandwich, no casual can tell me anything about it feels right. The story is great but the entire experience feels lackluster given no effort goes into anything you fight.



I'm a casual fan, I play games on the easiest setting. I enjoy the difficulty as it is now. ;)

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Quite an arrogant one too. I went from 60-65 on my sniper using Suppressing fire on anything that wasn't a boss. Even fighting Arcann was ridiculously easy...I NEVER dipped below 95% heatlh all the way from 60-65.

If the "majority" want THIS as a game experience then the human race has real serious issues. I pressed ONE KEYBIND for 5 levels. I also lost my favourite companions and gained exactly the same companion as everyone else.

A BOT could have payed through this expac, that's how involving this was. Done the story once and I doubt I can stomach it again....


Just remember this one TRUTH: Just because many think a thing, doesn't make that thing right.


...and you learned this tactic by doing exactly the same thing from the time you unlocked Suppressing Fire. Nice try, I guess, but since I've been working my Sniper for a couple of years now, and PvPers weren't smart enough to move out of red circles and got Orbital Tickle implemented, I've used that very tactic, a lot, both solo and in group content to take out the trash. So, since this hasn't changed in that long, why is it suddenly an argument that the game is too easy?


...and let's run with your one TRUTH scenario: What makes you believe that you're the "side" that's right? This "truth" is equally able to be applied to both sides of this discussion. Barring, of course, the "nuh uh, I brought it up, so nobody else can use it" argument, which I anticipate will be next. However, I'll use something a bit more concrete: The other night, when Shadowlands went down, the only servers that weren't Heavy or Full were the PvP servers, all three of the NA versions were Light, and Shadowlands, because it was down.


I'll tell you what else this shoots in the foot, however: Level sync makes the game too hard. I guess all those anti level sync people better get in here and start nay saying too, eh?

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Some people want to play solo, some want to play in group. Soloing or grouping has nothing to do with difficulty setting. Some people want to overcome challenges alone and not interested in group/guild content.


Considered by you? Challenging for you is easy for others. Some people think challenging is fun. Others think chellenging is annoying, people need options.


Look few posts above yours and you see list how they can challenge solo content however they like. Question is not how but what option they can choose.

Asking changes that would affect everyone how they solo content isnt going to happen unless Bioware wants to loose all those story/content casual subscribers aswell.

Edited by Divona
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Look few posts above yours and you see list how they can challenge solo content however they like. Question is not how but what option they can choose.

Asking changes that would affect everyone how they solo content isnt going to happen unless Bioware wants to loose all those story/content casual subscribers aswell.


I understand the issue with setting a baseline of challenge. You have to cater to the new player that has default gear, no prior experience of the best rotation, no huge presence buff, only one class buff and heroic moment ability, and the difference in how Advanced Classes and chosen Discipline play differently. A tall order when you have the experienced player with all of that expecting a challenge from the same content.


Many would want the challenge there to test how well they understand the game system. I think this is the underpinning issue here that you don't need to understand the system at all. In the story content the difficulty is so low you do not have to engage any amount of thought. True, the game has never been really difficult but there were times you had to know your rotation, the old H2+ on Oricon presented a bit of a challenge when taking down the champions. The new content felt a bit tougher than what had gone before. With KotFE essentially being a reboot and a retooling of content for going forward there was no noticeable difficulty apart from the Starfortess Heroics (which I suspect many complaining about lack of challenge have yet to get to).

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Its not about what is right and wrong but what majority wants. And majority wants to play solo and experience story lines.


Only people who cant seem to get into their skulls is you and others like you who think making new topic every day is going to fix it. Hell we even had a poll on this and majority was against making changing to companions.


And the fact that you think human race is in trouble because of a bloody video game and how people want to play it tells me how ****ed up your priorities are.


Typical overreaction by loudmouth minority.


Where do you get your information from about minority's/majority's? And what those groups want ? I mean you talk about this so sure, there must be something else besides this forum to prove your claim.


1. The forum is only used by a minority of players.

2.A huge amount of players is not able to post on the forum due to f2p.

3 Most players that are unhappy with this game just leave, they do not care at all about the forum (see also 1.)


So taking the talk in this forum as a determination about who is in the majority or minority is majorly flawed.

Edited by Neglience
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Where do you get your information from about minority's/majority's? And what those groups want ? I mean you talk about this so sure, there must be something else besides this forum to prove your claim.


