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Does anyone feel that outlander is weak?


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Yeah we do seem to be outclassed by Arcann, the only thing I can think of it it takes longer to recover from your carbonite sleep than you would think, or your spirit is being "sapped" or suppressed by Valkorian meaning you can't bring out your full force ability without his help.
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Yeah we do seem to be outclassed by Arcann, the only thing I can think of it it takes longer to recover from your carbonite sleep than you would think, or your spirit is being "sapped" or suppressed by Valkorian meaning you can't bring out your full force ability without his help.


Hmmm.. Interesting.

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Considering that the entire first part of the game and the past two expansions our characters seemed to never have a real challenge when the battles kick off. Sure in some stories we are blown back, thrown or knocked down but there was never any real sense that the opponent in front of us was a challenge. In the battles with Arcann I was surprised to see that our character is struggling to take him down even with Valkorion's help. It makes the story more believable than beating him in a fight and then in the cut scene he just leaves in some miracle way only to fight again later on.
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Ok if they are force users well I can explain why they lost carbonate poison as Lana implied we still did not recovered from. We where constantly poisoned for 5 years you get that it must have had some long term damage on our bodies.

For not force users it is skill and I doubt that their skill suffered from the poisoning as its mostly about accuracy and tactics with them but then again their not force users and must have been overwhelmed.

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The only problem I had was that one scene in the swamp. When they put those pillars around my shadow. Okay my shadow is a jedi and most jed (not talking about game abilities here) i have force jump and why would a jedi just stand there and not at least try to force jump out of the way or at least jumped up over the pillars.


A trooper and bounty hunter probably have something in their arson, such a a rocket jet or ascension cable they could have used.


The only two I would be unsure of would be the smuggler or agent.

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I can write off a lot of any weakness as the 5 year stay in the carbonite. Through the 9 chapters, I'm sure some time has gone by, but it hasn't felt like a year, like the original chapters each felt like.


What sucks is that they don't seem to make use of any of the abilities some of the classes have. Force users can leap. Where is my Consular and Inquisitor just ripping metal doors off of things? Where is my Inquisitors's ghosts?


If anything, my Inquisitor should have had a lot of company in those five years, with five ghosts in her head. :p

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I think the weakness is justitfied by the carbonite poisoning. I also do agree with an earlier post that it makes things a bit more believable to have our character not be able to just curbstomp everything all the time. 5 years is a long time to be out of practice,in future chapters we should fare a lot better against Arccan and Vaylin. I feel like in terms of force power the Jedi Counsular would be able to match Vaylin at full strength,but that remains to be seen.
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Arcann feels like a boring *** character overall, I didn't mind being beaten by Emperor or any other proper character. Arcann just feels like SWTOR's version of Kai Leng. Dull, confusing emo force user with serious daddy issues :p


I like the story overall though, if it was a completely new game and I wasn't playing the chars I had been playing for past 60 levels, I'd love it. Currently the story doesn't fit my characters in any way.

Oh no you didn't:p


And yeah I am treating it as a new game, which is why I'm so chill about this stuff. Even my interface is different, and the abilities are not assigned as I would normally have them. At this rate, I might not bother even sending in my clones, let alone my mains.


Otherwise, to people saying "we're supposed to be weak at the start, that's how stories go", I think you're missing the point. The issue is not why can't we solo the entire Zakuul Empire, but rather why can't we do what the epic Force-users we're supposed to be are capable of doing. We're not some some chump Knight or Padawan. We're supposed to be the guy who took out the Emperor or his First Son, or the guy made technically immortal by Force ghosts or the guy who was called "the second coming of Exar Kun" while still on Korriban. You bring up comparisons to the movies, but Yoda fought an epic fight against Palpatine, even if he couldn't ultimately triumph. This isn't like the movies. This is like we're playing Yoda going to fight Palpatine but being yanked back by Starkiller who we've only just met who tells us he's got this. We're not asking to solo the Empire. But it'd be nice to have the epic fight regardless.


Flipping back, this is clearly the fault of the one-size fits all story. The Hero of Tython or the Empire's Wrath merely smirking and facing Vaylin or Arcann would be awesome. The smuggler doing the same? Not so much. Oh it'd still be awesome. But credibility would be too strained to enjoy it.

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Don't really mind getting tossed around by Arcaan, hes the son of what essentially amounts to an unkillable force deity, of course hes going to be really hard to take down.


What DID bug me was Vaylin getting her but handed to her by Senya while I'm getting rekt by Arcaan. Vaylin is even more powerful than Arcaan and my companion just takes her down like it was nothing. Really makes me question why they bothered to de-carbonite me at all, coulda just sicced Senya on everyone.

