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Leveling too fast


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I've recently tried playing knights of the fallen empire and I started a new toon and found that the exp you get for quests now is now double what it used to be. I think they should come out with an item that allows you to half the exp you get from quests and enemies like they had with the 12 exp where you could cancel it out. I played my new toon halfway through tython and I was already lvl 13. it's not going to be much fun to play the game anymore if halfway through the game you hit lvl 65.
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I've recently tried playing knights of the fallen empire and I started a new toon and found that the exp you get for quests now is now double what it used to be. I think they should come out with an item that allows you to half the exp you get from quests and enemies like they had with the 12 exp where you could cancel it out. I played my new toon halfway through tython and I was already lvl 13. it's not going to be much fun to play the game anymore if halfway through the game you hit lvl 65.


The new leveling method is Class + Main Planet line, so yes. The exp gain is definitely significant.

However, the difference is that as far as I can tell, there is no way to cancel it out, compared to the 12x.

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I've recently tried playing knights of the fallen empire and I started a new toon and found that the exp you get for quests now is now double what it used to be. I think they should come out with an item that allows you to half the exp you get from quests and enemies like they had with the 12 exp where you could cancel it out. I played my new toon halfway through tython and I was already lvl 13. it's not going to be much fun to play the game anymore if halfway through the game you hit lvl 65.


HUSH. I like it.

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I've recently tried playing knights of the fallen empire and I started a new toon and found that the exp you get for quests now is now double what it used to be. I think they should come out with an item that allows you to half the exp you get from quests and enemies like they had with the 12 exp where you could cancel it out. I played my new toon halfway through tython and I was already lvl 13. it's not going to be much fun to play the game anymore if halfway through the game you hit lvl 65.


dozenth...go home, you're drunk.

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I've recently tried playing knights of the fallen empire and I started a new toon and found that the exp you get for quests now is now double what it used to be. I think they should come out with an item that allows you to half the exp you get from quests and enemies like they had with the 12 exp where you could cancel it out. I played my new toon halfway through tython and I was already lvl 13. it's not going to be much fun to play the game anymore if halfway through the game you hit lvl 65.


Would you rather take weeks or even months to level? With planet sync there is no longer the worry of out leveling the planet you're on. I like that you can level with out taking forever to gain 1% of experence. Try Lineage2 after level 50 you gain .01% for every 100 mobs you kill and .02% for every quest you complete. Is that what you want? I don't.

Most people want to Power Level. Are you saying you want to Not Level?


OBTW if you can't get to level 20 on your first day. Then you just doing it wrong. I always could, even before 12x exp and 4.0.

Edited by denavin
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I've recently tried playing knights of the fallen empire and I started a new toon and found that the exp you get for quests now is now double what it used to be. I think they should come out with an item that allows you to half the exp you get from quests and enemies like they had with the 12 exp where you could cancel it out. I played my new toon halfway through tython and I was already lvl 13. it's not going to be much fun to play the game anymore if halfway through the game you hit lvl 65.


Hey a good thing there is level sync. You can keep playing without having to worry about completely out leveling content.


I really don't have an opinion on it one way or another. That being said one thing that always puzzled me about these request is nothing stops you from playing the content even if you have leveled passed it. If you want to run all the quest you still can run ever single quest. You just wouldn't get experience from it. Well now you still will until you hit 65.

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The quick leveling to me is just fine, like everyone said theres level sync now so who cares. I don't care if i hit 65 in 2 seconds i'm still doing all the content I can, leveling fast won't change that. Leveling fast just means I can blast to 65 and get my new pvp gear :D
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I totally agree.


You level WAY to FAST in 4.0. Do an OPS gain 1 or 2 Levels, Do planetary heroics Gain 2 to 3 levels. In my humble opinion the rate needs to be cut in a THIRD to HALF or give the player the option to set a level rate in this range.


