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Overpowered companions 4.0


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Was just looking for a thread about this.


Companions are overpowered to the point, that I actually do not need to play my character.


As an example, lvl 20 and mostly blue equip from heroic quests I did solo:

Sniper Ability Takedown does ~550 dmg on a 12 s cd

Kaliyo has the same Ability called Deadeye Shot and does ~1100 dmg on 20 s cd


Snipe shoots for ~ 400 dmg (1.5 cast and costs energy)

Blast shoots for ~600 dmg (7s cd)


Kaliyo is rank 8, so not at all high for maximum presence and I only have a few Datacrons from an earlier character.


This is completely over the top. A companion should be a helper, some kind of support and do roughly 30% of my damage. At least that`s how I would program it. Not doing more than the actual player or the same if you take more skills plus cd`s into account and energy management.


Even worse, if I put her on heal, I am pretty much invincible. Rare epic mobs on the world and I don`t even sweat, just takes longer but danger of dying... nope.


Please fix this. It`s not fun to play a game where you are actually irrelevent when playing with a companion.


* I am a returning player mostly for the story and the RPG aspect

* Half of it has been eliminated when you take out the Game from RPG

* I remember playing my Sniper and having to use every cunning ability and trick to quest heroics in 1.x. Maybe that was too tough for most players, but heroic 2+ should be 2 players not one companion and his/her sidekick

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Do harder content. Level 65 companions are garbage.


Look at the tank stats for absorb, defense, and shield rating. Force power and tech power sucks as well at max level.


Pre-4.0 companions when properly geared could take a hit, could heal, and could DPS better than most SWTOR players. A few of us could solo HMFP


now take these "Over Powered" companions into a HMFP. tell me you can complete it. Show me the videos. You can't because the companions suck. They are not "Over Powered". They are nerfed hard compared to a properly geared Pre-4.0 companion. They aren't even in the same class as Pre-4.0 companions.



Remember level sync has screwed your experience. Not the companions. You level up so fast that you out level planets. These companions are the same. You are doing very easy content compared to your level. It looks like they are over powered but they aren't when you actually do hard content. When you do content at to just 2 levels above your level. You can't compare companions being level 40 on Drummond Kaas. It's not a fair shake doing Tattooine at level 50 and saying the companions are "Over Powered". You defeat the purpose of the testing.


I soloed HMFP so much I had it on farm. I knew the fights, was in min/max operation gear and so was my companion. Geared to the teeth and was able to solo HMFP. You can't do that now. If anything the Pre-4.0 companions were over powered. But only a handful of players did that. Even less actually could say they had it on farm.


Do harder content before asking for a nerf. L2P and do proper testing first

Edited by knowmyname
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The companions need to be toned down, the companions make this game extremely easy and way over powered there is no way what so ever that the companions should be as powerful as the outlander, and there is to much XP being thrown around
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Just came back after being away since about 90 days after launch.


Holy cow is the game easy with companions the way they are. Even worse is that you don't even have to gear them to get those OP stats, they just have them. My Sith Sorcerer's healer companion has twice my HP, heals me so much I can't die even on boss and unique/elite (silver and gold star, don't know what the term is for them) mobs, which I remember "back in the day" were purely for groups to tackle (or at least you had use consumables and cooldowns).


And I mean, I have basically zero presence earned on my account. 5x from finishing my inquisitor's story, and typically I am running around with companions that have received no special attention like rare gifts and such.


I'm not saying it has to change or doesn't have to change. I hardly warrant an opinion about what the game needs after being away so long, but man is the solo PvE easy in this game when it didn't used to be.

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As an example, lvl 20 and mostly blue equip from heroic quests I did solo:

Sniper Ability Takedown does ~550 dmg on a 12 s cd

Kaliyo has the same Ability called Deadeye Shot and does ~1100 dmg on 20 s cd


Snipe shoots for ~ 400 dmg (1.5 cast and costs energy)

Blast shoots for ~600 dmg (7s cd)


550 / 12 = 45.83 dmg / s

1100 / 20 = 55 dmg / s


If you were each obsessively hitting those abilities the instant they came off cooldown and if you were using no other attacks, that's your damage dealt per second. The companion's move comes out to about 120% the rate of your move.


