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Everytime Koth approves of my actions I wanna punch him in the face


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Then your problem isn't with Koth, it's with the whole premise of the storyline.


I indeed have a problem with it, and I generally dislike all the companions in the game, but Koth is just more annoying. But I have less reasons to kill him ! :)


But yes, I hate the premise of the story. I have hated it, since 2010, actually, way back in the old forums, when the community made a special thread to ask Bioware to confirm that we would never have Rep/Imp "Sacred Unions".


So yeah, budget and all that. But anyway, I'm forced to live with the past of my character, which is completely incompatible with the actual story. Theron = ENNEMY. Arcann & Vaylin = guys doing exactly the same as my previous master.

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Huh. I actually like Koth.


I always seem to be the odd duck about these things.


Oh well! I find him entertaining, and a refreshing change of pace from use another white guy being white about everything. It's nice to see Bioware change it up a bit.


....While there are other problems with that sentence....What the hell does 'white guy being white' measn? Is it just that they're white? Is there white personality traits I havn't heard of yet? Because I havn't seen a minivan yet...


He really doesn't seem like a Carth knockoff to me at all.


More like a Sasz knockoff out of FF13 perhaps, but eh...I liked him too.


So, nyeah :D


Sasz was the only character I like from FF13, though I really want to question how comfortable a bid living inside your hair could be...

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If you're playing a Republic character in KOTFE, you're working with a Sith - the guys who invaded your space and enslaved your fellow citizens. If you're playing an Imperial character, you're working with a spy from the Republic - the guys who tried to wipe out your ancestors. Everyone's teaming up with someone they have a reason to mistrust, if not hate.


As far as you're concerned, Koth is mistaken. As far as Koth's concerned, you're mistaken. Neither of you has any evidence to offer other than your own say-so. If you can't convince Lana to abandon her belief in the evil Sith Empire and her insane philosophy in all the time you've known her, why would you be able to talk Koth around in such a short time?


Because I think the one that has Valkorian INSIDE THEIR HEAD, might have more chance of knowing the guy more than the person who might have seen him on the holo-screen sometimes.

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All these hate for Koth for blindly lovingly the Emperor, yet we have plenty of people in this thread all pro Empire "I hate him! He loves who we loved! Go Empire!" :p


Not a fan of Koth myself, but I don't hav a problem with him agreeing with my character. I wish we had some chat options that would let us be more blunt with him. :) But then, I wish I had more chat options with the LIs too :p

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Hmmm, I personally don't care about Koth one way or the other. Yes he disagrees with some things my characters say but I like that, it makes it more real. I do like his design, pretty sleek, though I do wish he had more of a bad *** voice. Keith David anyone? Eh? Eh? HBO Spawn? No? Requiem for a Dream? Yeh, that dude has a bad *** voice.


Of course the race **** had to come in to play, you either are black and think people are hating on a character because they're black or you're white and you feel white guilt. I honestly do not care. Maybe some people do dislike him because aesthetically he isn't pleasing to the eyes. Racist? Hmm maybe. Preference? Hmm more likely.


Ensign Reina Temple has a blonde bun and is white on my agent. Is it because I am racist? Well maybe... I guess it's possible and I just haven't come to terms with it. I thought the blonde Reina was prettier. That is my preference. Do I dislike Felix Irresso? Yup, he is too cheerful and it pisses me off. Am I racist? Hmm maybe.. but even if I changed his skin color he would still be a bit of a ***** to me.


Have I changed any of my companions to look black? Nope, they all look a bit weird to me. That is my opinion. It doesn't mean black = bad in general I just think in this game for the most part unless I craft my character myself (like my BH and my trooper) I think aesthetically black characters in this game usually look weird, besides for Koth.


Does that make me racist? I certainly hope not since I am black. Even though... I guess it's still possible... haha, but no it's all a matter of what looks better to me.

Edited by Pandagaro
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So Thana Vesh is a completely incompetent shrew and tries to kill you and people ask to have her as a companion. Koth disagrees with you and people want to throw him out of the airlock.

He is very naive and ignorant of what the emperor has done. As it's been said, if you lived in a country where the ruler has been good to your people, and some foreigner comes along and tells you he's done horrible things you would have a hard time believing them. I have a feeling Koth will learn his lesson as the story develops in future chapters, and he'll see Valkorion's true nature (at least I hope he will).

Edited by EpsilonCentauri
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So Thana Vesh is a completely incompetent shrew and tries to kill you and people ask to have her as a companion. Koth disagrees with you and people want to throw him out of the airlock.