Doesn't that work both ways? Did I miss the post where you called the OP on their assertion as well, or is it more a case of "this is what I believe, so it's the majority"?

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Doesn't that work both ways? Did I miss the post where you called the OP on their assertion as well, or is it more a case of "this is what I believe, so it's the majority"?


The OP is not arguing that his viewpoint is backed up by the majority. But a lot of those who oppose his view, claim that they are the majority.

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Where do you get your information from about minority's/majority's? And what those groups want ? I mean you talk about this so sure, there must be something else besides this forum to prove your claim.


1. The forum is only used by a minority of players.

2.A huge amount of players is not able to post on the forum due to f2p.

3 Most players that are unhappy with this game just leave, they do not care at all about the forum (see also 1.)


So taking the talk in this forum as a determination about who is in the majority or minority is majorly flawed.


Thank you captain obvious. It is called taking a sample for an educated guess. And since forums is where most of the discussion happens even devs do not ignore it.

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Thank you captain obvious. It is called taking a sample for an educated guess. And since forums is where most of the discussion happens even devs do not ignore it.


It is a bad sample and as such every guess out of it is likewise flawed. But what is the point in this ? BW does not make decisions about what a majority/minority wants. If they wanted to do this, they could just ask the players but they don't.

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Its not about what is right and wrong but what majority wants. And majority wants to play solo and experience story lines.


Only people who cant seem to get into their skulls is you and others like you who think making new topic every day is going to fix it. Hell we even had a poll on this and majority was against making changing to companions.


And the fact that you think human race is in trouble because of a bloody video game and how people want to play it tells me how ****ed up your priorities are.


Typical overreaction by loudmouth minority.


First of all... What`s wrong with increasing difficulty just a little bit? Was Shadow of Revan challenging? Well... it was definetly harder then KOTFE but It wasn't challenging at all. The only piece of challenging content back then, that comes to mind, is soloing Commandant Jenarian. So what are you afrid of? You think that if game will be just a little bit harder you will fail? Even i think you are not that bad. Probably you will never see the difference. Majority wants it as it is bacause its kinda fun to see how your sidekick erases entire batallion of opponents with two shots. What will you think when it will get old. How will you play a game that doesn`t need you to participate?


Second. About playing solo and experiencing storylines. Thats what i want. And i don`t really want it to be hard. All i'm interested in, is to make it believable and immersive. Now its not. When you are warned by the story (and im not talking about KOTFE only) that you are about to get into a big trouble you SHOULD get into trouble. When story tells you that you will fight with a group of "republic's finest" and in the end you just get a bunch of one-shotted puppets thats just wrong. When your companion is supposed to be a former slave and failed smuggler who got cought and you get a secret imperial superweapon that can threaten Republic's stability while you have a sandwinch thats wrong indeed. The current state of story in this game is a lie and that is what increasing difficulty can change.


Third. Options. Noone is trying to take away anything from you. People experience problems. They want to talk about it. Everyone has an opinion. Relax.


Fourth. Majority and loudmouth minority. Majority likes it as it is at least for now. Majority either likes it or doesn`t care. Majority is not even here on this forums. Majority will play, get bored and unsub... or maybe not! On the other side there are people who don`t like some changes and want to discuss. Yes, some of them don`t want to read forums and create the same topics over and over again. Thats annoying but thats what people do all the time. In the end, there is a loudmouth minority - those who are hiding behind "what majority wants" and trying to stop any conversation spamming it with the same hysterical and illogical garbage over and over agian.

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I think you missed one of the more important and flexible options...


The ability to toggle companion abilities.


Running with a healer companion but fed up of the 10k heals they keep throwing out... toggle that ability off.

Running with a DPS companion and fed up of the mega damaging finishing move when a mob is under 30%... toggle that ability off.

Running with a tank that can heal itself and shield itself... toggle those abilities off.


It allows a great deal of flexibility.

While I have accepted the level of challenge with the solo story content (that is approximately none) and this is likely to be the case going forward, it does not exclude the small possibility of new game content along the lines of the Starfortress Heroics.


Hehe, I missed that one. Added it to the post....thanks.

