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Is This Really What People Want??


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Just seems like people don't want this game to be anything, they just want to put it out of its misery for some reason.


This game has serious potential, and always has but I don't see that it has more than a month or two of retention for people.


The best ever group content I ever saw was honestly Kaon under Siege. That was amazing, and really cool, never really saw anything like that in an MMO before and I've played a couple...AND I HATE Rakghouls. HATE.


But if all you offer me is roughly 8 hours of content and 1 flashpoint? Why should I stay, what is Bioware offering me to stay? There's honestly more incentive to stick around and play ME3 or DA:1 after you're done thanks to multiplayer, but redoing a story over and over again or grinding a rep for no meanwhile rewards?


Other single player games from lesser studios do that better.


Why would they offer YOU anthing? Do you siglehandedly pay all their bills?


Kaon was done in 25 minutes. We one shotted it on release. In-out, that was it. 25-30 minutes of content.


And which "lesser stuido" offers regular story releases huh? with interactive cutscenes? Im VERY interested, enlighten me.

Edited by Mikahrone
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Why would they offer YOU anthing? Do you siglehandedly pay all their bills?


Kaon was done in 25 minutes. We one shotted it on release. In-out, that was it. 25-30 minutes of content.


And which "lesser stuido" offers regular story releases huh? with interactive cutscenes? Im VERY interested, enlighten me.


You guys keep bragging about interactive cutscenes, like that is what makes this game amazing.


It isn't. Tell me why I need an interactive cutscene to be told to kill 30 spaceboars?


None, ZERO of your choices really matter, most of the quests are boring usual rpg fair beyond class quests really.


If I'm going to play a story based game, i'm going to play a story based game like Telltale or Life is Strange.


Plus every 3-5 months with a telltale chapter I get new content, and AND I don't have to sub 15 dollars a month

Edited by zalanii
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You guys keep bragging about interactive cutscenes, like that is what makes this game amazing.


It isn't. Tell me why I need an interactive cutscene to be told to kill 30 spaceboars?


None, ZERO of your choices really matter, most of the quests are boring usual rpg fair beyond class quests really.


If I'm going to play a story based game, i'm going to play a story based game like Telltale or Life is Strange.


Plus every 3-5 months with a telltale chapter I get new content, and AND I don't have to sub 15 dollars a month


Please, point to another MMO with such interactive cutscenes. Hell, point me all those single player game that have it.


And you ARE making choices, yes, its not unlimited choices but at least they are there, and thats foundation of RPG.


And you are willing to give Telltale money but unwilling to give BW money for pretty much SAME thing just because....reasons.


They aim at monthly releases, so its 15$ for each chapter, or you can wait, lets say 3 months and get all 3 chapters for 15$.


Now tell me. Whats the difference? Just becuase its "MMO" and somehow, you cant have that in "MMO" its utterly UNACCEPTABLE. Instead looking it like this: along with whatever Telltale is offering you get WHOLE gameworld to play in beside story. Along with options for multiplayer, playing woth friends or complete strangers, whatever rocks your boat. Or solo, if thats your thing.


But no, its MMO and it must be like WoW in 2005 or it sucks by default and i will look at that tree and forest is just big lie.


Would it make a difference and they stopped calling it MMO?

Edited by Mikahrone
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Please, point to another MMO with such interactive cutscenes. Hell, point me all those single player game that have it.


And you ARE making choices, yes, its not unlimited choices but at least they are there, and thats foundation of RPG.


And you are willing to give Telltale money but unwilling to give BW money for pretty much SAME thing just because....reasons.


They aim at monthly releases, so its 15$ for each chapter, or you can wait, lets say 3 months and get all 3 chapters for 15$.


Now tell me. Whats the difference? Just becuase its "MMO" and somehow, you cant have that in "MMO" its utterly UNACCEPTABLE. Instead looking it like this: along with whatever Telltale is offering you get WHOLE gameworld to play in beside story. Along with options for multiplayer, playing woth friends or complete strangers, whatever rocks your boat. Or solo, if thats your thing.


But no, its MMO and it must be like WoW in 2005 or it sucks by default and i will look at that tree and forest is just big lie.


Would it make a difference and they stopped calling it MMO?


I don't have to give Telltale 15 bucks a month for giving me nothing but more companion conversations.


Again why should anyone give bioware any money monthly if all they want is "story" and from what I gather on these forums "story" means doing your class quest, and talking to companions and marrying them.


You want a sim, and you seem pissed off that it has trade, space battles and pvp. This game has nothing to keep it's fan base coming beyond a month or two if it only has a couple hours of new content.


And if they didn't try to sell us all on this being an MMO, then I would have never bought it. Or if I had I would have dropped it half way through the Jedi Consular class quest because I thought if this is what "amazing interactive cutscenes" give me...I am not interested.


This game can hardly call itself Star Wars, it's just an EU fanboy dating simulator, and that's all people have been whining for since 2011 and they got their wish.


I just hope the game lasts for them, and I'm not surprised that the community in the forums is just as blind as ever, as not a single other person I used to play with exists in this game, and that's pretty sad.

