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Everytime Koth approves of my actions I wanna punch him in the face


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My Merc and my Trooper are playing nice with Koth. My Marauder is p*ssing him off every chance he gets, and it's kind of awesome to see him already ready to throw down with me. The minute my Sith gets a chance, he's hacking Koth to bits, lol.


I don't mind him overall though...definitely don't have the level of hate that most folks seem to have for him.


I just want to give him a good challenge every now and then. ;)

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And I do deny most of it! Though my problem is with character archetype, which does not belong to "ex-military", not to mention VA can play a republic scoundrel but that accent in an alien galaxy where he is the only one with it - no, both voice and behavior do not fit a high ranking officer of a very strict army (as zakuulian army is). I wish they make him a simple smuggler - as he is - and be done with it.


I knew there was something that bugged me. I totally dismissed his military background because of his mannerisms and his attitude. The accent, too, but Zakuul has too many clashing accents to make any sense. Valkorion's accent is different from Senya's from Arcann's from Vaylen's, but they're suppose to be blood relatives...

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On all 12 of my HKs' hit lists:


Aric Jorgen

Corso Riggs (SWTOR's pub faction Carth clone)

Sergeant Rusk


Torian Cadera (SWTOR's imp faction Carth clone)


Malavi Quinn

Vector Hyluss



Theron Shan

Koth (SWTOR's dual faction Carth clone)


Damn, I wish I could control my obviously deeply ingrained and privileged white hatred of droids, cat men, Houk, hive mind bug slaves, dopey mandos, tentacle head psychopaths, traitorous ******es...and black people.


Bioware works from templates when creating party NPCs. It always has had and always will have a "Carth Onasi" who will most likely be one of, if not the only, available romance for a female player character.


All of the companions disagree and ***** at you if you make story choices they disagree with. Ask the Vette on my Dark V bastard juggernaut's crew how that shock collar is working out. If Koth transfered his Valkorian worship to me and agreed with everything I did regardless of alignment, there would still be an open airlock into the Maw Cluster in his future because he isn't new or unique or cool. He is Carth Onasi and I hate him.

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Race has nothing to do with it no matter how much people want it to so that they can Stand Up For What's Right and Good!!! I would totally date the hot black chick - the authors point might have been better served if the female photo had been average. I don't like Koth, or Theron Shan, or T7 because I am a Lord of the Freaking Sith and I won't have some insignificant speck of a creature constantly whining in my face that they don't like the choices I make.


Koth, in particular, made me think of all the people who post "I'm leaving" threads here in the forum with his little tantrum in the cantina. Every single one of my characters has at least one annoying companion (male, female, human, alien, whatever) that I very much want to send out an airlock.



Precisely that!! Darth Nox is a Dark Lord of The Sith, seated on the Dark Council (or at least he was seated five years ago. Now he's looking at that Zakuul throne and looking to get that seat-warmer, Arcann off of it.)


The Wrath hates whiners and traitors and deserters. Koth is all three. Lana consorted with the enemy. Shan is the enemy. T7 beeps too much - needs a memory wipe. Etc....

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I just want to smack him for being so blind to/uncaring about Vitiate/Valkorians badness....


Koth in a nutshell: "I dont care if he killed billions of people, they werent -my- people after all..."


Yeah this in a nutshell makes me want to kill him where is that option.

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Hate white privileged people that ignore that SOME do in fact have a bias against him because he is black. And many don't realize that they have that bias.


I don't see people expressing the same hate for other cocky companions.



I've checked my privilege and my privilege and I agree; put your pop psychology away and realize that you just took a thread about disliking a companion in a video game and turned into a soapbox where you proclaim your hatred of white people...people, not fictional pixels...who disagree with your assessment that most...not a few, or some, most...people don't like him because he's black. This is what you said:


"I suspect most don't because of this:"


Now do me and my privilege a favor and drag your bigoted, hateful, judgmental behind back under whatever Tumblrock you crawled out from under.

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On all 12 of my HKs' hit lists:


Aric Jorgen

Corso Riggs (SWTOR's pub faction Carth clone)

Sergeant Rusk


Torian Cadera (SWTOR's imp faction Carth clone)


Malavi Quinn

Vector Hyluss



Theron Shan

Koth (SWTOR's dual faction Carth clone[


What? How the **** is Torian anything like Carth?