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First of all... What`s wrong with increasing difficulty just a little bit? Was Shadow of Revan challenging? Well... it was definetly harder then KOTFE but It wasn't challenging at all. The only piece of challenging content back then, that comes to mind, is soloing Commandant Jenarian. So what are you afrid of? You think that if game will be just a little bit harder you will fail? Even i think you are not that bad. Probably you will never see the difference. Majority wants it as it is bacause its kinda fun to see how your sidekick erases entire batallion of opponents with two shots. What will you think when it will get old. How will you play a game that doesn`t need you to participate?


Second. About playing solo and experiencing storylines. Thats what i want. And i don`t really want it to be hard. All i'm interested in, is to make it believable and immersive. Now its not. When you are warned by the story (and im not talking about KOTFE only) that you are about to get into a big trouble you SHOULD get into trouble. When story tells you that you will fight with a group of "republic's finest" and in the end you just get a bunch of one-shotted puppets thats just wrong. When your companion is supposed to be a former slave and failed smuggler who got cought and you get a secret imperial superweapon that can threaten Republic's stability while you have a sandwinch thats wrong indeed. The current state of story in this game is a lie and that is what increasing difficulty can change.


Third. Options. Noone is trying to take away anything from you. People experience problems. They want to talk about it. Everyone has an opinion. Relax.


Fourth. Majority and loudmouth minority. Majority likes it as it is at least for now. Majority either likes it or doesn`t care. Majority is not even here on this forums. Majority will play, get bored and unsub... or maybe not! On the other side there are people who don`t like some changes and want to discuss. Yes, some of them don`t want to read forums and create the same topics over and over again. Thats annoying but thats what people do all the time. In the end, there is a loudmouth minority - those who are hiding behind "what majority wants" and trying to stop any conversation spamming it with the same hysterical and illogical garbage over and over agian.


What part of this game was ever "challenging"? Learning to move out of circles and mechanics? The only grind that ever existed in this game was end game gear, and frankly, that was easy enough to do as well. Some of these people thinking they were being challenged by any of the content in this game would rage quit other MMOs, where some content is actually hard.

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What part of this game was ever "challenging"? Learning to move out of circles and mechanics? The only grind that ever existed in this game was end game gear, and frankly, that was easy enough to do as well. Some of these people thinking they were being challenged by any of the content in this game would rage quit other MMOs, where some content is actually hard.


And still you want this game as easy as possible :)


This game had some challenging fights before 3.0 and for most of the other fights if you went afk you would die. As it should be.

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Well, aside from the heel biting that is going on, I would say there are two distinct camps in the "game is too easy" crowd.


The sensible folks....the ones that would simply like some way to make the game harder like they could in the past, perhaps. Those folks want it to be optional, so other folks that like it as it is would not be affected. I expect those folks will learn to live with the changes if they are permanent, and find other ways to provide themselves handicaps.


Then you have the other side of the coin....those folks that simply hate the idea of the game being easy for anyone. Some of these folks have ALWAYS campaigned against things being made easier....check some of the posting histories if you are curious.


This kind of player strikes me as the purest example of how hardcore players used to be....and those kind of players once dominated the market. They dictated how difficult MMOs were at one time (and they were difficult, believe me).


There was a time when you had to walk everywhere you wanted to go.


If you died, you lost XP/money or lost that character all together...or you had to run to your corpse to get your things or resurrect.


The game world was dangerous. Almost every animal could kill you fairly easily. Almost all content required groups to complete it. Players could kill and loot each other at will.

Some players simply can not let go of the past, and fight tooth and nail to return to the old days, when one could argue MMOs punished you for you playing them.


Those types of players, IMO should have NO SAY in anything that happens with modern games if that game is to be successful. Those times are gone, and any increase in difficulty will likely mean less money and appeal in the market.


So I say the first group should have a voice...but the second group should likely be completely ignored.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Eh, I died twice going from 60 to 65 during KOTFE and some of the boss fights were ridiculously long (close to 10 minutes). I'd say the difficulty is fine.


My Scoundrel also died a couple times ... plus some very near misses ... takes the enjoyment out of the story ... I honestly have yet to experience these úber companions the tiny minority on here keep complaining about ... if difficulty was increased i would again need to outlevel stuff +5 levels to comfortably enjoy the game ... oh wait ... can't due to level sync ... so increaing difficulty would remove several playstyles ... whilst right now there are choices for many playstyles ... those that find it too easy just lose the companion & remove some of the skills off your bar - fixed ... you get your 'Challenge' & I get to play my way too :-)

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