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  1. Thanks for the answers. A list or something on what schematics exist would be great. Or some ingame pointer telling you, that you can still get this schematic from a mission. Best would be a spreadsheet with all schematics and how to get them So, are there also schematics from FP and Ops or only from missions? And can these schmatics all be bought from the GTN in the worst case or are they bop?
  2. Personally I'm a fan of level sync. Even though there are better Systems than increasing pc level just to equip better stuff to get synced down anyway, but that's a different story. The problem here is simple. Biowares implementation is really bad. Seems like somebody implemented that in a week of work... Level sync needs to be rightly scaled. It isn't. Level sync needs to be synced in a way that you never encountert grey mobs. As you are only synced to one level on a planet there are different difficulties between different parts if the plabet which is bad. After being synced you need to find stuff thats for your normal level. Meaning credit drops etc should be scaled up, not just the quests. Scaling should enrich the experience and immersion, but right now for many it's more a bother. The balance is really of for swtor syncing which normally means there are already inherent problems with item scaling from level 1 to max. Also, my guess is enemies are not scaled equal from 1-50 due to power increase through more skills on the player side and his companions from the original release. To do the job right, Bioware would have needed to invest time and balance item power increase curve, the ultimate level you will be scales down to and enemies plus player skill availability. They obviously did not invest that time and therefore we have a very flawed experience. ** The game needs a balance where you are at the same respective power level whether you are synced to 10 or 50 while wearing the same quality of gear I.E.blue stuff. Having more skills at your disposal will already make the stuff easier and give the player the required feeling of getting stronger through experience. This also means higher level mobs need to be trickier to counter scale the skill upgrades and make them feel more dangerous.
  3. I agree with what the OP has to say, even though I'm a returning player with not many experience in the game. Truth is, I played a lot of mmos over the last decade and the future looks bad. The metrics the companies use are flawed. Like you said, if pvp is broken it's no wonder the gamer Base seems to not be interested in pvp and so on. Sadly, developers and producers of games are not in the power anymore. Developers can only point out ideas to what they could implement and producers will discuss this with marketing and their management. While really, the producers have no power. Most mmos just copy systems and ideas from other games, because it's cheap and if it works in I.E. Wow than it has to be good. And if people like it, they will come to us and play it. Sadly, that's a very flawed logic, as people who like those systems are already sold on them in those other games and will not change their mmo because somebody else copied it. So it would make a lot of sense to implement some original ideas to get players and keep them. But I guess some marketing metric shows that development is relatively more expensive than copying in regard to the profits and risks. And here we are now in 2016 where maximum profit with minimum risks reigns free through the industry. And because everybody works like that their are no competitors with original ideas left. Back to topic. Cough I will play the main stories and then the stories of the addons. If it's really only taking a week for the new addon stories and then just some dungeons and ops which are mostly the same from original swtor, I'll be gone again after two months. Not much holding me when three years of development only brought 20 hours of new content. And that's what nearly all returners will do, like op said. New players will also not stay. Maybe they pay a month, maybe f2p a while. But the money comes from the long term players. They also make the commercial on the Web and get in friends and so on. From me to ea I have to say, you are bad at your job if you neglect the long term players and feed on short income from new and returning players. They will swarm around for a month and go and even make bad comments on the Internet and pushing the game deeper into oblivion. Also, if the game had a revenue of 100m in 2014 you should reinvest. Currently it looks like you pay 5 developers and 50 marketing guys to keep the cash cow running. Even stock companies should be smart enough to keep the cow fed...
  4. Hiho crafters, I am wondering how to get orange schematics for my crew skills. Especially armortech for now. I heard that some schematics might drop from underworld trading or other missions. Is this true? And if, are there different schematics for different grades or can anything drop from any grade? Also, is there an updated 4.0 list with all schematics that might be reverse engineered from ops loot or schematics that directly drop from any enemies and/or missions? Thank you in advance!
