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Lorewise, which class fits the expansion best?


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I read from some people that there are hints concerning the player classes' deaths or disappearances except for the Sith Warrior, which kind of leads me to believe that he's the one that's supposed to be taking on the Zakuul Empire right now.


Makes sense, too, he was the Emperor's Wrath after all.

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Knight and Warrior are tied at the top for their previous connection to the Sith Emperor. Then Inquisitor and Consular are tied for second, with the non-Force Sensitives all at the bottom. Out of them, I'd say the "pragmatic" ones--the Agent and Smuggler--are slightly higher than the Hunter and Trooper, because while the story does offer an explanation for how they can keep up with the Force-users, it basically requires them being willing to accept power from a morally ambiguous if not outright evil source.
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I read from some people that there are hints concerning the player classes' deaths or disappearances except for the Sith Warrior, which kind of leads me to believe that he's the one that's supposed to be taking on the Zakuul Empire right now.


Makes sense, too, he was the Emperor's Wrath after all.


If IIRC the following is what happened:


Warrior - Lived

Agent - Unknown

Trooper - Dead

Smuggler - Unknown

Knight - Lived

Consular - Unknown

Inquisitor - Lived

Bounty Hunter - Unknown


Enjoy your expansion :rak_03:

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If IIRC the following is what happened:


Warrior - Lived

Agent - Unknown

Trooper - Dead

Smuggler - Unknown

Knight - Lived

Consular - Unknown

Inquisitor - Lived

Bounty Hunter - Unknown


Enjoy your expansion :rak_03:


None are confirmed dead, mostly assumed to be. The trooper, if not played, was mostly likely captured and made into a wall ornament like the Outlander.

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because while the story does offer an explanation for how they can keep up with the Force-users, it basically requires them being willing to accept power from a morally ambiguous if not outright evil source.


Nope, they're just that good.


I actually prefer playing a non-Force class in this expansion for that reason. No Force sensitivity, yet you blow a gaping hole in Valkorion's sternum, almost take Arcann's arm off with one shot, and Arcann himself addresses the Imperial Agent with more respect than he does any other class in Chapter 1: the Agent is a master of subterfuge who has found and broken powers that thought themselves invisible and invulnerable, particularly to mere mundanes. Arcann notes that he'd be a fool not to be wary of bringing such a person into Zakuul.


He doesn't have the same respect for any other class. I'd say go Imperial Agent.

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Knight and Warrior because of their previous ties to the Emperor.


There is a lot of dialogue referring to the Knight's status as the Emperor's chief nemesis and the Wrath having been the Emperor's most trusted servant. Valkorian's obsession with either of those two classes also makes the most sense from a story perspective.

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Also worth noting is that if you're a non-Force class, Valkorion briefly ponders in Chapter 2 whether Force sensitivity was really a desirable trait in his children when you display in abundance every other trait he's looking for. Better a patient, disciplined, intelligent, supremely capable non-Force-sensitive than a person massively strong in the Force but completely lacking every desirable actual personality trait in his eyes.
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Knight and Warrior because of their previous ties to the Emperor.


There is a lot of dialogue referring to the Knight's status as the Emperor's chief nemesis and the Wrath having been the Emperor's most trusted servant. Valkorian's obsession with either of those two classes also makes the most sense from a story perspective.


Yeah, I was rather confused when Valkorian said to any other class other then Warrior or Jedi Knight that they ALONE are the only ones to warrant his attention in centuries. Which is weird for me because, really? The guy who broke into your temple and kicked your voices *** and your own Wrath are not worth noting? It's actually funny for me to imagine playing a Trooper or Bounty Hunter on just their storylines alone, then going into the expansion without doing ANYTHING else. They havn't really done something to warren the attention of somone with god-complex.

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It's actually funny for me to imagine playing a Trooper or Bounty Hunter on just their storylines alone, then going into the expansion without doing ANYTHING else. They havn't really done something to warren the attention of somone with god-complex.


Aside from surviving circumstances where Sith Lords and Jedi Masters are dropping like flies, you mean? Going up against the likes of Revan and the debacle on Ziost with no Force sensitivity whatsoever and not just surviving but winning (relatively in that last case)?


Valkorion explicitly talks to them in Chapter 2 about why they gained his interest. Same for the Smuggler and Imperial Agent.


The Wrath and Battlemaster just aren't that special unless they're currently in the PC's slot. The game goes out of its way to explain why Valkorion readily accepts non-Force classes as his chosen over any Force-sensitive.



For example, if you're a light-side Imperial Agent, Valkorion talks at length about Darth Jadus, calling him the greatest Sith the Empire ever produced and that Jadus, of all the Sith, was the closest to Valk's vision, ability, and power. Valk would gladly have chosen Jadus as his successor, but... you, an ordinary woman, beat him with nothing but your wits, your guile, and your fighting skills. The worthiest Sith in the entire galaxy to Valkorion's vision, and you beat him. That's when you gained Valk's undivided attention.