Edited by zalanii
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I will also add that the replies to the blog post about there being no new OPs was not well received with many players cancelling subs as they

"Unsubscribed due to no new Operations.

I am happy that there will be a renewed focus on story, I love story, its why I picked this MMO. But I picked an MMO, not an episodic single player RPG that I have to pay a subscription to receive the episodes."


So all we're left here subscriber wise is people who are more than happy to fork over 15 bucks a month for an episodic single player rpg, so the bias here in the forums is strong. We'll see how much longer the new crew on TOR survives.

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And you are willing to give Telltale money but unwilling to give BW money for pretty much SAME thing just because....reasons.


As much as I agree with you, Mikahrone, I wouldn't suggest putting yourself in the position to explain to SOMEONE ELSE'S satisfaction what you do with your own money. They'll always try and logic you away from what you want to do.


As if logic matters to me IRL.


For example = I personally pay $15 a month to SWTOR because = "Blue mostly."


I'll be surprised if they get the quote, Google or not...

Edited by DalrisThane
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As much as I agree with you, Mikahrone, I wouldn't suggest putting yourself in the position to explain to SOMEONE ELSE'S satisfaction what you do with your own money. They'll always try and logic you away from what you want to do.


As if logic matters to me IRL.


For example = I personally pay $15 a month to SWTOR because = "Blue mostly."


I'll be surprised if they get the quote, Google or not...


Its not logical and BW should try to distance SWTOR from MMO stigma as lot of other online games do. Title "MMO" has become unwanted...even if youre making MMO. It came that far that companies emphasize that its NOT MMO even if its clear it is (by definition) becuase they dont want stigma that comes with it.

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Hey, if easily pleased fanboys are willing the spend $15mo. on what is really not much more than a StarWars Telltale game plus dailies, that's their prerogative.


In the end though, there probably aren't enough of these types of players to allow BW to hit their revenue goals.

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Hey, if easily pleased fanboys are willing the spend $15mo. on what is really not much more than a StarWars Telltale game plus dailies, that's their prerogative.


In the end though, there probably aren't enough of these types of players to allow BW to hit their revenue goals.


The alternative is trying to satisfy crowd that nobody else on planet can satisfy (and are very few in numbers to begin with) and even Blizzard has thrown in the towel and god knows BW has been (very unsuccessfully *shocker*) trying for past 4-5 years . So yeah.

Edited by Mikahrone
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I will also add that the replies to the blog post about there being no new OPs was not well received with many players cancelling subs as they

"Unsubscribed due to no new Operations.



Yes, so many unsubbed that subs were up almost 35% over the previous quarter.... Keep telling yourself that....

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Hey, if easily pleased fanboys are willing the spend $15mo. on what is really not much more than a StarWars Telltale game plus dailies, that's their prerogative.


In the end though, there probably aren't enough of these types of players to allow BW to hit their revenue goals.


I love passive aggressive ad hominems. Really, I do. I think you might be surprised by how many people want what BioWare's selling. Just because you mock it doesn't mean it isn't a worthy form of digital entertainment to others. Worthy enough to subscribe to, in some cases, and/or buy cartel coins in others.

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So why sub at all?

You can play the game for the story over and over and over and over again without ever paying.


Firstly: Welcome to every MMO ever made. It doesn't matter what the content is, developers cannot release it fast enough for the hardcore raiders/story players.


I'd ask for your stuff on your way out, but since you don't like grinding at end game, I'd guess you don't have anything.


Secondly: I pay a sub because I'm having fun, and surprise, surprise, it's my money. When you're paying my sub, you can tell me when it's enough. Until then, stay out of my bank account. It's none of your business.

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I liked the story, but I didn't really want all the MMO content to be cut as well. I was really glad Bioware added the Star Fortresses since they gave me a lot of achievements and other stuff to complete, but I finished all the achievements last week and haven't really been back.


I hope we get some more MMO content in future patches.

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I don't have to give Telltale 15 bucks a month for giving me nothing but more companion conversations.


Again why should anyone give bioware any money monthly if all they want is "story" and from what I gather on these forums "story" means doing your class quest, and talking to companions and marrying them.

Story in SWTOR is way more than that. I mean ... I am still finding entire dialog branches from Vanilla as I continue experimenting with LS/DS variants. And class stories in particular are the multiplayer vehicle that once delivered the voice acted quest dialog interaction system.


I say once delivered because that multiplayer vehicle has been butchered and repackaged into a single player box. Which means that the group story experience - this game's staple play style since initial development - no longer exists unless you want to play pre-4.0 content ... pre-3.0 if you're a true SWTOR purist. What I see is the core player base being phased out in favor of a new Twitter generation player base that will play through the story, maybe experiment with some post story content, and then leave.