  5. Was just looking for a thread about this. Companions are overpowered to the point, that I actually do not need to play my character. As an example, lvl 20 and mostly blue equip from heroic quests I did solo: Sniper Ability Takedown does ~550 dmg on a 12 s cd Kaliyo has the same Ability called Deadeye Shot and does ~1100 dmg on 20 s cd Snipe shoots for ~ 400 dmg (1.5 cast and costs energy) Blast shoots for ~600 dmg (7s cd) Kaliyo is rank 8, so not at all high for maximum presence and I only have a few Datacrons from an earlier character. This is completely over the top. A companion should be a helper, some kind of support and do roughly 30% of my damage. At least that`s how I would program it. Not doing more than the actual player or the same if you take more skills plus cd`s into account and energy management. Even worse, if I put her on heal, I am pretty much invincible. Rare epic mobs on the world and I don`t even sweat, just takes longer but danger of dying... nope. Please fix this. It`s not fun to play a game where you are actually irrelevent when playing with a companion. * I am a returning player mostly for the story and the RPG aspect * Half of it has been eliminated when you take out the Game from RPG * I remember playing my Sniper and having to use every cunning ability and trick to quest heroics in 1.x. Maybe that was too tough for most players, but heroic 2+ should be 2 players not one companion and his/her sidekick
  6. *Räusper* Ich hab mit meinem ersten char ungefähr 7 Tage gebraucht bei durchschnittlich 8 Stunden am Tag. Und dabei habe ich alle Raumschiffmissionen gemacht, viele Bonusmissionen und auch einige Gruppensachen. Was ich nicht gemacht habe sind dungeons (Instanzen) da das pure zeitverschwendung ist beim leveln. Man muss sich meistens auf der Raumflotte aufhalten und ne Stunde nach einer Gruppe suchen und soviel xp geben die Dungeons nicht und das Equip ist naja, schnell verworfen. Was die Story angeht, die bekommt man im HM sowieso mit und in der gleichen zeit kann ich mehr planetenstory erleben. Zum einen levelt man zu schnell auf maximal level (8*7=56 Stunden) auf der anderen Seite wird vieles langweilig und man wünscht sich endlich fertig zu sein mit dem leveln. Es ist wunderbar dass es keine wirklichen "Töte 17 davon" quests gibt (das wird ja über den Bonus dann doch gemacht), aber im endeffekt fängt man spätestens bei lvl 30 an die sidequests zu skippen, weil bis auf die Vertonung eh alles das selbe ist. Sogar die planetare epische Storyline wirkt an vielen stellen zu einfallslos. zu beginn war es wirklich schön, die Atmosphäre war gelungen und nett. SW lichtschwerter und alles, super. Aber sobald man um 30 angelangt ist wird es sehr eintönig. Da zieht normalerweise die grafik und schöneres Equip sowie liebevoll gestaltete Welten mit viel Lore. Zur Grafik muss ich wohl nicht viel sagen, die ist ernüchternd und auf wessen pc super grafik nicht läuft... naja dafür gibt es runterskalieren. Mein Pc ist auch nicht der neuste, aber wenn ich mal mit viel ruckel auf max stelle, gibt es schatten, die ich so schon im Jahr 2000 gesehen habe. Was die Weltlore angeht, ein wenig kommt rüber über die klassenquest, die je nach Klasse gut oder langweilig ist (geschmackssache), das meiste muss man sich anlesen nachdem man irgendwo blaue gegenstände angeklickt hat. Die hätte mehr in die Planetenquests eingebaut werden müssen und vor allem spannender. Einen positiven Punkt gibt es aber, sowas kommt hoffentlich mit Content updates sobald das spiel releasetauglich, also bugfrei ist Bis dahin brauchen wir ja nicht für ein unfertiges Produkt bezahlen. EA hat sowas zum Glück nicht nötig mit der Kohle in der hinterhand. (Wait...)
  7. I want to propose a mentor system for crew skills. This way every person with the same crafting crew skill would be able to learn recipes from one another. The system should work as followed: 1. Right clicking on another player should present one with the option to learn schematics as long as the other player has the same craft skill. 2. A window pops up, if the other player agreed to mentoring, where all learnable crafting schematics are listed. These should of course be limited to those schematics that (a) have not been learned yet and (b) are below or have the same skillpoint requirement as the learning player actually has. 3. After choosing a schematic, you learn the schematic with the normal 4 seconds cooldown. So, now before people are going to cry, there have to be restrictions: To learn a schmeatic you will need to use 3-5 times the ressources normally used to craft the item. This number should be chosen by the developing team though... This way the system would make sure that this is no cheap shortcut to reverse engeneering, but a safe and expensive way to get the schematic. Also the normal schematics from the NPC's should still be cheaper then learning them from another player. The general formula should be, that to learn the schematic via mentor you would need around 125%-150% of the ressources you would have needed in average to get the schematic via reverse engeneering. The learn schematic window should also have a credit value frame. Those credits go to the Mentor for teaching. The Mentor will have a compensation for teaching and is motivated to do so. This should be obligatory as people might want to teach guildis and so on. Lastly, some schematics should have the name (Master). Those who are dropped in raids and should not be teachable to make raid drops (or others) still viable. A mentor system like this would increase the communication between players and reduce the frustration of RE failures again and again. On top of this, it would give crafters the chance to gain purple recipes before being on a complete different character level. I can not see any harm in this system. Neither to the economy nor the inflation of money or endgame content. Feel free to criticize and discuss this, but please stay on topic! Greets Nainai
  8. All nice with the travel in orbital stations and what so ever, just let us land in Dromund Kaas city (as there already is a space station!) and give us an emergency ship call on a whatever 2h cd or something with the choice to get to our locker by companion by sending them with the stuff to put or get from there like selling gray items.
  9. First thing, this thread should be sticky! I read a lot of good ideas in hear so far. It is certainly true that the 31 point talents in the tree are by far too weak, they have to be changed. At the moment it is better to go with a mixed set of all trees to do the best dmg or have the most usability. That is at least my experience. I would like to propose a change to more general utility of the class. We are just dps like the marauder and every other class has a second spec like tank or heal. Why not make the Sniper and Marauder a little bit more group friendly by adding more group utility with special buffs. Nothing gamebraking just a nice thing to have. I dont know the first thing about the Marauder so that would be to the designer. For us: Why not give us a permanent group buff. Something like every group/raid member gains a shield of 500 points (on level 50). The shield regenrates itself by 10% per 2 seconds. The numbers are just for the imagination, the actual reduction should not be static but tech based! That way we would be less squishy in pve, and pvp. In pvp the damage comes most times faster, so that it would not brake the game. This could be further upgradeable in the engineer tree far in the tops to increase regenration or max shield. Put this skill instead or our areal shield and everything would be all right, why making shield probe on cd wich maximises the shield by 3 or increases regeneration by a lot. Other ideas might be enhancing our coordination buff with other things in the talent tree like +5% surge rating or alacrity or power rating. One in each tree far above and meaningfull to the passive abilitys in the whole tree.
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