Edited by TheBentOne
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Don't really mind getting tossed around by Arcaan, hes the son of what essentially amounts to an unkillable force deity, of course hes going to be really hard to take down.


What DID bug me was Vaylin getting her but handed to her by Senya while I'm getting rekt by Arcaan. Vaylin is even more powerful than Arcaan and my companion just takes her down like it was nothing. Really makes me question why they bothered to de-carbonite me at all, coulda just sicced Senya on everyone.


Vaylin may be powerful with the force but not up to par on her duelist skills. She may also be all words when it comes to wanting her mother killed. On my recent finish with my Warrior, I got to wondering if she may be looking to die. What if deep down she wants to die?

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Flipping back, this is clearly the fault of the one-size fits all story. The Hero of Tython or the Empire's Wrath merely smirking and facing Vaylin or Arcann would be awesome. The smuggler doing the same? Not so much. Oh it'd still be awesome. But credibility would be too strained to enjoy it.


Then they should have made it so each fight for each character went differently.

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I am playing as a Sith Inquisitor, and the so much questions i make while playing this 9 chapters. First where are my ghosts? Why i can enslave them, but i cant do anything against an annoying tard emperor ghost? So, fighting versus Arcaan, i simply nuke him with the sorcerer power, but at last i have to use the tard emperor power and i simply do a lot of special effect and nothing happen, and of course i was near death due to weekned by the most uselles emperor power! At the end i was forced to be less evil and accept that unneeded alliance. Why? I have the most powerfull ship in the galaxy and while fighting Arcaan i wasnt taking any damage. And again in what way they have captured me and Maar if we destroyed our ship on them faces? And give me back Khem Val and see where Arcaan go ahahah Edited by Picarius
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I felt the same way, I always imagined my Sith Inquisitor to be the most powerful force user on the Dark Council, 2nd in the Galaxy only to the Emperor, then I see him getting tossed around like he's nothing by kids.


I'd just love a show of true power from myself, not Valkorion. I know they have to make every story semi the same to save money, but there's no reason my sith needs the help of Valkorion to match Arcann or Vaylin.


Not to mention I was basically forced to become a 'good guy'. I am full -10000 dark side with 0 light side points and I couldn't even act like it half the time or else i'd take a huge hit in influence (and thus miss out on the rewards).

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There were definitely a few times it did not feel good to watch things unfold. As the OP mentioned, I would expect the Barsen'thor to have the ability to open a door. I also kept expecting my character to use the Force to shut down the reactor.


Ultimately though, the thing that bothers me the most is that I don't feel like my character has actually earned the "Alliance" that is behind her. Speaking exclusively of events after level 60, she hasn't really done anything truly noteworthy. Every battle she's won was done with help.


I very much want to see her being the ****** (not just a "leader" or "commander" which really doesn't do much for me). And actually, in many ways, I feel like my character is a puppet, manipulated into being the leader. I get that the point here is cooperation, but that isn't mutually exclusive with some cutscenes showing how powerful my character really is.

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I feel like I'm the companion in this story rather than the lead to be honest. Most of the plots are entirely companion centric.


-Accompany Marr as he defends the ship's engineering deck in his quest to hunt the emperor.

-Accompany Lana as she rescues you from carbonite, pulling you along, opening doors, and keeps you from giving up.

-Koth rescues you and Lana and fly's you to the swamp. HK 55 saves you from falling.

-Accompany HK as he tracks the metal object through the swamp.

-Accompany Lana and Koth in the swamp as they search for parts and water.

-Play a side role in the 80's fix the ship montage.

-Accompany Lana outside to defend the ship, then get saved by Senya.

-Go on a crew-skill mission for Koth to recover the engineer. "Outlander is retrieving engineer, 5 minutes remaining"

etc etc..


My special plot feature is that I'm acting as a host for another NPC that IS truly important. In the end I feel somewhat irrelevant to the story regardless of how often the NPCs tell me I'm the central figure in it all.

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I feel like I'm the companion in this story rather than the lead to be honest. Most of the plots are entirely companion centric.


-Accompany Marr as he defends the ship's engineering deck in his quest to hunt the emperor.

-Accompany Lana as she rescues you from carbonite, pulling you along, opening doors, and keeps you from giving up.

-Koth rescues you and Lana and fly's you to the swamp. HK 55 saves you from falling.

-Accompany HK as he tracks the metal object through the swamp.

-Accompany Lana and Koth in the swamp as they search for parts and water.

-Play a side role in the 80's fix the ship montage.

