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PVP should be priority


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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.

Edited by mortenpro
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No thanks. The majority of players I have talked to in game do not PVP. PVP has absolutely NO interest for me.


If you like it, great!! Have a blast. However, if this game had been a PVP game to start, I would never have started playing it.


My advice would be, if you want PVP, wait for Battlefront since that is basically PVP only....

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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.


Yea, they should put more emphasis on PvP, because now they have basically abandonded it all together. They do completely nothing, except for putting out season rewards and balancing, but nothing new at all.


But Bioware of course won't bother, because they doesn't seem to care about anything. Not to mention that this whole forum is just trolls and whiners, who only care about things that are in their interest and complain when something isn't going their way(like the post above).

Edited by Compactpl
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No thanks. The majority of players I have talked to in game do not PVP. PVP has absolutely NO interest for me.


If you like it, great!! Have a blast. However, if this game had been a PVP game to start, I would never have started playing it.


My advice would be, if you want PVP, wait for Battlefront since that is basically PVP only....


Why so offensive? I didn't say anything that could hurt your feelings.

I'm not a PVP player. Honestly, I've played PVP only couple times. Why? Because PVP in TOR is mediocre, and it's not only my opinion. Why is it mediocre? Because it was never a priority for BioWare. It should be. It's not an opinion, it's just logical. PVP is the only thing you can repeat that never gets boring. Why? Because it's never the same.

I can play dailies for as long as I have something to buy. But what if there is nothing that I want to buy?

I can play story for as long as there is something that I can discover. But what if there is nothing else that I can discover? Besides, not everyone wants to have more than one character.

If you want to wait one year to play 6 hours of story, fine. I don't want to. I want to play SW:TOR everyday, while waiting for a new story to come out. And I think there is nothing wrong about it.

And no, I won't play Battlefront. I don't like it.

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PvP was kicked hard in the nuts by Bioware almost 2 years with the infamous 'No' thread. Since the lies after 2.4 arrived, when many players spent thousands of Cartel coins moving to PvP services, Bioware in their wisdom removed 8v8 ranked and introduced one of the worst formats ever seen - Arenas.


Over night, PvP servers became ghost towns and remain so to this very day. Bioware tried and failed (again) with 3.3 and changing how many coms you need to spend for PvP armour without still realising the over riding reason why the majority stopped pvping.


Then, to try again and increase the numbers, they are now forcing PvE'rs in Warzones to earn affection for 2 pets. Its another failed attempt at fixing a gaping wound. One day, I hope they stop looking at their flawed metrics and actually LISTEN to player feedback, after all that's what a PROPERLY run Community team do at Riot with League of Legends - but given the small numbers in pvp now, its almost at an end.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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No thanks. The majority of players I have talked to in game do not PVP. PVP has absolutely NO interest for me.


If you like it, great!! Have a blast. However, if this game had been a PVP game to start, I would never have started playing it.


My advice would be, if you want PVP, wait for Battlefront since that is basically PVP only....

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I would say there are more ranked pvpers players than players who have cleared all the challenging PVE content. Also PvP != pvp servers. Those population issues mostly due to that fact that world pvp is pointless in this game and designed around trying to keep both sides as far away from each other as possible ( with exceptions like Yavin and Onicron )



PS you can have multiple teams within a company working on different areas, which I imagine is how it'll go now that KotfE has launched. I think I heard that Bioware Austin uses Agile-Scrum so they assuredly have multiple teams working on different things. In agile-scrum you have cross-functional teams meaning you have design, art, engineering, and testing on a team.

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It's not an opinion, it's just logical. PVP is the only thing you can repeat that never gets boring. Why? Because it's never the same.

I wait a long time for a ranked pop.

I enter and see my teammates are newbies. Good geared but no valor.

I watch as we get stomped.

I wait a long time for a reg pop.

I play 10min of win/loose scenario.

I wait a long time for a...


All the same, all the time. Stupid and rude people everywhere.

