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Is This Really What People Want??


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Okay....is there another game, perhaps another MMORPG that follows suit with this one? (I'm honestly asking, I don't know). Where the focus is more on single-player and removes group from the equation?


I've just never heard of a game that calls itself 'multiplayer' that didn't somehow involve actively playing with multiple people. And when I say actively playing, I mean participating together in the same content for mutual benefit.


This game has exactly what you are asking. It has content where you must play with a group to benefit. All I'm saying is people have bastardized the term mmo to mean hard core raiding which is so far from accurate.

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I wanted a bit more content, but I want to see more improvements on other things. Im tired of the whole lets team up with each other to take out a foe. Hell to that lets go at it like we were doing in chapter 2-3. I would like to see other ops and pvp maps. But with the rate this game is going its gonna end up being a single player paid game.
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This thread depresses me, millions of people bought this game cause it was an MMORPG as you can tell by early access on day 1 with all the servers. Now we have what 5-6 US servers it's clear this game didn't go the direction anyone wanted so they left. You folks are the vocal minority I suggest you go play a single player game.
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You folks are the vocal minority I suggest you go play a single player game.


Why would we do that, when for us, this game remains what we wanted and in fact is evolving (inevitable early patch bugs notwithstanding) more and more to meet our ideal specifications?


If it's because you feel that we should leave because us being here, wanting this, is causing it to happen, and thus depriving the other guys of what they want... well, no, let's say it out front; no, the casuals, the story-driven players, and, indeed, the average-to-below-average or above-average-but-simply-too-busy-to-put-work-in players aren't going to walk away from a game which is going the way we want, just in order to help the hardcore, the pvpers, the raiders, the achievement-focus gamers to turn the direction of the game's focus back their way instead.


That's not intended as a challenge, or a threat. I don't know who'll 'win' in the end, any more than you do. I can't predict the market, or the metrics used to read it, or the vested interests and agenda of the EA/Bioware staff reading the metrics and interpreting them to suit what they want to do, for that matter. Obviously, the more casuals and story-focused players around, the greater the impetus toward what they've been doing with 4.0- but, by how *much*, I've no idea. Suggesting, though, that we should absent ourselves in order to reduce that impetus... towards something we *want*... isn't going to happen.


This isn't intended as a personal diatribe against any particular individual in thread either. They- including the OP- have got as much right to want a more achievement-hardcore-etc-led game as I have to want one that's less so- but the reverse is also true.


This is our game as much as it's yours. It isn't selfish of us to chose to enjoy it our way.

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I've enjoyed the story, and yes, that IS what I want here since it's NOT what I get in other MMOs. I've played WoW for a very long time, and you know what? I got bored of the latest WoW expansion pretty quickly, even with the addition of the garrisons and followers and the newer stuff. I'm also going to point out that they've tried to do a bit more with story in WoW (don't consider it particularly successful or interesting compared to the story in KotFE).


Now if you want to rush through story stuff, go right ahead and do that - and then move on the doing the fhlashpoints and ops like you would raids or heroics in WoW and so forth. Duh, the only thing you ever do in all MMOs is get to max level and then pretty exclusively raid or do instances - and even THAT eventually gets boring. These days, I get bored of that crap really quickly. It certainly sounds like they'll be adding more FPs/ops in the future - they just won't be out right now, and it may be a while before you see any new stuff beyond the Star Fortress.


The story here is one of the few things that sets the game apart from other MMOs, and I like it quite a bit overall. I also used to be a raider in my WoW guild until I finally got bored and decided I wasn't interested in it after years and years o endlessf raiding.

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This thread depresses me, millions of people bought this game cause it was an MMORPG as you can tell by early access on day 1 with all the servers. Now we have what 5-6 US servers it's clear this game didn't go the direction anyone wanted so they left. You folks are the vocal minority I suggest you go play a single player game.


I think if you want a hardcore game with amazing Elements you would play another game. The fact is that day 1 we got told this MMO would be built around a amazing story and future content will be as well.


The MMO elements blew, and the story content updates was not fast enough or good enough. So it is better to cut off some of the worse parts for the better.

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This is what I wanted too. Actually the Alliance building have led me to join warzones, group up for world boss and do a few Flash points, hopefully a few raids some time later along the road. This is not something I've ever participated in before. Engaging story is more of a reward than just gear treadmills.


I'm also curious how do players define MMOs? If its by joining other players for some group activity, there are plenty going on here. How does SWTOR differentiate from, lets say WoW, in terms of MMO content? There are no new OPs currently, but it is only part of the game and never should be considered to be the absolute merit on how the game is reviewed. given how only a fraction of players take part in those.

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This game has exactly what you are asking. It has content where you must play with a group to benefit. All I'm saying is people have bastardized the term mmo to mean hard core raiding which is so far from accurate.


the term MMO also doesnt mean a single player game with a story that is full of plotholes and a gen chat where people pump out spoilers.

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Kotor 3? No, this is not what Kotor 3 would be like.


Unless you were playing Kotor 3 with cheats on in godmode. On easy. Then this would be like Kotor 3.


Single player RPGs aren't meant to be just running through the story with virtually no, you know, game elements to them. When you trivialize the game elements to the point of ridiculousness you've effectively made the game a glorified visual novel.