-Accompany Lana outside to defend the ship, then get saved by Senya.

-Go on a crew-skill mission for Koth to recover the engineer. "Outlander is retrieving engineer, 5 minutes remaining"

etc etc..


My special plot feature is that I'm acting as a host for another NPC that IS truly important. In the end I feel somewhat irrelevant to the story regardless of how often the NPCs tell me I'm the central figure in it all.


This. Well articulated.

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I fully and 100% agree! When I saw Varlyn use her powers the way she did I said to myself, "Why doesn't my Jedi Knight do that kind of stuff?!" And I NEVER see my character do awesome stuff like that.


Bioware really does need to consider this and make the Jedi Knight class awesome instead of saying how special we are then never showing it. The Jedi Knight SHOULD be capable of beating Arcaan in his sister, but no...luck and companions saved the day. Again.


Arcann and Vaylin are legitimately powerful. Even if you are one of the Force users, they have at least as much potential as you do. Look at who (or rather, what) their father is. Arcann also has more training and experience than most of the PCs and Vaylin has so much strength that Valkorion of all people wanted to limit it. His blocks are now off.


Under any Star Wars logic you want, beating them should not be easy, especially after five years in carbomite. The only one of the PCs likely to do that is a full Darth Nox, because he cheats. That's way down the decision tree so I wouldn't expect to see it in this story - but it's not like the problem isn't up an Inquisitor's alley.

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GIven some of the early acts builds you as potentially the strongest Sith or Jedi in a long time, being thrown around like a rag doll once is fine. After all, Yoda got blasted half way across the room by Palpatine. That's not too bad if it happens occasionally, but when it happens more than half a dozen times, it gets kinda old and makes your jedi/sith seem weak in the force for not being able to block it. These scenes make sense to non-force users thrown about but to the sith/jedi it just looks odd!


At times I feel the story writers need to go back and watch some of the sith/jedi fights.


If the Jedi/Sith Outlander is suppose to be really powerful force user, they should really get Vaylin and Arcaan to fight him/her at the same time or have Vaylin or Arcaan have more backup support.


Even the part where the gravestone needs to be lifted from the swamp... The Outlander should have been able to do it on his/her own without the help of Senya and Lana. Heck it'll give Koth more reason to believe Lana's insistence on rescuing the outlander. Though some people may argue the outlander is still weak from the recovering from the carbonite freezing!


Still overall the story is great, but the wrtiers need to ask when they story board a scene "does this make the Outlander seem weak in the force?" Especially if the character is a Sith or Jedi to begin with.

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More likely they make a version for Non-Force user then replace the gun with the lightsaber for Force user. It's really stupid during the fight with Acrann, seriously can't we pull the damn thing down on him by ourselves ? Got saved by Lana, got saved by Koth, got saved by Seyna, got saved by HK-55, got saved by Lana again. Why did they need us in the first place ? If they just take the gravestone and leave us alone we would not have a hold in our stomach.
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Its kind of hard to move large items with the force when you have a lightsaber sized hole in your chest. Really they have to make the enemy characters seem strong you will still beat the crap out of them in the end Bioware just has to try and make you forget that. What bothers me the most however is how out of character certain things my Sith Warrior does in KOTFE are.
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More likely they make a version for Non-Force user then replace the gun with the lightsaber for Force user. It's really stupid during the fight with Acrann, seriously can't we pull the damn thing down on him by ourselves ? Got saved by Lana, got saved by Koth, got saved by Seyna, got saved by HK-55, got saved by Lana again. Why did they need us in the first place ? If they just take the gravestone and leave us alone we would not have a hold in our stomach.


The decission. Diggerent cutscenes and story arc for non force users and force users.

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Even the part where the gravestone needs to be lifted from the swamp... The Outlander should have been able to do it on his/her own without the help of Senya and Lana. Heck it'll give Koth more reason to believe Lana's insistence on rescuing the outlander. Though some people may argue the outlander is still weak from the recovering from the carbonite freezing!


I figure this is the reason for the Gravestone at the very least. Hard to say how long exactly one had been out of the carbonite by that point. Montage scene, mission to find supplies, figure it's going to take awhile to fix a ship that big. Some time has likely gone by.


The only terrible part of it, is you'd think in that time, you'd have gotten further with Lana or Koth in a relationship if it had been awhile.

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Then they should have made it so each fight for each character went differently.

ancientaliens.jpg- "Resources".


It really seems like there's zero variation in the story for your class, other than a line of dialogue or two and the companions in the dream sequence.


They didn't allot any resources to accounting for these variations so it's cookie-cutter to the max.

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