He is very naive and ignorant of what the emperor has done. As it's been said, if you lived in a country where the ruler has been good to your people, and some foreigner comes along and tells you he's done horrible things you would have a hard time believing them. I have a feeling Koth will learn his lesson as the story develops in future chapters, and he'll see Valkorion's true nature (at least I hope he will).

It's because Thana is a woman and you can flirt with her. :rolleyes:

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So Thana Vesh is a completely incompetent shrew and tries to kill you and people ask to have her as a companion. Koth disagrees with you and people want to throw him out of the airlock.

He is very naive and ignorant of what the emperor has done. As it's been said, if you lived in a country where the ruler has been good to your people, and some foreigner comes along and tells you he's done horrible things you would have a hard time believing them. I have a feeling Koth will learn his lesson as the story develops in future chapters, and he'll see Valkorion's true nature (at least I hope he will).


I killed Thana.

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<<All these hate for Koth for blindly lovingly the Emperor, yet we have plenty of people in this thread all pro Empire "I hate him! He loves who we loved! Go Empire!" >>


After Ziost?


If.... the emperor had killed off a Republic world ... there *might* be some within the Empire who would support that - just like what happens 3,000 years later to Alderaan.

BUT - he killed an Imperial world.

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So Thana Vesh is a completely incompetent shrew and tries to kill you and people ask to have her as a companion. Koth disagrees with you and people want to throw him out of the airlock.

He is very naive and ignorant of what the emperor has done. As it's been said, if you lived in a country where the ruler has been good to your people, and some foreigner comes along and tells you he's done horrible things you would have a hard time believing them. I have a feeling Koth will learn his lesson as the story develops in future chapters, and he'll see Valkorion's true nature (at least I hope he will).


You seem to assume that the people who want Thana as a companion are the same people who want to kill Koth.


I hated Thana and was pleased as punch to end her. As the story stands now, I also dislike Koth (and Lana) and will be just as happy to put a blaster bolt through his (and her) face.


The thing that angers players with Koth is that he belittles your people's lives and you can't get a 3. [shock him] option.


UGH. Yes. He a little **** and YOU CAN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. If I could just [shock] him, I'd honestly like him a lot more. It's the same problem I have with Pierce during his story. If you don't agree with his actions, he gives you attitude and you can't put him in his damned place.

Edited by OathboundCoH
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You seem to assume that the people who want Thana as a companion are the same people who want to kill Koth.


I hated Thana and was pleased as punch to end her. As the story stands now, I also dislike Koth (and Lana) and will be just as happy to put a blaster bolt through his (and her) face.




UGH. Yes. He a little **** and YOU CAN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. If I could just [shock] him, I'd honestly like him a lot more. It's the same problem I have with Pierce during his story. If you don't agree with his actions, he gives you attitude and you can't put him in his damned place.


Had the same problem with Vik.

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Has anyone else ever considered he may be like this because he tried to Roasted Gorak?


Joke aside:


I'm more neutral about him. Ya he support Valkorian but it is the same for most of Zakuul's citizens since they do not know what he has done beyond the Eternal Empire and was only a Human based society until 5 years ago. Most Zakuul's citizens still don't even know what a Sith, Twi'lek, Cathar, and etc are since these species are still new to them. Heck some of them even think the things they see on the Holo are made up and they don't even know they're real.

Edited by EdwinLi
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Has anyone else ever considered he may be like this because he tried to Roasted Gorak?


Joke aside:


I'm more neutral about him. Ya he support Valkorian but it is the same for most of Zakuul's citizens since they do not know what he has done beyond the Eternal Empire and was only a Human based society until 5 years ago. Most Zakuul's citizens still don't even know what a Sith, Twi'lek, Cathar, and etc are since these species are still new to them. Heck some of them even think the things they see on the Holo are made up and they don't even know they're real.

What?! When did he have time?


But yeah, it makes sense for him to be in denial about the emperor, he only knew him as this benevolent ruler that helped and prospered his people and world. These random outsiders show up and start making all these outrageous claims, some of which seem physically impossible (such as the emperor possessing multiple bodies or being able to suck a planet dry of all life) like, what's he supposed to think? He doesn't believe you and Lana about the emperor (and maybe he thinks you're wrong rather than lying) but he wants to stop Arcann so he just goes along with your ranting. I feel like at some point in a future chapter he's going to get a rude awakening though.