The companion move looked a lot bigger just based on the damage value alone, but with that cooldown taken into consideration it's really not that much stronger than the equivalent player move.


400 / 1.5 = 266.67 dmg / s

600 / 7 = 85.71 dmg / s


As long as you had energy left to maintain the constant spam of your attack while the companion obsessively hits theirs the instant it comes off cooldown and if you both do no other attacks, that's your damage dealt per second. The companion's move comes out to about 32% the rate of your move.


These looked a lot closer to each other just based on the damage value alone, but the difference between that player ability channel time and that companion ability cooldown really drives down the relative effectiveness of the companion move to the point where it actually is already in exactly the place where you proposed: 30% of the strength of the player.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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550 / 12 = 45.83 dmg / s

1100 / 20 = 55 dmg / s


If you were each obsessively hitting those abilities the instant they came off cooldown and if you were using no other attacks, that's your damage dealt per second. The companion's move comes out to about 120% the rate of your move.


The companion move looked a lot bigger just based on the damage value alone, but with that cooldown taken into consideration it's really not that much stronger than the equivalent player move.


400 / 1.5 = 266.67 dmg / s

600 / 7 = 85.71 dmg / s


As long as you had energy left to maintain the constant spam of your attack while the companion obsessively hits theirs the instant it comes off cooldown and if you both do no other attacks, that's your damage dealt per second. The companion's move comes out to about 32% the rate of your move.


These looked a lot closer to each other just based on the damage value alone, but the difference between that player ability channel time and that companion ability cooldown really drives down the relative effectiveness of the companion move to the point where it actually is already in exactly the place where you proposed: 30% of the strength of the player.


See, when someone actually takes time to fact check, these "Over Powered" companion claims are tossed out the window. It's Bads complaining and not checking their own facts.


Just like the companion tank issues. No one believed me until I posted the images from the game comparing the absorb, defense, shield ratings and tech/force power issue.


Thanks for this post and once again shutting down the "Over Powered" companion claims.

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It's not just the comps, the single-player game in general has gotten absurdly easy.


Yeah. Companions are too powerful (or mobs are too weak), and level sync is too high. Two levels higher than the highest level story enemy on the planet is 3-6 levels higher than nearly all that planet's enemies. And since XP is scaled to your level now, if you do anything outside of the critical path, you're that much over leveled. Even just killing mobs eventually ads up, and you end up stepping onto the next planet already at the sync level.


I wouldn't mind if they just made the bosses and bigger fights harder. Leave the trash as cannon fodder, but after hearing about this dread sith lord for the whole planetary arc, it's a real bummer when he goes down in a couple moves.

Edited by ReverendAnderson
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Yeah. Companions are too powerful (or mobs are too weak), and level sync is too high. Two levels higher than the highest level story enemy on the planet is 3-6 levels high than nearly all that planet's enemies. And since XP is scaled to your level now, if you do anything outside of the critical path, you're that much over leveled. Even just killing mobs eventually ads up, and you end up stepping onto the next planet already at the sync level.


I wouldn't mind if they just made the bosses and bigger fights harder. Leave the trash as cannon fodder, but after hearing about this dread sith lord for the whole planetary arch, it's a real bummer when he goes down in a couple moves.


all of the above.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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Pre-4.0 companions when properly geared could take a hit, could heal, and could DPS better than most SWTOR players. A few of us could solo HMFP


now take these "Over Powered" companions into a HMFP. tell me you can complete it. Show me the videos. You can't because the companions suck. They are not "Over Powered". They are nerfed hard compared to a properly geared Pre-4.0 companion. They aren't even in the same class as Pre-4.0 companions.

Yeah, I soloed HM Esseles before 4.0. So what? I was level 60, so I flattened most of the level 50 foes in there without breaking much of a sweat.


You can't solo those HMFPs now(1) because you are doing them at-level rather than around ten levels over.