I can play dailies for as long as I have something to buy. But what if there is nothing that I want to buy?

I can play story for as long as there is something that I can discover. But what if there is nothing else that I can discover?

I can do pvp dailies for as long as I have something to buy. But what if there is nothing that I want to buy?

I can play pvp for as long as there is something that I can discover. But what if there is nothing else that I can discover?


If you want to wait one year to play 6 hours of story, fine. I don't want to. I want to play SW:TOR everyday, while waiting for a new story to come out. And I think there is nothing wrong about it.

I play every day without touching pvp for a long periods of time. I enjoy the game more than any other out there. What was your point again? :rolleyes:

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I wait a long time for a ranked pop.

I enter and see my teammates are newbies. Good geared but no valor.

I watch as we get stomped.

I wait a long time for a reg pop.

I play 10min of win/loose scenario.

I wait a long time for a...


All the same, all the time. Stupid and rude people everywhere.


I can do pvp dailies for as long as I have something to buy. But what if there is nothing that I want to buy?

I can play pvp for as long as there is something that I can discover. But what if there is nothing else that I can discover?



I play every day without touching pvp for a long periods of time. I enjoy the game more than any other out there. What was your point again? :rolleyes:


Maybe you should present yours first? Because your whole post looks like blabber to make yourself feel better and to put blame on others for your mistakes.

Edited by Compactpl
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Ok. So episodic story content is now a system and will be delivered on a regular basis. Done. Now BW needs to prioritize Operations and PvP. If they do that, this game will be in great shape for years to come.


I'm not a huge PvP'er, but there is no question that it has been on the back burner for a while. So time to bring it back up. Personally I would love to see delivery of new Ops and PvP warzones as part of the conclusion to Chapter 16. The capper to a great story. And, why not introduce new PvP game modes?

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Why so offensive? I didn't say anything that could hurt your feelings.


I think you misread the reply to your post as I don't think they said anything offensive. They basically said they don't like pvp, but if you do great. And if you want to pvp you'd be better off playing a game that focuses on that like Battlefront. I don't think that's offensive and I agree with them. For those that want to pvp all power to you, have some fun. There doesn't seem to be a huge population doing it though if fleet is any example ("q ranked" getting spammed all the time by the same few players, at least on Harbinger).

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ive played enough pvp in the last few days to know that you are likely to lose 90% of your fights and on the time you do win a round with the remaining 10% you can be sure half of those were either complete rofl stomps or by luck and the other are perhaps by merit.


ive gotten sick of seeing constant losses in the unranked warzones honestly, frankly im about to chuck it out the window and never see it again. its been a negative experience with such a biased ratio. on the other hand i usually take advantage of situations that exist with the vigilance guardian i got, reached rank 33 in valor, my highest recorded result in pvp on swtor to date by some margin. i wonder if i will be around to see rank 40, assuming i start seeing some more victories and less losses.


one thing is for sure that should be a priority in pvp, the complete removal of cloaking. ive never been a fan of cloaking in pvp matches and people should look each other in the face when they are about to do something on a fair playing field. otherwise i couldnt care less about pvp.

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Why so offensive? I didn't say anything that could hurt your feelings.


I think you misread the reply to your post as I don't think they said anything offensive. They basically said they don't like pvp, but if you do great. And if you want to pvp you'd be better off playing a game that focuses on that like Battlefront. I don't think that's offensive and I agree with them. For those that want to pvp all power to you, have some fun. There doesn't seem to be a huge population doing it though if fleet is any example ("q ranked" getting spammed all the time by the same few players, at least on Harbinger).


And why is that? Because they are not doing anything for PvP and they removed many things that people liked, so they stopped playing.

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PvP was kicked hard in the nuts by Bioware almost 2 years with the infamous 'No' thread. Since the lies after 2.4 arrived, when many players spent thousands of Cartel coins moving to PvP services, Bioware in their wisdom removed 8v8 ranked and introduced one of the worst formats ever seen - Arenas.