There's easy, and then there's what SWTOR currently is... And that's coming from someone who doesn't mind using cheats in single player games occasionally. 4.0 has just sucked most of the fun out of the game.


And no, I'm not someone who enjoys group content or PVP (I DO play for the story). I actually love that there are now solo modes for flashpoints and that I can do all the Heroics without needing someone else. If only it weren't all so absurdly easy.


Companions are way too overpowered, XP is pouring in no matter what you do, level synch is a joke. I wouldn't be surprised if the market for gear on the GTN has crashed because there's just no need to get geared up when you steamroll everything regardless.


It's just very, very sad to see the game reduced to this.

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This is a story centric mmorpg. It is really big and lots of different stories throughout the galaxy. That's why people play this game mostly. Also, Jeff Hickman has stated that the mmo bits and parts were coming after they focus on the big stories first. This game will keep on growing and getting better with age. The really polished things up in this expansion.


As much as it horrifies and causes me psychic distress to do it, I have to agree with Sarfux on this.


They built a heck of a foundation rework here. Other stuff will come too.

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Kotor 3? No, this is not what Kotor 3 would be like.


Unless you were playing Kotor 3 with cheats on in godmode. On easy. Then this would be like Kotor 3.


Single player RPGs aren't meant to be just running through the story with virtually no, you know, game elements to them. When you trivialize the game elements to the point of ridiculousness you've effectively made the game a glorified visual novel.


There's easy, and then there's what SWTOR currently is... And that's coming from someone who doesn't mind using cheats in single player games occasionally. 4.0 has just sucked most of the fun out of the game.


And no, I'm not someone who enjoys group content or PVP (I DO play for the story). I actually love that there are now solo modes for flashpoints and that I can do all the Heroics without needing someone else. If only it weren't all so absurdly easy.


Companions are way too overpowered, XP is pouring in no matter what you do, level synch is a joke. I wouldn't be surprised if the market for gear on the GTN has crashed because there's just no need to get geared up when you steamroll everything regardless.


It's just very, very sad to see the game reduced to this.


when devs use ******** buzzwords like "cinematic" "compelling" and "story driven" it usually means that its more fun to watch, then it is to play.


put comp to DPS role, and auto run between cutscene points.


dont need to do anything else.

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I didn't have many expectations going to this expansion, and its a bit early to say anything for long-term yet'

But yes, I have enjoyed my first week of early access A LOT and have nothing to complain apart from a few bugs.

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I like how people are calling those who enjoy the expansion the "vocal minority".


No, the vocal minority are the raiders and players who want things to be harder and more hardcore.


The average MMO crowd today is extremely casual. Sorry.


Game is flourishing more than it ever has tbh.

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More Ops are coming, so people saying they are getting rid of all the MMO elements are wrong. We're just going to have to wait until next year. And the beauty of it now is, none of the current or past Ops will become obsolete when new ones are released. We definitely could use a few more pvp maps though, but I have a feeling Battlefront will scratch that itch for many Star Wars pvpers. This is the first expansion with a truly great story, considering this is supposed to be a Story-centric MMORPG, that is a very good thing.
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The story is the only good thing about TOR. The people who think it has any other redeeming qualities are morons and delusional. The PVP is awful. The gameplay is tedious and they're making it less so. I'd rather wait 6 months for well-written content because, guess what, I don't spend all of my time playing this game. Imagine that. If you want an MMO that gives you 6 months of boring content, that's on you, go play all of the other games. GW2 has better PVP. Wildstar has better gameplay.


Look at my sig, bro.

You do realize that there are things called personal opinions and your post is glaring with them? Some people don't give a damn about the story and do enjoy other aspects of the game such as raiding and pvp. You call people who enjoy different things from you morons? I'm sorry but you are the real moron here. Not sure how you don't know what an opinion is but some people are just not very intelligent I guess.

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The Story is the only thing about TOR that isn't a sad WoW clone. There is already WoW and a ton of other WoW clones that are all very debatably better.


Yeah, I love FPs Ops, and PVP, and hope to continue to see more, but at the same time I'm glad this game is finally trying to make it's own way instead of being the lame WoW clone with VO questing. If you want to play a WoW clone, WoW is still probably the best one on the market.

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I don't know about anyone else here but I admit, yes. This is exactly what I want is more story telling than combat action. It's pretty much like watching a Swtor movie, that's what I love about it, how amazing it is how it draws you to the action where at the same time you're still getting action with the other npc.

I'm sure in time we will end up getting be operations flashpoints what not, but for now this is all I need.



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The Story is the only thing about TOR that isn't a sad WoW clone. There is already WoW and a ton of other WoW clones that are all very debatably better.


Yeah, I love FPs Ops, and PVP, and hope to continue to see more, but at the same time I'm glad this game is finally trying to make it's own way instead of being the lame WoW clone with VO questing. If you want to play a WoW clone, WoW is still probably the best one on the market.

WoW is fantasy, SWTOR is sci-fi. I'm sure many have tried WoW and didn't like it for "x" reasons. I did and lasted about 20 minutes before I knew it wasn't for me. Some people just don't like fantasy and while certain aspects of the game may be better if you don't like what the entire game is based off of you're probably not going to enjoy it as much. In a perfect world the raiders would just go play WoW, Pvpers go to whatever game has the best pvp atm, etc. However its just not that simple unfortunately.

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