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BioWare: take the feedback for once and increase difficulty going forward


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And this is our new playerbase. Just watch at all the "give me M1-4X for free", "give me Quizen Fess for free", "give me doctor Lokin for free". Oh, and while we are at it, "make tacticals 2-man so we can run it with companions".


Just go back to your Iphone gaming please. Becouse next thing we know, Bioware will start selling all the things above for money. I'll bet this new playerbase will be happy


Might've known you'd show up here, you should get Lokin for free on IAs, I dunno if that's the case or not, I do know that you can get Qyzen and 4X instantly on consulars and troopers, respectively.


As for making tacticals 2m, I've no problem with that, then I and ONE friend, not, I, one friend, and two people we're probably going to end up hate forever, and you know why but refuse to see it.


Tacticals should be easier, that's how BW:A intended them to be in the first place; you've got your HM FPs, and as far as I know, all FPs have an HM mode, except Colicoid War Games, possibly, so you're doing alright in re group content, okay?


Additionally, I'd happy bypass the PvP requirements for M1-4X and Pierce for CCs, myself.


try using ranged healer companion instead melee one.


I was using Tharan at the time I had to blow that H4 on my shadow, I just couldn't keep that boss' HP down.


I was about to say, I've been noticing a trend involving force healers and tech healers, both ranged and melee.


Currently, melee tech healers have been nerfed to 25% of their ranged counterparts' channeled healing capacity, it seems. SCORPIO, Vector Hyllus, Qyzen Fess, Broonmark, Tanno Vik, Yuun, Bowdaar, Akaavi Spar, Torian Cadera, Skadge, and, oddly enough, HK-51 (though not a melee, he is down to their level for that channeled heal), all these companions' channeled heals are all vastly diminished, all to roughly the same level, correcting for level and Influence rank, all the other heal types they have are on par with the rest. I had a look ingame, just now.


These companion's channeled heals are all vastly diminished, all to roughly the same level, correcting for level and Influence rank.


IN terms of melee force healers, only Khem Val's (vibroblade) channeled healing is 2/3s that of a typical force user healer, like Xivhkalrainik (Xalek), Ashara Zavros, Lord Scourge, Jaesa Willsaam, Kira Carsen. Incidentally, force healers' channeled heals are somewhat higher than those of their standard tech healing counterparts.


Treek's heals are still pretty unique, actually, and surprisingly.


Therefore, it seems that some buffing is in order, to bring those under-powered tech and force channelers into line with their majority counterparts.


I sent a CS ticket about those UP healers, here's hoping it gets resolved pretty soon.

Edited by sentientomega
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Wow, people complaining about partners AGAIN?!

Cut the crap, I've been on that Dark Malgus instance today (on solo mode) to finish Ilum and I could kill one elite while Ashara (influence level 12) and the droid were still struggling with theirs.


Also i don't get it when people complain about partners AND level sync. It doesn't make any sense. Level sync makes it slightly more challenging. I'm glad it's there.

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Wow, people complaining about partners AGAIN?!

Cut the crap, I've been on that Dark Malgus instance today (on solo mode) to finish Ilum and I could kill one elite while Ashara (influence level 12) and the droid were still struggling with theirs.


Also i don't get it when people complain about partners AND level sync. It doesn't make any sense. Level sync makes it slightly more challenging. I'm glad it's there.


Yes, level sync is a good thing, on the whole.


My only problem with companions is that the names I listed are under-powered healers, where there seems no reason for them to be.

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It's always been an H4, even at 4.0, it was an H4, it still is now; and at 4.0, it was soloable, on pretty much every spec with a healer, but my serenity shadow cannot out-damage the boss' self-heals. It should be retuned to H2+, and then it would be properly soloable.


Funny thing is, my Engineering sniper has little trouble getting the HP down and keeping it down on that boss, even today, post-4.0.1a. But, I've always had to use a healer, those H4 mobs shatter any tank or tanking comp.


You soloed an instance meant for 4 people. You don't think that means the power level is a bit too high when you aren't over leveled? Even soloing the Oricon H2 at level was a challenge in pretty good gear, it would have been impossible as an H4.


Is everyone who is happy with companion power levels only happy because they can solo content meant for groups? If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to request more group content be scaled for solo play so we can keep solo play somewhat enjoyable? I have nothing against people wanting to avoid groups, but don't want it to mean you have to be all powerful for normal story content in order to be powerful enough to solo 4 man content.

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You soloed an instance meant for 4 people. You don't think that means the power level is a bit too high when you aren't over leveled? Even soloing the Oricon H2 at level was a challenge in pretty good gear, it would have been impossible as an H4.