Over night, PvP servers became ghost towns and remain so to this very day. Bioware tried and failed (again) with 3.3 and changing how many coms you need to spend for PvP armour without still realising the over riding reason why the majority stopped pvping.


Then, to try again and increase the numbers, they are now forcing PvE'rs in Warzones to earn affection for 2 pets. Its another failed attempt at fixing a gaping wound. One day, I hope they stop looking at their flawed metrics and actually LISTEN to player feedback, after all that's what a PROPERLY run Community team do at Riot with League of Legends - but given the small numbers in pvp now, its almost at an end.


That's their pattern -- they do a mediocre to bad job of implementing something, no one does it, they try to carrot-and-stick people into doing that content, that doesn't work, and so they just give up and say "no one ever wanted to do this content, obviously".

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Ok, I get that TOR is mostly a story-driven game, but hey, you really want to wait whole year just to play 6 hours? Or 1 month to play 30 minutes? I don't think so. PVP should be BioWare's priority, because this is something that players can play forever. We have a lot of top-selling games that only have PVP. Story should be something... additional, something players would look forward to, but not the highest priority.

That's how it should be:

You play amazing PVP matches, waiting for an amazing story.


I would love to have PVP arenas on every planet. Just imagine: you play your PVP match on Zakuul, thinking about what you've already accomplished in Knights of the Fallen Empire, and waiting for a new content to come out.


You are crazy.


PvP should totaly removed from PvE-Servers, the mindset of PvP remembers on the darkest Days in europe - killing everyone without reason if he is not on the same side.

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Yea, they should put more emphasis on PvP, because now they have basically abandonded it all together. They do completely nothing, except for putting out season rewards and balancing, but nothing new at all.


But Bioware of course won't bother, because they doesn't seem to care about anything. Not to mention that this whole forum is just trolls and whiners, who only care about things that are in their interest and complain when something isn't going their way(like the post above).

Lol seriously? People giving their own opinion on a matter whilst still saying you have fun playing how you want to play and we are trolls & whiners? A little bit hypocritical that post of yours there. We say we don't like pvp but we don't say get rid of it, or that you shouldn't enjoy it. I also sub and have since launch but don't rag on FTP, good luck to them and their choice. What I will do however is stand up for my right (& others) to have an opinion, whether you like it or not. I choose to play this game and to sub because I like it, and no I don't believe pvp should be a priority in a game where the pvp player base is a minority. Yes it should get attention for those who want/like to play it but pve players should not be forced into it to complete stuff, and it definitely should never be the priority of this game!

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Why so offensive? I didn't say anything that could hurt your feelings.

I'm not a PVP player. Honestly, I've played PVP only couple times. Why? Because PVP in TOR is mediocre, and it's not only my opinion. Why is it mediocre? Because it was never a priority for BioWare. It should be. It's not an opinion, it's just logical. PVP is the only thing you can repeat that never gets boring. Why? Because it's never the same.

I can play dailies for as long as I have something to buy. But what if there is nothing that I want to buy?

I can play story for as long as there is something that I can discover. But what if there is nothing else that I can discover? Besides, not everyone wants to have more than one character.

If you want to wait one year to play 6 hours of story, fine. I don't want to. I want to play SW:TOR everyday, while waiting for a new story to come out. And I think there is nothing wrong about it.

And no, I won't play Battlefront. I don't like it.


What, precisely was "offensive" about my post. I simply said I don't agree with it because I do not, nor have I ever, cared for PVP in any game. There are A LOT of players who feel the same way as I do. If you doubt me, look at the population of any of the PVP servers compared to that of the PVE servers. If PVP were indeed, as popular as claimed, then the reverse on server population should be true to some extent, correct?


FYI, simply because someone disagrees on a particular point, does not mean they are offended in anyway. :-)

It IS possibly to simply disagree and not be "offended".

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Maybe you should present yours first? Because your whole post looks like blabber to make yourself feel better and to put blame on others for your mistakes.


I did a few posts before it. It would be kind to read the whole topic before jumping to conclusions.

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