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The Alliance/Influence grind is not alt-friendly


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I'm taking each of my classes to the point where they have the alliance, then I'll pick one to max it out.


Will probably take them all through story content, though.

I just hope there's more to the game then alliance grind for rep/influence.


Awaiting the next chapters.

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I'm slowly working towards a 100% completition of the achievements of the expansion and I'm using only one character. I'd like to have all my other 13 characters up there with lv20 Alliance and all lv50 companions, but for the moment I can't focus on more than one at once. Grinding influence for one character is already taking too much time. But I don't see this as a big problem. Only Star Fortress achievements (The 'Paladin Slayer' ones) are missing for me and as soon as I'm done, the other characters will grind just the weekly heroics and skipping the entire little story arc (Or perhaps, doing it only once per Star Fortress).


Perhaps I could grind a lv20 Alliance on all my characters but using only one of them to farm the crates for influence. A full run of all the heroics rewarded me with all four Alliance Specialists that went from lv1 to lv9-10.


It may not be alt friendly, but it's still possible to do it. You just need patience.

I think it looks like a huge grind because they made it that way on purpose. They knew they were not gonna release any additional stuff from now to 2016, so they needed to give us something to do until then. Whether it's a good thing or not, it's another story.

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If you have to put forth a great deal of "effort", then you're probably not having fun. That sounds like work. I want to play. Playing should NOT FEEL like I'm working. Playing should feel like I'm having fun. If I need to put forth "effort", then it must not be fun for me. Thus, it is not a game. It is work. Or it is a very, very boring game. In which case, I don't want to play it anymore.


The concept of work and fun is different for every player. What isn't different for every player is the fact that every player puts forth some amount of effort whenever they play, regardless of the amount they choose to exert.

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Also to those who say games arn't work and effort are only played for fun need only to look at people who play a game of football or basketball. That's a game and that takes effort so the same applies to video games.


All games take effort to play. Whether it's small or large amounts of effort, it's still effort.




It shows you never did any sport.


Unless you play on professoional and semi-professionsl level, yes, you do it ONLY for fun, theres no shiny waiting you at the end of hour-hou and a half chasing a ball around.


If sports were setup like MMOs (requiring abundant rewards for every little crap you do/bribes to do it) nobody would play it. Because there arent any rewards.


Alliance is pure work. It should be made legay, just like reputation.

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The concept of work and fun is different for every player. What isn't different for every player is the fact that every player puts forth some amount of effort whenever they play, regardless of the amount they choose to exert.


Well, this reminds me of those crazy Rep Grinds in WoW.


Which is what finally got me to quit. That and the WoD expansion of a Garrison Haven, they took my Flying Mounts ability to Fly away and the grinding was intense... At the very least SWTOR has more things going for it for me though Alliances with their grind makes me sad as I simply lack the time nowadays, as I work a lot compared to years ago, to focus on more than 1 character at a time for Influence.

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It shows you never did any sport.


Unless you play on professoional and semi-professionsl level, yes, you do it ONLY for fun, theres no shiny waiting you at the end of hour-hou and a half chasing a ball around.


If sports were setup like MMOs (requiring abundant rewards for every little crap you do/bribes to do it) nobody would play it. Because there arent any rewards.


Alliance is pure work. It should be made legay, just like reputation.


It shows you've never done any sports.


Because the shiny at the end of it is the fun and thrills of playing a game the sport of your choosing.

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Well, this reminds me of those crazy Rep Grinds in WoW.


Which is what finally got me to quit. That and the WoD expansion of a Garrison Haven, they took my Flying Mounts ability to Fly away and the grinding was intense... At the very least SWTOR has more things going for it for me though Alliances with their grind makes me sad as I simply lack the time nowadays, as I work a lot compared to years ago, to focus on more than 1 character at a time for Influence.


You can fly in WoD now.

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It shows you've never done any sports.


Because the shiny at the end of it is the fun and thrills of playing a game the sport of your choosing.


And thats goes agains EVERYTHING youe said about work and stuff.


You either do stuff or dont. Nevrmind do you get acookie at the end or not. And YOU need a cookie to keep playing it, and want/think everyone else needs one.


And yeah, you NEVER did sports, THAT much is obvious lol Theres NO shinly at the end. All you get is sore body rofl and few bruises.


Putting in effort is putting in effort, alliance is WORK, something you HAVE to do (with unknown cosequences to the future story).


As said, alliance should be legacy wide. Hell, raise it to 40 with square inflence needed for each rank past 20. Give achievemet for reaching 40. Pretty easy fix. Thats will give you "more stuff to do" since it seems content itself isnt enough for you.

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And thats goes agains EVERYTHING youe said about work and stuff.


You either do stuff or dont. Nevrmind do you get acookie at the end or not. And YOU need a cookie to keep playing it, and want/think everyone else needs one.


And yeah, you NEVER did sports, THAT much is obvious lol Theres NO shinly at the end. All you get is sore body rofl and few bruises.


Putting in effort is putting in effort, alliance is WORK, something you HAVE to do (with unknown cosequences to the future story).


As said, alliance should be legacy wide. Hell, raise it to 40 with square inflence needed for each rank past 20. Give achievemet for reaching 40. Pretty easy fix. Thats will give you "more stuff to do" since it seems content itself isnt enough for you.


How does it go against everything I've said? I've been saying that everything you do requires some amount of effort, regardless of the reward you're given or whether you find it fun or boring.


Do try to keep up.

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How does it go against everything I've said? I've been saying that everything you do requires some amount of effort, regardless of the reward you're given or whether you find it fun or boring.


Do try to keep up.


oooh, i see, you havent woken up fully yet. Its past noon already.


You are not making much sense.


Like your "more stuff to do". Are they removing content by making alliance legacy?


And do try to answer posts and points in quotes, im not the guy that will go far and winde to explain everyting to you in tiny detail. You will need to do at least small EFFORT in comprhending. Not much really, its not rocket science, but SOME at least. SInce youre so nf avor of it.

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It's obvious they don't get you because they are from the generation of instant gratification.


You realize were talking about wasting time in computer game, right?


Time that you have to actually PAY for.

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You realize were talking about wasting time in computer game, right?


Time that you have to actually PAY for.


Yes, I paid money to play the game. If you feel that is wasting time, then by all means you are welcome to spend money somewhere else to feel satisfied.

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Yes, I paid money to play the game. If you feel that is wasting time, then by all means you are welcome to spend money somewhere else to feel satisfied.


lol, im sorry that i wont t rob you of , to you, highlight of your life of feeding crates to hutt and wathcing little pink bar go up.


If BW confirms that influence with specialists have no cosequence whatsoever on upcoming story i dont really care. You can keep the highlight of your life.

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What work? I'm pointing a mouse and pressing some number keys on my keyboard. There is absolutely no effort of work, and I've yet to feel that "sense of achievement" people have talked about for years, and I've been playing MMOs a long time.


Yeah, right, programming, video editing, all consists of "pointing a mouse and pressing some number keys on my keyboard". I suppose that's absolutely no effort or work. And I suppose, apart from carrying tripods and carrying equipment, shooting the footage is no effort or work either? :mad:

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