Some of us players ENJOY the CONTENT and do not want to SPEED level dozens of tunes then listen to all you SPEEDY Levelers with MIN / MAX toons COMPLAIN because there is NOT enough NEW content.

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I quite like it, but if you want to do all the story content, who cares if you level too fast? i mean, the faster you level, the more credits you make since you are max level before even getting close to the end of it all.


As i said, people complain about anything different.

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if you guys had a bigger brain, you would see there is no challenge anymore even with the stupid lv synch


So? And? But? What?


If you want a challenge, maybe you should try the flashpoints, PvP and operations. I just want to experience the story. I don't care for any stupid challenge

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I've been aware that my subscription comes up this week. And, since the patch, I've decided to just let it expire. Without another way to slow the XP gain, dropping to "Preferred" and taking -20% is the best option that I have.


I only have four more characters left until I've played every Advanced Class to endgame. And since I have no interest whatsoever in actually playing the endgame, when these four characters are done, I'll be moving on to another game or hobby or something. So, might as well save the subscription cost, right? Give me an option to TURN OFF all XP and it might be worth subscribing indefinitely so that I can keep playing...



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The shortcoming of the Level-Synching is that the character earns XP based upon his actual level. Not for the level he's nerfed to. Thereby making the disparity larger. And, judging from all the complaints on these Forums, it's entirely possible that Level-Synch might go away. Which would leave us with no alternative to shooting-up levels way too fast to play the game...


An *optional* way to stop XP is really the only solution that will allow each player to make their own choice on how they like the game to work. Turn off XP if you want the game to last longer -- or leave XP gain on if you want to zoom through everything for some reason. Not to mention the XP boost items (minor/major/exploration/wz/starfighter), parking in rest zones, Legacy XP unlocks, periodic 12x events, etc. There are lots of different bonuses, how about some "dampeners"?

Edited by Voronore
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  • 2 weeks later...
I started a new character to experience the new changes to the game. I was lvl 12 before I ever left Tyhon, now I'm lvl 19 and only past the first area on Coruscant. That was after doing 1 TP/FP, and doing every quest up to this point. That is way to fast for MY taste. I like the level corrections to keep you on par with the the planet, however; Coruscant puts you at lvl 18. The mobs I'm fighting are lvl 11-12. Still over leveled for the quests I want to run. I know a lot of people want to get to the higher levels quicker, so as the OP suggested, institute an XP inhibitor. That won't affect anybody who was to fly through the game. These items exist in other games, LOTRO for example. I'd even drop some CC's to have it. This item would keep both parties happy, those that want to slow play the game, and those who want to fast level.
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I am leveling up a toon solely through PvP this time around, and level gains are insane. I wish they would slow down because I enjoy low level pvp a lot more than endgame pvp.



At lvl 11, I grabbed the "intro to warzones" and warzone daily quest. Played one warzone, which we won, and turned in the intro quest and the daily quest. After just that, I was lvl 17.


The next day, I grabbed another daily, played one warzone which we won, turned in the daily and was lvl 19.


The next day I grabbed another daily, played two warzones, lost one, won one, turned in the daily and the warzone weekly, and was lvl 22.


So by just playing 4 warzones, I have gone up 11 levels. That seems a bit extreme in my opinion.

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And, judging from all the complaints on these Forums, it's entirely possible that Level-Synch might go away.


That's not going to happen. There really aren't that many people complaining about it, just the ones who are do so often and loudly.


But yes, an item that slows down XP wouldn't be bad for those who want it. It honestly makes no real difference now, you can't actually out level the content. So what your real level is, simply doesn't matter.

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I'm with the OP, and I'm surprised to see that no one's raised what I feel like is the most obvious problem with a too-fast leveling process: You don't have time to learn how to play your class. I'm trying to come back to the game, and like gsummers above, I just ran a couple of warzones on my new character. Without me expecting it, doing the actual WZs and the associated missions raised me 3-4 levels--so now I have several new or newish abilities to try to get used to all at once.