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To me Koth is just another Han Solo wannabe (a Hannabe?)... and yes, I know Han hasn't been born yet in the timeline, but you know what I mean.


I love the look of the character, but his combat chatter makes me want to shoot him instead of the enemies.

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I like him. I suspect most don't because of this:



Or maybe just because his character sucks? He could be a Nautolan and still be annoying. Way to make it racial when it's pretty much not.


But you probably also thought that troll campaign online about not liking Finn in the Force Awakens because he's black was real.

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this thread quite literally makes me lose even more of my faith in humanity.


or at the vary least maturity and intelligence of an average forum posting video gamer.


yes I went there.


and this whole "they are whiner" god forbid they call out player on their questionable choices. WHINER. express any type of concern - WHINER. act in any way human, with all the human imperfections, blind spots etc - WHINER. god forbid they are not always happy go lucky with no tragedy in their life leaving a lasting mark on them - WHINER.


ugg. I understand its just fictional characters but these rigid attitudes kinda make me wonder if some of you are capable of compassion and empathy - period. I get it when someone's character doesn't mesh with an NPC. but it seems like this hate is coming from players as themselves, not just what their characters would feel like. and that is just sad.

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this thread quite literally makes me lose even more of my faith in humanity.


or at the vary least maturity and intelligence of an average forum posting video gamer.


yes I went there.


and this whole "they are whiner" god forbid they call out player on their questionable choices. WHINER. express any type of concern - WHINER. act in any way human, with all the human imperfections, blind spots etc - WHINER. god forbid they are not always happy go lucky with no tragedy in their life leaving a lasting mark on them - WHINER.


ugg. I understand its just fictional characters but these rigid attitudes kinda make me wonder if some of you are capable of compassion and empathy - period. I get it when someone's character doesn't mesh with an NPC. but it seems like this hate is coming from players as themselves, not just what their characters would feel like. and that is just sad.


lol, get a grip. it's a thread about not liking a character in a video game. take your pop psychology BS elsewhere.

Edited by Atma
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lol, get a grip. it's a thread about not liking a character in a video game. stop trying to turn it into some heavy societal sh*t.



This. Sadly, some people want to leap into this and proclaim hatred of white people feeling their privilege or some other pop psychological crap. I think Koth's a one-dimensional jerk whose blind worship and faith in the mass murdering emperor and his rigid condemnation of anything that moves in opposition to it make him airlock-worthy all by themselves. Beyond that, he's a jerk. Beyond even that; it's a set of pixels and I don't like them. Not even a little.

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lol, get a grip. it's a thread about not liking a character in a video game. take your pop psychology BS elsewhere.


pot meet kettle.


reasons that people are giving for not liking the character and the vehemence and finality with which those reasons are stated.. you maybe feeling hate for a fictional character, but that feeling? is still real. and those reasons? are real. those thought processes? are real. traits of personality these characters have? real people have them.


the fact that people just cannot wrap their heads around why Koth may not want to just take you at your word when it comes to Valk? is really very sad to me.

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I like Koth. One of the best characters in KotFE so far. More complex than Lana or Valkorion kids actually.

His attitude fits.


And I wonder if it is possible that he betrays us in future chapters? As Senya said -he is a traitor after all.


I see it as one defining moment -a choice whether we either destroy Zakuul or aknowledge its greatness and save it.

This might be a good moment for Koth to decide is he with us or not :cool:


I like him, too. he adds levity. 'cept for that scene where he Kothblocked me. I was gonna wreck his face.

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the fact that people just cannot wrap their heads around why Koth may not want to just take you at your word when it comes to Valk? is really very sad to me.


Don't be childish and try and turn this into an ad hominem contest. I can understand Koth's reasoning perfectly well. What you're mistaken on is the idea that understanding his reasoning means I have to respect it. I don't. His reasons are poorly founded, rife with fallacy and blatantly colored by his own bias and objective naivete about the goings-on of 95% of the galaxy. He only knows, and makes it very clear he only cares about Zakuul. His entire morality is a sham and hypocritical. To him, the lives of a thousand Zakuulans are precious, and sacrificing them for the greater good makes you an irredeemable monster. But the deaths of billions of non-Zakuulans are, to him, irrelevant because he's sure Valkorian must have had a good reason.


Nothing he says on the issue makes any sense, thus I and the characters I play have no reason to respect his opinions on the matter. That is not hatred, that is just people perceiving and reacting to the character they've been presented with in the story.