Is everyone who is happy with companion power levels only happy because they can solo content meant for groups? If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to request more group content be scaled for solo play so we can keep solo play somewhat enjoyable? I have nothing against people wanting to avoid groups, but don't want it to mean you have to be all powerful for normal story content in order to be powerful enough to solo 4 man content.


Soloing oricon h2 was never a challenge in the cases you mention, sorry.


And, just as any other h4, aurora was made h2. Its easier than SF h2. The only reason it wasnt soloed before (well completed fully solo before) because of artificial "need 4 bodies to click stuff at same time" mechanic.

Edited by Mikahrone
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You soloed an instance meant for 4 people. You don't think that means the power level is a bit too high when you aren't over leveled? Even soloing the Oricon H2 at level was a challenge in pretty good gear, it would have been impossible as an H4.


Is everyone who is happy with companion power levels only happy because they can solo content meant for groups? If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to request more group content be scaled for solo play so we can keep solo play somewhat enjoyable? I have nothing against people wanting to avoid groups, but don't want it to mean you have to be all powerful for normal story content in order to be powerful enough to solo 4 man content.


Except that we are overlevelled, by 2; true, it's not that much over.


It really should be re-designated an H2+ like all the others, with the mobs scaled down accordingly; I mean, it really should be reasonably soloable, for the weekly, just like Oricon, Cz-198, and the Black Hole.


Soloing oricon h2 was never a challenge in the cases you mention, sorry.


And, just as any other h4, aurora was made h2. Its easier than SF h2. The only reason it wasnt soloed before (well completed fully solo before) because of artificial "need 4 bodies to click stuff at same time" mechanic.


I hate to burst your bubble, but I just picked up that mission on the Imp side, and it reads as follows: {[HEROIC 4] The Aurora Cannon}


And, same for the Republic one that I just picked up: {[HEROIC 4] Long Shots}


As of 4.0.1a, these are still H4 difficulty, with mobs to reflect that, since single mobs are choc-a-bloc with strong and elite enemies (sometimes 3 elites and 1 strong, sometimes 2 elites and three strongs, you get the idea); as it's part of a planetary weekly, it really should be scaled down to H2+.


And I, for one, would just as soon have it scaled down to H2+; soloing that particular H4 was an experiment, to see if I could do it, though I have to say the weekly was uppermost in my mind.


Also, Oricon's H2+ was a challenge to solo pre-4.0, even at 60 with full 186s; just not for you, I guess.


But yes, the Aurora Cannon/Long Shots heroic could use re-designating as an H2+, with appropriate scaling down of the mobs, and rewards (would you believe the XP and credits of that H4 EXCEED those given by the SX Weekly? for me, the Weekly gives 18,738 credits, and 105,826 XP, compared with 23,422 credits and 136,062 XP for the H4, mind-boggling, no?)etc.

Edited by sentientomega
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Soloing oricon h2 was never a challenge in the cases you mention, sorry.


And, just as any other h4, aurora was made h2. Its easier than SF h2. The only reason it wasnt soloed before (well completed fully solo before) because of artificial "need 4 bodies to click stuff at same time" mechanic.


When Oricon came out? It definitely was not able to be done solo by everyone. It required top gear for both you and companion to get through. Perhaps you are remembering after new gear came out and then we gained another 5 levels.

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I am in the same boat, once I realized how easy the game became i just stopped. Just quit Tera like after only a month cause it was too easy, now I come to this and its even worse. I mean the guy you quoted says just play another mmo, but is there really any hard mmos out there anymore? Answer is not really. What SWTOR did isn't unique or original every mmo is doing it. Making their game piss easy so people can feel that they are good at something.


try wildstar. the players there love the hardcore game they built. sounds like just what you want.

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OP: i understand what you are saying. But keep in mind: not everybody is max lvl and runs around in 190+ gear.

The game has to work for the players with green gear / lvl around the quest lvl / companions without 10k+ affection.


See it that way: If the game is to easy : you *could* unequip some items and make the experience harder for you. (slightly joking, but it would work, right ?)


If you are a new player you can't just click on your char and make it easier. The mechanics have to work here too.


Besides - the content is getting more challenging later on in fallen empire, you will be pleased i thinkg :)

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Or you can leave now and save us the trouble of seeing a I quit post from you.


Sorry to burst your bubble but you will never see an "I quit" post from me, I just stop playing. I do not post for attention like you do. So, with your answer are you saying that the combat does not get more challenging after the start of chapter 4 or not? or are you simply a bitter troll?

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When Oricon came out? It definitely was not able to be done solo by everyone. It required top gear for both you and companion to get through. Perhaps you are remembering after new gear came out and then we gained another 5 levels.