(1) Yes, yes, I know, some people can do them. Yadda yadda.

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I actually die with my companion sometimes and definately die a lot without. Content is not too easy. If you find it too easy just don't use your companion and scale down on your gear. I don't have all the legacies or datacons, etc. I think even if I did game is not too easy. Companions are at a good place now. I would hate a nerf. Not needed.
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I actually die with my companion sometimes and definately die a lot without. Content is not too easy. If you find it too easy just don't use your companion and scale down on your gear. I don't have all the legacies or datacons, etc. I think even if I did game is not too easy. Companions are at a good place now. I would hate a nerf. Not needed.


Gaining influence with your companion is going to be pretty hard if you don't have them summoned. Yes, it makes the game harder, but it's one of the fundamental mechanics of the game to have a companion. Why not have people stop using speeders to force us to walk everywhere while we're at it? That would also make it harder. Play without a mainhand weapon and just punch the mobs.

And stop dropping into the old argument about "just don't gear up". Aside from being something people look forward to when levelling, gearing doesn't affect you when you are level synched (so, round about halfway through the first planet). You can easily put on the gear you get on your starter planet and level all the way up.


My point is that on the Bounty Hunter, for example, Mako is supposed to be your "plucky sidekick" and you are the galaxies great bounty hunter. It's kinda wrong storywise, to have her do more damage, heal better than you AND tank better than you, from the very start. YOU'RE supposed to be the hero, not the clumsy sidekick who just stands by and watches the baddies get beat up.

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My companion seem to be weaker, typically when I send her to charge into a group of trash mob, she is still working on that same mob that she is targetting when I already finished off the other 3 or have killed that silver\gold. :(


But I do find that they are decent healers, so now I mainly use them as support healer to keep me alive while I clear the mobs. Also find them more durable than me so they are more likely to survive longer when getting hit by multiple mobs all at same time while I do the killing. But dps wise I can't rely on them at all and find they kill too slowly (even when against the normal mobs). :(.


I seldom do groups so have not gear up enough yet thus am still struggle solo-ing some of the heroic content and certainly find it quite challenging too with some of the solo flash point even with that Jesus bot.. Of cause it is doable and I still manged to clear them in the end with my companion just that I don't feel their OP-ness in these situations as I still need to be the one doing most of the works with the killing. So to me they seem to work best in supporting role and have more health\armor than me but I don't find them OP...

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gearing doesn't affect you when you are level synched (so, round about halfway through the first planet).

Yes, gearing does make you more powerful when you are level synced. Progressing from the mishmash of 190-ish stuff I when 3.0 launched, I noticed a difference in how quickly the mobs died as I geared up. Sometimes the difference was partly because Lana ranked up in Influence, sometimes it was just me fitting better mods in my gear.

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  • 6 months later...

I think it's simple really, companions are able (at all) to take on Champion mobs, solo (as long as they are in heal mode) without any issues.


I've run whole heroics without even paying attention or doing *anything* aside from moving.

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Yes, gearing does make you more powerful when you are level synced. Progressing from the mishmash of 190-ish stuff I when 3.0 launched, I noticed a difference in how quickly the mobs died as I geared up. Sometimes the difference was partly because Lana ranked up in Influence, sometimes it was just me fitting better mods in my gear.


The only thing that's affected by level sync is your HP, your DPS, and your heal per second. The things that are derived from End, Mastery, and Power (IE, your primary stats), your secondary and tertiary stats are not affected. So, gear is a Big Deal still.

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If you feel your companions are too strong, then turn off some of their abilities. It's a really simple solution. And this way everyone can find a balance that suits them. Then we won't have to see 30 different posts about how OP or UP they are.


Better idea. Have them go play SWG and let them do without their companions. I would like to see how many would have a fit with no companion and having a womprat level 15 destroy your level 6 toon and not see them complain about it.



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Better idea. Have them go play SWG and let them do without their companions. I would like to see how many would have a fit with no companion and having a womprat level 15 destroy your level 6 toon and not see them complain about it.




Uphill, both ways, in a sandstorm.

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