Edited by Cythereal
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The warrior if you want to support the emperor. There is a certain kind of " Keep your friends close, your enemies closer" appeal about being the secret agent of Valkorian while externally supporting his destruction. Makes for a very dark and sinister story I think.


Jedi Knight if you want to be Luke Skywalker.

Edited by cool-dude
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I've only done it on my Guardian, Juggernaut, and Sniper so far. But i'd say the Knight and Warrior make the most sense, given each class story. I'd probably put the Consular and Inquisitor as next, just because they're force users. For the non Force users, it's more difficult to categorize I think. Personally, I'd say Sniper would be next. As others have mentioned, he has taken down plenty of Sith entirely through subterfuge and skill. I'd probably put Trooper, BH, and Smuggler as making the least amount of sense.
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I don't think people are really forgetting about the children of the emperor thing. I just thought that the knight taking out his voice and the warrior becoming his wrath were a little more personal as far as the emperor is concerned.
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I don't think people are really forgetting about the children of the emperor thing. I just thought that the knight taking out his voice and the warrior becoming his wrath were a little more personal as far as the emperor is concerned.


All these people he took in a put a piece of himself in, some starting when they were really young (if not all when they were young...not sure on that part exactly) and it seems they all spent time with him often to have it done to them, would seem personal.

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For me, it's not who's the main class, but who has the emperor impacted more personally. I'd say knight/warrior over consular because consular defeated the first son while knight defeated the voice. And warrior becomes wrath. Would I say syo bakarn has been more personally paced than the knight/warrior? Maybe, I could see that argument. But the consular him/herself? Not as much impact from the emperor.
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Yeah, I was rather confused when Valkorian said to any other class other then Warrior or Jedi Knight that they ALONE are the only ones to warrant his attention in centuries. Which is weird for me because, really? The guy who broke into your temple and kicked your voices *** and your own Wrath are not worth noting? It's actually funny for me to imagine playing a Trooper or Bounty Hunter on just their storylines alone, then going into the expansion without doing ANYTHING else. They havn't really done something to warren the attention of somone with god-complex.


Those are the only two I've played thus far. Trooper, and Bounty Hunter, and honestly, it never once seemed odd to me, the writing may not be perfect but it seems to fit about everyone evenly, or at least believeably, I'll let you know once I play through on my smuggler if I still feel the same.

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Those are the only two I've played thus far. Trooper, and Bounty Hunter, and honestly, it never once seemed odd to me, the writing may not be perfect but it seems to fit about everyone evenly, or at least believeably, I'll let you know once I play through on my smuggler if I still feel the same.


Well, let's look at it.


All classes do something generally big (even if it came off poorly or not as big as others) in the first 3 chapters. Then Ilum forward kinda goes the route of all four together (canon wise to my knowledge anyways), and after that it's all one singular story.


So, that smuggler did what they did in three chapters (which it really doesn't seem like much in all the class stories imo), was part of the other events most likely (the FPs) then continued on as the other classes went off to do other things/get lost/mia and the smuggler is still around, doing some pretty big stuff now.


If we look at it like that...then Valk's words work. The problem is, the other classes would seem much more likely to be the ones to get involved in lots of it and be better suited to it.


I love the gunslinger class and I love the smuggler's lines (story after chapter 1 needed work imo), but it doesn't seem to be the class to be doing the key role of anything we get (and even says as much in a cutscene :p) outside of "Well, it's a class option, so you have to be able to do it all"

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Qyzen doesn't seem to know what happened to original Harold (ie jedi conuslar). M1-4X mentions his former commander is MIA. Xalek has't said anythng to me about his former master. nor has Talos.


BTW my jedi knight had option to kill Xalek but I didn't take it. Now of course, I wonder if he can be trusted.

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Sith Warrior hands down.


The other classes may work but there are some fights where it is the iconic lightsaber battles, the relationship with the emperor and his respect makes no sense for my smuggler and I suspect its the same as the other non force classes. He may make wild claims about their ability but that is to shoe horn them in.


If this had been released as a single player game the characters back story would have been former emperors wrath who along with Marr is hunting the emperor into the unknown reaches of space.

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All these people he took in a put a piece of himself in, some starting when they were really young (if not all when they were young...not sure on that part exactly) and it seems they all spent time with him often to have it done to them, would seem personal.


It does sound sketchy doesn't it :eek:


Ontopic: Personally I have only done KOTFE with my sith warrior, and I'm likely to keep it that way.

Both Jedi knight and Sith warrior have done things in direct relation to the emperor.


Sith warrior frees Vitiate from being imprisoned by the powerful dark side entity Sel-Makor. Had that not happened, would SoR have happened either?


Jedi knight kills the new host body of Vitiate. This appears to bench Vitiate for a long time, as he seems to need to recuperate. At the very least, he goes silent toward his servants and the empire.


While most player characters can say to have influenced the outcome of the war, only jedi knight and sith warrior seem to have been able to influence Vitiates actions directly. Thats why I consider them as the prime candidates for kotfe.

Edited by Karkais
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