FFS, i did it on ALL classes in 148 blue gear when it was released 2 years ago.


i really dont think they should make SWTOR any more challenging rofl.

Edited by Mikahrone
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Except that we are overlevelled, by 2; true, it's not that much over.


It really should be re-designated an H2+ like all the others, with the mobs scaled down accordingly; I mean, it really should be reasonably soloable, for the weekly, just like Oricon, Cz-198, and the Black Hole.




I hate to burst your bubble, but I just picked up that mission on the Imp side, and it reads as follows: {[HEROIC 4] The Aurora Cannon}


And, same for the Republic one that I just picked up: {[HEROIC 4] Long Shots}


As of 4.0.1a, these are still H4 difficulty, with mobs to reflect that, since single mobs are choc-a-bloc with strong and elite enemies (sometimes 3 elites and 1 strong, sometimes 2 elites and three strongs, you get the idea); as it's part of a planetary weekly, it really should be scaled down to H2+.


And I, for one, would just as soon have it scaled down to H2+; soloing that particular H4 was an experiment, to see if I could do it, though I have to say the weekly was uppermost in my mind.


Also, Oricon's H2+ was a challenge to solo pre-4.0, even at 60 with full 186s; just not for you, I guess.


But yes, the Aurora Cannon/Long Shots heroic could use re-designating as an H2+, with appropriate scaling down of the mobs, and rewards (would you believe the XP and credits of that H4 EXCEED those given by the SX Weekly? for me, the Weekly gives 18,738 credits, and 105,826 XP, compared with 23,422 credits and 136,062 XP for the H4, mind-boggling, no?)etc.


It is H2....mind boggling, no? And BW is know for not screwing up naming.....there are regular H2s with that setup. ANd its easily doable, did it on lvl 55 last week. Its easier than SF H2.

Edited by Mikahrone
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try wildstar. the players there love the hardcore game they built. sounds like just what you want.


Actually, hardcores now spit all over WS because....wait for it....its has been "utterly dumbed down" :)

Edited by Mikahrone
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OP: i understand what you are saying. But keep in mind: not everybody is max lvl and runs around in 190+ gear.

The game has to work for the players with green gear / lvl around the quest lvl / companions without 10k+ affection.


See it that way: If the game is to easy : you *could* unequip some items and make the experience harder for you. (slightly joking, but it would work, right ?)


If you are a new player you can't just click on your char and make it easier. The mechanics have to work here too.


Besides - the content is getting more challenging later on in fallen empire, you will be pleased i thinkg :)


Do you mean the Star Fortresses, and/or Alliance missions?


It is H2....mind boggling, no? And BW is know for not screwing up naming.....there are regular H2s with that setup. ANd its easily doable, did it on lvl 55 last week. Its easier than SF H2.


What advanced class(es) are you using? What discipline(s)? Who are you using as a companion? What role are they? What Influence rank are they?


Yes....insulting each other will definitely lend credibility to your opinions. Keep it up.


Pretty sure I'm not, though I'm also pretty sure than an heroic attached to a weekly should never out-reward said weekly.

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Do you mean the Star Fortresses, and/or Alliance missions?




What advanced class(es) are you using? What discipline(s)? Who are you using as a companion? What role are they? What Influence rank are they?




Pretty sure I'm not, though I'm also pretty sure than an heroic attached to a weekly should never out-reward said weekly.


Commando Gunnery with Elara 10

Sage Balance with Tharan 10


Up to last boss both tank/healing stances work, healing is little smoother and healing for last boss.


both lvl 55 with full 172 blue mods and 156 crafted implants/earpieces

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Actually, hardcores now spit all over WS because....wait for it....its has been "utterly dumbed down" :)


And it was dumbed down, because, gasp, there were not enough hardcore subs to support the game and everybody else who tried it, left. They had to change the game and go free to play or shutdown the game. Hardcores think they are where the big bucks are but things like Wildstar prove they are actually not very numerous.

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For the love of god you can just sit there and spam regular attack while eating a sandwich, no casual can tell me anything about it feels right. The story is great but the entire experience feels lackluster given no effort goes into anything you fight.


Agreed. Just got back into the game and was surprised at how easy the new content is.

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Sometimes when I come on the forum I feel like I walked into a creative writing class or a fertilizer seminar. Do people believe all this nonsense some people are spouting?

Seriously some of these HRs have been being Soloed for along time. Welcome to SWTOR. Ok here is a newsflash. People besides you play the game so the stories don't quite cut it. Nice try though but still going to have to give you a C for class. Lacked originality and it is the same old plot. Note to self: Wear hip waders before entering another one of these threads.

As far as the OP. So? You might want to go over to the Classes Section. You should be able to learn that there is more than one skill you can use. Have a nice day.

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