Obviously I can figure stuff out over time (and not pick up the PVP daily, I guess), but the game feels a bit rushed now. What was wrong with offering XP-boost items for people who wanted to speed through the class stories? Why invalidate existing sidequest content when a system already existed that helped people avoid it if they wanted to? A mandatory speed-up to leveling progression feels like such an ain't-broke-but-fix-it-anyway move to me--especially since speeding people up to the endgame content just speeds up the rate at which they'll complain about it being deficient.

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I say divorce the story line from the level cap. The story line should be completely separate from the level cap and as such players could play just the storyline and never do any "MMO' things and this allows players who want the MMO things to progress beyond the story tog et the additional levels etc.


So, say Story lifts you to level 35... Your story doesn't change, its exactly thre same quests ad experience as you had before, except you do not reach the games level cap. You get _everything_ you need from the story and its the same (or less) time to accomplish. Its about the story after all.


Once you're done with the story you can decide if you want to go get level cap. That involves you doing MMO things and learning MMO skills and outfitting companions etc to make them tougher. or, you can just start another story.. No big deal.


There is no reason at all, especially with level scaling, that a player should feel like the only way to see their whole story is to reach the maximum level in the game.


Doing this splits the experience and allows them to ensure the rest of the game content has a bit more difficulty and more rewarding attainment/achievements while still giving story focused players a tight, fun, story adventure.


Players that progress into the MMO and get level cap, can still go back and do new story as its released since they'll scale backwards. It will be easier for them (they have more abilities etc) but they can still go back and do story.


Segregating 'pure story' people out by only allowing them to queue for FP's etc as they become available in the tory as well, means those story specific FP's can be tuned so that they are doable by people with the lesser skill sets the story focused player has. The 'HM' version of these are available for people who have progressed beyond the first 'Soft' Story Level Cap.


Best of both worlds. Story is easy, story gives you all the things you need (equipment for you and comp so that you are always appropriate to the storyc ontent you are attempting) and by limiting the level you reach when story ends, this means a significant amount of game can remain for those players who want it to progress and be tougher. From the time they exceed the 'story soft cap' they start being more responsible for equipping themselves and their comps. They need to start learning the very simple mechanics SWTOR had compared to other MMORPGS to manage interrupts, cleanses, AoE's etc. But if they don't like that, they can just stick to story.


There is absolutely no reason why the story level cap and the game level cap have to be identical.

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I love that they took the grind out of leveling, I can barely believe anyone could seriously complain about this. And I love leveling new characters too, am not rushing to get to endgame, but don't want to keep doing the same stuff on every character over and over again either. Now I get to choose what content I use to level on each character and I will always have enough.


This made the game immensely more pleasant for me.

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I love that they took the grind out of leveling, I can barely believe anyone could seriously complain about this. And I love leveling new characters too, am not rushing to get to endgame, but don't want to keep doing the same stuff on every character over and over again either. Now I get to choose what content I use to level on each character and I will always have enough.


This made the game immensely more pleasant for me.


While I think there was some repetition previously, I felt like there was enough to do that I was able to make a lot of choices about how I leveled. That kept the game fresh for me across multiple playthroughs. (It helps that I like basically everything--PvP, space missions, FPs, Heroics, whatever--except maybe seeker missions.) Even if I ended up repeating some content, enough time had passed by the time I did that I didn't mind it. The fact that leveling took a while contributed to that, because if it takes a few weeks to finish the class story, the low-level missions won't feel as repetitive when you return to them.


Maybe it's a the-journey-is-the-destination thing for me and other people, whereas others like something else.


I get why someone might prefer the new system, but I don't understand why the existing XP-buff-with-items system didn't already address the grind concerns of those who like faster leveling. Having said that, I don't really care if it stays as is if they introduce an item to slow XP gain. It might still be a problem for new players who are less likely to go looking for an item like that and more likely to be overwhelmed with having so many abilities so quickly, but maybe since new players won't be used to something else, they won't really notice it.

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