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I can trace my dislike of Koth to a very simple reason:


When Vitiate/Valkorian inevitably retakes his place as main antagonist, Koth will likely side with him ('cause "F**k yeah. Zakuul!"), and then I'll have to kill him, and both Lana and Senya will disapprove, because I killed her sidekick and sit-com nemesis, respectively. Seriously, BW is throwing up death flags for this guy left and right.

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It's because Thana is a woman and you can flirt with her. :rolleyes:

Nope. I'm an equal opportunity hater, I dislike Thana too. "You've outlived your usefulness Thana." every single time... I don't even like that line since it implies she was ever useful at all, but the dialogue wheel is what it is. I admit I do use some of the [Flirt] lines to piss her off (it's HILARIOUS doing it when she calls from the prison cell, which I always leave her in), but I'd blast/zap her much much sooner were it possible.

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If you use the argument that the PC has killed tons of people, and possibly as many as Vitiate did, you may have a valid point (although I think that logic is flawed as you have to fight a certain number of pre-programed enemies in-game, so I'm not sure that quite translates), BUT they do it for the Empire/Republic... or at least you do if you're LS. If you're DS you do it because you just want power, or because you can. But assuming that you're fighting at least somewhat with your faction in mind, you're fighting to defend your people and your home.


Vitiate/Valkorian, on the other hand literally sucked the life out of an entire planet that easily had several billion people on it for no apparent reason other than he felt like it.


My problem with Koth is that every time you say "I saw him kill billions of people," or "He kept a war going for generations for no apparent reason," all Koth says is "He was good to Zakuul." Yeah, Koth, because apparently Zakuul is the center of the universe now. I would have happily taken a 'Koth Hugely Furiously Disapproves' just for that response.


Koth is a close-minded fool who refuses to see beyond the interests of his own people. He either doesn't care about any other race or planet, or doesn't want to think about them. In the first case, he's a racist isolationist. In the second case, he's an immature, self blinding nitwit. Either way, I hope we get the option in the future to get him to change his mind about his precious Immortal Emperor.

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If you use the argument that the PC has killed tons of people, and possibly as many as Vitiate did, you may have a valid point (although I think that logic is flawed as you have to fight a certain number of pre-programed enemies in-game, so I'm not sure that quite translates), BUT they do it for the Empire/Republic... or at least you do if you're LS. If you're DS you do it because you just want power, or because you can. But assuming that you're fighting at least somewhat with your faction in mind, you're fighting to defend your people and your home.


Vitiate/Valkorian, on the other hand literally sucked the life out of an entire planet that easily had several billion people on it for no apparent reason other than he felt like it.


My problem with Koth is that every time you say "I saw him kill billions of people," or "He kept a war going for generations for no apparent reason," all Koth says is "He was good to Zakuul." Yeah, Koth, because apparently Zakuul is the center of the universe now. I would have happily taken a 'Koth Hugely Furiously Disapproves' just for that response.


Koth is a close-minded fool who refuses to see beyond the interests of his own people. He either doesn't care about any other race or planet, or doesn't want to think about them. In the first case, he's a racist isolationist. In the second case, he's an immature, self blinding nitwit. Either way, I hope we get the option in the future to get him to change his mind about his precious Immortal Emperor.


Doesn't he only say that line once?


Furthermore, the guy constantly and consistently approves of light-sided options minus where accepting Valkorian's power is concerned. I get the feeling Koth really isn't closed minded, he just has no actual reason to believe what you say about Valkorian. He'd probably change his tone if he saw actual proof of what Valkorian does.

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Doesn't he only say that line once?


Furthermore, the guy constantly and consistently approves of light-sided options minus where accepting Valkorian's power is concerned. I get the feeling Koth really isn't closed minded, he just has no actual reason to believe what you say about Valkorian. He'd probably change his tone if he saw actual proof of what Valkorian does.

Pretty much. I feel like Koth is going to see for himself and get a rude awakening as part of the story.

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Being far from Koth's fan (in this very thread there are my posts about everything I find wrong with that guy) yet I discovered an interesting thing about him - his romance with the fem-trooper (fem-romances are usually very lacking in TOR) is one of the best and fluent in the game! For my taste, of course, but if you forget Vitiate part, it is finally a romance of two equals - to soldiers with the similar background (special ops), equally experienced, who understand each other without words (same profession), can understand and respect each others training and skills, both knows what betrayal is - and so on and so fort. Equals. Finally. Name one single pair in the game where our hero would not be much higher in ... well, everything compare to her (his too, actually) LI. And here was it!

Liked it a lot!

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