And don't get me started on the "Classic Conversation" format. Once Chapter 8 is concluded, quest dialogues are no longer voice acted - they are voiced over like most other video games that have talking assets. Voice acting means just that ... acting. We could see our character's body language and facial expressions during dialogue, which made us feel like we were in the conversation and not contributing to it from across the room. Were the expansion's new retro "Classic Conversation" format still voice acted, we wouldn't be relegated to staring at the back of our characters' heads the whole time.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They fixed it anyway and now it is broke. Too bad there's no option to uninstall the expansion so those who want their MMO back can play it that way.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Story in SWTOR is way more than that. I mean ... I am still finding entire dialog branches from Vanilla as I continue experimenting with LS/DS variants. And class stories are the multiplayer vehicle that once delivered the Voice Acted quest dialog interaction system.


I say once delivered because that multiplayer vehicle has been butchered and repackaged into a single player box. Which means that the group story experience - this game's staple play style since initial development - no longer exists unless you want to play pre-4.0 content ... pre-3.0 if you're a true SWTOR purist. What I see is the core player base being phased out in favor of a new Twitter generation player base that will play through the story, maybe experiment with some post story content, and then leave.


And don't get me started on the "Classic Conversation" format. Once Chapter 8 is concluded, quest dialogues are no longer voice acted - they are voiced over like most other video games that have talking assets. Voice acting means just that ... acting. We could see our character's facial expressions during dialogue, which made us feel like we were in the conversation and not contributing to it from across the room. Were the expansion's new retro "Classic Conversation" format still voice acted, we wouldn't be relegated to staring at the back of our characters' heads the whole time.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They fixed it anyway and now it is broke. Too bad there is no option to uninstall the expansion so those who want their MMO back can play it that way.


When in the history of SWTOR were class stories playable the way you say? Youre just making up stuff for whatever reason. Sotry in KOTFE works EXACTLY like it worked since launch.


They fixed what was broke and that was side quests/dailies that DONT need voiceovers.


And "classic conversations" work great.


What i see is you just making up excuses to quit playing. So quit or dont lol

Edited by Mikahrone
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When in the history of SWTOR were class stories playable the way you say? Youre just making up stuff for whatever reason. Sotry in KOTFE works EXACTLY like it worked since launch.


They fixed what was broke and that was side quests/dailies that DONT need voiceovers.


And "classic conversations" work great.


What i see is you just making up excuses to quit playing. So quit or dont lol

Have you actually leveled through the game with another player? Where you were present in the class story conversations of other players? Where once the group quest dialog ended the group was able to resume their adventures together? Where playing planet story lines allowed every player in the group to respond to the same quest dialogue? Where we not only got to watch the NPCs speak, but our characters as well as the other characters in our party? Have you heard of social points and how we obtained them? Did you actually play the game before KotFE? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Story in SWTOR is way more than that. I mean ... I am still finding entire dialog branches from Vanilla as I continue experimenting with LS/DS variants. And class stories in particular are the multiplayer vehicle that once delivered the voice acted quest dialog interaction system.


I say once delivered because that multiplayer vehicle has been butchered and repackaged into a single player box. Which means that the group story experience - this game's staple play style since initial development - no longer exists unless you want to play pre-4.0 content ... pre-3.0 if you're a true SWTOR purist. What I see is the core player base being phased out in favor of a new Twitter generation player base that will play through the story, maybe experiment with some post story content, and then leave.

And don't get me started on the "Classic Conversation" format. Once Chapter 8 is concluded, quest dialogues are no longer voice acted - they are voiced over like most other video games that have talking assets. Voice acting means just that ... acting. We could see our character's body language and facial expressions during dialogue, which made us feel like we were in the conversation and not contributing to it from across the room. Were the expansion's new retro "Classic Conversation" format still voice acted, we wouldn't be relegated to staring at the back of our characters' heads the whole time.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They fixed it anyway and now it is broke. Too bad there's no option to uninstall the expansion so those who want their MMO back can play it that way.


Have you and I been playing the same game? Other Then heroics and even of those the H4s were the only missions I ever needed someone else to complete.

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Have you and I been playing the same game? Other Then heroics and even of those the H4s were the only missions I ever needed someone else to complete.
My wife and I have been playing this game together since beta - by choice. What does needing or not needing someone else to complete content have to do with not having the choice to play as a group through KotFE's 8-chapter story? Edited by GalacticKegger
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My wife and I have been playing this game together since beta. What does needing or not needing someone else to complete content have to do with not being able to play as a group through KotFE's 8-chapter story?


Because your wording implies that people at one time NEEDED to group together to get through the 1-50 leveling experience which has NEVER been true. Grouping with others has been and most likely will always be optional.

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Have you actually leveled through the game with another player? Where you were present in the story conversations of other players? Where once the group quest dialog ended the group was able to resume their stories together? Where playing planet story lines allowed every player in the group to respond to the same quest dialogue? Where we not only got to watch the NPCs speak, but our characters as well as the other characters in our party? Have you heard of social points and how we obtained them? Did you actually play the game before KotFE?


Why dont you answer my question huh? Beating around the bush much?


KOTFE is "class story" and it functions like that from LAUNCH.


And you can do alliance stuff together just fine. thats your "planetary and side quest" right there, even provided H2+ for you to play together.


If you havent noticed they are cleaning up the game and removing/changing severely underused stuff.


The only chance of you getting that severely underused stuff again is if game suddenly skyrockets and they have resources to produce severely underused stuff again.

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