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And I do deny most of it! Though my problem is with character archetype, which does not belong to "ex-military",


Someone hasn't been in the military before.


Heck even the clones had some serious rough edges in the Star Wars Universe.


Zakuul military doesn't = knights.


His unit is just like him, very rough around the edges. Zakuul military seems more like the space marines of the Movie Aliens.


Sorry your argument that he doesn't "fit" the archetype, fails.

Edited by Deyjarl
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Someone hasn't been in the military before.


Heck even the clones had some serious rough edges in the Star Wars Universe.


Zakuul military doesn't = knights.


His unit is just like him, very rough around the edges. Zakuul military seems more like the space marines of the Movie Aliens.


Sorry your argument that he doesn't "fit" the archetype, fails.


Yeah. I have a buddy who served in the Marines in the first Iraq War (Desert Storm) and every now and then I see come across his Facebook feed stuff from his "Dysfunctional Veterans" group. They are definitely... unconventional and Koth & crew's lines and actions are not even remotely contradictory to that. I couldn't say how authentic it is, but it doesn't strike me as breaking verisimilitude.


Furthermore thematically they strike me as being modeled after "former navy sailors who are now pirates" as an archetype.

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At first I liked Koth he seemed like a nice person with a good heart

once he started blabbing about Valky, and when he said when flying the ship before the Arcann fight something like "..If Valkorion offers help take it, i'm sure he has a good reason.." I just wanted to stab him and when I met his crew I wanted to slice them all (seriously bioware, someone threatens to board the ship and to kill us if we object and we don't get a choke/shock/kill/attack option ***!!! :p..) well that and I want to stab Senya too (yes i'm going to kill your kids you stupid *****)


Honestly though I hate Senya more when she didn't kill Vaylin, she and Koth are big hypocrites, Senya is okay with torturing or killing people she deems as necessary just to get info out of them or if they broke the "law" even if morally correct but obviously she's not okay to kill her BELOVED psychopathic children or the knights, and Koth is okay with whatever happens outside Zakuul as long as it doesn't happen to the people inside Zakuul.


So yea they come off as two big hypocrites which makes running a DS character in kotfe much more enjoyable, because **** Zakuul and its citizens :rak_04:


You know what I hate all the kotfe crew.

At least I got Xalek on my Consular

Edited by Azareya
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Speaking of being flippant and dismissive of peoples' complex reasons for disliking characters, I have observed that many male players seem to immediately develop a hatred of the first male romantic interest they're introduced to in a Bioware game. This affords me endless amusement, and I can perhaps be overly dismissive. (Someone doesn't like Torian? PUT IT IN THE TREND BOX.)


I like grown-up Corso. He seems like a pretty solid guy, if biased by his perspective. But it's not like I can't claim that my characters aren't biased by their own viewpoints. I guess we're going to have to deal with Benevolent Overlord Valkarion as valid, just like OMNOMNOMPEROR. I haven't gotten around to flirting with Koth yet, but I probably will on one of these characters.


That being said... My mind boggles at not liking Vector. At worst, he's a bit creepy. Is it about the mindcontrolling bug thing? :p

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Speaking of being flippant and dismissive of peoples' complex reasons for disliking characters, I have observed that many male players seem to immediately develop a hatred of the first male romantic interest they're introduced to in a Bioware game. This affords me endless amusement, and I can perhaps be overly dismissive. (Someone doesn't like Torian? PUT IT IN THE TREND BOX.)


I like grown-up Corso. He seems like a pretty solid guy, if biased by his perspective. But it's not like I can't claim that my characters aren't biased by their own viewpoints. I guess we're going to have to deal with Benevolent Overlord Valkarion as valid, just like OMNOMNOMPEROR. I haven't gotten around to flirting with Koth yet, but I probably will on one of these characters.


That being said... My mind boggles at not liking Vector. At worst, he's a bit creepy. Is it about the mindcontrolling bug thing? :p


I haven't played enough BW games to notice that trend, but it wouldn't surprise me much.


Torian was never my type but Corso is absolutely adorable. Koth is fine and funny if a bit naïve about exactly how dangerous Valkorian is.


I suppose I am biased though. I'm just enjoying the heck out of finally being able to romance NPCs with the same gender as my character so maybe that's just enough for me to give Koth the benefit of the doubt.

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