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Lana, Senya or Vailyn who would you choose?


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Sadly, and with no disrespect to the voice actor, who turns in a very good job on Lana; it's unsurprising that many who are that way inclined lock themselves on to her, the point about the writing is spot-on... she's Mary-Sith. The Sith who isn't evil, is nice and kind and decent but still emotion-fuelled and fiery and warrior-woman-hot while also being spymaster-hot ... oh, and with Defrosting Ice Queen tossed in for good measure; essentially, she's a rather transparent collage of all the tropes deemed 'hot' in a 'strong female character' archetype, whether those tropes are consistent or not.


If that turns out to be a trap, and she's the way she is deliberately to *be* in-universe irresistable bait, or as a disguise, then fine... but if that really is all there is to her character, then I'm afraid she's essentially a piece of cardboard, only there to be attractive to other people.

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Original question, I'm curious to what context to why I would choose between the three...


To have the most fun but somewhat dangerous would probably be Vaylin, simply no contest there! YOu can further read into the context of what I mean by "fun" at your own leisure


To watch my back in a jam, then it'll probably be Senya


To bore the crap out of me then it's a close one between Senya and Lana, Lana probably winning this one by a little bit.


To walk life's journey with... none of them. Vaylin is too dangerous, and the other two would bore to such a point I would literally die of boredom!

Edited by kwongwah
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LOL, she killed a guard then killed another just because it was an odd number and she hates odd numbers. If that's not crazy I don't know what is. :D:p


She killed 3 guards, then another 3 to make it an even number,


And think about it, 6 is a much better number than 3. Its twice as good actually:tran_angel:

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Sadly, and with no disrespect to the voice actor, who turns in a very good job on Lana; it's unsurprising that many who are that way inclined lock themselves on to her, the point about the writing is spot-on... she's Mary-Sith. The Sith who isn't evil, is nice and kind and decent but still emotion-fuelled and fiery and warrior-woman-hot while also being spymaster-hot ... oh, and with Defrosting Ice Queen tossed in for good measure; essentially, she's a rather transparent collage of all the tropes deemed 'hot' in a 'strong female character' archetype, whether those tropes are consistent or not.


If that turns out to be a trap, and she's the way she is deliberately to *be* in-universe irresistable bait, or as a disguise, then fine... but if that really is all there is to her character, then I'm afraid she's essentially a piece of cardboard, only there to be attractive to other people.


lol, gotta admit this is spot on.

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Vaylin. I didn't pay any attention to the list of who your companions would be so I thought she would be one (and romanceable).


Senya? Really? Giving us an old lady to romance? She's got to be what, in her 50s? And she looks older.


You must know some pretty fit women in their 60's.


She have serious "mom jeans" though.

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Sadly, and with no disrespect to the voice actor, who turns in a very good job on Lana; it's unsurprising that many who are that way inclined lock themselves on to her, the point about the writing is spot-on... she's Mary-Sith. The Sith who isn't evil, is nice and kind and decent but still emotion-fuelled and fiery and warrior-woman-hot while also being spymaster-hot ... oh, and with Defrosting Ice Queen tossed in for good measure; essentially, she's a rather transparent collage of all the tropes deemed 'hot' in a 'strong female character' archetype, whether those tropes are consistent or not.


If that turns out to be a trap, and she's the way she is deliberately to *be* in-universe irresistable bait, or as a disguise, then fine... but if that really is all there is to her character, then I'm afraid she's essentially a piece of cardboard, only there to be attractive to other people.




Nice sum up of what's wrong with her.

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Scorpio. I hate Lana because, everyone hanging wiht her as a dream girlfriend. Sanya, older players love. Same stiuation like lana. I prefer Scorpio. I'm agent, we have history too. She is self evolving A.I. A man can tinker without hands with her (you know what i mean <3).
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She acts that way to bring out the one who came tame her.. ;)


It would be funny if WE got to fight and beat her in a later chapter and she became infatuated with us because of it. However, More then likely she'd want to kill us even more for it. :(

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Vaylin is just a Sith wannabe. "ERMAGERD she choked a Knight of Zakuul? It's not like Sith kill their own people all the time." Am I really supposed to feel bad or something?


Lana, definitely, unless we can rewind the clock on Senya's age a bit, then I'd probably think twice.

Edited by that_Spartan_IV
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Senya's got that Samara Forbidden Justicar Love vibe going on, might work for my Consular but my Warrior ain't want none of that and Vailyn kinda reminds me of Jinx from LoL for some odd reason.


Sooo...Lana, Jaesa AND Vailyn...y'know what toss in Thana Vesh and Empress Acina I'm feeling lucky! :D


...y'know thinkin' about it, it might actually be a bit strange being in bed with Vailyn, cause, y'know, with her dad being your head and all....nah, Valkorion probably planned it, all part of the master plan... Heh :p

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It would be funny if WE got to fight and beat her in a later chapter and she became infatuated with us because of it. However, More then likely she'd want to kill us even more for it. :(


"Now that you defeated me in battle, try to defeat me in bed"


I have a bad feeling the Internet has already gone to work on Vaylin fanfics... >_>

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"Now that you defeated me in battle, try to defeat me in bed"


I have a bad feeling the Internet has already gone to work on Vaylin fanfics... >_>


I'm pretty sure there are a few out there somewhere already. ;)


Got to wonder how many people would accept that "defeat me in bed" option and if it would be a neutral, light, or Dark side choice?

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